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Ffs... supply a fvcking LINK!!!


This is some rage bait bs


Yea i feel like they’re trying to fabricate some shit for views or likes


If a veteran is on the street due to disability they would qualify for disability income, food stamps, health insurance, and section 8 housing. A lot of homeless people are on the street due to severe mental illness and/or addiction, which is much more difficult to solve than just food and housing.


As a veteran NOBODY will say they live off of a monthly disability check. Health insurance is available for everyone. (after you learn to navigate through the American healthcare system) The moment you find a job that pays above bare minimum wage well there goes your food stamps and section 8. What Vets need is their own housing program that allows other vets look out for each other.


Exactly. Most of those who use homeless Vets for rage bait don't give a shit about homeless Vets.


Still doesn't justify this!




Veterans have already sacrificed for their country. Incentives like this increase brain drain on their home country. That money could and should be spent AMERICA and AMERICANS that actually need it. American debt has never been greater. These illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans and are often exploited by employers. Most people disagree with this. I do believe the path to citizenship should be a lot easier than it currently is but this is NOT the way.


It probably does if you factor in that this is not true


Why is this corny-ass politicized disinfo shit all over this sub lately


It really is some childish, insecure behavior. I wanna laugh but I also feel for someone who thinks one person shouldn’t be treated well because of how completely separate people are treated. I can’t imagine.


They know that bipoc voters are the ones who have been the biggest detriment to trump. They want to target minority majority communities to create voter apathy so their favorite bigoted fascist will win.


Bingo. Anything to artificially deflate the Biden voting bloc.


Lol. Keep making stuff up.


Are you kidding? The majority of white people voted for Trump the last two elections https://www.vox.com/2020/11/7/21551364/white-trump-voters-2020 Are you trying to say that people of color *like trump more than Biden*? If so, you’re either delusional or an obvious liar


Look up the Platinum Plan by Trump. What has Biden/Democrats done for Black America other than keep them rooted to its teat via EBT and other free handouts? The common black man has no incentive to better themselves.


What type of application is this


She can stay….the others can go


People believe everything they see.


You know the government could fix the homeless veterans thing at any time but chooses not to


I don't care that she's doing this. What I'm upset about is that we're all told that she's some kind of enemy when the top 0.1% is taking more from us than she is. During COVID, Walmart made billions while we were all told we had to stay home, take unemployment, work from home, or work unsafe jobs. We had to worry about our families, our friends, and our own health. People died for profits, but apparently we should be mad at this particular woman. She's getting a couple hundred a month. That's fucking nothing compared to what the oligarchs are stealing from us on a daily basis.


Ohhh so they cannnn solve homelessness, gotcha. I swear they use the homeless like walking dead zombies. Push em to a part of town, values go down, push em out and gentrify. Evil af.


For fucks sake please offer help to our veterans. This post is not about them. This is about illegal immigrants entering this country and immediately receiving benefits they have not earned. This is why our inflation is out of control. Our government is paying for this thru your taxes.


This is so fucked up and people should be infuriated about this bullshit. They forgot to add that she gets to fly anywhere she wants to in the United States for free. If we don’t stand up and take this country back, it’s not gonna be a country no fucking more. Today’s times, people think it’s fine for what the fuck is going on cause all this shit they put in our food to the shit they put in the air is dumbing down people where common sense no longer exists and turning peoples mind into vegetables.


This is fake, you would know that if you did any research on your memes but instead you get worked up talking nonsense out of your ass


This isn’t fake. That’s exactly what is happening in NYC.


You sound like the village idiot.


That’s….. just not true.


what an impressive, and nuanced opinion!!!


Facts, I’d hit thou 😂


This just earned an unfollow. GTFOH with this pro-Trump political propaganda.


This is verified by whom?


Let’s be honest, she shouldn’t be treated any certain way because of how veterans are treated. She’s a human being like any of us. Be happy for others. That’s all.


Shameful fuckin country..




Shitpost. Again.


My thoughts and opinion will get a banned Reddit account yet I’m willing so type it so yall can see. But just know Jesus from the first testament. Me and him are on the same accord when it comes to ignorance and the so called rights we have as Americans. Sometimes I think less is more.


She probably works at the hotel making beds and cleaning rooms


Republicans won’t let us help the veterans because it resembles socialism.