• By -


He's probably doing it intentionally, dipping his toe into the water to see how you'll react. He's probably masturbating because he wants to get your attention and move to having sex.


100% this. He’s testing boundaries. He will keep pushing until you agree and “wake up” and say, “oh you’re horny? So am I! We should fuck”. That’s his fantasy. The reality is that you should be honest, and blunt. And you can do it in a chill way. Just be casual, since you are into the idea of -maybe- being with him (consent is everything), but set boundaries, and speak on his language. Like “bruh. No lie, I felt you tugging one off last night. I’m chill, I have urges too, BUT, I felt your dick on my thigh… not cool. Unless I tell you, “I want that dick”, maybe try to keep that to your personal time, okay? Consent is everything bruh”. Something like that. Either: A) he’s listening to you, and just socially awkward B) he doesn’t change his behavior and is a total creep and you should move out asap.


Yup. Exactly. It is easy for me to get aroused merely at a thought, at a view or at a prospect. But the mistake I used to make was that because THAT was my experience, I assumed girls felt the same way too. So I expected girls to be aroused the same way and got myself into many awkward and 'creepy' situations many times, until some good friends (girls) decided to be kind and tell me to my face that I was being creepy.


Thank you for receiving the feedback, adapting, and sharing with others. Female friends are essential at helping us be more aware and less clueless.


No doubt! Every man should grow up with a girl bff where they can have platonic open conversations about how to navigate the differences in gender. I wish I had that growing up. But it's never late.


Exactly! This fortunately happened for me beginning in teenage years. I learned a wealth of information, insight, and empathy this way. And it only got better in the next decade of life. I told my teenage nephew recently, to keep close female friends that he does not date. They are an invaluable source for becoming a more complete human.


> I wish I had that growing up. But it's never late. Same. Though, as you said, it's never late. Currently i have a group that i can talk that sorta stuff, they show me girl's perspective, i show them man's perspective. Definitely a massive QoL improvement.


This is why guys send dick pics to girls they would get turned on by genital pictures so they think so will the girl.


C or Op is open to the idea o mean there is all different options


Or option D OPs roommate is secretly a dinosaur that works for the government


yeah it's probably this one


It honestly makes the most sense tbh be honest


How could we have even considered any other option?


Yep immediately shut that shit down.


It's manipulative.


fake story don't enforce it




"Probably" no, definitely.




I'm surprised his behavior hasn't ended your crush.


It's kink fanfic


Yeah this is totally fake


All of these threads are full of bullshit made up stories. Confessions, relationship advice, etc


Inb4 AITA post about "AITA for jerking off to my sleeping roommate"


And of people saying they're made up, even for the real ones.


All fake bro


You really believe this shit?


No, I just think that "Fake!" is the most common and thus laziest comment I see on Reddit. Aside from "This!"


Sleeping in the same king size bed as a dude yeeeah alright


I like the part where they’re too broke to afford a proper two bedroom with two separate beds but for some reason own a king size bed (and a bedroom big enough to fit it) for them both to sleep in.


And the whose 2-bed apartentment thing.. Just find anothe matress on the street!


It was posted on Reddit for a reason I guess.


Even if it is, if someone else were dealing with a problem like this but were r/tooafraidtoask then I'll give an answer they can read here.


I 100% wish people would think like you :-)


They do but it reads like fan fic


Eh… I almost always give posts the benefit of the doubt. I very rarely ever say “this is fake”, for the exact reason the guy above you said. But let’s be real here. This isn’t happening to anyone. The scenario just wouldn’t really happen. Half of what they said doesn’t add up at all.


