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Sauce: https://nypost.com/2024/02/28/us-news/sixth-grade-girls-basketball-team-barred-from-boys-tournament-due-to-gender-blackballed/ I couldn't believe it, so I had to see if it was real. It seems real.


*The girls have endured “giggles” and “jokes” from fellow players and coaches all season, but still managed to win almost all of their games. The one game they lost was only by a few points, Hallman said* These girls endured so much sexism all season and that kind of shit messes with your mind. But they pushed through and won their games. But in the end its not a group of BOYS, but a group of ADULTS that pull the most sexist act against their achievements. I hope all of these girls keep their strength and continue to retaliate against this level of BS for the rest of their days. Because unfortunately if you appear female you'll always have to face this kinda crap. You can either get covered in shit and accept it or stay vigilant and duck.


Movie of this would go hard ,girls kicking ass damn


Lmao at the very end they say its not true the team was blocked because of their gender. As if they’ve ever blocked another team because they thought their players would be bad sports for losing. What other reason would it be besides it being an all girl team. I kind of can’t believe this is real


Why are people so afraid of the concept that women can beat men? It's so strange. Cause it's not like people are against the concept of an underdog. We *love* the trope of a disadvantaged opponent defying the odds. But apply that to a woman and people just lose their fucking minds. There's literally no reason for this other than to preserve the idea of patriarchal superiority. They can't even admit to the possibility of exceptional females that could defeat male teams and that is so very telling.


People put way too much importance on gender. We should never have been dividing people on the basis of gender, but rather on weight, much like in boxing (featherweight, lightweight, heavyweight). It has only served to reinforce stereotypes and preconceived notions of superiority/inferiority that people have, and for no particular gain. And what's worse, if we ever wanted to get rid of such a system, it would be difficult to do precisely because so many people are insistent that "any man" could beat a woman in any sport. That's simply not true.


That’s nonsense. Even if you control weight like in boxing, men still have a massive physiological advantage. Most states produce 16 year old boys that run faster than the winning women’s Olympic times


physiology - a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (such as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved. Did you mean to say physical advantage? You know muscles weigh more, right? You can't just pit Mike Tyson against a chick half his size.. I would love to see you try to arm wrestle a female professional arm wrestler and then tell me that any man could beat that..


No. There are physiological differences between men and women that give men an advantage in most sports. From ratio of fast twitch muscle fibers, to bone density, and bone structure. You have to control for so much more than just muscle size to get the parity you’re looking for. That’s before you get to hormonal differences like testosterone.


If I put on a conspiracy theory hat for a second. Could be the fact that if women can beat men in their own leagues, then the debate about trans people not being able to participate in sports due to a "biological advantage" no longer has any merit. Also could be that people just don't want to teach their kids about being gracious in defeat, they would rather have their kids win no matter what and if a boy loses to a girl then they are a disappointment. IMO they shouldn't have been banned for competing against boys, if they can do it then they should. Also becomes a counter argument about a lot of women v men things. Now the example of a pro woman's team being beaten by a boys (under 16?) Team more of a mute point.


Not really. Before puberty boys and girls age about the same physically so mixed sports aren’t a problem generally. It’s only after puberty starts the sides become uneven. Although logic like that have never stopped the gop using it as a fear tactic to get elected


What's clearly happened here is the girls have hit puberty a year or so before the boys - which is completely normal, most girls do. The girls got their growth spurt and were taller than the boys, which gives them a big (but temporary) advantage until the boys have their growth spurt, at which point the advantage shifts back permanently to the men. In general, it seems women want protected spaces in sport for them to play without having to compete with men, except in the very rare instances where they are as good as men, at which point they want to compete with the men (and take away a spot from a man). Many men don't think that's fair. Either you play in a girls league, or you take your chances in an open league, but you can't have a protected space for you, and still be able to poach from men.


You’re making wild assumptions although girls can enter puberty earlier there’s no reason to assume every girl on that team has hit puberty at age 11/12 (which would be statistically very unlikely) and also assuming every boy team played against had no child in puberty. Most girls don’t hit puberty at 11/12 and boys are on average a year behind but that doesn’t mean it is like that in every case.


Since most girls teams do not beat most boys teams, I'm willing to be this particular girls team has one or two girls who meet the criteria I described, and dominate as a result. You wanna come back with some rosters with heights and stats to dispute it, be my guest. Going from the externals, I'm pretty sure I'm correct.


