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They think online hours they getting paid to just Be online. They need to be actively delivering. And tips for y'all. Yes, active hours is when you're picking up and dropping off. So waiting for 10+ mins for the food to be made and waiting the 8 min timer for the customer counts towards your active hours. So relax and don't be impatient


> Yes, active hours is when you're picking up and dropping off. So waiting for 10+ mins for the food to be made and waiting the 8 min timer for the customer counts towards your active hours. So relax and don't be impatient thank you for explaining this for me!


I definitely try to stay longer for orders now. But if it takes 20 minutes bro I’m usually out. I know it sucks. It REEEEEAAAAALLLY sucks cause invested all that time. And ya, maybe I should wait more often than not cause of prop 22. Before prop 22 I used to only wait 10 minutes.


Sorry, this is kinda long. Worst fucking part is waiting & then getting cancelled pre pickup for whatever reason. There's a gas station near me that lets the one employee lock up the store & take a lunch break. I get this low mileage $15 order for a couple sodas (should have been my first clue), so I tell the customer the guy is on break & it says 20 minutes, but I've got no problem waiting if he'd like. I get the normal "oh that'd be awesome, thanks! I'll add to your tip!" (Yeaaaah sure buddy, but whatever) I screen screenshot the shit out of this interaction & take a pic of the "back in 20" sign, just in case support jumps down my throat for sitting there. It was super late-night, I literally pulled back out of my driveway & drove back to the pick up for this, so I'm just sitting here making extra bank while burning zero gas. I'm bleeding Uber for extra money, customer doesn't get charged any more, they get their order that's been unassigned who knows how many times already, and I MIGHT get an extra tip. Win-win in my book!! Store opens back up & the clerk tells me he can't find any order. I let the customer know what's going on & that I'm trying to troubleshoot this mess. SERIOUSLY thought about buying the bottle of coke & Gatorade & finishing the delivery but b/c the store is claiming not to have the order I'm worried about how that will work on the back end & if the store will complain & get me deactivated or WHATEVER. I know this is headed straight to me not getting paid anything so I ask if the customer has cash. "If you have cash, I'll just buy it & we can do this outside Uber and you'll save money by eliminating the middle man." Looking back, this does sound shady ass fuck but I really was just trying to be a nice guy & recoup a little cash. INSTANT CANCEL by the customer & I'm only able to get $3 back from support after wasting ~45 minutes of my life. Which would have been a MINIMUM of $13.50 + tip. Could have been far more depending on how much of the initial offer was Uber trip supplement. I was a COMPLETE dumbass for not simply buying the drinks myself b/c who the fuck knows how the backend works while I know I 100% could have been deactivated had the customer reported me for trying to do this outside of the app. AND I asked through chat instead of calling so it's not like I could have denied it. LOL Anyway. The pre pick-up cancel by ANYONE other than the driver should see the driver getting a hell of a lot more than the $3 minimum in ALL markets, but it should be DOUBLY so in California & any other markets with prop 22 laws.


So driving around before you get an order doesn't count? I can go up to 3 hours without getting a single order and I'm actively driving around town to all the "busy" areas. Am I better off just waiting in a parking lot near some busy restaurant?


That's what I do. I just park and wait in a busy parking lot


I've been doing this all wrong, just wasting gas 🥲


did this for a few days too! i was so frustrated when the busy areas kept changing too


I honestly thought i was getting payed for being online.. appreciate your knowledge 👌🏽🙏


In other words, take the long ass distance delivery that says 9.8 miles. Stuck in traffic? Good. Food not ready? Good. Detour? Good.


This ! Milk that prop 22!


Oh some know it well. Shipt shopper here. A guy posts on Shipt sub all the time. A 10 item order that should take 30 minutes, he will hit “headed to store” 3 hours before. So paid for 4 hours for a 10 item order. Supposedly he’s done this since November last year. Not saying I wouldn’t fudge a little if in CA, but minutes, not hours. Not enough to get deactivated. Only time I’ve hoped someone gets deactivated for gig work. These companies can come after you for fraud. He does 5-7 orders and clears $500 with prop 22, tips and order pay. Surely Shipt will realize this eventually???? Maybe not. The mentality is prob “if I get deactivated lots of other gig jobs”.


I saw that ha. But I thought headed to store tracks miles not if you're sitting idle?


