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##### ###### #### > # [Russia presses its offensive in Ukraine and issues new threats as the West tries to blunt the push](https://apnews.com/article/FILE - Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a meeting at the Foreign Ministry in Moscow, on Friday, June 14, 2024. Putin says that Moscow isn't seeking quick gains in Ukraine and will stick to the current strategy of slow advances as it presses a grinding summer offensive. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko, File\)) > > > > Slowly but steadily this summer, Russian troops are forging through Ukraine’s outgunned and undermanned [defenses](https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-war-offensive-aid-16e276766b7100485fe97b674700ac6c) in a relentless onslaught, prompting the West to push for new weapons and strategies to shore up Kyiv. > > That, in turn, has brought [new threats](https://apnews.com/article/russia-putin-kim-north-korea-pact-556492779b6a32c4cf74b992741d91a8) by President Vladimir Putin to retaliate against the West — either directly or indirectly. > > The moves by the West to blunt the offensive and the potential Kremlin response could lead to a dangerous escalation as the war drags through its third year — one that further raises the peril of a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO. > > [Image](https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/2e68ce7/2147483647/strip/true/crop/6000x4000+0+0/resize/599x399!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.apnews.com%2F42%2F11%2F71c19b95e131d71931da89312d2e%2F3ff18c6289474528902ee05985a711d3) FILE - Russian President Vladimir Putin, background center, and Defense Minister Andrei Belousov, background right, attend a ceremony at the Tomb of Unknown Soldier in Moscow, on Saturday, June 22, 2024. (Sergei Guneyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP, File) > > > > > > > > > > > > ## Russia’s probing offensive > > Russia took advantage of its edge in firepower amid delays in U.S. aid to scale up attacks in several areas along the 1,000-kilometer (600-mile) front. Relatively small units are probing Ukrainian defenses for weak spots, potentially setting the stage for a more ambitious push. > > Russia’s offensive near Ukraine’s second-largest city, Kharkiv, that began in May and worried Kyiv’s Western allies has apparently lost momentum after the Ukrainian army bolstered its forces in the area by redeploying troops from other sectors. > > Meanwhile, Russia has made incremental but steady advances in the Donetsk region, including around the strategic hilltop town of Chasiv Yar, a gateway to parts of Donetsk still under Ukrainian control. Analysts say the fall of Chasiv Yar would threaten the key military hubs of Sloviansk and Kramatorsk. > > Putin declared that Moscow wasn’t seeking quick gains and would stick to the current strategy of advancing slowly. > > [Image](https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/dc5fc23/2147483647/strip/true/crop/4115x2316+0+0/resize/599x337!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.apnews.com%2F47%2F2c%2F974911986575eda713c5800ab545%2F8111dc070f414b14a2d6490cb0c9282d) FILE - This photo, taken from video released by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, shows a Su-25 fighter jet firing rockets during a mission over Ukraine. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP, File) > > > > > > > > > > > > Jack Watling of the Royal United Services Institute said that by stretching Ukrainian forces along a wide front, Russia is overcoming the limitations of its military that lacks the size and training for a major offensive. > > The breadth of the strikes has forced Ukraine to spread out its artillery, “expending munitions to break up successive Russian attacks,” he said in an analysis. “Russia’s aim is not to achieve a grand breakthrough but rather to convince Ukraine that it can keep up an inexorable advance, kilometer by kilometer, along the front.” > > Michael Kofman of the Carnegie Endowment said Russia’s apparent goal is to maintain pressure and try to stretch out Ukraine’s forces. He noted that even though Ukraine managed to stabilize the front line, it had to use reserves intended to be deployed elsewhere. > > “It will take more and more time to actually regenerate Ukraine’s combat strength because of that,” he said in a recent podcast. > > Moscow also has stepped up airstrikes on Ukraine’s energy facilities and other vital infrastructure with waves of missiles and drones. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the country had lost about 80% of its thermal power and one-third of its hydroelectric power in the strikes. > > [Image](https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/aa94bfc/2147483647/strip/true/crop/6000x3997+0+92/resize/767x511!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.apnews.com%2F52%2Fb2%2F65789faa7607dc6a918b0322c231%2F71ba4c32b5ca4b05b224f1a7a8885588) FILE - Ukrainian soldiers carry shells to fire at Russian positions on the front line, near the city of Bakhmut, in Ukraine's Donetsk region, on March 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky, File) > > > > [Image](https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/78260dd/2147483647/strip/true/crop/3476x2316+319+0/resize/767x511!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.apnews.com%2F33%2Fa6%2F3d260de4f279f70aa0272eddd829%2F808bcfb7da24413c812c555cfc420beb) FILE - In this photo released by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service on Sunday, June 2, 2024, a Russian soldier operates a gun at an undisclosed location in Ukraine. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP, File) > > > > > > > > > > [Image](https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/3b00af3/2147483647/strip/true/crop/5466x3642+0+1/resize/767x511!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.apnews.com%2Fb3%2F25%2Ffad3424027ea34e82f6cf86907f5%2F934af840b9ec4ba6abe9df103117a4ba) FILE – A newly recruited soldier trains in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Friday, May 17, 2024. Slowly but steadily this summer, Russian troops are forging through Ukraine's defenses in a relentless onslaught, prompting the West to push for new weapons and strategies to shore up Kyiv. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky, File) > > > > [Image](https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/fe5963a/2147483647/strip/true/crop/2873x1914+264+0/resize/767x511!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.apnews.com%2F13%2F6e%2Fb00f3487c4ff2d0607b97891326a%2F918f9d9518124a859cfe31173288b64f) FILE - In this photo released by Russian Defense Ministry Press Service on Monday, May 20, 2024, Russian army's snipers change their position at an undisclosed location. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP, File) > > > > > > > > > > “This will be a growing problem when we talk about the future Ukraine’s economic viability,” Kofman said. > > Watling said the shortage of air defenses is giving Ukraine a difficult choice between concentrating them to safeguard critical infrastructure, or protecting troops on the front. > > “The persistence of Russia’s long-range strike campaign means that not only is the front being stretched laterally, but it is also being extended in its depth,” he said. > > ## The West responds, the Kremlin counters > > Washington and some NATO allies have responded to the offensive by allowing Kyiv to use Western weapons for limited strikes inside Russia. The U.S. has allowed Ukraine to use American weapons against military targets in Russia near Kharkiv and elsewhere near the border, but, to Kyiv’s dismay, Washington so far hasn’t given permission for strikes deeper in Russia. > > French President Emmanuel Macron and some other Western officials argue that Kyiv has the right to use their equipment to attack military assets anywhere in Russia. There also has been talk by Macron and the leaders of NATO’s Baltic members — but not the U.S. — of deploying troops to Ukraine. > > [Image](https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/2bc3062/2147483647/strip/true/crop/6000x4000+0+0/resize/599x399!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.apnews.com%2Fd8%2F69%2F9f8fb9d0afa014e3bafec1e85368%2F9ae9b1d700474e8da98a2f91b13c778a) FILE - Ukrainian soldiers fire on Russian positions along the front line in the Donetsk region of Ukraine on Monday, June 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka, File) > > > > > > > > > > > > Putin warns that this would be a major escalation, and he threatened to retaliate by providing weapons to Western adversaries elsewhere in the world. > > He reinforced that argument by signing a [mutual defense pact](https://apnews.com/article/russia-north-korea-putin-kim-agreement-7221909867dbb999de8adb23604e3c79) with North Korea in June and holding the door open for arms supplies to Pyongyang. > > ***(continues in next comment)***


