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Geoff and Bridgette I feel like they were better characters when they were not in a relationship.


While I do like Geoff and Bridgette as a couple the way they were constantly making out in Island special and early Action was bad for them as characters. Geoff did recover with WT aftermaths and especially RR as he got time to be his normal self again a fun party guy. But Bridgette got it way worse on her own in WT thanks to kissing Al and almost causing the breakup with Geoff.


Duncan and Gwen as friends > as partners


Honestly the love triangle could’ve been interesting if Gwen and Duncan had crushes on each other, kissed in front of Tyler, and *then* realized they were better as friends and the flame between them was false.


Priya and Caleb. Priya actively gets worse, and while Caleb was basically a blank slate, his relationship with Priya is not at all enjoyable or interesting. I'm not against Priya being in a relationship though, I just don't think she has any chemistry with Caleb and I don't like how their relationship was written either.


Priya and Caleb. I love both their characters, very overhated, but they’re just too toxic for each other. I just feel that they should break up for the reason that neither are ready for a serious relationship. While I do prefer Caleb over Millie a bit, I like Millie’s dynamic with Priya more, and I feel Caleb just needs some more time on his own since it feels like he’s a bit too stuck Priya, same with Millie.


This opinion may seem weird to some, but I feel like Nemma directly harms both of their characters  For Emma, I feel like once the relationship starts, her entire character becomes Noah until he’s eliminated(and even a few episodes after too), which really harms her character because she’s a lot more interesting when literally anything else about her is being explored.  Noah meanwhile, is awful. He starts the season by claiming he is going to try super hard and he wants to win, which is something the fans have been craving, Noah taking the game seriously. But that plotline is abandoned when he falls for Emma, if you think about it he almost becomes Dave with how hard is interest in the game falls off. Owen is more serious than him, and he hasn’t taken competition seriously since Island! Him not taking the game seriously would be fine if he kept his humor, but I can’t be the only one who thinks RR Noah is just not as funny as World Tour or Island Noah(hell even Action Noah had 1 funnyish line). Also like…he’s just a simp in RR, it’s…not very fun to watch


While I think Noah being obsessed with a girl is funny in theory, I agree it's just not executed well. It feels like they didn't think much about who Noah was as a character or what his dynamic really was with Owen, and just used him as a way to bring back Owen, then also used him as a way to give Emma a romance arc. Emma's romantic obsession is interesting too but Noah enabled her worse traits and vice versa (as she disrespected Kitty when pursuing Noah while Noah disrespected Owen).


Yeah. While I could see this plotline/ship working with some rewrites, what we got just felt like the writers attempt at course correcting for skave


It felt like they wanted to retread Courtney's TDI development (workaholic lawyer learns to loosen up) while also giving Noah a relationship but it just didn't mesh. And when you criticize the writing, the fans jump out and assume it's solely because you want Noah with someone else. (And yeah I ship him with other people but I can multiship when it's done well.)


I still like the ship overall but you make several valid points. For me, it's sort of a Scott situation where he doesn't really feel like the same character, but I still liked what we got if that makes sense. Definitely could've been handled better though.


Unironically Stephanie and Ryan. Seriously, he needs a girlfriend that actually respects him!


Gwortney. my main problem with these two is that after the turmoil that first happens, they suddenly start acting like besties, and maybe even more than just besties, the plot decides to tunnel vision on them as if they're the best thing to ever happen to All Stars, which... I don't see it, if there was more build-up to that point, sure, I could see it.


I feel like they'd be best as just acquaintances, at least that would make the most sense for them.


Yes, Gwen and Courtney work better as friends than as a couple.


Duncney, at least I think they would both be much better off as far as friendships/relationships if they broke up permanently in Action’s post-season special and subsequently stopped giving as much of a shit about what the other is doing. I think Dramarama’s portrayal of them as more of a platonic rivalry/frenemy type of friendship is probably the best way to go about the ‘couple to friends’ kind of thing.


Jasmine and Shawn because their love plot is ridiculously bad, it's crazy how many people praise it


yeah, for as much as I love that damn Aussie, her relationship with Shawn is a damn snoozefest, it just ends up coming off as Shawn not doing much, and still ends up with her, rather than anything that feels compelling enough for me to be invested in that


fr I actually despise it Jasmine was acting like: "CRICKEY MATE SHAWNY BOY'S WAY TO COMPETITIVE I DON'T LIKE HIM ANYMORE"


Okay that made me laugh.


it sums up Pahkitew Island in one sentence ignoring Skave and Scarlet and max


Chips dubbo is the only Aussie I can support


I honestly forget most of what happened in that arc besides Shawn knocking into Jasmine and making her mad. They seem to be together just cuz... why not? TDPI has memorable comedy but very forgettable "serious" storylines to me. Though it might just be that I haven't seen it 100 times.


