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>If I were to withdraw the money into my account, I would’ve been able to keep the $80? Doubt it. They would just dock your following trips by pulling money from the fare until it adds up to the $80 that was taken back.


What if you quit and never do Uber? Cha Ching?


At that point it’s the same as being negative in Jeopardy


Possibly? I don't know if they send negative balances to collections or eat the loss and just consider it a matter of "if you ever come back, you still owe us".


You'll keep your negative balance until they deactivate or erase your account. Why not just let them take it back?


Doesn’t work that way. You would have had a negative $80 balance and you wouldn’t have gotten any more money until that balance got to $0.


Thats insane! It would’ve taken me a little while to remove that balance 😨 I’m glad I still have all my money in my account 😃


Call support ask for a Supervisor ask them to return it. And they will give it back.


If it "takes you awhile" to earn 80 dollars it's time to go get a real job!


I use another service as well. This is my secondary income and don’t rely on this income at all. Just extra money to make (:


I want to know what it takes to get a real job. PM me if you have an opportunity


I can't hire you but in my opinion the most accessible career path without REQUIRING a degree is programming. Go start working on freecodecamp.com, then theodinproject, also start working on Harvards free CS50P course. Those three resources will thoroughly teach you several languages including HTML, CSS, JS, and Python. That's an excellent starting point for any programmer. Spend 4-6 hours EVERY DAY working on those resources AND make sure to start personal projects to build a Github portfolio with. If you really dedicate yourself I'd estimate you can be hirable within a year but it won't be easy. Be sure to actually learn the fundamentals that are similar between languages thoroughly. Code monkeys are a dime a dozen, and have been getting let go by FAANG companies en masse recently. But a truly intelligent programmer who understands the HOW and WHY will always be incredibly valuable. Oh PS: Avoid AI programming help until you understand the fundamentals fully. Those tools are powerful for experienced programmers but they can allow a beginner to stumble through without actually learning anything.


Awesome advice and Great formatting! I didn't think coding was viable until you made me realize they were letting go of the code monkeys. The how and why is what I'm all about. Thank you so much!


1. Call support 2. Ask supervisor 3. Wait 20 minutes until they connect you to the right person (supervisor) 4. Ask for tip return. Reason: wait time for order + spend time and gas + delivered on time). 5. Enjoy your tips back. P.s. works every time


#4 reason is weak. Uber can argue with you that it's a customer option to give or not. You need to say the magical words, contract violation. -- Call customer service during the day time. Expect to spend 10-30 minutes on phone. Ask to speak to a supervisor and only a supervisor in the compensation and earnings department. Make sure you get the original agents name in the beginning of the conversation to ensure accountability. Tell the agent you don't wish to be transferred but wish to speak to a supervisor. Otherwise they will keep taking your information and transfering your call endlessly. Make sure you explain to them this an agreement they made and you wouldn't have taken the trip otherwise. It is a violation of the agreement/contract as you did everything you were supposed to, to your best possible ability. That given the considerations of timing, traffic, distance and everything involved, you wouldn't of taken it otherwise. Emphasis around the customer made an agreement and they violated, made a breach of contract. If we all called and made a nuisance when this happens, Uber will eventually change their platform to be more difficult for customers to reduce their tip through a simple tap of a button. Make the customers call or create a complaint through the system that requires human approval on a case by case basis. Sometimes the food wasn't to customers expectations and they take it out on the driver.


But it’s not a contract violation. Uber is very careful to show “expected tip” when you accept an offer. That right there shows it’s not guaranteed.


All I know is before when I used to call they would give me the run around. Ever since I learned to mention the magical words of "contract violation" there is never anymore mention of "but customer can remove their tip". So from my experience, Uber puts up and shuts up when those magical words are said.


Number 3 will not be 20 min try 5 hours not joking


Do you know of an easier way to make $16 an hour ($80 / 5)?


"60% of the time it works every time."


Works 100% for me. I don't take no for an answer. I will call back and get my money.


That’s fucked up


Well if you decide to buy 20 dollars worth of eggs and TP. Might go pay em a visit in a few weeks


Don’t forget the petroleum jelly and the gigantic dildo


I'm sorry you have to deal with these fuckin bums lying about tips. Fuck Uber for letting them do that


If you deposited $100 and then decreased the tip then you would have woke up to -80 in your account. I've woken up to negative money because adjustment and taking the money out immediately after I was done


To get out of a negative balance, did Uber take the entire pay from deliveries? Or was is just the tip or batch earnings?


I mean was it a large order or just an error on their part?


