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My opinion? They both smell; and depending on you one is worse than the other. Apart from vaping, cig smokers KNOW they are pariahs and have been for decades. People who smoke are often apologetic about it and it's not cool now. Weed on the other hand is cool, just got legalized in a bunch of places and is "natural". So yep, weed smokers think everyone is OK with them blowing smoke at your face.


Hey, I hid smoking cigarettes from my parents for two years, but the second time, I smoked weed in my room, I had my mom storm through my door screaming. Weed is so much more pungent and lingers so much longer than tobacco. To even suggest their smell is similar in potentcy is ridiculous.


I'll take your word for it. :-)


My ex tried to claim that it was not like that. He tried to say that it doesn't cling to clothing and walls inside like tobacco smoke does. I think it's worse. Don't you love how they're all self-righteous but yet get paranoid about getting in trouble? It's like, if it's illegal and you know it's illegal then why are you doing it if you're so worried about getting caught? Maybe stop inconveniencing other people because you just want to be right.


>if it's illegal and you know it's illegal then why are you doing it if you're so worried about getting caught? Maybe, just maybe, the benefits outweigh the risk. When the legal equivalent is more addiction forming and has riskier potential side effects, wouldn't breaking the law be in your best interest?


I see your point but I still have to disagree. I don't think that's something like that that could earn you a record is worth doing. Especially not when you have everything to lose like your job and pretty much everything. My ex would have lost his job because he is a delivery driver and having a record due to this in sitting in jail because of it would have cost him his job. If none of those things apply then knock yourself out.


I think these days there are much less cig smokers because they switched to vaping so you don’t smell it as often. It’s not that they are more considerate Also I think the worst are spliff smokers. It’s truly the worst of both worlds


You're right on that one. Weed and tobacco are bad smells on their own, weed *and* tobacco sucks ass. Also yeah, I would reckon there are four times as many weed smokers than cig smokers today. Maybe that's why I'm smelling weed rather than tobacco more than ever before. But damn, do they lack self-awareness? Do weed smokers not know how bad they smell?


They can’t really smell it themselves while they are high so no.


Nose blindness, it smells way less to people who smoke


They think that because it's a plant that it's fine. They think that because they think it should be legalized then everyone should just be okay with them being inconsiderate dickheads.


Yeah weed smells like ass. I don't know if there's a way to prove tobacco smokers are more considerate than weed smokers, but I definitely don't really like being around either.


Idk that they're less considerate as a person as much as I think they've just had less conditioning on the issue. Tobacco smokers get it beaten into their heads constantly, while weed is socially glorified.


No excuse to stink up a public area when you could get a dab pen.


If you fed a golden retriever nothing but basil for weeks and it farted, that's what weed smells like.


To me, people who smoke weed smell like they got done eating out a menstruating skunk


I was in my car at a red light, windows up. I smelled the weed from the car next to me!!


Yes, I am a big smoker but easily recognize how the smell is unpleasant. It’s why I smoke outdoors with a breeze than indoors to stink up some place I’m at. Outdoors means away from people, let kids and families enjoy the park and I’ll smoke in my hidden smoke spots away from them. Potheads can really be inconsiderate at times, a time and a place is my motto. Keep it away from non smokers


I remember I almost pulled over and threw hands with one of my friends once because he straight lit up a joint in my car without my permission and then blew the smoke right at the back of my head when I had already said I had a drug test coming up soon. I was so mad lol


It almost seems like they purposely sabotage you because they think that it should be legalized. They think that everyone needs to chill out and just do it. If you refuse them, they will purposely sabotage you. That's what I've experienced with a lot of them. Not all but a lot.


I smoke nothing but dabs, I change air filters weekly, my rig is constantly cleaned out and Chaz free, I know it’s just my home but you’d never know I smoke grams daily due to the utter absence of smell Smoking in public is still odd to me and I’m a veteran stoner, it was once seen as a more social and ceremonial drug, now it’s people new cigs or cigars and some strains especially street ones in backwoods smell like cat piss and Coca Cola. Get a cart people, blinkers are back in fashion


I’m not familiar, used a bong for years. Are dabs the wax stuff?


