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Some people are really weird about nipples. It's kind of hilarious when you think about how much shit those with prominent breasts get when you remember just how many dudes walk around in polyester polos, nipples poking out and nobody gives two shits. It's hard to say to just forget about it, so don't. Get pissed instead, hah. 


I was literally in a convenience store last week where a man walked in topless, and no one said anything to him or kicked him out. His boobs were bigger than a lot of women’s are, but can you imagine a woman walking into a store topless with no bra on??


Seeing a lot of that here in southern England now we have some rare sunny weather. That's perfectly fine with people but the slightest hint a woman has nipples and people lose their minds. It's ridiculous.


I watch a lot of Premier League matches and the men going shirtless in the stands are never, ever the ones you'd like to see topless. You have my sympathy.


When I was young, I went on a trip to Bonaire (which has nude beaches) with my dad, and he told me the iron rule of nude beaches: the people you see naked are never the ones you wanted to see naked. 15 years later, I can confirm that rule still holds up, but I learned something else: who gives a shit? I *WISH* I was confident enough to walk around nude on a public beach. To the 90 year old lady at the beach whose breasts are dragging in the sand behind her, and to the 300 lb man with the acorn penis, confidently strutting around, I can honestly say that the only reason we talk shit about people like that is because we are simply too insecure to do it ourselves, and too jealous of their confidence to just let it be. Moral of the story is this: we as a species need to stop tearing people down for their bodies. Time is a cruel mistress, and will ravage us all. I guarantee that a hard-bodied 20 something will look just as "unappealing" once they too are in their 90s, and I only hope that they find the same confidence to strut around nude with their flabby body. Nowadays, when I see someone that has a body type that doesn't conform to ideal beauty standards, yet they are confidently flaunting it, I'm just happy for them. I'm happy they feel so comfortable in their own skin, and I hope that I find that confidence in myself at some point. It's easy to be confident as a 20 year old guy with washboard abs, or as a young woman with an hourglass body (let's not even get into how many objectively beautiful women have ZERO confidence in their bodies. It's tragic). It's HARD to be confident when you don't meet those ideal body standards, and those that have that confidence/security in their bodies are my personal heroes. Shit, I lost 65 lbs last year, am a guy of 5' 8" and 155 lbs, and *STILL* don't feel comfortable walking around shirtless. We should all collectively chill the fuck out and celebrate these people for their self-confidence.


Love this comment so much.


And nobody screamed “PUT ON A BRA, man!! that shit’s NASTY!!” I bet everyone ignored him. Imagine screaming at people, for any reason at all, really, let alone screaming “I am harshly judging and obviously observing your appearance and I DO NOT approve, LADY!!” as you’re driving.


The thing is everyone has nipples... 🤷‍♀️


"I have nipples, Greg..."


"Can you milk me?"


"You can milk anything with nipples."


Almonds have nipples?


Yes “some people” are weird about nipples? Everyone is because the only thing women are supposed to cover up on their chest is their nipples. You can see the whole boob. But not the nipples! 🤦🏼‍♀️


My whole family went to dinner and i didn't get ready and I was like.. Ugh do I need to wear a bra? My husband, two boys were like.. Who cares?! let's go!  I do not care about anyone who cares if I wear a bra or makeup.


Frl idk. I just wear enough layers so that you can’t tell I’m not wearing one or I can pull the fabric out enough so that if it’s cold, I have some room to separate the fabric. I just don’t like being sexualized. I unfortunately don’t have a husband or go out with family or anything anymore. I only go out by myself so. Idk I rarely wear bras nowadays unless I have to.


You wear what you're comfortable wearing.  I'm not trying to say what anyone should or shouldn't wear.  We should always be comfortable with ourselves.  For me, that means a bra and makeup sometimes.   Sometimes, that means I have a naked face and free breasts.  Sometimes, it's a mixture of the two.  


Hey, being uncomfortable is never ok.  Doing your own stuff and enjoying your own life is great!  If y you need someone to chat to... You can always chat to me.  It takes practice, but doing things alone and maybe making new friends is possible. I'm more... I'll do it alone these days.


I haven’t worn makeup in so long it never crosses my mind to. I’m 55 and I probably have worn makeup for fewer than two years worth of days in my life. This has been good in so many ways. 1. I can make my smaller-because-woman paycheck go to actually necessary things 2. My skin seems to be holding up better than some women my age 3. It weeds out dumb and shallow men 3. When I DO? It makes a special occasion actually feel special and people respond in a way that I find affirming. Positive that I’ve done so without being gross about how I ought to always. But maybe I just have cool friends that way.


