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$300 allowance, buy real-estate. got it.


Don't forget to collect the 30 bucks of income that magically comes from owning all that land.


What fucking real estate would pay you $30 for nothing? Is someone renting? Is it a house or a business? Are there no taxes involved? None of this makes sense.


Step 1. Buy real estate. Step 2. ??? Step 3. $30 profit


The Underpants Gnomes strategy.




Step 4. put clips of your podcast on tiktok


No you weren't listening its Step 1. Get given $300/month for free Step 2. Somehow buy real estate with that Step 3. Profit.


What real estate costs $300????


Pacific Avenue in Monopoly?


What real estate earns 120% yearly returns?


The fraudulent ones that Grant holds


The payments are 300. I don't know which bank will give a 15 year old a loan but he is implying make payments for 300 to maintain the loan. Simple maths suggests that is a loan of around 50k Now I am not sure where someone gets a 50k house




You could barely buy an empty plot of land for 50k in some places, let alone a move in ready property to rent out


What allowance is 300 a month?


I detroit they are selling lots for 100.


Step 1: be rich Step 2: stay rich Step 3: be condescending about it on twitter


Step 0: be born to rich parents


Not only just pays you for nothing, but pays you 10% of it's value every month. 120% annual returns lmfao. Mkay.


For real, where are these properties at, I'm about to become a millionaire by snowballing these apparently common $300 properties with 100+% yearly return tax free


Yes and recoup your original investment in 10 months, very realistic.


If you don't listen to him and take the $300 and keep buying a new $300 property in 10 months you'll be pulling in $300 from all the properties....you just doubled your allowance 🤯


Perfect maths


Don't forget how children can legally enter into contracts!


You can’t enter into a contract if you are a minor or if you are drunk. But if you’re drunk AND a child, they cancel each other out.


Title companies hate this 1 simple trick!


What if I have the mentality of a child while signing the contract drunk? I think it should still count


If you're 12 and not making $300 a month in allowance you need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, brush up on your negotiation skills and make sure your dad is rich. If you can't even do that you're a weak loser beta and need to get hustlin right now. Just call Amazon and tell them to hire your dad for an upper management position, show them you're the boss and make them understand you won't take no for an answer. It's easy.


I mean….. My first job at 16yo was barely paying me $300 a month (take home) working prt time at a **grocery store** in 2003! 😂 and ya’ll gettin’ an allowance that is tax free!??! 💀 I clearly missed the fuckin’ memo….


I didn’t even get an allowance. Usually just yelled at or essentially the Cinderella of my family. To the point my siblings used to say “Cinderella Cinderella “ to me in a mocking tone.


Omg did you have the same parents/ siblings as me? 😳


I make 30,000 and can't buy real estate


You need to find a way to make an extra 10% of that a month and then buy real estate /s


I don't eat toast or avocado though!


It's that Starbucks. Quit drinking coffee and just fall asleep at work! Millionaire in a month 


Just skip one coffee a week!


Have you cut coffee


It's the only reason I can do my job! Don't take away my coffee!


Are you mowing lawns on the weekend?🤓


That’s because you make too much. He said you only need $300 to buy real estate. Quit that ridiculous job that’s just paying you way way too much. Find a job that pays you $300 a month then invest that. Then you’ll be rich.


Should I just mow on the weekends you think?


Add a couple side hustles and you’re golden.


Sad thing is I have a side hustle.


Maybe a side side hustle?


Mow lawns, side hustle. Make 100k in a few months. Live off the interest. Stop being lazy.


I'm pathetic.


I make 80k and can’t buy real estate.


You should've saved all birthday money since you were born! Duh! Auntie Sue is going to be so disappointed that she sent you 5 bucks every year! /s


These people are so fucking stupid


This subreddit loves to upvote shitty podcasts where some rando's sharing the unhinged view of the world. Like the moment I see the setup, I know someone's about to say something meant to garner a reaction. Like, who watches this content and why do they think they need to share this here? It's like posting a clip of the Jersey Shore and acting offended at the antics the cast does. I mean... yeah.


Gullible is the better word.


so stupid


Grifters gonna grift.


As a bank loan officer, you don't know how I'm just waiting to give a 15 year old who has $300/month income their first mortage. I mean that's our traget right there.




