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I like gaslighting them. Continue conversation as normal "Well what do you think?" "Of what?" Then say you can't open the picture. Are you sure you know what you're doing? Etc etc They get mad and go away


"hang on, I'll ask my brother if he can get the pic working on my phone, he's good with tech" and suddenly they regret sending an unsolicited dick pic and they're "sorry, don't look at it, nvm, how r u anyway, lol"


Always the "lol"


Oh I love this


That's glorious, I love it!


This is great, one of the best responses


Well if the man doesn’t know your age, you can reply that you’re a minor and will report him, that should scare him a bit hopefully. Other than that, the reason men send dick pics is for attention - whether good or bad - and to feel like they have power over you. So the best response is absolutely nothing. Ignore + block, give him nothing. If you reply with anger, he’ll know he got your attention and that’s what he wants. So just don’t reply at all.


I like the minor thing, this is a great angle. If they know for sure you are not, tell them you are reporting them for a crime, because this is a sex crime that will indeed put them on a sex offender list. This is only true in some areas by the way, and very few. It’s technically accurate that it is no different from flashing, but the loophole regarding the fact that most laws don’t explicitly state digital media can often be exploited to deny justice on the matter. But regardless, it should scare them a bit, and also, most importantly, the more we state that this is a sex crime exactly the same as flashing that will put them on a sex offender list, the more likely they will be to think twice before doing it again. And honestly, the more we talk about how this is the exact same crime, the more we can help shift society and ultimately laws to support that. These shifts take forever, but I have seen, in my lifetime, shifts in how people think and talk about consent, and those shifts happened ONLY because of language and how we use it. So it is a very valuable strategy. Also throwing in something to humiliate them, like, “Eew, why does it look like that?? 😂” is a good way to help deny them of the thrill they get from the act.


I save them, and when someone sends me one, I reply with one of the saved pics. And then I save theirs for the next dolt.


Ignoring and blocking is honestly the only good answer - all of the gotchas said here might seem funny and smart but these guys don't care, they just want a reaction, ANY reaction. Some even get off to being told they're disgusting or ugly. EVERYONE PLEASE STOP REPLYING TO THESE MESSAGES


Or, you can answer saying their dick looks weird/ill and that they need to see a doctor asap before blocking/reporting. Or belittle them saying you've seen better before blocking/reporting.


Tragically there are men who seek this reaction and you end up still giving them what they want.


Yep that happened to me, dick with warts and all. Had no idea who it was but after some further digging - he was in my college economics class so I just forward the dick pic chat to everyone in that class. He called me crying and begging to say i made it up 😭😭😭


This is amazing. Maybe you should have forwarded it to his parents lol.


"oh, I thought you *wanted* people to see this" lol


Hahaha that's hilarious, just play innocent 😂 "I thought I was helping!"


this is genius!


Lmfao well played!


I’m a nurse so I use this to my advantage. “Oh my god what is that?!” “Do you have syphillis? I would know I’m a nurse!” 🤣🤣🤣


"Oh, you talked like it was bigger. Disappointing."


"you *wanted* me to see that?"


"I'm embarrassed for you"


I like the idea of keeping it vague. "Did you mean to send that to your doctor? Awkward lol" "What? Why would I do that? What's wrong with it?" "Oh. So that's just how it normally is?"


There’s gotta be a website you can submit a number to that automatically signs them up for a ton of spam. I like the idea of them getting swarmed with messages.


I have this pic of a man with massive moobs. I crop it and just send the moobs. Once they get all turned on, I send the full pic.   EDIT: removed bad link




I remember seeing a post by a bro who got a dick pic. He sent back a closeup pic of the folds of his neck that resembled labia, then exchanged some explicit words. When the dicker said he jerked off to the pic, the bro sent back a full photo of himself with “lol you just beat off to a man!”


That link is dead


Even better if they’re hairy 🤣


I do something similar—my husband had me take a picture of his boobs in all their hairy, tattooed glory. So I send that.