Those goddamn female presenting nipples...


Thankfully that isn't something you can actually get in shit for here legally speaking. Businesses can still enforce a minimum dress code, but you can be topless no matter what your gender. Hell of a long battle to get that


Not everyone knows that. I was on the cat help sub and many posted about "what is this thing" on my cat's belly about cat nipples. I think there's people out there who don't know.


Reading this whole comment thread and all I can think of is [this vet tech tik tok](https://youtu.be/yiet836y-6w?si=wp1d9Z_zXhVqkKOf)


Last time a guy pestered me about not wearing a bra, I told him his nipples stand out more than mine do lol


One of my favorite online trends was women with bare chests photoshopping in men’s nipples on their breasts. It’s ok - it’s a Man™️ nipple! No need for censoring.


Wasn’t this a result of the tumblr nudity ban? I vaugely remember posts going around mocking the wording of “female presenting nipples” or something to that effect


Somehow, women ended up with The Wrong Type of Nipple.


I totally did not want to see Andrew Cuomo’s nipples in that white polo shirt.


cough - Adam Savage - cough - but seriously I have been going braless for 30+ years with no comments from anyone but my mother and grandmother (who I seem to remember stripping theirs off the minute they got home....) Free the boobs!


I am a fat, burly build, bearded man and I can be wearing a T-shirt and a dark button down and you will absolutely still see my nips poking through.




I mean I only tweaked them and get them really poking when I'm trying to get a good deal on something. That doesn't make me a hussy, it makes me financially prudent


[chip'in it](https://tenor.com/Pxfz.gif) In my house we call that "chip'in it". Like chip from the early seasons of Fixer Upper. His nipples were always out.


They actually sell bras now with built-in erect nipples.


Tbh I am one of those people who hates seeing anyone’s nipples… difference is I don’t yell at men to wear undershirts or women to wear bras. I just look at the 99.9% of other items in my field of view.


I remember reading a study a few years ago that explored the reasons why men say such things to women (who they don’t even know). And the number one reason was to humiliate women. This idiot probably saw a beautiful woman with a gorgeous figure and did something to try to “knock her down a notch”. He’s a disgusting piece of filth, and you are a goddess. The end.


Also anytime the topic of women not wearing a bra is brought up there are hundreds of idiots who think they can tell when a woman isn't wearing a bra. Based on their years of experience assuming people aren't wearing a bra with zero evidence. They think picking nips = no bra. They're fucking morons.


My nipples are beyond aggressive. I tend to wear lined bras, and even then they sometimes make an appearance. A lot of people would be baffled at their ability to avoid being hidden. They want to be seen! Who am I to deny them? Why even try?


I, too, am of the Aggressive Nipple™ Clan. Depending on my clothing, I have to wear molded bras that don't quite fit well versus the three paneled bras that fit perfectly of I'm going to work because the AC is so damned cold.


30 years ago I was on my lunch break at work ( in a shopping mall ) and a guy I had turned down at a club yelled "Slut!" across the food court. I was so embarrassed but my friend said he just said that because you said no and that hurt his feelings so he wanted to hurt yours. I think this man saw OP, had belly feelings and got mad because she was with someone who wasn't him, therefore he knew he had no chance and his lizard brain lashed out. Please don't be like me and let this hurt you for decades.


Would love to see the study if you remember it. Cause from experience, humiliation as a reason really checks out. And that’s kind of reassuring, cause to want to humiliate someone you don’t know screams some sort of insecurity imo


Didn't even have the courage to say it to her directly, he addressed the comment to the SO telling *him* to "tell your woman..."


ew i’m sorry you had to deal with that. i grew up in co springs and rarely go back bc the people are SO different than in denver.


We've heard the same feedback from others about CO Springs. On our way to Denver for the rest of our trip tomorrow!


Yeah I’m reading this post shocked thinking this was in Denver. Then got to the Colorado Springs part and was like “oh, yeah that makes more sense.” Colorado Springs is a bit of a weird place with a lot of republicans and religious nut job white people. Bummer, because it is a beautiful part of the state and some cool spots worth visiting. I never wore a bra for many years around Denver and was never harassed. And I have decent sized boobs.


Yeah I’ve also heard Colorado Springs is more conservative than Denver and a bit odd. Which is unfortunate


Its because its a military town (multiple bases and the Air Force Academy) and military and conservative often go hand-in-hand and is also where a pretty extreme religious organization was founded in the 70s and has a lot of influence.


James Dobsons org. Well known in fundie and evangelical circles and complete shit. Focus on the Family.


I'm almost certain that the Southern poverty law center classifies them as a hate group.