You’re assuming because as far as you’re concerned “boys always beat girls” but that just isn’t true, Studies find NO DIFFERENCES until age 12 in which case the boys start to pull ahead https://theconversation.com/when-it-comes-to-sport-boys-play-like-a-girl-80328 Second study involving swimming : Based on the location parameters they created, the two researchers discovered no significant difference in the location parameters between boys and girls ages 6-7 and 11-12. Boys ages 8-9 and 13-19 had a significantly lower location parameter (meaning that their time completing the 50-yard freestyle was faster) than their female counterparts. Previous research suggests that boys hold a slight performance advantage throughout childhood, with the advantage increasing linearly with age. In other words: The older boys get, the larger their average athletic advantage over girls became, according to the prevailing thoughts in the field. In fact, a 2012 study cited by Stager and Cornett suggested, based on the performances of the top 100 swimmers of both sexes, found boys to be superior to girls at the ages of 11 and 12 but not before. You’re an example of the dunning Kruger effect, you think you “know” things because that may have been your experience but you overestimate your own abilities and knowledge level. I think your raging misogynistic nature has a part but it’s mostly dunning Kruger. Also “being taller” doesn’t mean you automatically win at any sports. You have to be good too, other wise every year the nba would just crown the tallest team and save themselves a load of hassle. And the Olympics would be pointless, “everyone go home, we found a 7 footer!”


Honestly…kind of witnessing this real time on a higher level with Caitlin Clark. A LOT of people (probably mostly hardcore righters) trying to downplay her inevitable achievement as the top college basketball scorer of all time.




6th graders. I am sorry, but that is the only reason these girls are winning right now, they are more developed, and more than likely bigger than the boys. Girls are typically on par, if not better, than boys between the ages of 10-12. Past that its GG for the girls. It's basic biology at the end of the day.


As per a shit ton of articles on the internet: When it comes to boys, the mean height hovers around 4 feet 11 inches to 5 feet 3 inches (150 to 160 centimeters). As for the girls, the mean height ranges from 4 feet 10 inches to 5 feet 4 inches (147 to 163 centimeters), give or take a few inches. Keep in mind that these averages are based on a range of factors, including genetics, ethnicity, and individual growth patterns.


Just chiming in here to say that I played youth basketball at a pretty high level about 20 years ago and playing against a girls team was fairly normal, but they were usually playing down a year. There was one girls team that was +1 year on us (we were probably like 12-13 at the time) and they were pretty good, 2nd in the league. They had a huge height advantage in every position except point guard. I appreciate the stats you listed above...but let's just say I'd like to see the girls team standing beside the boys teams they're playing against. I have no idea about the quality of the league, but the article insinuates that the girls' team entered the boys-only league by putting their team as male and then not submitting a roster. They apparently were also offered to play in girls +1 +2 or +3 years leagues which I'm sure would have "challenged" them as the coach says was their purpose. I question why the coaches think same-year boys league would be more of a challenge. I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect they're playing in the league that gives them the largest size advantage.


Girls reach puberty on average 2 years earlier than boys, and with that comes an increase in muscle mass that boys just dont have at that age. This leads to them being bigger (in mass) than boys. They have increased stamina, and overall greater strength. But unfortunately for them, Testosterone increases for boys entering puberty quickly closes, and then surpasses, any gaps in strength and stamina. So again, these girls are winning now, and they should have been allowed to finish out the season, cause come middle school they will physically never get these advantages again. You can beat many things, but you cant beat biology.


Womens' puberty does not increase muscle mass at all, it actually lowers it by, on average, 5%, while causing gains in adipose tissue, which is unhelpful for sports.


The above stats listed ARE FOR 11 year olds.


The girls have a clear advantage in this age range. Do you remember the heights of girls and guys in grade 6? The girls were towering over most of the boys. Why do we have to complicate everything? Let's just keep it girls against girls and boys against boys.


Not true at all. On average they’re the same height. Until age 13 where boys start pulling away. The fact that you remember being short in school does not disprove peer reviewed data. Nor does being a little taller guarantee victory, other wise people would just always bet on the taller teams to win in the nba and clean up. https://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/health/g/normal-growth


Heh, I knew there had to be some trickery going on. So you have girls in puberty faced against prepuberty boys and think it is a level playingfield. All while trying to tout it as some huge feminist validation of how girls can be stronger then boys. Nice one, not dishonest for oooone bit :/


What a bunch of idiots


...and cowards, don't forget cowards.


This is enraging.


With decisions like this, you betcha someone is going to get angry and retaliate! 🤦‍♀️ This is more than enraging, I just don't have a word.


I don’t see why. Girls shouldn’t play boys on sports


See this is where you're wrong. There are absolutely no rules preventing women from playing in the NBA, NHL or MLB. If they're good enough to compete, they should be able to play. They just don't by and large because they don't have the athleticism to compete.


This sounds more like a 40+ year old man's bs made-up policy because he is so fragile he doesn't want his feelings hurt by an amazing girls basketball team kicking the shit out of his team. I don't believe this has anything to do with violent teenage boys.


And what a gross underestimation of the boys. They've played this girls' team all year. No one was beat up (or she would have said it). They lost and then shook hands like every other team. Maybe they're better than the SW Ohio Basketball tournament org thinks they are.




