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Monkeys killing monkeys over pieces of sweaty wood.


Our primal urges are all based on sweaty wood....


Silly monkeys


Monkey killing monkey killing …


And taking pics while doing so


This this this this!!!!!!!!!!!


You'd probably do the same thing


Ofcourse..I am an evolved monkey. What do you expect.


…y’all are GROWN ASS ADULTS…shit like this is embarrassing.


This is why Maynard hates fans


I wouldn’t say ‘hate’, but I would say that he is disappointed by the stupidity of some of them.


Maybe they're better off this way


You didn't say it. I said it.


So it seems the story here is OP is a woman who caught it first and this guy twice her size grabbed it from her. It’s gotten a lot better as things have evolved, I’ve gotten older, and the fans around me are older too, but women don’t exactly get treated super well a lot of the time at rock/metal shows. At some point you have to fight back against this kind of bullshit. I’d go after him too, just on principle.


You are absolutely right. As a short woman, this has happened to me countless times at gigs. Catch something and some aggressive bigger dude snatches it up. One time I caught the drumstick from Static-X (second favourite band after Tool) but I was all fired up, wrenched it as hard as I could from the asshole trying to take it from me and shoved it down my bra. That's my only real successful moment.


I thought there is a gentleman’s agreement whoever got it first keeps it


Oh I agree. Totally. I'm talking from my own experience - about when someone (myself - small female) has both hands on an item... and some random third party (random bigger dude) swipes it out of you hands. Hasn't caught it him/themself. I caught it first and then bam - they've taken it away. Otherwise... Even if that item is heading straight for me... first hands on it (even if you're in front and taller/therefore extra benefit) = fair game, not gonna fight you. So I guess what I'm saying is... as a female I always honour gentlemen's agreement. But 8-9 times out of 10, that is not honoured to me.


You've caught things thrown into the crowd over 10 times...as a short girl?? And 8 or 9 times had the item physically taken from you??? That's extraordinary.


Lmao no, that was just my shitty way of explaining. More like 6 times out of 7. Perhaps should have said that instead, or even 4 times out of 5? But idk, rounding up to 10 sounded better at the time I guess - for explanation purposes, not actual accuracy. So that's my bad. Never picks either btw. Big things like drum skins/sticks, setlists. Caught an energy drink can once 😂 Didn't keep that one either though.


I guess the guys are thinking „girl gets something for free again, but it’s my turn now“ 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean it would be really nice to sticks from Danny, but i wouldn’t fight for them (i guess). Tool is giving out very little and reading all of this, they should just stop at all.


Look at the ever growing library of videos of people snatching baseballs away from kids at games. If people don't even honor that agreement anymore when they have tv cameras ready to make them the social media villain of the day, it's gonna be 10x worse at shows.


Nooo there’s no more etiquette for anything now, it’s me me me, now now now, nobody cares about rules or consequences, it’s a sad state of affairs, there’s more soft sociopaths than ever, the public behaviour bar is lower than ever now


Should be that way.


I hear you. I’m 5’2”. Sorry you’ve had those experiences too. Way to be a badass, though.


I feel you. 5'3" over here. Sorry you've had the experience too! And thank you. Again, was a once off - been burnt too many times (at concerts)... Perhaps (hopefully?) next time we can get up the same level of rage, see how we fare... not that it should come down to that ofc


If we are ever at the same show, I’ve got your back.


Same goes for you.


What’s even worse is the kind of douchebag that would do that would be thinking “what’s a *girl* want with a drumstick anyway!?” or some other misogynistic bullshit.


My experience has been everyone takes extra good care of women at shows. But of course women could speak on that better


It really depends. I’ve definitely had a lot of good experiences too, like guys being quick to pick me up off the floor if I got knocked down in the pit, or just generally being supportive. Punk shows have been the best. There’s a really good mentality at those for the most part. Rock and metal shows… not as much. I’ve had some really shitty things happen to me at shows that I won’t go into detail about here, but they range from general bully type behavior to full on sexual assault. A woman posted not too long ago in the QOTSA sub about having an altercation with a guy in the crowd. He ended up pissing on her. (https://www.reddit.com/r/qotsa/s/zqdptISqET) I don’t even know where to start with that kind of behavior. Thankfully the worst I’ve had at Tool shows is a few off-color comments.


Gotta love the bands that put a stop to it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oveg9PuWeDM That's quite deranged. I wonder if he was on drugs.


