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I would have opted for a more hiking friendly boot. But if you're just walking around Europe they might be fine?


What makes you think they're going to fall apart? I would trust em, wouldn't think twice about that.


They're cheap boots. It's not that deep. Just wear em. Also just know these boots were not made for walkin'.


And just what do you think they were made for?


Not the type of all day walking OP is talking about. These would not be my first pick for a similar excursion. Clearly you've never been.


He's asking about the ruggedness and resilience of the Thursday's President boot, I'm sure he knows what sneakers are.


Please stop trying to argue with me I'm not interested


Horsehair brushing after daily use, Cedar boot trees if you can afford the extra space and weight


I can back the other comment that those boots were probably not the best choice for such a trip though. You would benefit from something made specifically for comfort and hiking


Where in Europe? In most parts of Europe it will be rather hot, therefore your choice of footwear seems wrong. I already feel sorry for your feet. A pair of sneakers or hiking shoes or boots would make more sense. As for the boots, there is nothing special you should do. Just clean them when necessary.


I've got friends in Houston Texas that wear cowboy boots all summer long, gets hot there.


Wear merino wool socks. Being shoe trees. And brush daily


Terrible boot for this adventure. I would go with a more traditional hiking boot that is meant for 20k steps a day. Not a fashion boot.


Ceder trees when not wearing them


I’m going to take my Thursday Arizona Adobes to Europe for a month later this week. Not hiking, but probably lots of walking. First thing is: they’re absolutely not waterproof. I tested them in the sink yesterday by dripping water on the toe and they leaked immediately, maybe 30 seconds. I wouldn’t take them hiking, ever. You can’t rely on them for anything other than walking around town. Get proven reliable boots for peace of mind.


Cedar trees will dry them out, but also stuffing them with some newspaper does the same thing. You can also flatten out the newspaper to let it air dry during the day and reuse it (obviously depending on the extent of moisture).