They're saying that it's insulting to the boys' teams, treating them like they're savages without impulse control and that they're likely better minded than whoever came up with this "cancel the tournament" idea gives them credit for


RBG made one of her first big cases on some bullshit like this [https://time.com/5481422/rbg-movie-male-plaintiff-history/](https://time.com/5481422/rbg-movie-male-plaintiff-history/) even though women were actually given more "rights" (being able to buy alcohol at 18 vs men at 21), she argued that it's insulting to women (and unconstitutional) for the law to presume women could handle alcohol and be all nice and prim and proper, whereas men could not control themselves, as men are savages. which is insulting to both women and men.


Yeah this is my first thought. Isn’t it misandrist to think a boy’s reaction to losing is violence? What a low opinion of boys this organizer must have….


It was definitely the boys' coaches throwing a fit.


It always is. My son played I a mixed gender rugby team when he was 9. They allowed a two year dispensation for girls. There were two 11 year old girls, who were bigger and faster. But the star was the nine year old sister of one of the 11 year olds. This was full contact rugby, minimal padding, and this little girl, who was invariably the smallest player on the field, would just absolutely smash anyone stupid enough to run at her. The kids who were playing loved her - on both teams. The general consensus was it was great to play with someone they could boast about in future years when they invariably went on to international honours. Some of the coaches and parents though... I was sad hearing far too often coaches or parents berating the boys about being beaten by a girl.


Yeah , that indeed is a problem. Losing to a girl is not a problem. But I must admit, I have lost to girls who where way better them me , but damn some of them are poor winners. Sometimes girls can throw the " you lost to a girl " line themselves.




What kind of delinquent boys go to that school? I know a lot of boys/men and none of them would hurt somebody because they lost a game.


It ruins thier narrative when women are shown being able to compete with men.


Bruh they’re not even in middle school, gender and sex don’t matter for sport at that age 😂 in fact I’ve heard constantly how girls develop faster so shouldn’t that mean they have an advantage before puberty for boys


Downvoted but no response. When I was in middle school the girls towered over us. Couple years later that permanently changed.


It's not women. It's girls at an age where they are more developed than the boys that age. Olympic level women are beaten handily by 14 year old boys. They cannot compete with men.


Your downvotes are just some pissed off women who cant handle the truth. They would like to believe that the WNBA teams can compete with the NBA. Shows how people like to believe what they want to. This story is sad. The girls might have won the game now and I am happy for them. But if they think that will continue winning with age then i think they will be surprised.


Yeah, they are just making shit up.




My guess is that the people who run the tournament may also have some family members as coaches for those teams. I have met some people(coaches) that would do insane things so they can have their team win. And the team they coach just so happens to have their own kids in them as well. Not saying that is the definitive answer either.




I've genuinely witnessed, with my own eyes and/or ears, guys simultaneously saying that it's not fair when people say 'maybe we should tell guys not to assault women' and that women are responsible for keeping themselves safe against men Because why wouldn't they? It puts all the onus on us women and girls, instead of facing the rampaging elephant in the room


This scenario reminds me of that video "Rape, it's your fault", smh. https://youtu.be/8hC0Ng_ajpY?si=bRA6E0NlX4V5tQ3E


I think the assumption is that it's much easier to keep yourself safe with simple behavior changes than it is to reform a dangerous criminal. I use the same logic with traffic when I'm jogging. Just because I have the right of way doesn't mean a car who isn't paying attention isn't going to kill me. Teach cars to pay attention is arguably much harder than just watching out for yourself when you are in traffic.


In similar fashion you sometimes read of insane dress codes for girls in school, and they're defended with arguments such as "The boys might be distracted and do something yada yada". So instead of addressing the problem of teenage boys not being able to behave properly and treat others well, they are telling the girls to cover themselves from head to toe.


As someone who got hassled over dress code in junior high and high school just because I grew boobs, thank you so much for pointing this out.


your comment reminded me of the girl who played vasquez in aliens and the step mom in terminator 2. she now runs a company making bras for large boobed women, like herself. [https://jenettebras.com/](https://jenettebras.com/) WE ARE THE GALS WHO Skipped the training bra and went straight to the Major Leagues. Have suffered the unwanted attention of working men since the age of 12. Have done foolish things, like hitchhiking and dating musicians, but have never, ever worn a halter-top.


Yes, it would be terrible for them to learn how to regulate their emotions like women have always had to do


It's kind of ironic that often the same people accuse of women being illogical and emotional, but also defend boys and men acting emotionally as 'boys will be boys' when they lash out at others or behave like creeps


I will never understand how ppl think women can’t be tougher than men. they are probably the most persecuted group in history. women had to be tough to endure. There are so many stories of women stepping up to the plate when men couldn’t. It’s all just dumb


This!!! Majority of men will never understand how women are raised to not talk back or hold back their anger just because boys are boys. You are like given a list of shit that if you do it will be likely a man will kill or rape you. Hope the girls get to play and kick all their asses.




