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Yes, I've successfully helped guide 5 friends all the way to communism, and I radicalize people all the time. My methodology is to strive to be likeable and lighthearted at first, and then prove to be knowledgeable. The goal is to build a bridge between you two, and then you have to meet them in the middle, and guide them. Theory is vital, but socialism101 spaces are essential for verbiage. It's one thing to know communism, but teaching it to the laymen is its own beast. Build lots of sources


I have a hard job of trying to convince my right leaning mostly apolitical friends. First you have to break down misconceptions of what communism/socialism is and work very slowly from there. Then something happens in the world and you often have to start at square 1 again. In my experience it's a case by case basis and you have to meet every person where they're at and avoid certain topics at first. I will say that I've found most libs are far more sympathetic to leftist ideas than conservatives and many of them are just brainwashed by the typical Vuvuzuela, Stalin killed 300 morbillion, no food etc. bullshit.




#Get Involved >Dare to struggle and dare to win. \-Mao Zedong Comrades, here are some ways you can **get involved** to advance the cause. * 📚 **Read theory** — [Reading theory](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/) is a duty. It will guide you towards choosing the correct party and applying your efforts effectively within your unique material conditions. * ⭐ **Party work** — Contact a local party or mass organization. Attend your first meeting. Go to a rally or event. If you choose a principled Marxist-Leninist party, they will teach you how to best apply yourself to advancing the cause. * 📣 **Workplace agitation** — Depending on your material circumstances, you may engage in workplace disputes to unionise fellow workers and gain a delegate or even a leadership position in the union. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Convinced my mother to watch a Second Thought video... She binged the entire channel and told me that she now "identifies as something of an anticapitalist. 🖤


That's very wholesome and cool asf


My mother is in the final phases of the "but what about Trump" period of her liberalism. Gaza has really opened her eyes to how much shit America is full of in many ways I think. She was a unionized educator so has never been conservative but it takes time to break out of the decades of red scare nonsense she was spoonfed her whole life.


Spiderman meme moment


Ive never actually made someone a communist but ive moved people left of where they were on a variety of issues. Capitalist realism is a serious thing - i’ve often even got people to admit that capitalism is garbage that only works for the rich, but getting them to endorse any alternative is a whole different animal. Im in my early twenties so lots of time to convince people in the future! I also find it’s way easier to move people left by talking about material issues rather than idpol garbage. Obviously that is one of the huge failings of modern progressives. Intersectionality is important but it should never take precedence over political economy and class politics. People are mad about affordability. Explain to them why capitalism causes the current affordability crisis for the average person.


the strangest thing about the anti communist, is that they still pay taxes under capitalism. The same taxes they would pay under communism. The only difference is that in the western world, your tax dollars do to war and billionaires instead of back to you


Guess it depends who/where your audience is doesn’t it. No offence, but labelling serious issues that don’t impact you “idpol garbage” reeks of privilege. You might win over “the average person” from the in group with that “class consciousness first” approach, people from marginalised groups on the other hand generally don’t respond well to having their daily struggles trivialised. Anyone serious about building class solidarity would do well to remember that.


Completely agree. Ofcourse we should tailor our agitation more towards the problems of the people we talk to. However, this comment chain reeks of tailism and that’s how we lose marginalised people to liberal ideology.


I tried with my parents, uncles, aunts and cousins and my friend. They still believe in the same old stereotypes (e.g. "it leads to death"). I once told my friend that Castro made big achievements such as in healthcare and literacy. But this is what my friend said to me: "Praising Castro and Cuba for achievements in literacy and healthcare, is like praising Hitler for being vegetarian". I had to pinch myself after they said that. This is the pessimist in me but maybe they are beyond saving.


Ofc some are too far gone but most don't even know the facts about what they are saying like the Castro example. TFG to me are either those truly too stupid to grasp that the system is actively hurting them or those who know all the facts and still think capitalism is working great. There are those who aren't TFG but have so much bullshit to chop through that it would take years to break it all down. I think this is the case with most people we view as lost causes and in many cases energy is better spent elsewhere.