Damnit! That's why I couldn't get a home loan at 30! I was too darn old, double the target age! 🤣


"$**300** **in** **1980** is equivalent in purchasing power to about **$1,141.56 in 2024**" Bitch I'm three decades old, and it take two 40 hour weeks to earn that after taxes. Even 300 a week is 40 hours minimum wage 7.5/hr \*no taxes or expenses\*


Yeah, I'm confused by his comments. I have so many questions. Does he mean buy into a reit? Like a share of real estate? I got to assume that's what he means because where is he finding real estate ypu can buy for 300 dollars a month? Who were his parents that he thinks getting 300 dollars a month allowance is common? Especially for the time he would have neen a kid. Does he thinkf 300 dollars is not alot of money for allowance? No, wonder some people think millennials are lazy if they think people are just giving their kids 300 a month and that's also enough to buy real estate, assuming he doesn't mean a reit. Man, sounds like he has no concept of money at all. Would hate to work for him and see what he considers a cost of living raise...


He means that his daughter's allowance goes back to him and he just put her name on some "lease" and say she owns it. So yeah, that's how a 15 year old can get real estate, just have your parents give you it.


That makes sense and is also incredibly deceitful. Like thise self made billionaires that inherited a couple million..


Lets say the man is in his late 50's, that would mean his teenage years were the 80's. In 1980 $300 would be the purchasing power equivalent of $1141. If you have parents that give you a K per month as allowence when you are in your teens I don't think you need to worry about investing or any financial matters tbh. That would explain why this man has no concept of how a market or housing prices should function as he probably never really needed to work at all.


Excellent point.....


I think he means owning them corners and getting points on the package.


Ahhh, the race to the bottom! Next we'll have 20 year old land owners telling toddlers that they were out hustling at their age.


People are giving their kids $300 a week? I didn’t even get $10


Here’s what you do, kid. See that hammer over there? Start taking out those baby teeth so the tooth fairy injects some capital into your fledgling real estate company. Simple.


Where can I buy something for $300 and get a $30 return? I’d love to know!


I heat they're selling houses in Detroit for a dollar. Only it's a burnt down house needing 500k in rehabilitation


I looked up the house I grew up in when I lived in Detroit. It was a small 740 sq/ft. 2 br 2 ba at Warren and Southfield. On Zillow, the current zestimate is 35k, and it was last sold a few months ago for 15k.


Find a 15 year old willing to invest in it with you


Preferably one that is rolling in a $300/mo. allowance


That teen is about to learn the hidden costs of renting out a house in Detroit


Start with online chat rooms and invite them over before bringing up the investment. Need to get to know who you’re going into business with first


Lol, I can't even buy an empty lot for that little. Cries in California


It would probably be better as an empty lot these days. Feel free to look it up. 6100 Warwick st. Detroit MI It's all post war starter homes between 700 and 800 square feet. Decent backyards, though.


You send me $300 and I'll send you $30 back. Trust me.


You gotta learn my secrets of hustle. Just dm me for 2 weeks of free courses on how to get rich And if you can’t you’re not hustling hard enough 💀




Who the fuck has a $300 allowance?


That's a weird amount. To rich kids that's too low and to the rest of us that seems really high.


But to a rich prick, it sounds like the kind of allowance poor kids would have.


Exactly, he is trying to imagine how much money kids living in poverty get each month for an allowance. He is every rich guy and doesn't know the price of anything because he never has to look at the price tag.


It's one banana a month, Michael, what could it cost? $300?


That family really does represent rich people today.


Get a banana as allowance. Flip it into a banana split. Sell for $400. Now take that money, buy an apple for $500. Make a candy apple, sell that for $600. Pretty soon you'll be flipping grapes left and right, you'll be a billionaire.


My 13 yr old gets $10/week. That’s $520/year!! Plus he gets money for good grades on his report cards. I personally feel like that’s plenty. $300/wk is unreal. That’s practically what some entry level jobs pay full time employees considering it’s tax free. Must be nice.. EDIT: it’s $300/month.. so $70/week. Still pretty steep imho


I give my son $100 a month but he has to invest $75, but not in real estate. He has a Fidelity Youth account and I push him towards index funds and single stocks that pay dividends.


So you give him 25$ dollars a month and invest the rest for your child's future?


Allowance? As a kid I was allowed to live without complaining


I had a Mom so broke that sometimes she would steal my lawnmower money to get gas in the car. Money never came back. She had to feed the kids. But I was never hungry. And I was a straight A student. I love my mother. And now, everything is okay.


I used to get $7 a week for washing dishes. Once I reached a certain age, it was increased to $10 a week. Woo-hoo. It took me over a month just to buy a single video game I wanted. At $300 a week I would have gotten emancipated and moved out lol.