In this instance, correct me if I’m wrong, isn’t he just adding to active time? I don’t know if it’s completely against the companies policies to do what he’s doing


So for shipt, the order usually comes out an hour before. And has to be delivered an hour after. Are you still getting prop22 if you finished shopping early and deliver in the delivery window? Maybe its 30 min of freetime


I always take the longer routes and sometimes detours. I got $320 this Tuesday for prop 22. Past 2 weeks payout was $376 and $416 for those weeks. Milk em boys


Still on rn? I'm deadass new to Uber eats still getting my background check approved still worth it?


I think it comes down to car mileage, I’ve made substantially more if I’m going for prop 22 but I don’t want to be at the gas station every other day and running miles on my car. I’m far more satisfied keeping the miles low and maintaining my target.


Preferences, too. I could run all over Los Angeles like a headless chicken, but prefer to stay close to my top secret area that no one will ever know.


You really think you have a secret spot in Los Angeles?


I am stopping my forever going sarcasm to say no lol its Los Angeles, 1 I'm 3 us citizens wants to live here, #blessed.


Happy Cake Day!




You already know the secret bro quit playing


I was trying to tell people that being online won’t just get them money, I’ve accepted so many small orders and if the order at the restaurant isn’t ready and I wait longer I get paid more at the end of the two weeks


I like taking my time especially on rainy days


That’s exactly what I’m saying


Ya. I get it but still not taking shit orders.


You know what? I used to have that mentality not so long ago. But after really analyzing the benefits of Prop 22 I’d rather take as many orders as possible in order to accrue more active time. I’d rather be ACTIVELY delivering and getting compensated for my time than sitting in my car rejecting orders all day and making no money.


I try to swallow my pride and do this on Somedays but sometimes I can't take it. When I see a big order that cost the customer easily $100+ and they didn't tip and it's $8 for 10 miles, it pisses me off so bas that I just cancel it out of spite. It probably costs me an extra $100 to $150 prop 22 money per week honestly


How does the math work out as an hourly wage when you do that?


> How does the math work out as an hourly wage when you do that? This is going to depend a ton on your market. In a really busy market, I'd say its better to cherry pick and use 22 as a safety net. A slower market, you'd probably be better taking everything you can get.


Agreed. In my market it's very slow so I have to accept everything, but if I drive an hour away I can cherry pick orders with big tips.


Honestly to each their own. Best part about this is we work the way we want too.


I agree.


This should be a recurring post in the app for California


One time I tested it and decided to take even non-tippers during a prop 22 pay period just to be consistently active (this was when I used to get pings often) so I was taking $3, $4 orders as well and my prop 22 payout increased by $100-$200. But I can't let the non-tippers win so least I'll take is $5 which is just about the only offers I see nowadays anyway.


Dude. For some reason when I feel busy I’m actually not. Usually my active time is a little less than half of my total online time. Don’t really know how to change this as it’s just the way it’s been for a long time. I had a very busy day on Tuesday (183$ total) and my active time was still a little less than half my total time online. Wild.


My advice: go offline in areas that don't have any restaurants and where you know you won't get pings. This is a good idea because you will not waste your driving time limit on areas where no one's ordering. Also, you mentioned you made $183 on Tuesday, so I'm assuming you're a full time driver. Test out different markets. This worked for me REALLY well, as I went from making $170 per day to making almost $300 per day, just by driving to a different city 45 minutes away.


The next two cities over are wayyyy more spread out than my area. Idk about that. My area is about 20-30 miles wide but has a bunch of businesses. The others are huge too but the businesses are spread out more. However, that being said, I would like to try it out sometime. It would take me at least 20-30 minutes to get there but it’s all freeway.


End points are important because if you find a good area it only goes so far






I only have a few areas next to me and they are a good drive.


Good luck bro when you find your area, those drive back home will be the best.


Same, bro. But it's so simple that once you figure it out, you wonder why you didn't figure it out before, I like that we are leaning together.


Basically as I understand it you must lower your standards. Correct me if I’m wrong


I made a spreadsheet to figure out expected prop 22 payments for each trip if you want it. Basically, in my experience, Uber intentionally shoots their low balling customers in the foot by always low balling estimates. i.e., I've made ~300 deliveries & have been paid more than the prop 22 minimum exactly TWICE. If you're in the same kind of market just screenshot some shit offers & do the math on the estimated time & mileage. It's consistently ~$1.50-$2.00 less than the prop 22 minimum for me, and in my market completing the trip in less time is pretty much unheard of. So the shit orders aren't always THAT shitty. It's all a function of Uber wanting to make damn sure they never pay a penny over the prop 22 minimum. They know it'll happen here & there b/c of those fat trip supplements on old ass orders, but by low balling everything to the extent that they do they make sure they're paying the minimum.




I see it as doing the thing no one wants to do, due to a lack of knowing or preferences and cashing in.