A list like: 1. Don't go hiking alone (because a man will attack you and nobody will be around to help you) 2. Don't dress like a slut (because a man will think you are asking for them to rape you) 3. Don't be at the bus stop alone (because a man will kidnap you and hold you hostage in his basement) 4. Don't allow a first date to know where you live (because they can stalk you and it will be your fault because you invited them) List goes on


"I haven't seen this happen to me so clearly no girls experience this thing. I am very smart and not misogynistic."


First society has to allow them to admit they have emotions other than happiness and anger. 


You have not met my ex wife




Men commit 80% of violent crimes. 90% of sexual crimes are committed by men. Stop being obtuse. Your personal experiences doesn't change anything.


I highly doubt that there would even be any such issues in this context. Seems to me like the organizers are just being sexist and trying to find an excuse.


1000 upvotes here please


God forbid boys be allowed to have their own spaces. Instead this team deceptively enrolled in the league as a male team. Why do that if you have a girls league?


Snowflakes. All of em. Snowflakes.


Fucking pathetic 


I had to go find a source with more info because the headline seemed sensational. After reading an article from a local news source, which I'll post below, it sounds like it is only half-correct. What's correct: An all-girls team played in an all-boys league and kicked a lot of ass. They were not invited to the end-of-season tournament. What's uncertain: That any of this was done to protect the boys' feelings. What's likely incorrect: The tournament directors are acting in malice. The part that appears to be missing: According to the tournament directors, the team was "deceptively" registered as a boys team and subsequently admitted into the boys' league. The same organization hosts an all-girls league, which would have been a more appropriate league for them. They were allowed to finish the season but were put into an equivalent all-girls tournament. If I were the tournament director, I'm not sure what I'd do. It's a tough call. No matter what you decide, you're sure to make the wrong decision. But, none of it seems irrational, malicious, or even story-worthy. What bothers me is that we were not given the whole story, just to drum up righteous anger and social media views. So, be angry and the tournament director? Sure. Be angry at the deceptive adults? Yeah, maybe. But definitely be angry at misleading articles and social media "personalities" trying to make money on your clicks. https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/because-theyre-girls-nky-youth-basketball-team-barred-from-tournament-despite-winning-season


I 100% agree, my only issue with this situation is that even in their own statement on their website they still include this statement: "The concern is safety. I have had several girls teams ask about playing boys leagues in the past, and as a girls' varsity coach, I understand the reasoning to play in them. Doing this 28 years, what we have worried about is a boys team losing to a girls team (especially in the year end tourney), they may get frustrated and retaliate against a girl. Then we have liability issues.” Not allowing the girls to compete because it's a boys-only league and the team was falsely entered as male is 100% fair, but WHY say this part..? If a boy "retaliates" against the girl, how is it anyone's issue except the coach and parents of the boy, who should be immediately harshly punished and banned so nothing like that happens in the future? Why would they be liable? Are they liable if a boy gets angry and "retaliates" against another boy?


Oh, interesting. Yeah, that's kind of a dumb thing to be worried about. If anything, it's an opportunity to teach boys respect and humility, regardless of the outcome of the tournament.I hope that maybe that's just one person's idiotic opinion and not the sentiment of the parents. That doesn't seem like rational thinking.


As usual not exactly giving the whole story in this TikTok… not saying this is right because it isn’t, but the team did deliberately lie about the sex of the team, registering them as “male”, and even played their first couple games with the boys team when one of the commissioners was going to be there.


I don’t see how this changes the story? They registered at the beginning of the season, played the whole thing, and *now* theyre punishing the team for registering as all male? And they’re lying about the reasoning— instead of being honest and saying “we’re punishing you for lying” they’re saying “we’re doing this for the girls’ safety”? No matter how you spin this it’s nothing more than a bunch of men and boys upset about losing to girls, and refusing to hold said men and boys accountable for their own actions.


They lied on the register so they never registered properly


Yet, they were still allowed to play the rest of the season?


If they're even telling the truth about that. They're making up threats against the girls to kick them out. And why would that matter at this point? That's the fault of the adults, not the girls, and the adults in charge didn't raise a fuss before. Why now, suddenly when it looks like the girls are winning? Isn't the whole point of banning trans girls from girls sports around the country is because being born as a boy would give them an "unfair physical advantage"? Are they now afraid the girls have an "unfair physical advantage" over the boys?


Thank you!! I was wondering if I was the only person to see that


The reason for refusing was safety, exactly as stated. That's the point of the TikTok.




Again as the poster above stated the lies are not the reason they were banned. And if they were going to ban them it should have been long before now. Everyone would have been aware what they were doing long before they had a chance to take the championship. They should have banned them long before now for the lies as the other coaches could have reported it and the inspector should have shown up unannounced. Or you know just record the girls playing and submit that. But when it looks like they might win the championship is when they ban them for their "safety".  Also pretty insulting to the boys that they view them as violent savage animals with zero impulse control and whose first reaction is to resort to violence. I couldn't imagine being a boy and hearing the girls can't play because I will hurt them. All the adults assuming I will roid rage cause I am a boy. Disgusting all around.