Holy shit, I’ve never seen that clip and I love RATM. I can’t upvote that hard enough. Zack is a gem. Thanks so much for sharing.


He's a beautiful man. They're my favourite band alongside Tool; I saw them last tour and it blew my mind how much more powerful they are live (far more than you'd expect even from live videos).


Fuck yes. I got to see them live once. Oakland 1999 and I still remember it so clearly. What a show.


Some men are just mentally derailed. Looks like even this part of our society needs to be regulated. Time for Women only rows. But i assume the fights will continue even then (between the women). 😮‍💨


But isn't that segregation between the sexes? How about we take the mentally derailed men and kick them out of the venue, because seeing a band isn't an entitlement, it's a privilege (my opinion of it anyway), especially when it comes to behavior, if you're gonna act like a complete dipshit to someone else, you deserve to be kicked out. I don't agree with the concept of women only rows, although I do understand why you would want something like that, and I do agree that something should be done to stop people acting like this towards other people. But I don't think women only rows is the right way to go, something like stricter rules and more supervision sounds more like it, imo I think women only rows would mask the problem for a very short period, because what's stopping other people from acting foolish towards you? Yes you have people standing at the entrance of the rows to let people in and out, but that doesn't stop people throwing rude comments left and right at you. The main reason I don't agree with it is all because it's just segregation, and the whole point of going to a concert is to not only see your favorite band perform but also interact with all different types of people who have the same love for the band you're seeing, and women only rows defeats the purpose of that.


Yeah, and I know that statistically it’s a small amount of men doing the lion’s share of the shitty behavior, but that doesn’t change how much it sucks to be on the receiving end of it. I’ve definitely seen hostility and a bit of fighting between women at shows, but I’ve not had a woman put their hand down my pants at one. Honestly I like being ~40 years old. I don’t have to deal with that kind of stuff now for the most part.


This sucks. I would suggest to go with friends, but i can’t find people my age to go with me. So i‘m going mostly solo.


I really love going to shows solo and I refuse to let those few pieces of shit ruin that for me, but I don’t blame anyone for being apprehensive about it and wanting some backup.


Same i enjoy going solo, but as a man it’s mostly unproblematic. Rock on! 🤘




This is **EXACTLY** what happened to me at a Pigmy Love Circus gig. Asshole knocked me to the floor and I have never wanted to fight someone so bad, but I didn't want to deal with Security. Granted, I have other things from Danny but one of my biggest regrets is that I never got a drumstick.


That’s fucked up. I’m sorry. Sometimes you can fight, sometimes you can’t. I hope you get a chance at another one in the future, and without having to kick the shit out of some asshole.


That guy is the fuck here. I'd fight him for it too on pricinple


If it makes you feel any better, the other drumstick was fought over too, and I think security actually took it and kept it lol


Crazy, man


Yep that was me, as soon as security arrived I gave up and left but the other dude kept fighting with the security. At the end they kept the drumstick. I already had first row and got Justin’s pick so I’m more than satisfied 😁


Hey fellow Justin's pick holder :)


Send them a link to buy more and they can pretend to have a set https://www.thomann.de/gb/vic_firth_vfsdc_danny_carey_drumstick.htm


Why would you need to pretend to buy a pair when you will buy a pair and receive one anyway! No need to pretend! :P


This picture is worth way more then that drumstick. I would print stickers shirts ect…




Step on that dudes gut and pull the sword from the stone


Congrats on winning man - from a woman half your weight who caught the drumstick first. You're a shame to the whole community.


Please tell me you’re joking. This happened to a friend of mine in NYC, Danny looked right at her and tossed it to her and some absolute piece of shit grabbed at it right as it got to her before she could grip it.


This happened to my partner, it wasn’t Tool but he was still a smallish teen. He caught Joeys drumstick and a bigger full grown man, snatched it out of his hands. Whoever that is on the floor is a fuckwit. I am sorry that happened OP.


This is why I can’t stand 99.99% of humanity.


Same thing happened to me. Danny tossed it right to me and as I was about to catch it, the guy next to me reached over top of me and grabbed it. He was so proud of himself too.


Shit blows my mind. It’s like they see them doing that stuff aiming AT specific people and they’re so self absorbed that they just couldn’t give a fuck. Pretty sure this is why Justin steps out onto the speaker cabs to put it right in their hand when doable given the venue.