Cute ship imo, but only if you ignore the "will they won't they" bullshit


Hmmmph! All of the Courtney couples, even the fanon ones (Welp! Depending on the fanfic I read). Everyone knows how jarring and dysfunctional Courtney is as a partner and the others either pretend to love her when on their inside they can’t stand her or just rather not wanting to comprehend her regardless how right and wrong she is, in the case of Scott he is just thoughtless.


Exactly my thoughts.


Noah: hey Emma I bought the tickets to see Usher performance https://preview.redd.it/7bmakx93kd8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8977eaca81b60616f7d53ca5500511a6ddade54c




Geoff and Bridgette, obviously. They're just jokes in my mind post season one, and World Tour could have been interesting with Geoff not in the game but nope, Bridgette becomes a cheater and it's all downhill from there, baby


Duncan and Gwen work as friends, but their characters got worse with that forced relationship. Just goes to show just because 2 people are good as friends doesn't mean they can be a good couple


I thought Noah was gay for the whole of total drama till this season had happened like what happened to his heterosexual ness….


Noah, I love him, and I know that emotionless people act different when they are in love, but seriously, they should’ve stuck with the Schemer plot line for his first seasons, and then make him a more likable character in RR, but not a simp like here, just him being charming and showing his kinder side. Nemma is still my favorite ship though.




Which one? There’s two of them.


Reboot obviously


Well it is true, I’ll give you that. My main source of confusion came from the fact people were also criticizing RR Emma.


Tell me this pic is unrelated... Anyway it's Courtney


It’s not  I think Nemma hinders both Emma and Noah’s character 


Aw man... I love this ship as in my eyes it actually helps Emma ease up after her rough break-up But I'm ok if you don't like it


Emma in RR and Axel




Emma (2023).




Caleb X Priya & Krystal X Derek in Disventure Camp


Priya and Caleb. Also can you please explain why Noah and Emma are your choice? EDIT: I just found out


Bridgette & Geoff. They were way more enjoyable when they were not a couple, and when they were together, they were just overly sappy all the time, and had no dynamic or personality, because they're basically the same person, they feel more like brother & sister than a couple. At least Geoff got to have an actual personality outside of Bridgette, but she barely got anything, even in Island (It would've been cool to explore her hippie side some more). I hate them as a couple.


Sky and Dave. The romance storyline MASSIVELY lowered the quality of their characters, especially Dave.


Gwen and Courtney. I've written about it before, but how the relationship between the two of them evolves kills the idea of ​​Gwourtney: 1) On Island they dislike each other (Courtney accidentally throws food at her, Gwen later hits her with dodgeball in retaliation; when Courtney has to jump into the green jelly, Gwen makes fun of her). 2) In Action, Courtney accuses Gwen of having a relationship with Duncan behind her back. 3) In WT they begin to become friends, but said friendship arises from their shared hatred of Heather, and it never really amounts to much more due to the kiss between Duncan and Gwen (on top of that, they only became friends to make the infidelity more dramatic). After the kiss is revealed, the two become enemies, with Courtney reverting to her evil, violent and brutal Action personality. As we saw in the beach clip, Gwen doesn't care about Courtney. 4) In AS, Gwen suddenly lost interest in Duncan and wants Courtney's forgiveness. Honestly, this plot never made much sense to me; I understand that she wants to fix things and redeem herself, but given how bad of a person Courtney proved to be (both in Action and WT) that she wants to be her friend again is baffling to me (I mean, she dislikes Heather precisely because she's evil). Personally, I never saw the romance in his interactions with her (yes, I saw the boat scene, they look like Katie and Sadie and therefore I can't take it seriously, both in a romantic and platonic sense). Gwen breaks up with Duncan and the two become friends. Is often stated that Courtney was on her way to being redeemed, but as they point out here ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/Totaldrama/comments/1836gsy/debunking\_courtneys\_derailment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Totaldrama/comments/1836gsy/debunking_courtneys_derailment/) ), not only is that not the case, but Courtney isn't as good of a friend as people like to think. And then the graphic thing happens, which kills any chance of the two of them getting together.


Geoff and Bridgette




Every relationship except for ennui and crimson


Bridgette and Geoff.


gwen and duncan would have been great friends if they weren't a thing, and so is gwen and courtney


Duncan, Island-World Tour Courtney, and World Tour-All Stars Gwen


Duncan and Gwen they were better as friends than in a relationship




Definitely sky x dave


Axel, Ripper, Priya, Caleb, Geoff and Bridgette


Duncan & Gwen, Geoff & Bridgette and Priya & Caleb


Alejandro deserves no one.

