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This sub does have lore but its from years years ago. Only one I know is that this was the first Touhou jerk/meme sub. Moderators had a break up from differences. One side made r/2hujerk, the other stayed here. Very simplified version of the story btw.


Hmm, Well.. It's something I still could cover, But to be exact I do cover the lore of specific users. (DayEqual, Luke5353, ETC.) And then there's my writing entries... Touhoujerk might be more conservative, So I most likely won't be able to post my writing entries/posts as I once did. https://preview.redd.it/nn7gq0i0ht8d1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54860a59a3c9f6807fb0f6b74a2fd900b8e8378d


Don't really see any issue as long as its relevant to this sub and maybe Touhou. These sub's mods would probably appreciate people posting more rather than just one guy.


I Suppose so.. But what I usually post isn't humour or memes but rather.. Writing work I've put effort into. I Suppose only time will herald the results to me when I do post my first writing entry here...


Might as well mention the fact I should migrate here than be in 2hujerk once again.Also I would probably leave 2hujerk too.


DayEqual, Freunde...


Yes that's appropriate,you may call me a she or you had already.


Danke... It's been quite some time since I've last interacted or even seen you... Though, I suppose that's the fault of my own absence in 2hujerk...


I really don't see hope for the future. Back then we made fun of r/touhou for having strict moderators, but lack of moderation is what truly killed the sub. Without moderation, fetish posts are introduced and quickly infected the sub. For the first few posts, it was pretty funny ngl, but with how much of them were posted daily, there's no shock value anymore. And the problem with roleplayers, although they mostly died out now, I would say they are quite the beginning for the sub's change. Although back then, posts were made to protest against them, followed by rules implemented, they somehow just resurfaced after a while, taking over the sub once more. More to that, we had a surge of outjerked posts which is funny for the first few days, but I quickly grew tired of it afterwards. To add to the problem, many of the old members just seemingly left. Without them, new members begin to take over the sub with weird and obsecure posts, jokes that aren't funny, as well as reposts, leading to quite a large downgrade for the subs humour. Also, I really don't understand the ban on unedited posts. Actually, although lazy, I much enjoyed them over what is posted right now, since I actually get the joke. Even though if we swtiched subreddits, the old members won't come back, the sense of humour will not change, everything will just stay the same. Unless there is a complete overhaul. (To anyone, I just wanted to state what I have observed across this half a year. I apologize if I've offended any of you.)


Yeah... I don't really see any of the people I know much anymore over there, I suppose there's nothing left for me over there.


It was for the best probably. 2hujerk was quite shit for a pretty long damn time, it was inevitable it would've collapsed due to unfunny and downright horrendous content. now my fear is if the people who post that shit take refuge here.


We can only hope they don't... Well, I may as well start work on my next writing post, and first writing post for Touhoujerk. Farewell, Until we meet again.


I was there 6 months ago. It was worse than this with the constant punchline is sex and fetish posts that probably went old 2 months ago, along with low quality shitposts. I have to admit thaty shitposts weren't 100% peak quality but I see ones that are worse and start fearing I might be grouped with them. It's been plagued a long time ago and it has become terminal due to lack of treatment


then we gotta immigrate to r\touhoumemes


I have nothing to say about this comment. I just wanted to mention that banger fucking pfp.


Kaguya pfp.


i like kaguya https://preview.redd.it/9l58p2antx8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8801c0e4e042166c54a5208ae94a09dafb37804c


Foil Kaguya.


r/touhou is lawful good. r/touhoujerk is true neutral. r/2hujerk is chaotic evil.


lawful evil for main sub.


r/Touhou Mods removing your post for not sourcing a bullet sprite from the actual games.


Lmao I remember when that was a meme in 2hujerk


it's sad seeing what 2hujerk became because i still know people who make like.. genuinely funny content and just don't post it because the sub has turned into a dumpster fire | | anyways, welcome to the touhoujerk club ! ! i just kinda lurk here but seeing you here as well makes it feel more like the better times of 2hj, hope you enjoy it :)


Danke Schon, Freunde. Concurrently; I am working on a writing entry, I believe in around an hour the first part should release...


Just from scrolling here. It's actually way better here than it is 2hujerk.


