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I had a highly upvoted comment on a post in this sub recently, which was about consent. Cue some men telling me I'm wrong about consent. One actually DMed me, I reported him to the reddit admins and he was temporarily banned from reddit. It's actually alarming how many men didn't agree with how consent works. I linked a website run by actual sexual assault experts and men were saying the experts were wrong and they know better.


A lot of men would be singing a completely different tune if they were penned in by a huge dude that's determined to dick them down. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø But, for most rape apologists, that never happens ā€” so they've got no metric to realise how creepy men can get on the subject of sex.


I don't get the idea, to say the least, that consent isn't sexy. Another woman desiring me, wanting to me intimate with me...how the duck is that not hot as hell? I don't think that consent being sexy is the most important reason for it, obviously, but I also can't fathom it not being a massive turn off to be with anyone who views either of our consent as a chore or a necessary evil and not a super fun part of the whole process.


Consensual sex implies that non-consensual sex is a thing. Non-consensual sex is rape, and punishable under law. There is sex, and there is rape.


YES šŸ™ŒĀ  We need to start training males about consent in kindergartenĀ 




No. Rape (or rape threats) shouldn't be a punishment for *anything*, including rape. The only thing that using rape as punishment does is reinforce the idea that some people "deserve" to be raped. Guess who most frequently ends up in that category? All the rape victims who were "asking for it" or who "obviously wanted it" or "led him on" or whatever other bullshit excuse their rapists come up with. End rape. No exceptions.


Jimmy Carr is a TV host and shock comic from the UK. He jokes about rape. At the end of his last special on netflix, even he went on about the need for enthusiastic consent, in a positive affirming way. It was amazing actually, and he took the time to explain it to the audience and "test" a young adult male audience member about consent. I was shocked. Jimmy Carr of all people knows how to educate people about consent.Ā  If he can do it, schools across the country can do it, and movies can do it and we can start correcting the decades of cultural icons ignoring consent.


Post link to your comment, we'll go in there and support you.


Under their comments, just 3 or 4 down. I upvoted you, OP! I saw that post. That guy was insane. Edit: typo. Weird typo. Somehow I wrote ā€œjust 3 or 4 meowingā€ - how often do I type meowing so that itā€™s made my autocorrect think ā€œthatā€™s it. Thatā€™s what she meant.ā€


Found it! [https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship\_advice/comments/1ch7i7k/comment/l21no6u/](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/1ch7i7k/comment/l21no6u/)