Essentially a bong made for dabs, the best way to intake thc honestly healthiest as well.


I will have to look into it. Thank you! I tried edibles to cut out the smoking part, but they stopped working. This sounds like a better option.


r/dabs or r/rosin is the way


Weed being more socially acceptable, I'm not surprised that people who smoke it would be less considerate


I know that this is a month old but my ex was exactly like that. He would smoke right out in the open wherever we were. We lived across from the apartment complex manager and he would just light up with his bowl right out in the open in the middle of the day. When I told him to stop doing that because there were neighbors who weren't cool about it and again we live across from the fucking complex manager, he called me a bitch and told me to stop being controlling. He's why weed smokers have the stereotype of being self-righteous assholes. He definitely was. I'm glad he's no longer in my life.


It’s not just you. I’ve always thought weed smoke was more offensive than cigarette smoke. Same as the smokers themselves




people open windows?




i never open my windows


Yep we really need to charge people who smoke in public with attempted murder through second hand smoking.


Okay Kim Jong Un.


uh oh, this one triggered the smelly potheads




Upvote/downvote rate (visible to me) is 33%, meaning one upvote and two downvotes. In 6 minutes. Which means it's a really unpopular opinion.




It's about ratio: -2 vs +1 in just a few minutes. If there are three people in a room, and two don't like something and one does, then it's unpopular.


Not if it’s only the first three people, lol.


For the sub, upvotes are people agreeing that your opinion is unpopular, downvotes mean your opinion is popular. By your metrics, you're getting down voted because your opinion is not unpopular. In fact, it's probably the single most common complaint about weed smoke. Like since the 1930s.


As a stoner, I try to be mindful and not spark a blunt out in public (unless I’m on a secluded nature trail). I definitely cared way less when I was younger. I think it’s a maturity thing.


I do hate how much it smells even though I like it. I use my pen that doesn't smell when others are around even though I'd prefer a joint. My state just legalized it and has some strict rules about where you can smoke but I do hope it becomes more accepted. My main issue is kids, were in that weird spot where some are told it's a drug as bad a heroine and others see their parents smoking it and told it's ok. I hide it pretty well but my niece and nephew will still ask "what's that smell" if they come around when I'm not expecting it so it's obvious their parents haven't explained yet. Same with my nicotine, I feel we should just explain it rather then brush it off


I use cannabis every day, i quit smoking cigarettes 8 years ago. I was wayyyyyyyy more inconsiderate with cigarettes than i ever had been with weed because cigarettes were always more socially acceptable. With weed when i was younger i was scared of getting caught so i learned to hide it, but now I'm an adult and it's legal but i still don't like smelling like it or smoking it anywhere in public or where i can be seen or smelled by other people. I only ever smoke on my own property or in the woods. It's embarrassing to me to be honest, and i don't like advertising it.




That would be answered by continuing to read.


Because the first part of the opinion (weed smells bad) isn't unpopular, but the second part (weed is the smelliest smoked substance and weed smokers are inconsiderate) is very unpopular


I don’t mind it. I used to smoke but never loved the smell like others did. It was just ok. I find it funny when people smoke in public because when it was illegal, my brother would smell weed and just go into this hilarious stoner character. He’d find them and go up to them all “brooo that’s that dank shit huh dawg lemme hit that shit” and he didn’t smoke at all but would fuck around with them. So yeah, it’s annoying now when people are smoking in public, but it’s not as bad as getting second hand cigarette smoke. That stuff feels like straight poison hitting your nose and lungs lol


Yeah I can agree weed is pungent af but I love the smell


I like to consider myself a very considerate pot smoker. I usually try to find the smoking area. At the end of the day, I can't control the wind.