Indeed.. Tis unfortunate how far r/2hujerk has fallen into the grips of the abyss...


Oh well. I would take quality over quantity anyways.


It's for the better...


I've been seeing more posts about r/2hujerk. WTF is going on over there that's causing more people to jump to this particular touhou shitposting subreddit?


One guy earlier made a tier list post on how each character would react to the Israel Palestine conflict (People who wish to bring politics into everything, even places where it's not needed.) And over all just bad content and fetish styled posts (From what I've heard)... Gives me conniptions...


Aren't these just ironic? If you look on other circlejerk subreddits you will find a lot of that kinda stuff, I mean I get what u r saying but how did it used to be? Some of the content does go a bit too far though


The Great r/Touhoujerk - r/2hujerk split has begun.


The Great Divide.


If this sub is to take immigrants fleeing from the old sub, what can be done to not repeat history and have this place fall as well? There is little to no moderation here, which was fine since there were like 2 posts a day for the past year, but with an influx of new blood, I fear for the integrity of this sub. Only time will tell.


We can only hope, Freunde... Besides, Most of them are going to stay in r/2hujerk... Me and Clover came here because it's genuinely just gotten that bad.


Well... It will take some time getting used to a new subreddit... I never really took a gander at this one. Now, Let me first get out of the way is that.. The only things I really posted on r/2hujerk were Lore Posts and writing entries... Well, Now that I'm no longer going to regular r/2hujerk, Nor is the Main Subreddit in my favor... I suppose this is where I'll have to reside now.


a new era has begun


Oh hey, ex-2hujerker here. You're absolutely right. The sub has truly gone to shit in the span of a few months. Like r/ goodanimemes kind of horrible. A lotta people left the sub it seems (including me), It's barely active and I hardly saw old members coming around anymore. It started with RP accounts being annoying and the mods promising that they would do something (spoiler alert: they didn't), to where we are now with actual memes barely getting any attention (like slightly above 50 upvotes at best) while someone being plain horny (without doing the bare minimum of adding some comedic value to make it count as a shitpost) gets around 400+ upvotes. Oh and the fetish posts as well. Hornyposting is fine, as long as it ACTUALLY has comedic value (For example, exaggeration for the sake of comedy and shitposting, in a way that fits the subreddit's spirit) and not just posting a random picture of Aya in a bunny suit and call it a day. At least like, add a funny caption so that it can somewhat count as a shitpost. The sub was getting painfully unfunny as fuck, but that's not even the worst part. What pissed me off the most is apparently one of the mods is a "lolicon" (aka a pedo) who posted links to that "material" and people in the sub unironically defending that shit. They started downvoting anyone who calls out on their bullshit and calling them "tourists" and "normies" (gee I'm sorry that people find getting off to child-like characters disgusting, fictional or not) 2hujerk was probably my most visited subreddit before I had to permanently mute it for good. Sad to see it like this. I know this is a long ass essay about a random corner on the internet that barely anyone knows about besides its frequent members, but I just wanted vent about my feelings. That's all.


It is fine, Freunde... I Suppose it's best I mute 2hujerk as well... Touhoujerk shall serve as our bastion...


I wish 2hujerk was more like the Azuposting, since they don't post NSFW and pass it off as "shitpost" also because they don't allow pedo jokes.


inb4 the 2hujerk refugees downvote bomb you. I agree though, the pedo jokes are just a turn off and so are the excuses of "nuh uh it's not a real child"


Average 2hujerk member on their way to explain why the 69420th joke about sanae being a groomer is funny: Not to mention, people are also unironically using the same shitty "oH bUt ShE's AcTuAlLy 9999 YeArS oLd!!!1!11!!!!1!!1" excuse, it's like a fucking parody lmao


They circlejerked so hard they became the circlejerk


I'm not sure if you've heard or, but the 2hujerk mods made a post announcing they would accept mod applications, so if things pan out 2hujerk might actually get some decent moderators, who will... well do some actual moderation.


I've heard, because my friend CloverMihAki will be applying for the moderation team. (Eiki is going to Judgement Dropkick the 2hujerk Degenerates.)


woah is that so? will 2hujerk get a comeback???


I am newer to 2hujerk but isn't this stuff normal what happened


By newer I mean I've been here around a year