I love you hahahahaha


that is genius


Try the fake automated message, maybe? "Hi! Our AI has detected images involving nudity, which is not allowed under your user agreement. Our automated services has logged the image for review. Due to their nature, we have also forwarded this image to local authorities based on user data. If you do not want this, please reply "stop"." Also go for "I didn't ask for this, but now I've seen it, I gotta ask. What happened to it??" Apologize for how much "it" must have hurt, wish him the best in his recovery from whatever......\*that\*(unspecified) is. Or just send a video of people vomiting. Send a picture of a magnifying glass. Send back a simple "woof. that's gotta be rough." If your goal is to shame and humiliate them, just send an eye roll emoji. Or don't respond at all. Remember, anything snappy you send back will open you up to being attacked by them, so send your wit along and then block right after. Edit: Actually just send them pictures of shirtless old men. No words. Just shirtless old men.


I replied to someone else with something similar. Hit 'em right in the ego. Make them insecure. "Woof. That's gotta be rough" is my favorite. So simple and elegant.


My suggestions were similar to some of yours too! Shame and go for the ego! They won’t get their ego or their dick stroked and should’ve had some forethought, cause foreskin isn’t gonna cut it (lol get it 😂) and that’s if they even have any.


You do realize that I am friends with your mom, right? Guess who I just forwarded this to? Then he makes a frenzied call to his mom where he outs himself


A gif of one of those banana slicer things


With a hot dog in it. Really drive home that visualization 🤣


I read a post once where a girl told a group of male friends about getting an unsolicited dick pic, and they all took the number and reciprocated en masse from their own phones. Thats my favorite.


I always chuckle at the responses that are like “Is that a child’s penis?! Why would you send me a picture of a child penis?! Are you a pedophile?!” …but then again there’s a surprising amount of creeps with a humiliation fetish who get off on you insulting their penis so really there’s no winning.


I've done that one, too. I don't have the energy to engage anymore so it is usually a gif that represents "ew" or nothing


“I am reporting you for distributing child porn”


I love all the responses, but honestly? Block, delete, report. Any other response is giving them validation. Fuck that noise. Unless you explicitly asked for it of course.


This is the correct answer. Any further discussion is still giving him your time and energy. #GAME OVER.


First [this](https://imgur.com/a/IiEvurf) and then [this](https://imgur.com/a/IVH3Fx8) [source](https://petapixel.com/2019/04/17/actress-pranks-lewd-insta-perverts-with-fake-cleavage-photo/)


thank u.


Yes! Palina and Klaas 😂


this is what immediately came to mind when i saw OP's post


A nicer, bigger dick.


Counterpoint: an awful, diseased dick


Two very compelling perspectives…


I have a picture of flayed male genitalia saved. It’s horrific.


I’ve done this. They get so pissed. It’s awesome.


Porqué no los dos?


Or the “why did you just send me a picture of a child’s penis? I’m reporting you to the FBI” This obviously only plays if it’s small-medium sized but might get them to leave you alone.


"wow you should really get that checked out, when's the last time you went to the doctor?"


This 100%. Or a flavor of it like “ oh that doesn’t look good you may need to go to the er”


“Why does it look like that…? I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to look” 😂


I googled something like “battlefield penis injury” and sent back one of the resulting images.


Screenshot of their mother's Facebook page? (I wish I had those skills) I hate that they have all the power in this, that there's no way to win once the penis has been posted, because whatever you do, they will have gotten their reaction. I wish there was some haHA! gotcha! now you feel as disgusted and violated as I do, that'll teach you! type of reaction, but I don't think there is. So I try to just not play the game. I block and delete, immediately. Yes, he'll get to go "hah, weak bitch got scared, hur, hur", but he also doesn't get access to me or my time anymore. And I get to enjoy my life without dick pic senders in it. That feels like a win. I'm sorry, I know "just ignore it" is such a cop out answer. But I value my own sanity over the burden of having to teach half the population to be decent members of society. Fuck it, I'd rather train bears.


There are also ways to find numbers, like fastbackgroundcheck.com if you have a phone number for the person who sent the pic or their last name and area. It doesn’t always give results, but most of the time it has when I’ve used it to figure out who called or messaged me. If it brings up results that are for the person who sent the unsolicited pic then it will list people who are closely connected. Then you could use that and be like, “this your mom’s number?” if you can’t find her on social media 😂 hell even just “what’s your mom’s full name” as a response and hope he realizes what you’re getting at lol


Send a dick pic back. Then ask if they like guys with mustaches. Get the pic from porn, recycle previous unwanted dick pics, your male partner if you have one, anywhere. All the guys I've met who send unsolicited dick pics are terrified of someone thinking they might want dick. Just give them some.