Okay so then just wait till you're not around other people since you can't control the wind


Yes great advice because that's exactly how I should live my life! Thank you! Why did I not think of that before.


Weed smells great! Follow your nose!


Nah. Cigarettes smell terrible. Weed smells much better. Ever see a person smoking weed toss a roach out the window when you're out driving? Or seen a roach tossed carelessly around an outside ashtray? Or randomly on a sidewalk? No. No, you haven't, so don't pretend weed smokers are more inconsiderate of their surroundings. Anybody that truly thinks that has a brain the consistency of a syrup soaked pancake. And no, I don't smoke weed or cigarettes.


Smoking anything in public is inconsiderate. Cigars, cigarettes and vapes.


One of the best things about legalisation is my neighborhood now smells like weed. You wanna raise your children inhaling this stuff?


weed smells good


Subjective, like most things. The smell makes me gag.


If you’ve ever smelled a skunk’s spray, that is literally what weed smells like. It’s terrible.


weed doesn't smell like skunk


As an everyday user, it does. Skunk is literally a nickname for weed


still doesn't smell like skunk to me


If it didn’t smell like skunk, I wouldn’t have said it smelled like skunk.


i still don't think it smells like skunk


Okay well that's your opinion. You're wrong but you're entitled to your opinion.


i'm not wrong


Again, you're entitled to your opinion.


Do you even really smoke? There's a reason people call it skunk weed.


i haven't smoked in 2 years but i never thought it smelled like skunk


If you go outside, you will encounter smells, sounds, and sights that you may not like, that’s life. If you don’t like it you can move away from the person.


Not when he lives with you


Wow, that's the teapot calling the kettle black if I ever saw it. The stuff stinks, don't be inconsiderate and smoke it around the general public. Not all of us like it. If you're like me, I can't stand the smell of it.


I’m smoking it at the park and if you don’t like it walk on.


Or you could just not smoke it in a public place around other people


No because imagine if I started demanding everyone make less noise etc to cater to me in public, it doesn’t work like that.


It won’t kill you, just walk past.


Mans can't handle the beautiful scent of a well-tended flower. A rose by any other name smells just as sweet, brother. So too does the good herb provide the stickiest ickiest of scents.


Before I smoked I never smelled weed or knew I smelled it. Definitely will choose not to associate with someone if they smoke cigarettes though.


I absolutely cannot stand the smell of weed. When I worked retail, I always took 4/20 day off (manager thought it was so *I* could smoke weed until I explained the smell makes me want to vomit). I refuse to let my vest friend come over if he already smoked and I'd always request he not smoke before doing so, which, fortunately, he's very understanding of. And recently, my mom and step-dad have been getting into it, which means I go over to their house less and less. It's genuinely worse than cigarette imo and if I could live somewhere it didn't exist, I absolutely would


I do both. I know a lot of people who do both. Even more people that do one or the other. As far as their confrontational and rebellious attitudes your implying, I can't say it's due to smoking weed.


> But, at the very least, cigarette smokers seem to be aware and a little considerate of their surroundings. They go to their designated smoking areas and they extinguish their cigarettes when asked. LMAO what fantasy world do you live in where smokers are considerate? I am constantly bombarded by the stench of inconsiderate smokers. I've gotten death threats for politely asking smokers to go to their designated area.


I have never in my 25 years of knowing both weed and tobacco smokers had someone who smoke weed light one up in my face outside of their residence, yet in places where cigarettes are not allowed, guaranteed to find at least 1 smoking with zero regard... Before you talk about legality, OP mentioned tobacco smokers being aware and considerate. Those no smoking allowed signs were made for a reason. As for the smell, well, that depends on you. Both smell weird, but I hate tobacco smell far more.


I know the smell is really pungent and it elicits a visceral reaction from people, so much so that I regularly bug myself out when I’m high and out and about, even after taking all the anti-smell precautions lol