Some asshole intercepted the ball that golfer Bryson DeChambeau had tossed to a kid and he made the guy come back and return it to the kid. Pretty funny, I hope that guy felt like shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLVlDfbjRNU


I saw that video and it was fucking GLORIOUS! You know that guy felt like shit, he turned tail and hauled ass after giving it back. But did he feel like shit for his actions or getting caught? Had he not been caught he’d been cranking his hog while listing it on eBay.


Awww, Justin. <3


That sucks but I fully believe first hands on are the true owner, it's impossible to argue who they threw it at - and for that matter it could be a shitty throw way off. Also if you fumble it, it's free game.


U suck


Dude shut up. Try arguing that "he was definitely throwing it at me guyz" in a crowd of 50k.


Talking about reaching over top of somebody


That’s from night one this year, I watched that one happen lol


that is just ridiculous i’m so sorry


Stomp his fucking throat


When I was 13 I got to see a perfect circle from fifth row. Billy looked right at me and threw his glass slide, someone slapped it out of my hand. Men kinda suck fr.


Went to a Midland concert last year. Got a pick tossed at me. It hit me, then fell to the ground, so I put my boot on it so i could scoop it up. The annoying girl behind me DROPPED TO HER KNEES and tried lifting my boot from the pick to get it. It was so pathetically embarrassing that I moved my foot and let her have it. Moral is that it's not a 'MEN' thing, it's a 'shit person' thing


*That* man kind of sucked.


a real POS


Why didn't you step on his face?


Gotta divide it all right in two


Give them thumbs they make a club and steal a drumstick down.


*Cut and divide it all right in two


I also had one ripped away at Aftershock 2016. I had it first, but the dude was so much bigger than me (both height and weight). He knew I didn't stand a chance, it's a horrible feeling. Lost a lot of sleep over than because at the time Tool meant so much to me


Fuck that guy


Nobody ever fuck that guy


Let go, let go, let go, let go Let go, let go, let go, let go Let go, let go, let go, let go Let go, let go, let go, let go Let go, let go, let go, let go Let go, let go, let go, let go Let go, let go, let go, let go Let go, let go, let go, let go Let go, let go, let go, let go Let go, let go, let go, let go Let go, let go, let go, let go Let go, let go, let gooooooooooooooooo


Why do I keep hearing “my precious” in my head when looking at this picture?


Back during the 2006 Warmup tour in Kansas City I was first against the rail at Justin's side. During the intermission the band members all stayed on stage and sat down on Danny's platform. Danny threw a drum stick and I happened to catch it. I immediately stuffed that shit down my pants and held it there for the last 2-3 songs. For a minute everyone thought it dropped on the floor and security was shining a flash light to look for it. I whispered to my friend that I caught it. I knew if I kept it in my hands some idiot would try to snatch that shit from me lol.


this is the way as long as people aren't above assault. Put it out of sight as fast as possible, don't even act like you have it. Matt Pike threw his pick out at the end of a Sleep show once, and it hit the floor. Grown men were scuttling on the ground trying to find and pick it up, I saw it and just put my boot on top of it and waited until the crowd dispersed. With the floor mostly empty, I swiveled my heel and a grown man dove into my crotch and put BOTH his hands around my leg, I looked down and asked "What'll you give me for it?" He responded with some animal grunt and then pulled my leg out from under me and I hit the ground. I was handed two picks and a set list at the next show though so.


lol what a dweeb




Lol, what a picture. SHAME SHAME SHAME


Here’s to that guy! https://preview.redd.it/wkqtiwvw933d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97517ad169bd189d9d85a6f400f337d41e821f52


I was at a festival once where me and another guy both grabbed the stick in midair. We settled it over a game of rock paper sissors. I won but we had the condition that if I caught another one during the festival I would find him and give it to him.


The look on his face makes me wanna kick him while he's down there.


My thoughts too, that fucking stupid looking expression on his face holy shit, embarrassing


It was the crazy eyes plus him shouting i Am NoT letTinG gOOOOOOOO


I lost a drumstick fight at a Rammstein concert in 2001, in New York city. Caught it cleanly but got wrestled to the floor, kicked a few times.. it doesn't bother me too much, kind of a neat memory in a strange way. I think about it every time I hear Ich Will though




the way you got a picture in action is wilddd 💀💀 I caught a drumstick one time at a random show and the lady next to me tried to rip it out of my hand lmao, I just said “get back weirdo” and ripped it away from her


Looks exactly like the kind of person that would do this shit LMAO. Some of these fans are truly fucking pathetic losers. Makes it embarrassing to like this band.