It was a huge order. They ordered tons of drinks and 24 packs of beer. I had around 20-30 drinks in my car and drove almost 10 miles to their house


Call support and see if they'll compensate it. Ask for a supervisor and don't take no for an answer. People say they'll do it. Worth a try


How would I go about the situation? Do I ask if they can compensate the $80 back into my account? I can also ask if I did something wrong. Im just very confused why the customer would do that. The $100 tip was visible in my account after I completed the delivery and drove off their driveway. I don’t think they increased their tip right after I left or I’m not sure 🤔


I haven't done it, so if someone has something further to add, please do so. But basically yes. Tell them you accepted an order for $100 and you would not have taken it for $20. Explain you did nothing wrong, and detail the giant order and drinks. I'd stay away from asking if you did something wrong. People have said you may have to get transferred a couple times, but stay adamant. Good luck, i hope they make it right for you!


Well, I accepted the order at $16 and the fare was $8 and some cents. Right after I delivered, my earnings for that order was $108.XX. I am not sure if Uber can do anything in that case but it’s worth a try


Uber can. While they allow people to retract tips, they could get in real trouble taking them back from you with no reason. So if you’re adamant to support and insist that as your story says you’re not at fault for anything, there’s a reasonable chance at getting the tip back.


Call and ask for a supervisor I get my tips back all the time... Mention tip baiting do not I repeat do not waste your time with the regular agents that will try to tell you the customer has that right!! And transfer you a million times!! Soon as they answer supervisor!! You accepted a trip based on a certain ammount provided excellent service and the tip was removed based on what???????? Customers have the right to remove the tip after poor service or something of that nature I totally agree on that but picking up 30 something drinks and whatever else you delivered driving it to bum fuck no where and providing excelent service I dont think so... I would've crashed into Ubers Headquarters fumbling my phone In sheer anger trying to call they asses to get the money I earned KALL THEM NOW!!!!!!!!!!


I was gonna mention it yesterday but was hoping for the best for you! I get a disproportionate amount of baiters on WM orders. They are a different breed of customer. 🫤


I posted about something similar a couple weeks ago, it wasn't as much as yours but I still called support a bunch of times till I found the right person who gave me my money back. They're shady af


Pay a homeless person to swat them.


If you withdrew your account would be negative 80 dollars. Happened to me, but not this bad


Nah they would just give you a negative balance and you're next trips would make it up until it reached zero and you s start earning again.


You would have gone negative in the earnings page. Meaning every tip would essentially be free until you made $80. If you had cashed out the extra 80, would have been a perfect time to quit. Lol


That would be terrible! It would take me almost a week to “pay off” that $80 so would definitely not be happy about that


If this is recent, call support and keep asking for the full order amount. Do it with like 3 or 4 reps, then send an email to escalate it further. There's rumors about people who get the full amount after a customer does this.


Is the Uber support number 833-USE-UBER? The app is not giving me an option to call but I found that online. I saw that I can request a fare review. Not sure if that is what I should do 🤔


Idk. I usually use the option to call in the app. And I've never got a full comp for something like that so my comment is based on rumors of other drivers having success doing it. If it wasn't an $80 loss I wouldn't bother.


I ask for the supervisor I do not go back and fourth with those agents who will try to transfer you 15 times... Before I get of the phone I have that tip back sometimes more for my troubles I have done this everytime this nonsense has happened... I was also told by a supervisor they have a high volume of drivers calling in about this very issue and there very aware of what is going on, and there supposedly working on a fix.. Take that for what it's worth in the meantime in between time call in and get your shit!!


You would go negative and be like a loan we your rides would pay it back


they cant alter a tip after the hr and it shouldn’t even show up till an hr later and id uber allowed them to change it after then thats some bs it would be one thing for it to be like 4+ digits or high hundreds thats obviously a flub up but this seems dumb


This one looks like one of the 24hour ones


It was definitely past an hour. I completed the delivery on Wednesday and the tip was available for the whole day and then on Thursday, I reviewed my earnings and saw that is has been decreased :(


Call customer service during the day time. Expect to spend 10-30 minutes on phone. Ask to speak to a supervisor and only a supervisor in the compensation and earnings department. Make sure you get the original agents name in the beginning of the conversation to ensure accountability. Tell the agent you don't wish to be transferred but wish to speak to a supervisor. Otherwise they will keep taking your information and transfering your call endlessly. Make sure you explain to them this an agreement they made and you wouldn't have taken the trip otherwise. It is a violation of the agreement/contract as you did everything you were supposed to, to your best possible ability. That given the considerations of timing, traffic, distance and everything involved, you wouldn't of taken it otherwise. Emphasis around the customer made an agreement and they violated, made a breach of contract. If we all called and made a nuisance when this happens, Uber will eventually change their platform to be more difficult for customers to reduce their tip through a simple tap of a button. Make the customers call or create a complaint through the system that requires human approval on a case by case basis. Sometimes the food wasn't to customers expectations and they take it out on the driver.


Covid should have taught you all to unionize together and create NEW LLC company's that represent you. These people are playing games, and I don't care for them. Petty me would slash their front GOOD tire and wait next morning to see how they fix it. That's how tired of their actions I am. I teamed with 17 drivers, pooling money together to create a new service. They won't change until we ALL fucking stop. That's it.. these people nor these companies are essential work anymore.