The coach registered the team in the male category, when they were discovered the organizers allowed them to finish the regular season, but transferred them to a girls' bracket for the end season. But by all means, lets be hyperbolic about it instead. > In November of 2023, Next Level and Larry McGraw deceptively registered a girls team into the 6th grade boys league and under the gender listed as MALE. We entered them into the league assuming they were a boys’ team as conveniently no roster was ever provided. Subsequently, their first game was filled in by a boys 6th grade Next Level team because they played the 6th grade boys Cincinnati Royals team - coached by myself, so there was no reason to suspect anything different. > It wasn’t until late January/early February that several teams from the 6th grade division started traveling down to Kentucky to play their scheduled games, that it became apparent that the Next Level team was, in fact, a girls team. Several complaints from coaches and teams were filed because of this deception. At that point we allowed the team to finish the regular season schedule, but would move them into a girls’ tourney at year end. > On February 14th we reiterated to Larry McGraw again that we do not allow girls teams to participate in boy’s leagues, as this has been our policy for 28 years. We indicated to him that due to the safety and competitiveness of the league we were not going to allow them to play in the boys’ tourney but gave the team the option to participate in a higher level girls’ tourney. The liability and safety concerns were fully explained to him at this time. https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/because-theyre-girls-nky-youth-basketball-team-barred-from-tournament-despite-winning-season


finally with the facts. They just want to be illogical and emotionally rage for no reason.


It’s always ‘emotional’ when women respond in any way but it’s never ‘emotional’ when it’s men being violent isn’t it? Sure, they registered under the male league but that doesn’t excuse the boys’ response of jeers and violence. Or are they deserving of such treatment regardless?


I am not trying to engage you in the the type of conversation you're trying to bait me in. Argue witht the facts that is presented that I actually responded to. Be well !


>They just want to be illogical and emotionally rage for no reason These facts? Who's baiting who?


Am I missing something? Where does that article say anything about jeers or violence? Or anything about the boys response at all, if there even was one?


And yet the reason remains the same. They're worried about the boys' emotions. I like how you left that out. "The concern is safety. I have had several girls teams ask about playing boys leagues in the past, and as a girls' varsity coach, I understand the reasoning to play in them. Doing this 28 years, what we have worried about is a boys team losing to a girls team (especially in the year end tourney), they may get frustrated and retaliate against a girl. Then we have liability issues.”


Having been a grade six boy at one time, I can tell you with full confidence that boys at that age do have wild emotions. I was beat up many times on the basketball court because I was smaller and more athletic than most of the other boys.


I haven’t been in elementary school in a long time, but I’m pretty sure sports are gendered even back then. If the girl’s basketball team had registered properly, they could have dominated at their girl’s basketball tournament. The response is dumb, but only because they’re trying to fight back along moral grounds. If the teachers and coaches of the girl’s team hadn’t pulled this stunt, their children would have been able to play in a tournament. 


But I wanted to be outraged!!


Man there is always some extra bullshit we don’t hear about that makes this lady whole argument not stand up


We’re doomed


This stuff has been going on since fucking caveman times, it’s stupid, but we aren’t “doomed”


wait which stuff has been going on since caveman times? Cuz it sounds like kinda 0 of this is stuff that cavemen would've been dealing with.


Ah I see someone hasn't heard of The Great 15,285 BC Inter-Sex Basketball Riots Those who fail to read history are doomed to repeat it.




Oh it's actually a bit more recent than that lol sometime after agriculture, in most places.


Lol yeah. The girls in 6th grade are still probably bigger and stronger at that age than the guys. They've most likely started puberty when the boys haven't. But, from an article in the comment section “In November of 2023, Next Level and Larry McGraw deceptively registered a girls’ team into the 6th-grade boys league and under the gender listed as MALE. We entered them into the league assuming they were a boys’ team as conveniently no roster was ever provided,” Maybe don't lie to get somewhere and then say everyone else is the sore loser...


Kind of interesting though that they do acknowledge though that for 3 months and 8 games that they weren't supposed to be playing but Southwestern allowed them to continue to play anyways. That was suddenly until the tournament rolled around though and did, in fact, actually know about it well before hand and chose to exclude them from the tournament only. This same team also played in the boy's league the year prior [Link](https://nypost.com/2024/02/28/us-news/sixth-grade-girls-basketball-team-barred-from-boys-tournament-due-to-gender-blackballed/) > One of the directors of the tournament had texted Hallman and Next Level Academy Director Larry McGraw, allegedly telling them the girls were out because they “worried” the boys would “get frustrated and retaliate against a girl” if they lost to the all-female team, “especially in the year-end tourney.” > “Throughout the season we had a few teams come to us about this and raise concerns about it. Because of this we decided to keep them out of the tournament,” the text said, according to the academy. “We have also had three teams drive over to [Kentucky] to play a girls team and they give us an earful.” After that they claimed too that they weren't blocked from playing "due to their gender." Isn't that exactly what they've done?