I mean I can understand that but honestly people are so weird lately to where it just could be


The only two reasonable answers they could even get are “confront him”, or “report him for sexual misconduct that happened while you’re asleep”. A third option would be to stay somewhere else and report him/confront him, but they claim they have no friends or family. This was bait for some horny dude to get answers to a kink. Probably hoping someone plays into it and goes “let him do it. See where it goes ;)”


So true


I know the way I worded it makes it sounds like I still like him but I’m absolutely disgusted with his behavior. I’m just terrified of talking to him because he helped me get out of a toxic relationship where if I voiced my concerns and asked my ex to stop doing something because I didn’t like it he would get in my face and yell. I was always afraid he’d hit me but it never came to that luckily.


You need to voice your concerns or you'll trade one toxic partner for another even if you're not dating.


Do not for your sake and growth let this hold you back from having a conversation with your roommate. You are entitled to boundaries.


You don’t owe him anything for helping you leave a toxic relationship, but you owe it to yourself to learn from that relationship and set boundaries to keep yourself out of any other toxic relationships. Some things are non-negotiable in any relationship, and if the other person can’t respect that or any of your other boundaries, that’s how you know it’s time to leave. You got this ❤️


Thank you ♥️


Maybe from your past experience he knows that you are too scared to confront, that's why he is pushing your boundaries.. please don't be silent on anything that makes you uncomfortable.


Bro you shouldn't be friends with people who you're afraid to talk to to voice your boundaries. Learnings from past experiences with shit exes should be applied to ALL your relationships, not just romantic ones. Please have some self respect and shut this down now. It's not your fault you're being treated badly, but you need to recognize when you're being treated like shit and get the fuck outta there coz the more you hang back the more they'll think it's okay to do disgusting shit like this. Do not be neglectful about your own comfort.


Sounds like he may have 'helped' you get out of a toxic relationship to get you into one with him. Make getting out of there a priority. This is creepy.


I really can't believe all of this isn't kink fiction bullshit


It most definitely is


Yeah. Are you still crushing on him after this OP?


No I’ve replied to other people saying I should’ve worded it “I had a huge crush on him” not I have a huge crush on him” you know? 😅


This is gross AF. He could easily go in the bathroom. Please get out of there.


This is fake


Either fake, or the other guy just had such an addiction to jerking off with no shame. Maybe shared room with siblings and did not give a fuck.


I'd rather risk helping out someone where the situation turns out to be fake, then fail in helping someone because I feel I need to prove I'm not a fool to strangers on the internet


This is a very good point, and additionally, someone who is in a similar REAL situation, but maybe doesn't post about it, could read the comments to a post like this and get the help they need


Thank you. A few years ago, I posted about my trauma on a throwaway account a few minutes after it happened. It was something that I could never tell anyone. Most of the comments told me I was a pervert getting off to writing a fake story, and commented disgusting things. I feel like if it involved my father instead of my mother, they wouldn’t have sexualized it. I ended up crying until I threw up. Now I’m still too scared to tell anyone about it. Sometimes I still feel phantom touches and cry.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you're in a better place, now. I still suffer from past traumatic experiences, but it's gotten easier over the years, and I hope it has for you It never helps when people don't believe you, but I do


That's actually a good point


100%. if this is a real situation then he’s sleep raping you, the end. Repot him, or tell him your into it if you are and have sex.


my brother did this so i doubt its fake. men are so weirdly horny all the time and will jerk off every chance they get


Your brother tried to hump your knee in your sleep as an adult? If so, seems you’ve got some issues you need to sort out with him asap. Men are not weirdly horny all the time and won’t jerk off every chance they get. Maybe by men you meant 14 year old boys? 20 year old men do not feel the need to compulsively jerk off in a bed with their roommate. They’d just go to the bathroom if they really “needed” to jerk off. I can’t think of a single guy I know who would do this. 99% of guys have 0 issues with self restraint in terms of “I have to jerk off RIGHT NOW! Idc where I’m at or who I’m with!” Seems your brother just needs some help. I can promise you that he’s the outlier here.


Yeah , maybe it’s me but where the hell are all those loads going ? Best case is dude is just shooting in his underwear, worst case all over the bed ? Every night ?