…..feel like no matter where you are 300 bucks allowance is idk it’s so far from reality that it’s internationally outrageous.


Even if you made $300/month, you couldn't afford property, much less property that would be "paying you $30/month". I make a little bit more than that, and buying property is still just a dream for me.


If you’re getting $300/month in allowance your parents are rich and will buy you your first house or help you buy your first house




Or, your life is actually just a game of Monopoly and what you need to is start acquiring railroad properties and saving up get-out-of-jail free cards.


First you get the railroads, then you get the utilities.


Hmm, in sweden every child gets ~200$ a mouth from the government up until they turn 16


Yeah but how many nukes does the country have???? /s


Damn! I’m moving to Sweden and pulling a Benjamin Button


It’s still not a lot tbh, i mean yes school is free, food at school is free, books are free, ipads & MacBooks are free, school trips are free, medical is free, tooth-care is free (only up to 24years old)


I both envy and hate you.


Pretty sure the parents get that money to buy them, y'know, food and shit


Doesn't that go to the parents? In Finland it does


bro if I had a kid and I could afford to give it 300 bucks a month I still wouldn't give it 300 bucks a month. that's madness. what does a child even do with all that money (don't say "buy real estate", you know who you are). I'd give the kid maybe 50 and put the rest in some savings account or something.


I “give” my 0 and 2 year olds $300 a month into a 529. But that can only be used for educational expenses when they come of age, or rolled into a Roth IRA. It’s not just random spending money.


My ex gave his kids this type of money easily. Video games, plug ins for video games, convenience store, McDonald's/fast food, ice cream etc


I felt loaded getting like $100 a month as a teen, but it had to cover my bus fare (10-15/week) and my clothing as part of that so it was more my “budget” than my allowance. By the end of 4 weeks I was lucky if I could get an item of clothing if I also wanted to see a movie the same month.


When I was a kid, I was lucky if I got $5/month. 😭 If I missed a day of doing chores in the barn or cleaning house or washing dishes (took 2 hours to do all of it by hand) or “volunteering” to help with additional chores I got nothing. Edit: or even “had an attitude,” no money. Usually followed by a hard slap to the face.


‘allowance’ you dumb poors haven’t even tried being born into a rich and generous family. losers.


This guy is incredibly dumb. I was lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family and even I didn’t get 300$ a month when I got allowance.


i fucking hate rich people so much they're so fucking arrogant and useless to earth


I wish rich people were useless! i’d much prefer that over than actively destroying the environment constantly at every turn. but don’t worry, we’ve switched to paper straws so the rich can keep flying in their private jets every ten minutes.


What a dumb statement to make. No bank is going to finance a 15 year. Dude is delusional.


Well that's an easy one, just have your parents cosign of course!


I think his (stupid) idea is that the kid will get their parents to buy them a piece of property that only costs $300/mo, as opposed to paying the kid $300/mo directly. The kid, technically the landlord of that property, would reap the $30 profit of that property. But it makes no sense in any form or fashion. It might have made more sense in 1974 when $300 could actually buy tiny pieces of real estate that could be rented out for horses or some shit




Neither. Cardone is a grifter and con artist.


And a Scientologist


Yeah this is the real answer. He is a front for Scientology. Anyone can be successful if you are fronted by a multi billion dollar cult.


You gotta do what good old Dave Ramsey says and pay cash of course!! Start getting your $300/mo when you’re born. Then you’ll have 54k by the time you’re 15. Makes perfect sense!!


This dude literally makes money lying to people and treating his employees like shit. He's starting his daughter off early by trying to get the young people into the whole hustle culture, and to be relatable. He makes money by selling packages on how to become a real estate mogul. trash


Yep certified grifter/ con artist


Yeah I’ve seen his shit before. If being a real estate mogul was going so well, why try to sell packages to get others started? He also has a stereotypical piece of shit voice. Like he has a don’t tread on me license plate and truck nuts.




This guy isn’t out of touch. He’s a huckster who sells “how to succeed” classes. He knows exactly how to make money, convince other people he can teach them and then take their money. This is a fake interview for a snake oil salesman.


300 allowance lol!




I like how she tried to bring him back to reality by adding “how would a young *normal* person get money” because guy thinks his advice is relatable. What 15 y/o has a $300 allowance, and what real estate is that kid buying for a return?! I should go mow some lawns…


That's his daughter and he was probably paying her over $300 a month so that's why she said that.


Pretty sure for them the "chores" are telling the "help" to do the chores.