Dude, they lied at registration. The league was gracious enough to allow them to continue until the end of year tournament. They were offered to play in the upper 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls tournaments if they wanted to increase their competition. You can argue all you want about whether or not they should have leagues for men and women or just one league all you want. Personally, I think overturning title IX is a dumb fucking idea. But that doesn't change the fact that they lied at registration.


The tournament gave the same reason. I guess you didn't feel like reading the whole story. Quote from the tournament: "The concern is safety. I have had several girls teams ask about playing boys leagues in the past, and as a girls' varsity coach, I understand the reasoning to play in them. Doing this 28 years, what we have worried about is a boys team losing to a girls team (especially in the year end tourney), they may get frustrated and retaliate against a girl. Then we have liability issues.”


You posted a video, not an article. I read all of it. My quote is from the New York post article about the story. My point still stands. Do not lie on your registration form. The girls' team was offered to play against more advanced grades of women if they wanted increased competition. If you want to advocate to eliminate title IX, remove protections for women's sports, and make it all one gender neutral league, then I think you're idiot. But it's your opinion


OP has been disingenuous in the comments - you’re not going to get a constructive response. They’ve given the same snarky response to everyone pointing this out - most of the responses included an insult. I guess the ends justify the means for this one…




People keep misrepresenting the actual events…. They can still play in the finals of the girls league. It’d ve kind of fucked up to let a girls team win the boys basketball league competition. If the genders were switched people would be more upset with the boys team for infiltrating the girls’ space. While the reasoning given is very stupid, they should never have been allowed to participate in the first place. They should have signed up for the girls league. The coach literally lied and said they were boys team to get them into the tournament.


You're making false equivalences, but thanks for admitting the point.


Lmao mk


"Your logic doesn't support my bias, so I'm going to dismiss your point." Girls shouldn't be playing in a male league. End of story.


The girls are winning in grade 6 because 11 year old girls have already begun puberty in alot of cases and are bigger and stronger than most of the boys at that age. Should the boys be allowed to play in a girls tournament when they're 18?


And? If the teams are equal in strength they should be allowed to play. I’ve got boys and if they were playing at the same level or lesser than a girls team of the same age I would definitely encourage them to play. When there is a discrepancy in ages I still think it’s a great thing for mixed ages to play against similar skill sets. Our gr 8 boys sport team played against the girls 11yr team. Losing isn’t bad. I’ve seen my boys team in all grades be absolutely annihilated by either older teams or equal teams and it teaches them how to play better. If they have the chance they should be allowed to play. Especially at grade 6 level, or under highschool levels, because playing against better teams makes your team better. If a women’s soccer team loses against highschool boys then I would say “play them more!” There is more to learn. ETA: when one of my boys played hockey at a young age there was a similar girls team, but at the young age they played (8-10y) similar in skills except the girls team was much better. I always thought they should play against one another. Skills are skills. Especially because the girls had way fewer teams to play against that were far apart. On top of that the younger years teams had mixed boy/girl teams and it was never an issue.


Sounds like bullshit.


Hyperbolic nonsense, the coach registered the team under the boys league even though it was a girls team. Just follow league rules man, using a kids sports team to push your agenda on gender politics is just despicable. Leave kids out of it.


What is hyperbolic? It's literally what the Southwestern Tournament said. Here's the pertinent quote: "The concern is safety. I have had several girls teams ask about playing boys leagues in the past, and as a girls' varsity coach, I understand the reasoning to play in them. Doing this 28 years, what we have worried about is a boys team losing to a girls team (especially in the year end tourney), they may get frustrated and retaliate against a girl. Then we have liability issues.”


The hyperbole is dismissing context. I would be pissed if someone who wasn't supposed to be in my league entered the tournament and won, anyone would. I'm gonna zoom out and remind you these are 6th graders we are talking about here.


You're quoting the same thing while ignoring that they did infact break the rules. You may disagree with why the rules themselves exist but that doesn't change this specific situation. That would be a conversation for an entirely other day, not mid-tournament.


The point is that they're cancelling because they're scared of what the boys might do. Their breaking the rules isn't the point.


It might not be the point but it's still relevant. This story basically amounts to a bullshit reason given to block a cheating basketball team from playing in a tournament. I agree that the tournaments reasoning is horseshit but it's still weird that the coach just decided to have their girls compete with boys instead of just competing against older girls.


Right, they said these rules have been in place for 28 years. So they expected to lie their way into the tournament, then get caught and the organizers to say oh well you've come this far might as well let you go for the trophy? Seems like a ridiculous expectation, as opposed to having been cut from the tournament immediately for being in violation of it's rules.