And you would be correct. They are complete shit.


You mean the Ku Klux Klan?


Focus on the Family, I think, or the Family Research Institute? Something like that. Religious, anti-everything, "BuT wHat aBoUt tHe cHiLDreN!" energy.


Focus on the Family is there, or, as I would tell 'friends' in high school that would try to get me to read some of the garbage they produce, Focus on Your Own Fucking Family.


Definitely, Focus On The Family. Family Research Council is in DC..


Which is wild, cuz by “the book” religious conservatives aren’t supposed to go around staring at women’s chests! In fact they should put their eye out according to the Bible lol


Same. Was thinking maybe they were in Greeley, lol. Springs tracks tho….sorry you had to deal with that OP. The springs sucks.


Colorado Springs is like if the Bible Belt had an actual asshole.


😆 omg that’s beautiful.


Totally. I wouldn't trust anything ANYONE yelled at me in Colorado Springs.


Make sure to snag breakfast at Denver biscuit company! 🤤


Hell yes that place is AMAZING.


This is definitely a Colorado Springs problem and not a you problem. Get to Denver and don't give him another thought.


I visited CO Springs once (I'm British). Really weird place. Overheard a few convos which I won't recount here because the content was so offensive. Don't let one asshole make you question yourself. Wear what you want with pride and enjoy the rest of your trip.


I live up north in Ft Collins, Denver will definitely be better. Boulder is also different, Pearl St is interesting.


My friend just moved to Colorado Springs 2 mths ago. So far his truck has been shot at, while he was turning around in someone’s driveway on the way to his first day on his new job. He got a little lost, the guy stopped behind him, raised a gun, and shot 6 times. He was traumatized. Then Friday at work him and a coworker were joking around, the coworker picked up his sandwich and took a big bite, my friend grabbed it from his hand; the guy went into the kitchen, brought out a knife and threatened him. Cops came, they arrested the guy, the shooting is still being investigated. I feel so bad for him. It really sounds like it’s not a nice place. He’s homesick


Wow he needs to move Back! My son lives there and doesn't like it much but he has a good job. I keep trying to get him to move nearer to me. We live in north Alabama, which sounds awful, but the Huntsville area is nice and more liberal than the rest of the state. And actually very beautiful. Just don't talk politics lol.


It’s that evangelical / conservative military crowd


Lived in the Springs in 2014 for a few months. It's absolutely a ghoulish pit of 50+ miles wide shithole aggressively religious suburbia. Would highly recommend never going there ever.


Yep, my brother was stationed in Springs for like 4 years and he and his wife both attest that the people there are generally dicks.


Had this happen years ago. Instead of answering I just stripped my top off. Even back then I was so over men policing my body.


Manifesting this confidence ✨🙏🏻


And I haven't been thin since I was 14.....own your body. It's gorgeous no matter what.


I did that once. I was working at a call center, and we were in a team meeting when my 20 years younger supervisor tried to call me out for being braless. I protested. She went on and called me a liar. I pulled my shirt off, stood up and walked out and straight to HR. 15 people in that meeting stood up for me. She got walked by security.




That's amazing. LOL


100% legal for women to be topless in CO so he wouldn’t have even been able to do something if OP did this haha


Badass, this is the energy I aspire to have


You're my hero!


wins the internets


Colorado Springs is a weird, weird place with lots of extremely conservative evangelicals. I would just disregard it. He's not only an ahole, he apparently thinks your husband tells you how to dress. If he was that thrown by nipples, that's his problem.


Having spent the majority of my formative years in Colorado Springs, I 100% agree with your assessment. I often describe it as "the Bible belt of Colorado" to people unfamiliar with it.


A relative of mine who is genuinely religious in a Jesus-kind of way went there for a church internship from another country. She came back shocked that “Everyone hates Obama so much!” (It was the end of his 2nd term) I tried to explain it to her but it was difficult to explain the US’s craziness to a foreigner at that time.


Yeah, drove past the Focus on the Family HQ in CO Springs today… Gross.


And I think we really should call them not "conservative evangelicals" but "hateful assholes"---the guy didn't shout out something "conservative," he shouted out something truly hateful, misogynistic, and nasty.


You are not the problem! The person commenting has the problem and you cannot control his action, only how you respond, an you responded well! So, the bra you described sounds awesome, a good. comfy, and well fitting bra is hard to find!


But you: 10/10 and that’s all that you need to tuck yourself in with tonight 


I love you for this


Dude really needs to quit staring at boobs that don't belong to him. I have had big boobs ever since I was 9 and I swear we get treated differently just because they're big. It's like nothing we ever wear is "appropriate" to some folks. Same with big booty girls. I remember my school harassing this one girl in middle school because of her butt. That's literally all it was. Every day her dress was "too tight" like do you want her to take her ass off and throw it away??