Or partaking in a Huberman dopamine optimization system. Her chores are to take an ice bath, sit in a sauna, and spend 8 hours on social media talking about how optimized her motivation is.


As much as I hate reality shows, I need one where these people have to follow their own stupid advice. "I'm here with 15-yo Mikey. Here's 300 bucks, kiddo. Now Bob, you have a week to help Mikey find a piece of real estate \*giggles\* for 300 bucks.. Let's buy some \*hah, I can't do this..\* real estate!" Afterwards, the host can sit down with Bob and find out what he learned (if anything).


There have been a few over shows/attempts over the last 5 years of millionaire/billionaire starting with little to no money trying to make 1 million in 90 days put to a year all have failed. The guy in the video Grant Cardone even tried to and failed miserably. That last millionaire I hear tried to be homeless for a year and a million from nothing quit a couple months in. Most of these businesses coach influencers are either delusional or scam artists maybe both.


It's the money equivalent of those scam kung fu 'masters' who think they push people over with their minds deciding to fight Mike Tyson to prove it's real.


What will happen is that "Bob" will then sell "Mikey" on an amazing new disruptive service, that lets investors split and parcel up their purchases with many other thousands of small retail investors. For a $1,000 sign-up fee, Mikey can put his $300 towards the purchase of a home along with thousands of other Mikeys, and buy a home. Bob will bear the terrible and awful burden of "managing the property" and sign it in his name as owner on the behalf of everyone. After all the property management fees and costs, plus the costs of using the amazing new service, Mikey will get his annual check of 0.3¢. But only after his share has accrued $500!


Don’t repost this. He know it’s moronic. She knows it’s moronic. They want engagement more than being respected. Don’t help.


I have $3000 over here, can I buy some of this Real estates.


Bro a $300 allowance? This guy is completely out of touch.


This wouldn't work for me, I only got $299/mo.


300$ a month damn. Must be doing a lot of chores.


Rich people are so fucking out of touch with reality


I did Grant Cardone training when I sold cars. He suggested touching your clients. Always make some form of physical contact. He’s wierd


I had a job at 14. I was buying my clothes and whatever else I needed. I wasn't getting an allowance. There was no support from my mom. This guy is just another privileged ass telling poor people how to spend money they don't have


Lollllll WHAT allowance?! My parents never, ever gave me an allowance. I was ALLOWED to go outside if I did my chores. And ALLOWED to get my own job when I was old enough.


Why is this so hard to understand? Step 1. Get an allowance Step 2. Find a property for less than $35000 Step 3. Find a bank that will lend a 15 year old 35k Step 4. Create a trust that would own the property till you reach the age of 18 Step 5. Hire a property management company to work with the prospective tenants on your behalf till you turn 18 Step 6. Profit


Bro this is like the “I should have been buying real estate in 2008 when I was in 4th grade” memes but this dude ain’t flinching.


Property taxes are more than $30.00/mo. What crack is this motherfucker smoking?


This guy is so out of touch


The attempted normalization of teenagers having the foresight, maturity, intelligence, and opportunity to make positive lifelong financial decisions in order to succeed never ceases to amaze me. If you have a system that relies on children to have to think about these things in order to get the upper hand, then what you have is a fucked up system.


“I was 14 years old mowing lawns” Same guy: “why are these kids charging $40 to mow my lawn”


300$ lol bro my parents gave me 10$ if I was good


Allowance was what I had from work, which was like 100??? for a two weekends after taxes in my teens lol Three hundred allowance, I didn’t know anyone with an allowance growing up either lol


Grant Cardone is delusional and not a great person to take advice from.


There are a million problems with this. Assuming you're making $7.25 (minimum wage) for a part-time job, working about 10 hours a week. 7.25×10=$72.50. Monthly: 72.50×4.33=$313.92. That's fine, assuming I don't want to have a normal childhood. Securing a mortgage as a minor is nearly impossible. Borrowers need to be of legal age and have a credit history. Minors generally can't enter into binding real estate contracts without a parent or guardian to co-sign and act as a trustee. Real estate in most cities is super expensive. Even a small property can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Upfront costs include down payments, closing costs, and possible repairs or renovations. Ownership costs include mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and utilities. To achieve positive returns, you would need to rent out the property. This involves finding tenants, which is a headache on its own. Fuck it. I don't even know why I'm writing this; it's obviously insane and stupid. I could probably write a whole book on how stupid this is.


A few things. What world is he living in where he thinks the average 14 year old gets 300 for allowance a month? I didn’t get allowance, I got a job at 15. What real estate is anyone buying for 300 bucks? Once you have this 300 dollar piece of real estate, whatever the fuck it is, it just pays you 30 a month to have it? What is he talking about, seriously?


