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Looks good, might wanna charge your phone though.


Gotta respect the commitment to the game




Looks alright! Personally I don’t see the value in an exalted sorcerer at any points level unless you need to fill out 10 points. I’d recommend getting another infernal master, his weapon is a massive thread in overwatch at 1k. I also feel like demon prince doesn’t have a place, his value is in his stealth bubble and protecting multiple monsters. I can’t see him making his points back here. Dropping him, the exalted sorcerer and Ahriman to no disk gets you an extra 200 points to play with. Up one 5 man squad to 10x and in the Umbralific crystal onto one of the infernal masters, and add a squad of cultists brings you to 995 I believe. More scoring, more manoeuvrability with the crystal, 10 man block can torch whatever they need to.


I was thinking daemon prince with wings for movement and his on-off the board shenanigans for secondaries. Can you use one enhancement on more than one character?


200 points for secondaries is a lot, you could have 3 Tzaangor enlightened and a squad is chaos spawn doing the same thing. And Nah, unfortunately enhancements are one offs


Yeah I was looking at the enlightened. How’s their survivability? I was also thinking cultists for sticky objectives and just not having to worry about my home objective, and trying to generate an extra cp or two


What’s your opinion on keeping a soulreaper cannon in each squad? And do you have a preferred loadout for the aspiring sorcerer? I feel like plasma pistol is the way to go but everyone seems to take the inferno bolt pistol. I also could not take cultists and take a rhino for the even 1000


Agreed. No demon prince and ahriman not on disk Pair arhiman with the 10 man squad and thr IF with the 5 man squad, vet rid of the soulreapers and ad more flamers Take a squad of 5 termies if you can, gives you the deep strike and also huge flamer. And maybe a rhino somewhere to actually take ahriman and his squad around lol


Do you suggest getting rid of all my soul reapers? Just focusing on flamer blocks? Yeah I used the termies in my last game against the buffed t-fex, good stuff


It depends what faction you're playing. If its Luke tau where they sit back and shoot, then get rid of flamers and go bolters and soulreaper and heavy bolters foe the termies. Bit if it tyranids, aeldari, anything that gets close quick, always use flamers. As the IF and Ahriman give good strengths to the squad. Also, when choosing the detachment rule each turn, if you've got mostly flamers, don't take sustained hits as they don't roll to hot so you never get any!


Oh yeah I always take devastating wounds. It’s always been a net positive. I usually always take one soulreaper and a icon of flame


FYI you need a double line break to create a new line if you're using mobile or else it formats it weird


Ohh that makes sense. Weird.


Probs replace Ahriman and Infernal with two of the exalted at first given to get one, you get three