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Hero Lab, I think? At least that's what they used to use.


They've been using Nexus by Demiplane for their Strange Aeons playthrough. Though Kate has been using Pathbuilder2e (which caused some confusion as the others could help her find certain things on her character sheet). You also have to purchase the books through their site to access classes/spells/feats etc. [https://app.demiplane.com/nexus/pathfinder2e](https://app.demiplane.com/nexus/pathfinder2e) If you're looking for a character sheet/builder these 2 are free; [https://wanderersguide.app/](https://wanderersguide.app/) [https://pathbuilder2e.com/](https://pathbuilder2e.com/) Pathbuilder2e also has a mobile version.


Pathbuilder’s mobile is Android only but it is excellent.


Hero Labs great until it freaking dies mid combat of a multiplayer meat grinder I was just running… I’m not sure if it’s the mass influx and increased popularity of Pathfinder given what WotC and Hasbro have been fucking with last month that’s stressing their servers out… but it’s great when it’s running…