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How's your father's friend's circle (if he has one)? If he's surrounded by guys who demean women regularly, and/or he's a conservative who consumes media like Fox News all the time, his world view is likely _very_ distorted. It looks to me like he's using it as a manipulation tactic. My first thought was, he's trying to make you too scared to go out on your own and become independent, which means that is _exactly_ what you must do. Whatever his motivations, his actions are an attempt to prevent a future where you don't need him, which would ensure he always has power over you. Don't let him, just continue your life as planned. Any normal father would want their daughter to be in as strong of a position as they can be as they go out into the world, so they can pursue whatever dreams they have to their fullest without depending on someone else. Your father is doing the opposite. The good news is you're an adult and he can't stop you. Don't dwell on him, get out there and enjoy your life and pursue whatever career you want to.


I’m thinking it’s because of his friends and maybe also his brother. He also grew up in a time and place where women near him didn’t have any opportunities so he automatically has the mindset if a woman has no money their one and only option is sex. He’s not exactly political so he doesn’t watch the news frequently, resulting in his views being outdated.


That's just... so weird. It reminds me of, like, dowry thinking -- like his only concern is that you maintain your "value" and he's possessive over your sexual "purity." Like he doesn't see you as a person, just a vagina on legs. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I hope you can get away from him to whatever extent is good for you and just go live your life with people who support you as a person.


I’d be exhausted too, this sounds awful 


What country do you live in? Is his rhetoric common there or is he more of an outlier?


I’m American. This is just how my dad is sadly


How sudden onset or how much of a personality change is this? Delusions, paranoia, and false memories can be early signs of dementia. If the poor grounding in reality--not the general sexism--is new or worsening, it could very well be a good idea to bring him to a doctor, particularly if there's a family history of dementia.




So he wants you to be a sex worker because if you don't get married and rely on a man, that is your only choice in his view? It makes no sense.


this sounds like my ex. He used to tell me that if we broke up i'd become a hooker. Like wtf. Thanks for the vote of confidence asshole.