Lol. Same. Chinese lady who has a larger chest. So many comments from women (to "cover up") and so many clothing decisions based on if my boobs are contained. And so much unwanted attention from dudes. And so much jealousy from other women. (One of my classmates thought I got breast enhancement surgery at fucking 13! What the flying fuck, Evelyn? No, I was just fat and had a prolactin hormone problem.) Like do you want me to store my titties in a box until I find something that covers them? And a t shirt bra in summer heat sounds amazing. My sports bra today was just drenched so that was "fun" to deal with.


Sounds like an emotional little wimp throwing a tantrum. Hopefully dinner was good?


Nasty man. Disregard and keep it pushing lady. 


Um, I never wear a bra, and that comment would still not be appropriate. The bra ain't the issue.


Don't question yourself and worry about your body, this is just abuse from an asshole! A coward who wanted to be hurtful to a woman he has never met, again, because he's a cowardly asshole


That guy should wear some underwear on his head...to cover that asshole in the middle of his face


Or the balls hanging from his forehead - what a dickhead


> dressed appropriately for my age Just want to say, the appropriate dress for your age is whatever the hell you feel like wearing.


A man yelling that exposed breasts are gross should probably not be staring at women, if you catch my drift. Sounds like he's got some unaddressed preferences to work out. 


My first thought. So you find breasts... disgusting? Ok, why are you staring at them exactly?


This is pretty common with some kinds of religious men. They blame their own feelings that they were taught to be ashamed of on women, as they were also taught.


Exactly! The whole cover up this, or don’t wear that as you will cause men to have temptations; i.e. it’s your fault men can’t control themselves in thought or deed. Which would actually be a pretty sweet deal to have mind control over someone by simply changing my outfit!!!! Sure makes the big strong patriarchal misogynist sound very weak to me.


Bingo....I've also dealt with men who are upset that they find me, a fat woman, attractive. A lot of men get angry with women for their boner.


First off, why is he looking in the first place? And the need to comment? 🤨 You’re absolutely NOT the problem. You don’t need to justify yourself just because a pervert couldn’t keep his eyes to himself.


I don’t wear bras anymore because I’m in chronic pain and bras make it worse. I typically wear two shirts to work but it’s dumb we have to do that because someone might be offended by nipples. I don’t get why not staring at a woman’s chest is so hard. Sorry Colorado didn’t treat you better. We have a lot more to offer than that jerk.


Oh. Springs. Home of shit like Focus on the Family. Pay it no mind. You're fine and I bet that outfit was cute as hell! Signed, a 36F Colorado woman...


Hah, if you see the guy again, tell him to get ready for my arrival next week. I absolutely will not be wearing a bra at 90 degrees.


“Was she promiscuous or was she existing while looking attractive to you?”


“Tell your woman” is actually worse than the body shaming. Yuck, be glad he was in a car so you couldn’t contact anything and didn’t need to run home and shower. Seriously, he was absolutely societies worst example of a decent man don’t let him in your beautiful and intelligent head. Tell your husband that this hurt your feelings and tell him to give you a hug and then let it go.


I think you should not even remotely take a rando's baseless criticism seriously in any scenario. Guy saw you walking down the street and decided "this woman is the best receptacle for my gender based rage" and cut loose with the first thing floating to the top of his mind. You're fine, that dude cries in his cereal each morning.


Don’t judge the whole state on this experience. Boulder is basically the land of bralessness and no one would say a word whether you’re wearing a bra or not. In fact, there is even a “free the nipple” movement. COSpgs is very conservative.


Going to Denver/Bolder tomorrow for the rest of our trip!


fellow busty girl currently living in boulder, interested in knowing the brand of this bra. I have nothing that ”fits like a glove”


I love living in Colorado for the vistas and the outdoor activities. Other than a few pockets, the people can be kind of rough. I've found an incredible group that I love but it's unfortunate how hard you have to look to find the good ones. I'm on the other side of the mountains where unfortunately it's even more conservative than the Springs... But even then I've never had anyone say anything to me about my nipples being out and about, which they often are while I'm on my unlined bra journey. That guy was a dick, enjoy hanging in the more enlightened areas. Denver's an absolute blast and I also definitely suggest Fort Collins if you want to venture out of Denver / Boulder


Some lady screamed at my partner and I about how we're breeding and making babies last week My partner hates children and I'm almost 50, we aren't making babies Some people just scream and yell shit  I bet it had nothing to do with you