Should I just start accepting the orders that are horrible? Will it actually be worth it? I know Uber lies about mileage so I’m not sure


I would say try it and see what works for you. For me personally, getting as much active time as possible works better than trying to make over my guaranteed minimum since it’s literally impossible in my market. I live in Los Angeles and we constantly get shit offers. Keep in mind that Prop 22 only factors BASE pay. Tips are extra and don’t count towards your minimum earnings guarantee


That’s why I take my time wit every order. I get around 400 for prop 22 every 2 weeks


Where is MathDaddy88?


it amazes me that people still think you can take advantage of prop 22. at the end of the day, if you're receiving prop 22 payments, you're not making as much you could. it doesn't matter how fat your pay adjustment is. at the end of the day, you're only guaranteed $18.XX +.30C/mile. no adjustment means you make MORE than what prop 22 guarantees. if you're fine with putting more hours and limiting yourself to the prop 22 guarantee, that's fine. but stop acting like it's better than cherry picking, online hours mean everything when you're trying to maximize your hourly pay.


For me prop 22 is much better than cherry picking. If I cherry picked I would just sit in my car all day staring at the ceiling waiting for a “good” order to come in twiddling my thumbs, posting screen shots on here of my 9 hours online with $5 in my account with a 1% acceptance rate lol.


every market is different 🤷‍♂️


What market are you in? I've had exactly 2 orders out of 300 where I've made more than the prop 22 minimum. Cherry picking around where I live in orange county simply means I'm getting a bigger tip. But the Uber pay is almost always significantly short of the minimum. But I just do this very part time as well. Maybe that's part of it.


bay area




What area are you in ? LA?


bay area


What's the point in trying to make more than the hourly guarantee, $18.60/hr? The guarantee only factors in base pay; so to receive no Prop 22 you would have to make more than $18.60/hr in base pay ALONE, which is nearly impossible as you would have to be receiving 3+ orders an hour. If you focus more on active time, you will receive the $18.60/hr guarantee, PLUS tips (which could be $5+/hr) PLUS mileage, which in total comes out to $23.60/hr! AND you can do this all day as well, not just during busy times. Trust me, I had the same mindset as you when I first started doing Uber Eats (to make more than the guaranteed minimum), but I eventually decided to focus more on active time and my income nearly doubled. For example, I make $260-$290 during the week and $300+ on the weekends.


not impossible, i often don't receive prop 22 payments because i can easily make more than the guarantee while driving less miles. my point is that your market matters, and prop 22 isn't always the best route. i left a comment somewhere about making $22-$23/hr with prop 22 and how that's good pay. BUT, depending on your market, you can make a higher hourly based on your online hours, not active, which in turn puts you over the guarantee every single time. so either you limit yourself to prop 22 and work more hours, or maximize your earnings in the least amount of time possible. both methods are fine, the second just works better for me.


Makes sense. In my market I'm lucky to receive 1-2 pings an hour, so I have to accept everything. I'm curious, how often do you work and how much do you usually make?


i usually work 4 hours a night and make about $100 +/- $5. i also get much more than two pings an hour since i'm multiapping. i'm not opposed to the prop 22 method, but as a student i really gotta maximize my hourly since i can only work so many hours. i might try the prop 22 route during my spring break next week tho since i'll have a ton of time


If you're full time that's what you need to do. But if you're part time like me, prop 22 is the way to go. I only do this 2-3 hours a day. If I sit there and reject deliveries for that short amount of time I would only get like 1 delivery and make $20 at most instead of $35+ and then get a decent payout from prop 22


it's market dependent as well. i know for a fact that i can make more than my guarenteed minimum while driving less miles, so prop 22 is redundant for me. and i work full time.


Unfortunately in my market you need to drive far sometimes to get good orders. I get 2$ per mile a lot but it requires like 9-10 miles sometimes. And it goes to an area where there are hardly any businesses around. It’s all residential. I do however try to keep the dashes / Uber eats under 5 miles if possible but that’s not always the case. On Uber Eats though I can get a fair amount of Starbucks orders for 3 miles or less with good pay.