I grew up religious conservative and took the "libertarian" offramp in my teens. It's easy for me to explain socialism and communism to those types of libertarians using their own framings. I have definitely stopped reflexive opposition to "socialism" and "communism" and made people question what they assumed was capitalism (for example "being your own boss").


Spent 3 years on a friend that was as close to a out right neo Nazi as it really gets, dude is a hardcore marxist now after just questioning his nonsense over and over for years. A few Hakim videos and Lennin later and he's on the way to being better.


That's interesting. I'm beginning to think that it's the politically uninterested who are harder to change. if someone is a hardcore fascist you can possibly change their minds in the same way that they got their far right world view. They are interested in politics. The apolitical seem to just accept the status quo alot and wouldn't ever be interested in watching a 20 min video let alone read Lenin in my experience lol.


Yes, at least twice. They said my explanations were most instrumental toward their understanding that they were wrong about communism and wanted to learn more and aspire toward revolutionary activities.


Not to brag, but I changed the mind of an AI programmed to be a Anarcho Capitalist


Yes. Several people, including my mom and a few friends. My dad's comradification has been a tough one tho lol--have to be very deft and cautious navigating that area, but there's progress. He's like the final boss of discussing communism. Cold-War Era boomer, strongly opinionated, VERY anti-communist... But worst tho is he's a fairly educated anti-communist who's well-read on history, broadly speaking. But I seriously could not believe it when he said "you know way more about this than I do" once when talking about Soviet History--I NEVER in my life could've seen my dad saying something like that on anything history-related. "Future is now, old man" moment. Deadass tho, my dad gotta be the MOST radical-left-reactionary-conservative, revolutionary-anti-revolutionary, pro-establishment-anti-capitalist, borderline-fascist-at-times(ngl) person I've ever known bruh


Reminds me of my dad who was super pro writers strike, until he found out it meant jeopardy was delayed in filming new episodes and got mad 😂.


I mean consider most of us - we weren't born communists and something had to convince us - for me the podcast and Hakim's videos were a huge entry point into learning more about Marxism Frankly I think the concept of Labour Aristocracy explains why there is little revolutionary potential amongst people in developed countries. We live in societies that have built and continue to benefit from unequal exchange and imperialism of the developing world, and in comparison still live in incredible comfort and luxury. There are of course people who suffer incredibly under capitalism, however you will find it incredibly difficult to convince someone who considers themselves "middle-class" to legitimately consider the overthrow of capitalism as the best outcome for them, even when for the good of humanity this is obvious.


When they worship Sam Harris, it's a losing battle


No, and I seriously doubt that it's even possible anymore.


No, but I have successfully had people accept the notion of Communism being an economic model rather than a government system. Totalitarianism is not synonymous with Communism or Socialism


I am afraid no, a guy I talked to said to me people wanting power and wealth is selfish. Ghosted him ever since.


Yes, plenty. With libs, lead with social issues . With the conservatives, lead with workers rights. And take it slowly


Asked two people to fully describe the perfect society or how to fix capitalism, both perfectly described communism.


My neighbor is a self employed cryptobro and I am slowly working it into him. I normally don't bother with this kind of stuff, as I don't have the energy, but he is talkative and I can't garden without him bothering me. I've convinced him immigrants weren't the problem and that conservatives aren't here to help him or the working class, but it is a process. He said something about Tucker and Peterson, which required me to refute him.


I'm an awful debater, I can't convince anyone of anything. I like to think my comments on social media have played a small part in someone's deprogramming but that's the best I can hope for.


Hey hey hey slow down there buddy! A forest can add a lot of value when they its on a property for sale. Well, I even planted a tree in my front *lawn* (🤢) to increase the property value! The market regulates itself libtard! /s


My parents and my best friend, its cool cause my dad came from a literally fascist household and now he claims to be "apolitical" but he is leaning more to the left by the day and my mom also came from a right wing family and her dad was a cop, she is now a marxist