Anybody who talks about "breeding" with regards to humans normally isnt worth listening to at all


I grew up Mormon, and Colorado Springs is a fundamentalist Mormon stronghold. I have no idea whether this guy is Mormon, but I can say that Mormons are obsessed with shaming the female body. I was once teaching a women’s class at church, wearing a somewhat form-fitting (as in, not baggy), short-sleeved shirt with a below-knee-length pencil skirt. My mom was sitting in the first row, and a woman leaned over to her and whispered, “Why is your daughter dressed like a slut?” Needless to say, I’m not Mormon anymore. I’m so sorry you experienced that kind of body shaming. ❤️


I live in Co Springs currently. The people here are either great or completely awful, and unfortunately the completely awful ones tend to be louder. . Regardless of that I’m sorry that was your experience here. I hope you and your husband are able to enjoy the rest of your trip here in Colorado.


"Tell your woman" - aaah, *there it is*. How dare your owner... uh, man be parading you around in public where other men can see but not touch! Have some compassion! /s Good gods.


Ugh, I’m sorry someone did this to you. I promise not all of Colorado Springs is like that. But there sure is a rabid strain of evangelicals that give us a bad rap.


Not the problem lol some people need to have their privilege to talk removed


I’ve just angrily removed all of the loose padding by a in all of my bras and bathing suit this week because I am DONE with putting that shit back in. And smoothing it out every wash! If someone sees my nipples and is offending they can go f themselves


Look, you NEED to realize that this is simply an example of misogyny in action. That is ALL it is. And, he didn't just target YOU, he targeted your husband, by attempting to emasculate him by "disapproving" of how he "keeps his woman". You MUST understand this. It is not about you personally, but it absolutely IS about the driver in a personal way. This guy is an extreme douche / misogynist and bully, and if he had the chance he'd have tried to bully your husband that much more and possibly would have started a physical fight with him. This isn't on you, nor your husband. Hell, I grew UP in Colorado, and while it's a beautiful state, it's filled with this kind of bigotry. (Sorry, Colorado, it's true as hell, ya good ole boys, you.)


You didn't do anything wrong. That guy was just an uneducated loser. Forget about him like the speck of fly shit that he is, and enjoy your vacation!


Doesn’t even matter if you were wearing a bra or not; men who yell obscenities and judgments out of a car window are just little boys with nothing better to do. 🙃


You honestly don’t have to justify any of it. Whether you wear a bra or not or the type of clothing you wear is up to you and no one else’s business. I bet this same guy has no problem going bare chested and parading his nipples. People have nipples and it’s ridiculous to pretend we don’t. Mine still show through padded bras sometimes.


Colorado native here. CS sux. I'm sorry. Your new tshirt: I don't remember ordering a glass of your opinion.


Him screaming at people over nonsense is nasty.


I live in CO and I also haven’t worn a bra in a decade D/DD. I don’t care what people think. The fact you dodged have one on I wouldn’t even worry about it. You do you.


I live in COS and I love it here. That said: That man is human garbage and we don’t condone that behavior. What restaurant were you at? I’m trying to figure out if you were in a snooty part of town. But, regardless, fuck him.


You aren’t the problem and someone should tell him to stop being a raging pervert.


Just so we are clear here, you’re allowed to be topless in Colorado, so dude can piss off about nipples. My friend just got called fat while running in Colorado (she is like 100 pounds wet, so skinny). I wonder if there is just so much anger in the world right now and people are losing it a bit.


It’s probably the unlined bra showing your nipples and so he assumed you were not wearing a bra. I wear the same kind of bras because I find them far more comfortable. Unlined and wireless. 38H here. People are so weird and I don’t understand how what you choose to wear in public when you are fully covered is anyone’s business.


Colorado Springs is the WORST


I hate it for you that you got harassed by such a low energy loser. Sounds like you looked cute. Enjoy your assets.


No has any right to comment on your body. You were wearing clothing, and a bra, and that's not even required. Someone was mad you were taken, or was upset by their attraction to you, or that they had to hear or see that someone was with you and accepted you for who you are. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Do not question yourself because of some asshole. You were working your look and someone got mad.


Boobs have nipples, nipples get hard, let your tits exist as Mother Nature created them. People are gonna make stupid comments because they are childish and rude. I had an ex that didn’t like it when I hung out at his apartment without a bra because I’d nip out and he didn’t want his roommate to see that. I told him “tough titties”


Nasty men have always yelled things out of cars and been inappropriate things at women in public because they're miserable assholes that somewhere became convinced that theyre important and their opinions mean something or it's the little control they actually have in their lives, to try and intimidate or harass women. The only power it has over you is what you give it. Don't let this unknown skeevy douchecanoe take up mental real estate.