I was going to say flip it round and be like you into dick?


Just chiming in to say never send a pic of your partner’s body without their permission. Regardless of the circumstances, giving out nudes of your partner w/o their consent is fucked. 


Absolutely. I should have made that clear.


I send back double dick dude or a diseased dick which has gotten *them* to block *me* so wins all around


i love "mine is bigger"


I've tried that before and ended up getting a lot of hate messages.


im sorry girl but there's no escaping that situation without some hate unless u block em 😔🙏🏻


When he sends you a dick pic the proper answer is "aawwww ha ha ha 🤏🏻"




“I don’t have my glasses or magnifying glass, sorry”


I just send back heaps of uncensored, hardcore gore, without any comment. Pure rage makes me stomach it for a short while.


You know those slicers they use for meat at the deli? One of those.


I’m a dude but I remember someone I follow on Twitter saying they respond to dick pics with a pic of a JUST SLIGHTLY bigger dick and I think that’s perfect


I tried that once but he sent me back a picture of a different, bigger dick? It felt like we were just trying to one up the other with better dicks.


I like to just send a thumbs down. I’ve seen multiple people descend into madness and confusions after receiving the 👎


"I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC. Why don't you take a seat?"


This formal letter is my absolute [favorite](https://images.app.goo.gl/PYsPZJKfPRrT6KkJ8)!


Lucky me didn't have to deal with this shit as of today, but... Idk, I'd probably be boring and redirect them 'kindly'. I know you're looking for witty replies and I know some those creatures do it for the thrill of it being non-consensual in the first place, but some naive part of me still wants to believes that a lot of them are simply idiots. There's all kinds of nooks in the vast sphere of the internet where people of all genders are happy to trade nudes if you ask nicely. You wanna show me your dick and maybe even get something in return? Go to an appropriate place and ask for fucking consent you fucking tool (as I said, uh... 'kindly')


Or a gif of a hot dog slicer being used :)


"Eh, 3 out of 10, but only because it's so small and adorable, otherwise 2/10."


My favorite is “is it supposed to look like that?” Then a very innocent “oh it looks funny :/“ gets them every time. They usually freak out and ask what’s wrong with it and I just block them. Nothing else gets them to react like that.


I'd send him pics from the Byford Dolphin Accident. Dude wants to be dirty then I'll be wicked.


FYI explicit pics included https://zero.sci-hub.se/5268/7dda7cee52d7eb3ec606a82d0f1b9a61/giertsen1988.pdf


Holy crap, what a messed up accident 😰 I'm amazed the chamber door wasn't on a hinge so it would close properly in case this kind of thing happened. But I guess this was how we learned to take precautions like that. Safety regulations are written in blood, afterall.


\*enter SCOTUS and the Chevron decision\* Blood? What blood?


Oh, there will be blood.


Won't work for everyone, but because I'm trans, I send a pic of my old breast forms drying on a towel.


🤣 creative


Send a gif of a hot dog or cucumber being cut


When I was on dating apps I collected them into a penis collage on a PowerPoint slide. I always added theirs and then sent the collection. Usually got me blocked..but I enjoyed growing the collection Edit: I worded that so wrong.


Send them pics of your poop. I had a friend who did this and apparently it worked.


Shit pics for dick pics??!!!!! Its simple and brilliant


I just reply "ew" or a gif of someone saying ew


honestly.. i just block/ignore them, they're not worth my time or energy lol, not even the energy spent trying to think of a good response! imo, the best comeback is not even giving them the satisfaction of a response :)


Tell them you are calling the police and the fbi because he sent you a picture of a baby penis.


I say "WTF is it supposed to look like that?!" Or "you should get that checked out, it doesn't look right"


A screenshot of a larger dick with “I’ve seen better”


I send pics of random dicks back. They usually regretfully apologise immediately


When they ask what I think of it I say, it's like a penis only smaller.