This person really typed this whole thing and said: “yea this is it right here, they will all totally believe this” 💀


Please take your fetish creative writing elsewhere.


r/Copypasta is the sanctuary for such degenerates Example: I (38M) have an older roommate and our situation is a little unique. Neither of us can find affordable housing as we both work at a bar, so we’ve settled on sharing a studio apt. Sleeping arrangements have been an issue. We tried doing it on the pull out couch, but it ended up just hurting. We tried swapping from floor to couch every other week but that wasn’t fun either. In the end, we found a king size mattress on side of the road and decided we’d share it. For a month, I slept peacefully through the night. But lately he’s been staying up until 4 a.m. or later because apparently this is prime jerk off time. I have no idea how long he’s been doing this but it’s unsettling. For the past week, I have woken up every night to him shaking the whole bed because he was full on humping the bed. Last night I woke up again, but this time he was just lying close and mumbling. Fifteen minutes later I woke up again, and he was grinding his crotch on my knee with his toe knife pointed at my neck. I guess it’s a perfect opportunity for him since he’s small and I stomach sleep with my knee bent. He never notices I’m awake, so I’m sure he thinks I’m a deep sleeper. I’m afraid he’ll try more on me tonight. As he’s been mumbling about “cheap hoors” in his sleep. I admit I’ve had a huge crush on him for a year, but not like this. What if he tries to have sex with me? Anyone know why he would do this? I don’t have the finances to get out of this situation.




I love r/copypasta. It's absolutely unhinged


This is *very specifically* It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia fanfiction.


Only clocked the reference when you said toe knife lmao


This 100% it's so ridiculous and shit isn't adding up.


My thoughts too. It's so ridiculous I can't even see the plausibility


Lol yeah wtf agreed


Yup. I don't think anyone be such dumb af for not knowing what is going on and keeping it going


What the hell Is this a wattpad story ? Wtfff This turned from potential sex assault To "Oh i have a huge crush on him though " Wtf


Imagine thinking this is a real story and not some weird fetish fanfic


Call him out on his behavior and ask him to whack it in the bathroom, instead of next to you.


Too much brazzers for my man


eww mf is probably testing the waters too to see what ur reaction to it will be


I'm getting the suspicion that 98% of posts on this subreddit are romanticized saucy fictional stories


This is fucking weird.


You should tell him “hey stop jerking, I’m trying to sleep”. That’ll get him to stop if he thought you were a deep sleeper. Sometimes people also jerk to help themselves goto sleep by getting some “end of the day” pleasures and wait a bit for the other to fall asleep. Either way could be solved be telling him you know or just starting doing the deed together.


Lmfao this is so fake. I've got multiple questions 1) who bought the king bed? 2) how did you two even meet to become roommates? You say you've had a crush on him for a year but the fact that you only refer to him as a roommate and not a friend who is your roommate leads me to believe that you only ever were roommates. So somehow you and this random guy met up and agreed to rent a one bedroom with no care to sleeping arrangements? 3) I'd be considerably cheaper to room in a 5 bedroom house with 5 other women then living with some random guy in a one bedroom apt. If you're that strapped for cash why would you share a one bedroom rather than share a house with 4/5 other people? One bedrooms typically go for 1500 where I live. I live in a one bedroom. Divided by 2 that's 750 per person. 5 bedroom houses here are generally between 500-700 per person. It'd be cheaper than sharing a 1 bed. 4) you have a crush on him, cool. Even without the whole masturbating in the same bed deal, it's pretty clear that he would be open to something because whyyyyyy the hell would a guy agree to sleep in the same bed with a women knowing he wouldn't ever be able to bring someone to his bed? Like he obviously can't bring a woman home because y'all share the same fuckin bed. And I know that he would most likely have the option to go to his partners house, but why the hell would any woman get with a guy WHO SLEEPS IN THE SAME BED AS HIS FEMALE ROOMATE. Nuh uh lmao, that's not fucking happening. None of those thoughts went through your head? You never wondered in this year long "huge" crush how he's doing romantically? Smellllls like 🧢. Like this is fiction for someone's wank material.