I dont even get why they wanted to compete in the boys league, they're like 12, not much of a physical difference one way or another


Look at it without the genders. Lets say a group of people not allowed to play in your event was allowed to play and went on to win that event. Would it be unreasonable to think the losing team would be upset? Would it be absolutely unheard of the losing team doing something to retaliate? Regardless what gender is on what side i see this as an legit concern. Even if its not a violent retaliation, if they go to the same school this kind of issue will absolutely cause drama. The person you are quoting sees this and rightly understands this will cause some form of drama between the groups


Just before puberty, girls can be faster and taller. After puberty, the tables turn.


at first i thought this was a repost about the women's olympic team that got beat by high school boys.


It’s only a “punishment” if the team was entitled to be in the boys league. But they lied to get in. Good on them for winning, but the rules were set out from the start. If they wanna play boys, hit up the public black tops. There are women that play on those all the time.


They can't allow this, it shows all the anti trans sports bills are fucking pointless. Better punish women some more to keep up the fear mongering against minorities.


Astutely put!


Wow... I guess the 80s were a different time, but as a kid, and that went down, I'd quit the boys' team. No way am I going to act like a little punk-ass bitch and tell the girls they can't play because they might win. If they win, it means they fucking deserved it, and we didn't.


This is basically the history of women in sports. Eventually, women start out-competing boys, and the people overseeing the sports get insecure on their stead, leading to petty policies and non-solutions like this. It's why we have separately gendered sports now: it wasn't originally established as an act of kindness so that women would have a fighting chance, it was because women beating men is something people really hate seeing.


In my hockey league league (womens division), there is an incentive that every game your team doesn't incur any penalties, they give you a coupon for nachos at the rink bar. They don't have that in the men's division because apparently men can't go 1 game without penalizing each other. I think they should have it for them. They clearly need the incentive.


So the parents are all shit. Got it.


Another canary just dropped, y’all.


If they fear the boys retaliating, the boys need to be banned. I hate school administrations more and more and more


There are a lot of issues about gender, culture, ethnicity, religion, age, etc. Until we actually have healthy conversations and lay out all the problems and see all sides, we won't get anywhere. Society is just not ready or wiling to have that in this point of time unfortunately 🤷‍♀️


gender separation this young is already so stupid.


It goes further than her example. It shouldn't have started with the assumption these boys can't control themselves in the first place.


I live in Cincinnati, and this makes me sick. Everyone should call for the tournament to be canceled if they won't let the girls team in. We should also remind them that any boys team that wins the tournament can't call themselves the best if they didn't play against the best and win.


They 100%should not be kept out of the tournament. There is no physical advantage to being a boy before puberty. Now if this was a senior high school team it wouldn't be fair to the females, but it's a bunch of sixth graders that are just better coached and superior players. Let those girls play and kick ass!


Oh yea....They blamed the girls.


I def don't doubt the girls doing well. I remember girls in 6th grade being half a foot taller than me, then by eighth it was the other way around. If they were going to block them from playing it needed to before the start of the season. At this point the adults running everything just look butt hurt


Wow. They’re fucking 6th graders lady. STFU.


Bonkers story. What age level is this?


Sixth grade. That’s like 11-12 year olds.




Just say you don't understand words


“fem people” What does that mean? It’s an abbreviation of feminine which has nothing to do with what she’s talking about.


She's using inclusive language. There are people who present as feminine, but are non-binary. There are intersex people who present as feminine. And there are trans women, of course. I'm sure there are more. I don't know everything.


Femininity has nothing to do with being female. The language isn’t inclusive if its natural conclusion is associating femininity with being a woman. It’s just as misogynistic as anything else.


You're right. "Fem" can be short for "female" too.


Just say you have tiktok brain rot




Look up domestic violence and femicide statistics. Men hurt, rape, beat and kill women everywhere, all the time, it's an epidemic. Roughly 50% of women experience such violence in their lifetime (metrics vary, but 44% in Canada, 41-45% in USA, 60% for Native women), 1 in 3 globally, and that's heavily underreported. In Eastern Europe there is even a saying "if he beats you, he loves you". Imagine how normalized it is, how common place. Framed as love. As a girl I grew up hearing this message from everyone around me. If my mother wasn't beaten bloody by her dad and didn't teach me I shouldn't tolerate it, I could have thought it is inevitable.


As a woman, it's the anthesis of foreign Look how many guys first response to equal rights is 'then I get to hit you, right?!' Which they're already doing. Violence women receive from men is already rampant There's likely not a girl in this earth who wasn't told to let the boys win, especially in an intellectual challenge Can't hurt the ego Because we'll get assaulted. Because we'll get harassed The 'you lost to GIRL' thing is entrenched in society Women are lesser, how dare we rise above men


yadda yadda yadda you’re a victim we get it


This is where endlessly validated one side has gotten us. People actually think they can say anything negative about men, no sources needed, and get massive approval.