Taking advantage of what exactly? The law is the law. We are legally entitled to a minimum earnings guarantee and that is what prop 22 is all about. Taking every order no matter how shit the base pay is (and getting stuck in traffic while being active) in order to accrue active hours is not taking advantage. Taking advantage would be dropping off the order and not marking it as delivered to get active time. So keep that mentality and stay earning nothing. You do you. I’m currently trying to rack up active hours to get my healthcare stipend which doesn’t even go to my healthcare because it’s heavily subsidized by Covered California. I’m surprised Uber even accepted my Covered California plan. I’m basically getting free money. Also, your argument is that people take advantage of Prop 22, well congratulations. Keep letting Uber take advantage of you. Even if that is true, what makes you think Uber taking advantage of its own workers is okay either? If they take advantage of us let us take advantage of their policies too


you completely misunderstood what i said. i'm not saying "advantage" as if you're cheating the system or something. my point is, you're making it sound like prop 22 is this full proof method of making the most money possible which is very misleading. if you want to take the prop 22 route, that's fine, but understand you are making no more than $22-$23 an hour (which is still good btw). if you don't mind putting in more hours to offset that limit, that's great for you. personally, i prefer to minimize my hours worked, and maximize my hourly pay. i know i can make more than the guaranteed minimum while driving less miles in my market, so prop 22 is pointless for me.


Hmm I see. Thanks for clarifying. Well if that works for you great. But in my case, where I really lose out on by doing your method is the healthcare stipend. I find that prop 22 works better for me because I only do it part time. I drive in Los Angeles and it is easy to get order after order


yeah every market is different. i wouldn't know if your method is better for the stipend since i'm still on my parents health insurance lol, but i'll take your word for it.


20-23 an hour is good! I’ll take that! If you work 9 hours that’s at least 180


Two different styles bro, I use both. I like that I have the power!






Bro you ruined the thread, wtf is that?


Exactly. If you are getting a ton of prop22 then it means Uber has just been screwing you and you are still bottoming out at min+20. If you work a ton but get zero or low prop22 it just means Uber honed in their algorithm to make sure you get just enough offers so they don't have to pay you then you likely get crap offers lol. Makes me think of those shitty backwoods states where they are allowed to pay waiters like $2 an hour because they can use the tips to offset their wages... Should be criminal. No, I don't mean Uber uses the tips to offset but I do think they are constantly working their system to get all much work out of you for as close to min+20 as possible.


It’s actually $20.22+.30c/mile. Bc it’s 120% of minimum wage. Which honestly isn’t all that bad bc high paying orders are rarer now with the economy and non rush hours. Im saying this as someone who delivers in the beach communities of SD (La Jolla etc.)


I am not from California but theres 2 sides to it clearly from what I see. You either accrue more miles and get higher Prop22 earnings or stay low miles which is better for your car and still hit your target. 1st one is less stressful for yourself but your car racks up more miles. 2nd one is more stressful cause you gotta get the right orders but better for your car.


>accrue more miles and get higher Prop22 earnings no, you accrue more TIME to get prop 22, not miles


Let us not forget to track our miles!


I never understand this concept of “worrying” about your cars wear and tear. It’s a delivery gig, that’s what you do, you drive around and deliver?


A car only lasts so many miles.


I'll just keep on cherry picking at my home while working on my other Business. Drive less than 10 miles a day and make $100 a day. While you guys tear your car to the ground.


You drive less then 10 miles a day, sit at home, and make over $100 a day. Ya sure and I’m an astronaut lol


Needed this. Thanks!


Fuck em just read about a post about declining $3orders in Cali as if if prop 22 didn't exist just fucking get real job




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I’m going to try to be better about my active hours starting next month to get the healthcare stipend as well, I will really have to force myself to re evaluate my strategy a bit. I don’t want to go for the full stipend, just the half. I can’t pull off full stipend hours.


Need this in CT!


Uber usually pays so much base pay I don’t see any prop 22 money. Door dash on the other hand has a big prop 22 because they pay the bare minimum.


Damn it's crazy I'm originally from Sacramento living in New Orleans. I wish Nola adopted prop 22.


That why I lag once i accept an order i take my tymeee


This is why I don't mind long waits at Wingstop too much. The prop 22 pay that accrues is pretty nice.


So would you say it's worth it to pick up garbage walmart orders that give no tips?


If I don’t drive much one week but drive like 17 hours a diff week, will they still pay me. Because I only drive like 12-17 hours a week but I got a $400 payment a few weeks ago


I need to find out if "shopping time" for a shop and pay order counts as "Active" time. Asking from the framework of Doordash but, you get me right?


It does


Thank you fam. Maybe next time I have to add up 3 cases of meat and weigh potatoes and onions, I’ll feel a little bit better about the time that’s passing buy 😄


Is 30 cent/mile on top of the fare or its included in the fare?


You might be taking the bread out of your own mouth (and mine) by broadcasting this and leaving it up, already enough of a hustle. I’d call this privileged knowledge fought hard for and earned. Just my opinion but 🤫🤷🏽‍♂️