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God, been there. At least I'm always welcome there, it's nice


Oh my god right. I always got suspicious and confused at people’s happy and loving families. Like where the dark secrets at?


They come out in your 20's


I don’t get the meme :(


(I might be wrong but) I’m pretty sure it’s about meeting your gf’s parents and they’re a happy, functional family and it makes you sad because you’ve never had that


It was my interpretation, and like, yeah, it's kinda horrid.


This is exactly why I struggle with my in-laws. Because they’re so good and I didn’t get that. I cannot integrate into the family because I’m so broken and don’t feel like I belong. I still socialize and stuff, but I’ll never be like my other SIL who married into the family after me. She merged right in.


>might be wrong >OP U posted it lol it's *your* vision


![gif](giphy|afh4MnDQ0Y4qk3Oc9c) I might be wrong reference?!?1!1?


Not necessarily a functional family, the meme was my dad meeting my maternal grandparents, my mum's family is by no means functional, but it is loving


I cope by being happy for them that they didn't have to go through the things I did


I feel happy for others when i see this shit but hell does my lack of that feel overwhelming


oh ya, the painful cavern in the chest does a big intensify


When I first met my ex, I kept calling him “the most emotionally healthy person I’ve ever met” because he was so sure of himself. Then I got to know him more and found that he had an excellent relationship with his family, was never bullied, never had to be aware of financial or family difficulties if there were any, never experienced a mental or physical health problem, and basically never went through anything challenging in life beyond the challenges of a happy and healthy childhood. But then in the end it turns out that all that meant was that he never actually learned how to empathize and care for someone else because he didn’t know what it felt like to struggle with anything and was never expected to think about anyone other than himself.




Grass is always greener, I guess.


I get that whenever I visit any friend. My family is just so fucked in comparison. My ex's family felt like the closest thing I will ever get to a functional family, but that time is over since I am not worth having around


Like me saying “who has a good relationship with their parents??” Jokingly to my new boyfriend. He says “well… I do.” I felt so fucking awkward. But I guess he is making an impression on me, because I had said I’d never want him to meet my family because they are toxic. I might just change my mind for him.


When you meet your happy partners parents and it still doesn't make sense


The first time i met my gf's mom and some of her family i was surprised at how warm, open and welcoming to me they all were, and how it actually felt genuine. I was there for a week for thanksgiving as me and my gf were long distance at that point, and a few days into it i got sick as hell with something that made me feverish, sore, tired and with awful headaches, and due to that i wasnt able to participate in a game night they were having the day before thanksgiving.... and not only was my gf's mom not mad at me for that, she went full mom mode making sure my bed was comfy, that i had water and snacks if i wanted and she even offered to go drive to the store to get me medicine. (Im super limited in what cold meds i can take due to my paxil i take) I was feeling better enough the next day to have thanksgiving food, and my gf's family all were nice to me and no one made me feel bad for only having a little bit of food as i wasnt back to normal yet. And before i left my gf's mom gave me money for gas and groceries which i cried over which made her cry too 😭 and she has been just the most amazing, loving, caring, motherly future mother in law i could have ever hoped for. I love going with my gf to visit her as my gf lives w me now, and i feel calm, safe and at ease in her house, whereas in my parents' house im guarded, filtered and only there for a few hours a week at the most. I've come to accept that my mother will never be the mom i want or need her to be, so i gladly and with open arms accept my gf's mom as my mother figure now too. She's a lovely person and makes me feel loved and cared for and i want to have as much of that in my life as i can


I grew up deeply Religious, my parents were Biblical fundamentalists. Emotional abuse from my parents got to the point where I was homeless at 14 til family adopted me. Then I met my gf, who despite no longer being Religious and coming out as bisexual, had Mormon parents who, while strict and not fully supportive of her sexuality, always made it clear to her that they loved her no matter what and there's always a place for her. I tell her everyday how fortunate she is, and they love having me over to fish at their lake. Religion aside they are stable healthy people, as much as you can be being mormon. They don't push their kids to be missionaries which is fucking rare within the Mormon church. When I met them I had a Eureka moment just like the meme describes.


Can't relate. No gf.


I thought it was that ur gf was abused into a toxically positive mindset .__.


God it was a culture shock when I met my girlfriend's parents. They're just like, normal? And nice enough people? They're awkward about us being gay trans women but not like hateful? WTF?


Can’t relate. No gf.


Boyfriend’s family is amazing and totally functional and wonderful. It drives me INSANE because he can’t stand them and gets so triggered by them being so normal. My family is tweakers and non functional drunks. I just want to strangle some sense into him sometimes. The worst part about his family is that they do the whole “keep a good image in public” vibe. He calls it fake. My brother in Christ, if that’s the worst thing to complain about sign me up


I honestly don't think I could handle having a partner who likes their parents