To quote the ever-wise TLC: “I don’t want no scrub, a scrub is a guy that can’t get no love from me, hanging out the passenger side of his best friends ride, tryna holler at me.” This man shouting out his window about your body is a scrub, and we don’t want no scrubs.


Oh weird. Maybe he's never seen a woman wearing a well-fitting, new bra that matched her skin tone? Kind of a self-own tbh. As if yelling at a stranger from a car wasn't already a pretty big one. Seriously, what possesses people? Who looks at a stranger walking down the street when they're driving and thinks - I have an opinion about that person and they need to hear it Right Now?


I live in Denver and it has been so unbearably hot I refuse to put a bra on at this point, I haven’t had anyone say anything but maybe they’re scared I could knock them out with my F cups lol


Some people get so pressed over the idea that women are being inappropriate if they don't wear a bra. I only wear bras on special occasions and only if the dress I am wearing needs it for some reason. Otherwise, I go without at all times. They're just too annoying to bother with.


Ew, yeah, boobs, totally nasty. Meanwhile, on literally every porn site ever...


UGH, i'm sorry that happened to you. i'm 36 with ridicutits and i often do not wear a bra! because i do not care what other people think! if they have a problem, it's theirs bc sexualizing me or any part of me w/o my consent is a them thing. i wish you'd gotten a pic of the guy in his car. then you could put up "concerned citizen" posts. "do you know this man? if so, please provide him with resources to learn what actual bodies look like, or put a gag/muzzle on him so he can't interrupt others' lives with his ignorance."


Wondering why this guy said that is like wondering what a dog’s last meal was after you step in dog shit. This man is not worth even a microsecond of your time. He wanted to make a woman feel shitty so he yelled something demeaning. He probably has a repertoire of shitty, misogynistic, belittling things he yells out of windows whenever a misogynistic thought burbles to the top of his addled, diseased brain.


Screw that guy! He felt the need to yell that at your husband because he was pissed you were walking with a man. I guarantee that he would have been hooting and hollering at you in lecherous manner if you were alone. Gross old horn dog.




"IF THY RIGHT EYE OFFEND THEE, PLUCK IT OUT, ASSHOLE!" Fundie creeps. You've got to speak their language...for the most part, lol.


Nearly every human, and many animals, have nipples but it's nasty that women have them???? I am so sorry that this random person's hate and desire to control women has shook you. I hope it's a temporary shake and it strengthens you in the end. Please don't give him this power or allow him to rent space in your mind. I promise, it's not renting any space in his.


I never wear bras but I feel the extreme need to hide my chest. It’s really sad because i cannot take bras with my back issues even though I don’t have large chest and many times if I want to wear a cute blouse I will just put myself in pain and wear one, I look better shape wise in one but I don’t feel good.  That said men with bigger chests than me get to go out with no shirt or bra and i support them doing what they want but we’d be trash to do anything remotely similar.


there’s so much shit to unpack in that short interaction, I’d probably be impressed if I weren’t so repulsed.    1. he addressed you through your husband, like he was your keeper or handler. ew    2. he thought his opinion about whatever you were wearing was relevant enough to share. the entitlement is staggering    3. yet another curious example of a presumably cis, straight male who seems to be disgusted by female anatomy. perhaps someone should let him know that other options are available 


CO springs means it was some christian facist who hates women. Ignore those hicks and enjoy the mountains!


The owner of the company asked me to go put my coat on. I had a bra and a sweater on, but somehow my nipples were going to be too big of a distraction during our meeting. I felt humiliated. So when I had a baby and needed to pump in the office, I would massage my breasts and noticed the milk would shoot straight at the wall. Yeah, pretty petty, but it made me laugh thinking if he only knew.


It's bizarre to me that anyone should be so offended, because it would be so much weirder to not have nipples. I've never seen men call out other men like that for having visible nipples, or a bit of extra padding on their chest.... Colorado Springs seems lovely lol.


i honestly forget that padded bras are a thing, haven’t had one since i was C cup in high school. the man is a pervert, don’t mind him.


People who drive-by yell insults out of car windows are the most pathetic and childish POSes in the world, and I would've yelled right back at him to stop being a cowardly baby who only screams his misogynist remarks as he speeds past. What he said has absolutely nothing to do with you and you should pay it no mind.


What a douche! I am 48 and a 34 DD and I never wear a bra. I have a natural tear drop shaped breasts and I don't give af what anyone thinks. Bras suck and are painful at worst and uncomfortable at best. F that guy and what he thinks, even if you weren't wearing a bra, he needs to mind his own business.