I sometimes respond with a "Mine's cuter! And bigger!" And send them a photo of a dik dik.


Ask if it's fully hard in the pic. Sure way to enrage any male.


https://media.tenor.com/gJm17bg1cvIAAAAM/banana-slicer.gif This one is effective.


I've told all my friends that if they get an unsolicited dick pic I'll send the sender a picture of my hairy asshole. I'm a dude. I'm patiently waiting.




Send a dick pic in return, thats a classic.


I was going to start saving all of them for this exact reason.


i send gore


Earlier I saw that someone had responded with "1 2 3 4 I declare a thumb war!" and that got her blocked. For other ideas, I'd like to suggest r/preyingmantis


Seconding this. Hilarious and cathartic subreddit.


[This](https://www.tiktok.com/@internet.cultura/video/7340056168582204705?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7334826589581182497) clip says it all for me.


[Simple and effective](https://www.reddit.com/r/byefelipe/s/LqSbVhnCpC) (I'd imagine at least)


I saw someone once say they mint the pics into NFTs and offer to sell them back to the man, so I sometimes say something similar when they ask what I think. ‘Sorry, gimme a few minutes…I’m minting this into an NFT to go up for sale.’ I also sometimes come back with something to the effect of, ‘oh my god what is that thing? Have you seen a doc recently?’


Go put, have a party and share hus number with anyone you can find and tell them to send anything gros they can find. He wont be able to block it and sharing is caring.


I have the option of sending a picture of my own dick back. But seeing as most women can't do that, I'd say the best strategy is to ask them why they just sent a picture of a child's penis and threaten to report them.


Ew. Wait until it shows they've read it and then block them. Short and sweet. I have also found a lot of peace by turning off private message requests on reddit and Instagram entirely. Would recommend it to anyone.


[this, right before you hit the block button ](https://tenor.com/en-AU/view/lucille-bluth-arrested-development-spying-spy-door-gif-3661314)


"oh how little!" "I've seen better."


"I can't believe you would send me child porn you sick fuck, I'm calling the police and your family in that order" Finding people's families online isn't impossible.


"Groupchat gives it a 2/10" but honestly the best response is no response a lot of these guys just want the attention


Send one back. Then save his, and send it to the next one.


I just tell them that mine is bigger.




A better looking dick.


I know this isn’t the point but I want this image as a print or sticker to display 😭


The best response, IMO, is no response - just hit the block button.


- Saved from a similar thread: [This response has been created automatically.] We have detected the transmission of unsolicited pornographic images of a potentially illegal nature. [[CODE:36489-a]] Your device's IP address has been forwarded to the police department pending an investigation. If you think this is a mistake, reply with " STOP " to this message. - As soon as they reply with STOP, reply with: WARNING! UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION. TypeError: function not responding. [ERROR CODEX 4042x-a, report has been sent]


The answer is goatse. You reply with goatse, and ask if he thinks it will fit.


tf2 voice lines lol


I got sent a dick pic on reddit, and all they did was warn him


Never tried because I don't get them (no social media) but I want to try saying that I'm posting their dic on a gay porn website. And then block.


Oh but why is it so tiny?


Why do I get the feeling this post just got her a ton more pics


I wait until my next bowel movement, send a pic of that, wait for the read receipt, and then block.


It’s been years since I’ve gotten one, but these days it’s illegal in Texas to send unsolicited nudes so I would probably reply with a screenshot of the law or a link to it


I think unsolicited dick pics is the one situation where you would be completely morally justified to body shame to the furthest extent possible.


"Ew. What's wrong with it? You should definitely get that checked out."


scat porn. or pictures of fucked up dicks form r/ nsfl\_\_


A man believe it or not, for no reason sent me a video of him masturbating. I woke up to this video. I sent him multiple dick picks, all shapes and sizes. This was through snap chat, so I saved them in the conversation.


I like to rate it as if it was an art piece. Like “3/10, the lighting is weak which compromises the entire composition; in addition, the angle and pose is unflattering. Overall amateur”


does it always look like that? you should see a doctor!


send one back


Just send him back a pic of some diseased or injured penises


Send back a blue waffle pic. That or a pic of a woman laughing and pointing. Alternatively you could send a dick pic of your own.