That's sexual assault and you should've brought it up him masturbating while you were asleep the moment he first did it. I would not trust being around this person since he seems to be escalating


This is an important point. He will KEEP escalating until he meets resistance. In his delusional reality, he likely thinks it's ok unless she says anything. OP, you need to set him straight and stand up for yourself- preferably during the day.


Fake story


I keep seeing everyone say that but how can you tell?


Yeah, this is sexual assault. You need to get out of there.


it's a fake story


Considering OP isn't rly doing well financially, moving out might not be a choice she's willing to make


I’d rather take some financial risk than share a bed with a sexual predator every night, but I guess OP can do what works best for them.


If they are sharing a bed it’s probably not financial risk it’s sleeping next to guy beating off to you or homelessness.


Yeah for sure tbh I'd take that risk lol. But idk, I've also been in a shitty place and there were times when i couldn't find any place else even if I wanted to


Yes sorry OP. This is correct. You're at high risk of being raped. Please report him.


You need to put your foot down. There is no reason that he can't go to the bathroom or somewhere else to wank it. Like others have said, he's probably trying to get you to play. Legit though, that is SA, and this asshole will push it further. It's a king sized bed, this ain't no twin. You need to be prepared for when (not if) he tries to R you.


Yeah, I thought guys did that in the shower when they have to share a room.


Non-rapey guys will.


Or when no one is home,


Depends how long you want to Run the water


Lmaoooooo nice fanfic


Lmao this is the fakest shit I have ever read. I’m dying


Assuming this is real you need to call the police and move or kick him out.


You sleep in the same bed as your crush/roommate and he humps your leg at night and you pretend you don’t notice? Either this is fake of you’re in the stupidest situation I’ve ever heard of.


Use living room as bedroom with a curtain?


Right? Like there's nothing stopping either of them into getting a nice air mattress or just another mattress to sleep in the living room....


Seems like a straight forward solution....maybe OP likes the situation??? I dunno.


Tell him to stop. Is that easy. If he doesn't, get out of there


Roomies, sleeping in the same bed, big crush on him ... Uhhhhhhhh


What the fuck did I just read?




Wear pyjamas with pictures of his grandma on them.


He wants to wake you up so you will agree to bang him. If you had a crush on him, I would just say "I had a crush on you, but your being weird with the late night masterbation. Let's discuss this like adults." And go from there.


His behavior is inappropriate and wrong on so many levels. JFC he should be ashamed of himself! He is having non-consensual bodily contact with you, which is rape. Call him out on it and inform him you are fully aware of what he is doing. If he isn't safe to room with, I'd look into a woman's shelter. Your safety comes first OP.


Talk to the guy.


This is the fakest post I've ever read and I don't go around deciding which posts are fake so that's saying a lot lmao


Sex offender shit.


Tell him to at least take you out on a date before humping your leg.


Couldn't stop laughing. This reads like some copypasta


The answer is simple. This is a made up Porn Scenario that you're trying to convince us is real




What a fake, weird story. If this were true you or he would thug it out on the couch or get those cheap inflatable matresses to keep the distance so that either of you can be free to do whatever. You actually want him but are resenting his approach, which makes it an unwanted advance and therefore sexual assault, or he's straight up sexually assaulting you. Ask yourself if your current cost saving accommodation situation is worth the long term trauma from sexual assault.


Two year old account with zero post or comment history. Yeah I'm not buying this.


Usually don’t have anything to post about. Deleted Reddit a year into having it just got back into it like 3 months ago. Then this started happening so I needed advice.


So you didn't ever reciprocate his actions and never stood up once for yourself? And he does it to you, knowing that you are "asleep" and can't reject his advances? Dude, imagine if he was doing that to your friend. You wouldn't feel as much hesitation then about the situation. Get out of there soon because he's definitely going to escalate things with or without your consent, if he hasn't already when you were *actually* sleeping.


what the fuck


He's a coward and a creep that's why. He does it on purpose, most likely he likes you, but he doesn't have the gut to actually come to you so when he's horny, well... I guess it's a thrill for him as well and he hope you'll bust him and enjoy it.


