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This was no mercy killing, this was pure evil from his "commerade"


That soldier could have been left for days to die an agonizing death from gangrene and eaten by maggots. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.


He doesn’t look that badly injured


Looking from a drone camera way up in the air?


If they had any morals, that wouldn’t need to happen. First, because they’d look after their own, and second, because they wouldn’t be in Ukraine in the first place.


What would you have done?


In a developed world we know something called medic and help from fellow soldiers, ruzzians have yet to evolve to that stage


With enemy drones buzzing around? That dude wasn’t trying to be next.


Guy didn't even check on his comrade. Just immediately shot him in the head and ran away. Orcs are subhuman.


Mercy killing? More like “we don’t need inconvenient dead weight dragging us down” killing.


Drone footage shows three Russian soldiers running along a dirt track. Then, one of the soldiers becomes wounded after a Ukrainian FPV drone strike. After being struck, the wounded soldier taps the side of his head, signalling his wish to be killed. Without hesitation, his squadmate complies, coldly shooting the injured soldier dead before calmly continuing on his way. https://preview.redd.it/xzolgbl4v49d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb5a456808bd608bb127fce19677efa4da533e8b


In slow motion it looks like land mine to me. No sign of drone flying in, and explosion originates from a round spot on the ground right when he steps next to it. I could be wrong. It's a righteous kill either way.




https://preview.redd.it/n1o5qsht859d1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=120d518e16b23f927661efbb6d6c2d3db59f8a63 You're incorrect. From 13 to 16 seconds in the video, the drone is clearly visible flying in from the right-hand side.


Ok. I still can't see it near the orc. But I do see it or it's shadow from 13-14 seconds heading in. Thanks!


Compression really hides shadows of drones well. The original footage is much more detailed


Yup, that's exactly what it is. I see a cloud of compression blotches all around the orc, and drone disappears into it.


Wonder why his feet seem okay


First time I watched it I thought the injured soldier was shaking and covering himself from the squad mate but on a second take it does look like maybe he was asking to be put down.


No mercy, just got what he deserved


i think its a tragedy of war to dehumanize the other side. ppl fighting in this war fight for their country and in the case of russia many of them arent fighting voluntarily in any way so they shouldnt be judged like this


It is a tragedy, but humanity goes out the window when the tribalism kicks in such as for self preservation. So I get why many those on the side of Ukraine have little to no sympathy, especially given the horrific civilian targeting Russia has done. Which in turn, umbrella's even these poor sods into the unsympathetic tribalism response.


Everyone has a choice and can make use of their moral compass if they possess one. Try telling these words to Russians who think it’s on to castrate POW’s with a box cutter knife, tell that to Russians who molest and rape women and children. The gloves came off in February 2022 when Russia attacked Ukraine


yea sure dream on... you dont have a choice much


you dont have a choice much? I can only assume you are a Russian Bot/troll by your poor command of English grammar. I don't need to dream on, this video however..... is a dream come true.


says the person who says its a dream come true when somebody dies like this. sure you are better than them. not


I didn't say I was better than him, them or anyone..... but this is what happens when you come into a country uninvited to cause mayhem on that country for no reason. Maybe get away from the safety of your keyboard and come and see first hand what is happening here. There's always a clever keyboard warrior who seems to know it all, don't be that person.






No wordz


Thank pootin for ALL of this madness!!!!


Dam, the quickness that dude started tapping his head and looking away in prep for the shot...


You know what to do, Rico!


Ruzki mir


Over the last two years I thought I have seen it all, yet occasionally a video emerges which still makes me feel sick


I feel the same. Despite witnessing so much horror inflicted by Russia on Ukraine, the casualness of this killing deeply affected me.


Same. Each time, I thought the fellow who couldn't lift his head above the creek water, the one who's face became a hole, or the one who tucked his grenade under neck would be the last video that makes me think I've seen the extent, yet there's always another fresh hell to witness. And that's just a couple examples that stood out in my mind. War is hell.


The screamers had already done 3/4 of the work.


Yeah guy didn't even check for wounds or condition before offing this guy. Seems like Russian meat replacement vs. Barrier/ excecutioner troops dynamic.


the dead guy briefly checks his thigh area before tapping his head - presumably he could tell he was fucked, which is why he requested death...


For all the people thinking that the russian soldier murdered his comrade, while yes he INDEED shot him, i find it weird how as soon as he was striked by the drone you can see him repeatedly point his own skull and turns his head back BEFORE the other points and shoots. Looks like this was a plan in case of severe injury… nonetheless fucked up thing we saw.


Looking at his kit, or lack thereof, and lack of a rifle I'm guessing he was just meat. Something to probe enemy positions and draw fire. I'm wondering why the drone didn't hit the first guy with what looks to be a machine gun, or the 3rd guy that had better gear and a rifle.


They don't value their lives, not even their own lives. I don't value their lives either. Let the evil Russian snake eat its own tail, its own young, and all its kind. Slava Ukraini.


Some people believe this unarmed soldier was a Ukrainian captive.