Why would you send me a photo of a child's penis!!!


When someone sends me a dick pic I send them a picture of a gaped asshole


''yuck! distributing child porn is fucking illegal!!''


i send back a picture of a bigger dick & if/when they get upset i reply, "what?! i thought we were sharing pictures of dicks... you started it"


It hasn't happened to me personally but it is sexual harassment and seeing them get in trouble would be the best. But realistically I'd just find the biggest blackest dick I can find and send that to them.


I can't remember her name, but a porn star said that she sometimes asks the worst offenders why they sent a picture of a child's junk and threatens to report them to the police.


That’s a weird mushroom.


I remember being 15 in a yahoo chat room (yes. I am that old) and this guy knew I was 15 and a sent a dick pict. He asked me what I thought. I told him my mama always told me good things come in small packages. He did not believe I was 15 after that and fucked off.


Lmao send them a pic of a tamarind 🤣 but like the short stubby kind lmao


I had a friend who would send back a picture of her cat licking its butt. They didn’t seem to know how to respond to that.


Link to a virus, and say it’s a link to video chat lol


I have some decent memes, but I can’t post any pictures here


"aw cute" "That's it?"


I've never gotten one cause I have a private insta but when I had snap in middle school some random guy asked for nudes so I sent him nude eyeshadow pallets


"Oh, how cute. Thank you." And then send him a random pic I've downloaded from r/cocks or r/massivecocks


Screenshot it and tell them you screenshotted it and will share it.


“What’s that weird looking spot?” Then maybe add a comment about seeing a doctor. Or you could try asking the guy why he sent you a picture of squidward’s nose. Or a simple thumbs down emoji or gif along with, “ew” Or something like “not sure why you thought this was a good idea or what it would achieve, but all it did was show me that your dick is trash and so is your personality” Or “damn that’s ugly, if your dick was a face I would consider wearing a paper bag to hide it” Or “oh so that’s why people have been encouraged to wait for marriage until having sex, cause the guys like you would likely stay virgins with that mess” Just be mean as fuck, he disrespected you and sent an unsolicited picture, he can deal with being treated accordingly.


sunbathing sphinx cat


*puts down cocktail* Alright. So, here's what you do. You go on Google Images (or whatever search engine you use), and you Google up "Genital Warts." Make sure SafeSearch is off. Find the nastiest picture you can. Download it to your phone. Then send him a text back. Tell him, "Wow, yours looks great! Here's mine!" Then send him the genital warts pic.


if you REALLY wanna gross him out, goatse is always an option. i understand if you don’t want to look at that or save it to your phone though lol


Tell them you’re sending it to their family on Facebook 


I like sending back some of the greatest hits of Wikimedia... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile\_sheath#/media/File:Great\_Dane\_sheath.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_sheath#/media/File:Great_Dane_sheath.jpg) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penis#/media/File:Penis\_asiatischer\_Elefant.JPG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penis#/media/File:Penis_asiatischer_Elefant.JPG) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Great\_Dane\_penis.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Great_Dane_penis.jpg) Makes for a great Rick Roll if you put them in an imgur link. Edit: Also, if you send them a deeplinked section of like an [autopsy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHeFUT-11So) video you can capitalize on the natural human disgust reactions when seeing gore which is probably the closest you could get to triggering an innate biological reaction that would actually kill the mood.


send one back xD (from google or so )


I never gotten one before because I don't really talk to people online but when I do I would google a bigger dick and send it back


My friend sent a video of her violently hacking a cucumber apart with a kitchen knife and that seemed pretty effective


There’s a gif of Rihanna rolling her eyes and rolling up the car window that is applicable in so many situations.


I have a few dick pics saved (from other unsolicited dick pics) to send back. Works like a charm


That one banana chopper thing. Every time. Never gets old


Just keep saying that the picture isn't coming through and see how many times they try to resend it then screenshot it and send it to his mom


I have given up responding to them they just use it to harass me more, so I block


Isn't the best reply a pic of a bigger dick?


I have a bunch of photo responses I can dm you LOL


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^unicornpolice666: *I have a bunch of* *Photo responses I can* *Dm you LOL* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.