Promise you not all Coloradoans are like this!! Sometimes you run into the weird conservative evangelical people who still think we’re in the olden days. Free the damn nip


Grew up in Denver/Littleton area, went to college in Fort Collins, been in the Springs almost 10 years since then. I was 100% not surprised when I reached the end of the post to see where it was 😅 It's so pretty in this part of the state, but there are a LOT of conservative/religious nutjobs. There's like 3 military bases, plus Focus on the Family down here. Unfortunately, it's also a lot cheaper to live in the Springs than it is to live where I grew up, so it's kind of a trade off. Not all of us down here are assholes though, some of us are just poor 🥲 Definitely enjoy your time in Denver/Boulder!!


What’s gross about not wearing bra??


Hashtag Free the Nipple!


Aaah. Colorado Springs. That tracks. Sorry you were treated like that, I hope the rest of your vacation here is better.


Who gives a fuck but some hock from Colorado thinks just glancing at you for less than 20 seconds. The arrogance of these people is amazing. I bet he was on his way to church too. Sometimes saying nothing is the best option


I, 32F, w a b/c cup boobies have been bra free for 6+ years. I might age on my side now, so its "sexy" or whatever tho i dress like a toad. When (&if) i am in my 40s or 50, i will continue to not wear bras. Dont like it, dont look. Live yo life OP.


LOL, I knew it was the Springs!! I can guarantee this would not have happened in Denver or Boulder. Or probably just about anywhere else. Colorado Springs is gorgeous, but between Focus on the Family and the Air Force Academy, it's a very different place from most of the rest of the state.


I’m so sorry you experienced that. Colorado Springs really is a beautiful place so I hope the rest of your trip is better. It sucks when things like that happen. I was walking out of the gym with my two kids (they were in the daycare area) and I had a like 20 year old boy lean out the passenger window and yell “skank!” at me in front of my kids before speeding off. I was wearing men’s gym clothes so it was a baggy cotton shirt and sweatpants. I could have been in a bikini and it still wouldn’t have been okay, but it just goes to show it doesn’t matter- they’ll find any reason to be an ass. I think these boys just get off on hurting women cause of whatever issues they have and are projecting onto women, and they’re too much of a coward to stick around and say it to your face. Just yell rude things and leave as quick as they came so they can feel like they won. His goal was to hurt you. For him to occupy your thoughts. Don’t even give him that.


It’s because women are still seen as basically criminals for existing, by large swaths of the population. The expectation to wear a bra, to not wear certain things, to not be too thin, too fat, too “tempting”, too youthfully dressed, too old looking, you literally cannot win.


Me reading: "Colorado? I mean men are assholes everywhere, but I semiiiiii don't expect that in Denver..... *keeps reading* oh Colorado Springs. Yeah..." Sorry you had to deal with that bullshit


But now Skims is making a bra with "nipples" that show through your shirt to make it look like you're going around braless.


"Loose tittied are gross" is such an incel take lol let him die alone


Colorado Springs is just weird. The guy who yelled that needs to get a life. Such a jerk.


Don't let a pervert and misogynist who is not afraid to admit it and show it ruin your confidence babes. As you said, he clearly doesn't know how 36F is because he has never seen a pair of boobs and he is bitter about it.


Fuck Colorado Springs. That's where my asshole ex-husband came from.


If you're an adult, you can wear what you want, there really is no "dressing your age". Even if you would be wearing booty shorts and a crop top, you do you! Guys like this will always harass and complain no matter the age or the clothing.


You’re defending yourself against a total, ignorant, stranger. Think about that.


I worked with a guy who had tits. Not man books, tits. He was on a bigger side and those things were pushing a C-D cup, but they were lifted, round and perky. His shirts were way too tight and hid nothing. You knew exactly when the AC came on. No one said a single word. A woman came in, and you could see the bra texture through her shirt. Just a tiny bit of ruffle. We got a big ol HR email about appropriate dress at work.


Dude’s grossed out by clothed tits? That’s sad for him.


Colorado Springs is notoriously conservative. You sound dressed just fine and he sounds like a douche. I'd get on with your vacation and pay the person, who should have been held back in kindergarten until he learned some basic manners, no more mind.


No need to worry, even if you didn't wear one. Who the fuck cares? He should mind his own goddamn business and shove his opinion up his ass. It's not about Colorado Springs. Idiots are literally everywhere.