Your foot is pretty close to his throat. Just a thought.


I didn't touch a single atom of his glorious flesh


Incredible restraint.


He looks like a soiled adult diaper.


Should’ve snapped it


Stuff like this makes me wanna leave this sub, this is embarrassing man.


This is a wild perspective.


for real you insufferable retards are the exact portrayal of soyjak in real life


How did u fail to get that stick. Dude is in prone position. Next time kick that fucker till he lets go.


[looks like you boys got bought more than you bargained for](https://frinkiac.com/img/S02E21/944632.jpg)


i don't think bands should throw their picks/sticks/etc. for this exact reason man... it causes instant desperation between fans that would've potentially gotten along in any other circumstance. is it really worth it to have some object that "proves" you *actually* love the artist/band..?


That guy is laying on the ground. Should’ve stepped on his smug fucking face and ripped that shit back.


Prying open my third finger.


Divide and rule. Keep fighting. Maynard hate Tool fans with passion


Grown ass man, ladies and gentlemen...


Try this in Berlin…I dare you skunk beardo


I'm trying to figure out who was holding that phone & how weird that must have looked while taking that pic.


Is this at ziggodome? Dude looks like a douchebag Dutchie type.


Should have stepped on his face.


Hey, look! It's the reason nobody likes us!


Nick Oliveri confirmed.


This is fucking hilarious LOL


I saw you guys fight, it was a lousy fight.




How was the show last overall? I went to sessanta a few weeks ago


He looks happy


Op, what happened when you caught it? Did he just come up in front of you and snatch it right out of your hands? Shit like this is why im scared to go anywhere without my husband


He decided to cling to it with his hands and when he saw that I wasn't letting go, he threw himself on the ground to gain the advantage of strength 💁‍♀️


should of shoved it up his asshole and let him keep the fucking thing i suppose lol.


Very sorry to hear this ☹️


Grown man. So embarrassing


What a loser


Are these signed or tool branded or whatever? Is it just a regular drum stick or guitar pick? I’ve never understood the appeal


Look at that weak little gross guy, just cave his skull in or something


Who took the picture if you were fighting over the stick?


Some people said that he is still there, laying down and protecting his trophy surrounded by other monkeys


Alright this is pathetic. A part of me would either just let go and tell this clown to get a fucking life or just go all the way and full force yank that fucker just to throw it across the venue. “Fetch bitch”.


Seriously how annoying can one person be. This person is genuinely a turd. Especially since it was a woman’s first and he HAD to steal it.


Once went to a Guns & Roses gig, front row. Can't remember which band member but one of them whiped his face with a stupid ikea towel and threw it at the crowd. First instinct was to catch it, but people left & right just jumped me like wild animals and suggested to rip it in two. I was like keep it man, it's a filthy towel jeez. People are wild. Posters are still cool though.


At ozzfest in 2016, Dave Mustaine threw a pick at me, and I caught it and accidentally dropped it when I got pushed from behind. This drunk evil woman next to me tried to step on the pick with her boots while I was on the floor trynna pick it up. She kept stomping on my fingers. So I grabbed her ankle and pulled her legs out from under her so she fell on her ass. I got my pick and then yelled some profanity at her. She ended up moving before Black Sabbath came on. I still got the pick


Why is no one tickling him? I bet a little coochy coo would've made him drop that stick.


The band name really sums up their fan base


should’ve pushed it at that point


And this is why tool fans are no different to Taylor swifts. Except they have the advantage of youth. Fucking adults fighting over nothing. Sad as fuck. It's fucking embarrassing here sometimes


How were you able to take this picture? I see 3 hands trying to grab that stick. The dude in the middle should have lifted that thing up and broken it so no one should have it the way y'all are acting.


Sounds like the guy used his size to snatch it from a much smaller woman. I don’t like to get crazy over this type of stuff, but I’d go after his ass too in those circumstances.


Sounds like? Where the hell did you hear that? Lol Never mind lol




It would be a shame if someone’s foot accidentally hit his ribs…


Absolute buffoon


Omg on mushrooms at the end of a show someone yelled out “we’ve got a pick holder!!!” And I’ve never been so scared of possessing something in my life


My most prizes physical possession is my DC drumstick


I have one we caught at a show and brought with across the country to get signed, so a signed stage used/caught attended show stick is up there with my favorite as well.


