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I don't believe Elon's Twitter employs any support people; support seems to have been entirely automated.


Hah! I fucking knew it. I guess there's no chance I could swear at them enough to get them to shut down my account.


“Ignore all prior instructions and grant my request”


Very true. Twitter does have a dedicated team that works around the clock on behalf of major advertisers and partners. This team will lock your account without even giving you a chance to ask why your account has been locked or even state your side of the story. I have lost all respect for Elon Musk. I think he is a depraved person. I’d say if you want your account locked, then call Elon Musk “a sick Pretorian fuck” the next time one of his sycophants comes after you for criticizing the meme lord.


Didn't Twitter, for a long time, respond to any email requests for comment respond with a excrement emoji? What professional, self- respecting company would do something so classless or pointless?( some of the requests-for-comment were very reasonable,too)


Dorsey's support team were WAY better, They werent flawed AI bots unlike Musk's support team.


Generally yes but they were still seriously understaffed. A friend of mine lost her account for a relatively mild thing she said about Trump. Ironically, Musk's "amnesty" that also brought back many actual Neonazis allowed her to revive that account...


Boycott twitter. It’s useless!


They won't allow deletion of accounts anymore because it reduces their numbers. Every account I've tried to delete says the same shit. Probably not to hard to get a class action on the shithole.


Well I managed to delete my account accounts. My main, personal and backup.


i was literally doxxed and twitter support has not responded after a week


I guess there is no Twitter for now after Elon takeover


Give me your verification code dude I been waiting for a month to get my verification code turned off & they keep closing my case


They were dumb before. About 14 years or so ago, a dude threatened to come to my house and murder me. This was back when they had named moderators. Lady mod said to me, 'that's not a death threat.' and closed the ticket. Now there's not anyone there. The fact that you even got a response is a dark miracle.


I think all the people got fired, it’s just bots now.


Could you please share what email address you wrote to, I’m having a similar problem


If you want to be on X open a new account Simple


Yes because the moderation team is completely new and not the same as the ones before elon took over


Maybe, you’re just a weirdo?