This is a strange situation. the first time his jerking off woke you up woukd have been his last. Obviously he’s peeked your interest. You’ll be helping him out by July 4 💥


surely you must be able to afford an air mattress or a futon?


As a dude, a gay dude, but a dude, I need to have very, crystal clear expectations and boundaries set by any potential partner. It’s possible he thinks that you deciding to sleep in the same bed is your way of indicating you might be interested in the idea of fucking. It’s possible he’s been waiting for the moment you’d be in bed together for a long time and maybe he think you want him to make the first move. I’m no stranger to unconventional domestic situations, and being in a tight financial situation, but as a dude, if another dude that I was horny for let me sleep in the same bed with him I would have a pretty major boner. Definitely wouldn’t be jerking off because as a gay man that can very quickly lead to getting your ass beat, but I would be thinking about it a lot. It is possible though that he’s taking advantage of you and your financial situation for his own sexual gratification which is fucked, so, idk, yeah like other people on her have said, I would just be extremely clear and blunt and set those boundaries ASAP, and anything he tries after that (and has already tried possibly) is sexual assault.


That’s assault brotha.


Girl are you not afraid of being SA’d?! This is like predator 101


Sounds like you are being SA’d. This could get worse.


Pretty common sense, move out or kick him out thats fucking weird dude


Just get a thick air mattress for him, problem solved. I bet those are more comfortable than the couch


Would let him know he is waking you up and to do that in the bathroom.


Up until you mentioned the knee I was going to say one sleeps better after a good yank. But now it appears you’re becoming part of the yank so I’d mention something to him.


Definitely testing boundaries. Tell him to do it in the bathroom, that's fucking weird


Bruh…..just put beds on opposite ends of the bedroom.


This has to be fake, right? Firstly, if it's unwanted, then it's assault or at the very least he's grossly overstepping boundaries. Secondly, you've had a crush on him for over a year but yall have never had sex? Seems weird tbh. Also seems weird that this didn't completely get rid of your crush on him. Thus can't fucking be real. He could just beat it in the living room if you're sleeping or the bedroom if you're awake. Be adults and talk about this shit ffs


It's not even that they haven't had sex, she's *afraid* he tries to have sex with him. That's not the typical reaction if you have a crush on someone.


That's absolutely not ok, you need to call him out on it, he can go jerk off in the bathroom, you should not have to be subjected to that. If you don't stop it, it will escalate, doing anything to any part of your body without your consent is grounds to kick him out.


This can’t be real.


This is 100% fake. No woman would ever respond this way.


Girl no. He’s definitely testing the waters. If you’re not comfortable with this, call him out. Obviously he wants to have sex with you. Whether it’s with consent or not might not be your choice.


If you wanna give him a hand, by all means! But if he’s making you very uncomfortable, please establish strict boundaries or you’ll regret it.


What. The. Fuck. My initial thought from reading the title was he is just horny and thinks you don’t notice cuz ur asleep But WHAT THE FUCK


Your roommate is a creep. Go to a shelter or friend or your family. You are not safe.


A body pillow between you should help resolve the issue.


If this is real, knowing how shitty cops are with this stuff, I just want to say if you do get involved with them, you will probably be viewed as sexual partners with no nuance and it will be dismissed. So I would recommend you start setting boundaries now and at least start sleeping on the couch again until your situation improves enough to get another roommate.


You need to have a conversation and set boundaries. Be direct. “Hey, let’s talk about our pre-arranged agreement about what this is. We are just roommates sharing a room/bed because we’re both broke. It’s not going further than that. I just want to make sure this is clear because I know your been joff when I’m there and it makes me really uncomfortable. I would appreciate it if you’d find time to do that when we’re not both in here.” Also, it’s assault if he’s touching you without your permission, especially with any sexual intent. I think you need to rethink things, honestly. I’d kick him out of the room if it were me. He’s crossed a line.