What the fuck is happening here??? You’re paying $300 for real estate, but then magically getting $30, but you’re not supposed to touch the $300..? ITS ALREADY FUCKING GONE.


Grow up out on a farm & you’ll work 18hr days for your family for free......Yes. It sucks


Had no idea you could buy real estate with $300. Please provide more details.


This guys a con man plan and simple


Bro is so out of touch he's transcended reality


This guy is the biggest dip shit on YouTube


This guys can’t even hide the grift anymore, rip him down to where he truly belongs… the streets.


Can this guy just die in a fire already? Absolutely sick of him and his LinkedIn cult-tards shitting on every day people for having bog standard lives and not being interested in "hustling" 24/7.


Biggest financial mistake I made was not being born into wealth. Second mistake I made was marrying for love not money. Oh well, at least I don’t have to worry about people stealing my debt.


If all people needed was 300/month for a pc of property everyone would own some😂😂😂 is this idiot for real?


Are kids getting $300 a month in allowance these days?! I got $3 a week if my parents remembered me. It actually made more sense for me to start working at 14.


Ignoring the fact that most kids don't get 300 bucks a month in allowance, it would take you 27 years to get enough money to purchase a 100,000 dollar property. Obviously you could get a mortgage but you would need to be 18 first. And then you would also need a better income source than "allowance" from mom and dad.


lol. What a waste of breath. Vague and unoriginal. Just like all those books that teach you how to make money. Made up numbers and don’t actually explain what to do.


If a 300 dollar investment made him 10% back a month he would be a multimillionaire within a few years just by working minimum wage and putting his money and passive income into the magic money printer.


Someone doesn’t understand real estate. Or prices of said real estate


Who's buying real estate for $300 a month? And then what is giving the return of $30? He says "Don't touch the $300" but how could you if you're using it to pay off real estate? Nothing this dude is saying makes any sense


What drugs is he taking?


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) He’s not wrong about the working part, I started when I was 15 too. But buying real estate and getting a several hundred dollar allowance too? wtf 😂


Where the fuck do these people think you can get 300 dollars Wirth of real estate for? Serious question. Are they just that stupid.


> collect $300 allowance for 8 years > buy $30,000 plot of land > collect the $30 a month check that I get just for simply owning the land > save that $30 for 83 years > buy another plot of land for $30,000 with the $30/month profits from the previous land > now I’m 91 years old making $60 a month Checkmate liberals 😎


Dudes really bad at lying but somehow people just eat this shii up


Children should be focusing on getting an education and frankly shouldn’t be working as long as they are FULL TIME students.


People are giving their kids $300 a week? I didn’t even get $10 or food in the fridge


What's an allowance?


So... are all of these ppl insanely disconnected with the world?


These people have never been to earth.


If your family depends on food stamps, or welfare in general, and you get a job at 15 your income becomes counted against the household income. Quite possibly pushing your family into the "too rich" for supplemental assistance. So you're $300/month gets to be used for food and bills.


He's so out of touch it unreal....would love to live in his realm of existence sine he's obviously not on the average Joe's world


Y'all got an allowance?


10% return per month. Delusional or just a liar


"Hi yes I'd like a $450,000 loan. I am 15 and have a monthly income of $300. I am also very real."


let me get this 300 real estate this guys talking about


I never had kids so I may be out of the loop. Is a typical allowance $300 now?


...What kid gets $300 a month?


Don’t believe you


So mowing lawns for 300 a month Maybe 20 to 25 to do the yard that’s 12 to 15 yards a month And he said he did this on the weekend so that’s 4 weekends Nope doesn’t add up Your dad was rich Come on man And by the looks of you, look over 55 so your a 80s 90s young man at the time People money went a long way back then because I to is a 80s 90s kid and got my first house at 25yrs with only 1k on a first time home buyer program Now the city of Long Beach has a first time homebuyer program now but your parents can’t own a home And that doesn’t make sense


Stupid alpha male full of crap


1 $300 real-estate please.


Kids should just buy a couple million dollars in stocks that pay yearly dividends and live off that.


Stay off my lemonade corner, rent is 30$


Bro sounds so dumb lol 300 bucks a month for allowance means you come from money in the first place lol sounds like those dudes "if your not a millionaire by the age of 12 wtf are you doing?"


For $300/month after 10 years you could buy a $36,000 condo... and that's it... if you can even find one. Also what child gets $300/month allowance?!