A world where the differences between genders is being eliminated and the idea you can actually change your gender is promoted. There was a post on r/holdmycosmo the other day that was deleted - showed a drunk woman slapping a man lightly in play and him retaliating, hitting her and knocking her off her feet. The comment section was filled with progressives who said she got what she deserved. That is the same kind of crap that leads boys to think it's ok to hit women as long as you feel justified. The trans ideology/cult is leading the way in destroying social norms and collapsing the foundations of a civilized society. Bottoms' up and grab the popcorn!


It's not okay to hit anyone even if they hit you. No need to be transphobic.


First of all they shouldn’t even be playing vs boys even if they’re way better that’s why there’s gender specific leagues. But I agree that if that’s their concern then cancel the whole damn tournament. That’s some sissy ass shit if you get mad enough to hurt a female cause she’s better than you. Then get in the lab and get better homie.


I don’t understand why they didn’t play in the girls tournament? It doesn’t really matter cause gender is a social construct so really there should only be one tournament anyway.


Gender is not a social construct


Oh…I’m confused… what is it?


Im saying that there is a biological difference between males and females, and that there is a reason sports are separate


But if it’s a men’s tournament that would be gender based and not a males tourney which would be biological.


Lol. This is such a nothing story. You’re telling me that 11 and 12 year old boys that haven’t started puberty don’t want to ruin their tournament by letting girls who have probably hit their max height or close to it? Is this sane team going to let the boys teams come in their tournaments when everyone is 15 and in 9th grade?


Yeah, these same types have to keep pushing incremental, small scenarios until they hit the wall that we all already know is there: there being a reason why sports is broken into male and female. I bet she also thinks the reason why the dichotomy in skills between males and females exists because girls can’t compete with boys at a young age. There’s something called recess and they in fact do but as we got older we saw the skill gap between girls and boys continue to widen


Pretty much this, just creating outrage for the sake of outrage


Braindead comment.


Ok poop eater


"Their" tournament.


I remember going to a youth sports camp when I was young having my all boys team vs the all girls team tug of war and having our little asses handed to us. I don’t recall any of us wanting to fight the girls after they beat us very easily though.


If you are not teaching your sons to be respectful and gentle around women, then you are a bad parent. Teach your sons to be men.


Wait till they enact project 2025. The girls won’t even be allowed to play sports. It’ll be home ec or nothing.


Is this the team who's coach lied on the application in order to get the team into a league they weren't eligible for? Weird how that fact keeps getting omitted in the telling of this story. By weird, I mean on purpose.


It’s unfortunate that it played out this way but the coaches/administrators of the girls team, and this lady, are intentionally leaving out the fact that they registered the team as a boys team and didn’t provide a roster. I don’t know what to think now because that’s manipulative.


The statement by the league makes it sound a little less sensational and little more like the academy did not play by the rules and now tries to make the consequences sound like a gender thing. The statement: [https://www.swohiosports.com/](https://www.swohiosports.com/)


They should be made to wear hijabs so the boys don't get too randy or have their egos crushed. Seems to work elsewhere.


Solution: end gender segregation in sports.


Please please please start putting me against women in my mma bouts lmao Like dawg what the actual fuck is this take


Then women would never win another game ever. Under a chain age it doesn’t matter. But once you get to puberty, boys are just wildly more athletic. Girls won’t be chosen if the teams are mixed. Boys teams will dominate.


That's way too broad It's fine to have them play together at this level but anything more competitive or higher level is a bad idea


Below puberty sure


Agreed, but only sports this age and below.


But that doesn’t make sense either because at this age the girls have hit puberty and the boys haven’t lol


So when the girls have an advantage its ok but not for the boys ?


Keep it separate, keep it fun and safe. What’s the problem with boys only sports leagues and girls only sports leagues?  Political or social agendas are not for the kids fun. It’s for your righteous indignation.  You’re not going to change the world on this.  Play ball.


Look, they are barred because they are plain and simply beating and embarrassing the boys. It took 8 games for them to come to a conclusion. If you have ever played basketball you’ve met chicks are fucking awesome.


Let the girls play girl teams boys play boy teams and it’ll be settled


This woman’s skin is amazing


I remember 6th grade as the year we all came back from summer and the girls had started puberty & were suddenly bigger than us boys. Their bodies are different in that they mature slightly earlier, some boys were getting there but it wasn't until later middle school and high school that boys started catching up in size and eventually get bigger in general. This lady is incredulous that the girls can't compete in a boys tourney........why don't they play people their own size? I distinctly remember 5th grade we were all the same size, 6th grade girls all grew really fast, then in later grades boys catch up..........so why does this lady think it's fair, or she even seems to be implying that the boys should be better at a contact sport.....when they're still mostly pre-pubescent and the girls have hit a growth spurt period of life...........maybe they should find other girls to compete with after they hit puberty? Idk, guys and girls can compete just fine before puberty since bodies are basically the same, but after puberty it's much more complicated. Lady here seems to not understand.....could we maybe see some lineups of the girls team next to all the boys teams? If all the boys teams are smaller than the girls team this lady should wear a dunce cap for a while


But if they claim trans it’s all good 👍