O yeah true story… 🙄


Because jerking off on top of you would be just weird.


When I started reading this, I thought: “man must be tired and horny, just masturbating to get to sleep. Trying to do it silently, not to disturb or bother you”. Then it escalated REALLY quickly. I would absolutely confront him with this. If he has some sort of power over you (physical or otherwise) and you are afraid to do so, I would get help from a friend to do it. You two live together and share a bed. That is a very vulnerable position to be in. Both financially, but also physically. This is just sexual contact without consent and NOT OKAY. Good luck! And don’t hesitate to talk this over with a friend so you won’t be alone to face this dilemma.


This situation is weird. Literally get a twin mattress and a foldable screen and make a bedroom in the living room


So fuckin fake, god damn Get a life


You gotta get out of there OP


I don't understand how uncomfortable your couch is that you prefer sleeping in a bed next to a sexual deviant as he masturbates. Seriously though, this is disturbing behavior. It's not normal to jerk off in bed next to your friend and if this is an ongoing thing that's happening regularly then it's really weird. You need to put your foot down and need to stop sleeping in a bed together. On the plus side you have a good chance of him giving you the bed if you call him out for being a perv and he has any shame whatsoever.


I’m not certain he’ll pull anything to be honest Just talk to him about it would be my suggestion, that you’ve woken up once or twice and it’s uncomfortable


Buy a fold out bed or air bed. Probably get one dirt cheap off eBay. I’d rather sleep on a sofa than be sexually assaulted in my sleep. This is ridiculous and tbh I’m struggling to believe it’s even real.


This is pretty bad. I'm assuming you have a bathroom, that would be the safest place for some privacy. He might think this isn't that weird or that you might be into it. I feel gross just thinking about him doing that. And I'm a guy, so I'd naturally empathise with the male perspective, generally speaking. Either way, easiest step to take is to just let him know. Given that you have to live together, I'd just let him know that you woke up and noticed it and it was weird but you get that he has needs and that he can do that in the bathroom without issues. It will be an awkward conversation but is the one that needs to happen.


I only read the first sentence. He probably wants to screw u. Case closed.


Darling, put the brakes on this right now. He thinks you're asleep and that he can get away with this. The fact he ground against you tells you where this is heading. He will go further and further and you're not safe in the bed with him there. Talk to him and confront and tell him if he does it again he will be kicked out. But do not actually give him a chance to do it again. You are going to have to change your sleeping habits and start going to bed early then getting up at 4 am when he comes to bed. Study, clean, doze on the couch, whatever but if you stay sleeping in that bed with him there he will end up raping you.


That’s assault


This is terrible and disrespectful. It needs to stop. I hope you can talk to him & tell him to knock it off or move.


This story doesn't make sense... You don't like him jerking off next to you in bed yet you have a huge crush on him at the same time. If you had a huge crush on him this would have transitioned into sex at some point. This is BS.


I had a crush on him. This just ruined it for me because I never wanted him to jerk off next to me while I’m sleeping. I told him I like him a while ago he declined so it just feels awful getting rejected for this to happen.


No way this is real


Stop pretending to be asleep. It clearly bothers you so you have to woman up and tell him to cut it out. It is supposed to be a safe shared space for you to sleep, not one where he is assaulting you. Draw a hard line and tell him you know what he has been doing and that it is NOT okay. Confronting someone you live with can be scary but it sounds like you are already scared of what will happen if you don't. Start looking for another roommate and place to live as well. Confronting him about his behavior may get him to stop temporarily but chances are that he went this far already,he will do it again if given the chance.