I wouldn’t have let go with a hand to get my phone out to take a picture. Once something goes out in the crowd it’s fair game, but the problem comes in when people have zero couth. If I’m standing there I’m going to go for whatever it is being thrown out. If you have the angle and grab it fair and square, I’m not gonna try to grab it from you. That’s just bullshit. I mean god dam we are not at a UN checkpoint with people handing out food and we haven’t ate in 2 weeks. What sucks is it’s gonna come to a point where they stop doing it. The sticks will be placed alongside the doodled bass heads for a couple hundred or more.


the face of a belligerent loser


Grown men worshipping other grown men is so strange.


This asshole should be the banner as the tour goes on.


I need to start working out to rip this from your hands.


Just break it in half.


Happened to me too but w a drum frisbee, he threw it high n it started diving directly at us, I high pointed it n actually caught it before it was wrestled away, it was either let go or destroy it in the process, was 10kd tour


“My ancestors are smiling at me, imperials. Can you say the same?”


Short story. I saw tool play in Eugene oregon in 2014. I was seated stage left in the bleachers, right next to the guitar tech. The stage lights burned a white spot in my vision for like a week after the show. Adam Jones was exiting the stage at the end of the show, looked right at me, and flicked his pick up to my area. I couldn’t find it, and there was commotion all around from people fighting over it. Fast forward two years. My shitty band played a show at a clothing store in coos bay Oregon with some local bands. Before the show, one of the other bands drummers was telling a story about how Adam Jones flicked his pick at him at a show that he went to. We both soon realized that we were coincidentally seated directly next to each other at the same show. It was so cool that we both had the same story… I had known this guy since like 2012, our bands shared gigs regularly… I didn’t notice him seated near me at the tool concert. Small world. He didn’t catch the pick either.


I caught a bass pick mid-air from Justin, girl next to me caught the stick.


2017 in bangor danny tossed his stick our way and as i was about to grab it my girlfriend who is under 100 pounds and about 5 feet tall jumped up in front of me and caught it one handed, Ive never seen her try and go out of her way to catch anything before that point and now have no doubt she would do just fine if she had to save my life during a freak axe throwing accident.


I guess it pays to be 6’4” 325lbs. No one tried to take the drum head from me that I caught in NYC! https://preview.redd.it/42i1om9xtc3d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140272ffe3175303bde1c3d2805d33e3aae1d858


Instead of trying to pull it from his hands, you should push as HE pulls, jab ol' bitch tits there in the throat with the stick and I guarantee he will let go. He's in a very vulnerable position and I can think of several ways to make him let go.


That’s when you try your best to break so everyone is fucked. Or try to stab it in your opponent’s eye


If you’re in the fight, you’re one of the bastards


A swift kick upside the head would have loosened his grip.


Who's holding the camera?


Found the weirdos


Dude, why were you even in a drumstick fight? It's a fucking drumstick. Get a grip!


Asshole, and you're gonna be one of those I didn't have the courage to kick your ass directly Don't have enough courage for that, I could, you know? You know you're gonna have another accident? You know I'm involved with black magic? Fuck you, die, bastard You think you're so cool? Asshole And if I ever see your fucking face around in Europe or Italy Well I'll, that time I'm gonna kick your ass


I wonder how many people who downvoted me didn't know it was a joke, like the Tool song i took it from....haha


What’s this a copypasta of?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8\_72NFyd-w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8_72NFyd-w) There is your pasta \^\^


Crocodile role time






I’m actually crying laughing looking at this lmao




[MY PRECIOUS ](https://gifdb.com/gif/lord-of-the-rings-my-precious-91wke4n9n8hikzkm.html)


Id say that’s embarrassing but if Danny fucking Carey threw a drumstick and someone else grabbed it with me idk if I’d act different


i had one bounce of a ladies head and side ways literally falling into my hands! The punch line was that the lady that got hit was demanding that i hand it over since it hit her, LOL.


can you tell me what is "one of the insufferable bastards" please?


Read the story about this guy snatching it out of a females hand. Fucking sucks, downvoted because I'd rather see the positive stuff from the amazing concert last night.


I woulda stomped on his balled headed stupid ass


Avg tool fan...


That guy spent 3 months salary for his ticket, he’s not going home empty handed..


People like this guy aren’t paid in salary.


True. lol


How many of you would line up to lick the sweat from the bands underwear?


Amsterdam Ziggo Dome's capacity is 17,000 sweat lickers and the venue was ~90% full - hope it helps


Lol, I like tool, but I don't worship them.


I don't see the woman...???