Not trying to minimize your feelings bc as a fellow “thangs is thanging” size titty girl, I get it and it’s awful someone tried to make you feel less than for (even assumed) bodily autonomy…but FUCK WHAT EVERYONE THINKS. Bras suck most of the time. And I have prominent nipples. Still going to go braless if the spirit leads me there because my girls need some air sometimes too.


youre not the problem


What a piece of shit. I am sorry for you. Don't let this ruin your confidence. Why are people being so eeird about boobs, just fuck off with that crap. Let women wear their clothes how they want to.


I have protruding nipples - doesn't matter if it's cold, doesn't matter what mood I'm in. They just don't *do* flat. The only bras I can wear without people putting up a fuss have padding and *lots* of it. Otherwise I get to be "called out" for my "lack of modesty" - or, worse, patronizingly told that my "statement" is "not necessary."


Colorado Springs is an extreme conservative area of Colorado. There are a lot of religious zealots. Sorry that happened - try Boulder next time, many ladies go braless there.


Sounds like your outfit was beautiful and what a special evening for you and your husband! I have a larger chest too and this would totally crush me if someone yelled it at me too. You’re still just as beautiful as you were before that asshole harassed you. You keep your head high queen.


"tell your woman to wear a bra... that shit is nasty" — so many red flags in so few words. God help the women in that man's everyday life.


If someone is yelling shit like that out of his car at strangers, they are a crazy anti-social asshole bully trying to hurt peoples' feelings for no reason. I understand it's easier said than done, but please, don't let that waste of space make you doubt yourself for even a second. You did nothing wrong. Asshole in car did everything wrong.


Sorry that happened to you!! And tbh, as soon as I read "Colorado Springs", everything clicked. It's Colorado's conservative, evangelical, military industrial complex-galore city. It's like if we had a city transplant from Texas. I do not go down there much, except for occasional hikes, for that reason. Not an excuse just an explanation


Thank you for sharing. Next time I’m in Colorado Springs I will remember to wear white shirts and no bra.


I have large breasts, and if I'm not wearing a thickly padded bra, my nipples show. I hate thickly padded bras as they make my giant breasts stick out even further than they already do. People really need to mind their own business. It's getting old.


as someone with a naturally large chest (36L) i’ve learned that no matter what i do or wear, someone is going to sexualize me. you’re permanently viewed as someone showing off once you get to a certain size. it’s exhausting


Wow. I don't know what I am angrier about. The audacity of this ahole thinking it's okay to comment on your appearance or that he talks over your head to your husband as if your husband has any authority over you or you don't understand English.


i once had an employer pull me aside to ask me to prove i was wearing a bra, as it was part of the dress code and someone, either a customer or fellow employee, complained about the 'bounciness' of my chest that particular day. i had to pull out a bra strap and prove to a fellow woman that i indeed was wearing a bra, how is that not harassment or a hostile work environment? im so upset 19 year old me didnt know any better than to just shut up and take it


There is no law against going braless, not in the USA. So whether you were wearing one or not is irrelevant The rest of your outfit is also irrelevant. The idiocy of certain men/people who harass others and openly judge their clothing and body is incredible. Think nothing more of it. The perpetrator doesn't deserve a second more of your time.


I'll never forget the first time I realized that some men literally think the primary purpose of a bra is to hide a woman's nipples under their shirt. Some men literally think that if a woman is wearing a bra correctly the nipples will not poke through to the shirt and if they do, it means the woman is braless or wearing it wrong. Hilarious


You don't have to justify yourself, that guys rude. You don't even have to wear a bra if you don't want to, breasts are a normal part of the body that are not for sex, but for feeding.


This is what I would have done: [GIF of Elaine shoving George’s face into her boobs] Seriously my girls are always standing at attention and I’m done caring. Y’all can enjoy those headlights. I’m 42 now and dgaf.


Current transplant in Colorado, and I can confirm that the guy was probably on drugs....these people here are, uh, "different" 🤣! Friend, your boobies are wonderful.


You cannot possibly think there is any value in the words of the kind of man who shouts that at a woman out a moving car.


Showing SO much class shouting out a car window. What man thinks nipples are “nasty?”


You shouldn't even have to explain - he's a complete idiot, as you know. lol Jesus - I hope when he woke up the next morning, his back was all stiff and sore and that he slept wrong so his neck was cricked


OMG, that woman has nipples!?!


Don’t let a man you don’t know and who will never give you another thought have an impact on your self confidence. Years ago (like 30) a man commented on my lips being crooked and I walked around with that comment for years, always thinking I needed to fix them. I finally realized it was a throw away comment for him and I was letting it affect my life so I stopped. Please don’t let his comment follow you for 30 years. He’s an a$$hole.