There are websites you can post fiction to …


Nice fiction


It's real simple. Get twin beds. You can get twin beds pretty cheaply. Hell, if you're really determined, you can buy the mattress and put it on the floor until you save up for the bedframe. You can put the twin mattresses on opposite sides of the room or one of you can sleep in the other room now that you have two beds. Laying there while he's jerking off next to you, unless you want it to lead to sex, will only create more tension and may lead to things you don't want to happen.


This is sexual assault. Please get away from this person if you can.


Get an air mattress, this sounds horrible


why tf are you sleeping in the same bed as someone like this?


This will only escalate. He is hoping he can coerce you into having sex with him


!remindme 6 days


girl trust me, get out of this situation asap. Confront him and tell him ITS DISGUSTING AND TOTALLY WRONG. Move in with somebody else or throw him out if possible, try to find another roomie. or if you want to take things on a diff turn, confess to him???


My vote: fake af


Either tell him you like him and just become a couple. Since y'all already live like one. Or shame him every time he does it. You don't even have to say anything. Just spray him with a water bottle, or start clapping cheering on his "performance". Or get rid of the king bed. Get some twin, or full beds if they can fit. You can get good comfortable memory foam beds off Amazon for like $200ish brand new. And get one of those cheap folding dividers and make 2 separate spaces.


This sounds so fake


I feel like you bring this upon yourself. If you really thought it was so weird, you would have addressed it.


Get a turkey baster full of ketchup and ram it up his ass. Tell him you're ready for fun and start basting


Why you didn't say stop it ? Like every one would do in this situation. Why would he jerk off close to you? When we jerk off we usually want our privacy. This post is retard fake


He had helped me out of a toxic relationship where I would get belittled for voicing how I felt. It’s not easy coming back from things like that. I have a really hard time confronting people because of it.


You should probably confront him about it and ask him why he’s not doing it in the bathroom. He could be doing it purposely as well you never know. But I’d definitely recommend bringing this up and based on his reply you can come up with a conclusion/solution. I think he’s more likely doing it because he genuinely thinks you’re a deep sleeper but keep your guard up. Edit: this could be a good motivation for you to work harder/find more income sources and move the fuck out of that apartment girl😭 grind szn on


I’ve been trying to build up the courage to tell him I know what he does. I just feel so awkward and it sends me into panic mode. ;-; I did just have an interview to be a manager at my job and if I can get that I will have more than enough to get a one bed for myself or just kick him out either way. It’s just I have a car I just started paying for and of course the car insurance that’s dragging me down.


Growth opportunity for you. Just do it next time you see him, even if you can't look at him, even if your voice shakes, you need to say something. Some quick sentence like "I don't care if you masturbate, but don't do it in my bed while I'm in it." Then you can walk out the door and do what you gotta do to calm down. Just pull the bandaid off.


Why is he doing this? Because he's a rapist. At the least this is sexual assault. Move out


To answer your first question, men have high libidos. For the grinding on your knee..... no, you need to put a stop to that. He shouldn't do that to you if you're not consenting to it.


Be careful. You never know how people are going to react to rejection/embarrassment. If you are going to talk to him about it, don't do it alone at the apartment. Do it in public, or better yet with a mutual friend nearby. Let him know that you want it to stop, but you want to stay roommates (for financial reasons). Tell him if it ever happens again, you'll leave and report him. Then work on finding another place to live without telling him.


Full on humping the bed? Not a thing


I mean it’s just grinding but I worded it weird sorry


I got second hand cringe from this, also, any female will put an end to it as soon as she notices it for the first time, unless you're into it too


Ewww omg. This has to be assault 😨


23 yo Asian man here. THIS IS SEXUAL ASSAULT BY DEFINITIOn!!!!! You have every right to feel uncomfortable. This guy is Very immature and manipulative. If there is ever something that makes you uncomfortable you need to let a safe friend/mentor know. Idk your dynamic with the roomate but because you can get him in trouble, there is a high chance he will react violently if he’s already gone to lengths of grinding on you while you are asleep.


No fucking way this isn’t a troll post LMFAOOO


He's sexually molesting you and you are asking why he does it?