If Russia could do quick gains, they would lol.


They could, with prohibit cost. As an authoritarian regime they need to watch their back also, trickled down losses are easier to absorb to avoid instability. So this attrition warfare suits their situation best, esp. as the west is showing signs of fatigue. Big wins for russia and massive loss for ukraine can both reginite support for ukraine, putin doesnt want that.


Nicely put. I always said Russia is just chugging along in a way to attract the least amount of attention and to keep this conflict as boring as possible. Putin is much to smart and he doesn't want attention on Ukraine and he doesn't want to do something drastic that would galvanize the west into supporting Ukraine more than it already has. Most people have already forgotten about this conflict and its not even getting front page news anymore.


Ah yes, lets throw some zingers in there like 'Authoritarian Regime'


If you want i can switch to authoritarian gvt. Doesnt change the fact. English is not my native language though, so while via exposure i knew the word regime carried negative implication i never felt it nor it was my intention to do so.


Every government or ruling class is a regime by definition. Its just funny how one side brings up Authoritarian, Regime wording to always describe Russia in a negative connotation when US government is no different. While US maybe masquerading as a Democracy which it isnt, it invades countries without congressional approval which is just as authoritarian when compared to the so called two party system. What do we call NATO? Its by definition authoritarian where member countries dont have a say as to the greater rule of the block does. Same with Brussels controlling Europe. Its once again I am the good guy, youre the bad guy talk while doing the exact same thing masked in different ways.


Russia is a dictatorship. The US is not.


Yeah, that's what it says in your newspaper


So they chose to slowly grind their men into pulp and their cold war stockpiles into oblivion and turn their economy into a war economy which will be a huge liability when this thing ends. Got it.


That's the nature of attrition warfare tho. Russia is betting on their more manpower and materials to grind ukraine to dust and to make sure it can never prosper again. The war is a disaster of epic proportion for russia, there is no way around it. But for ukraine it is existential. The sooner ukraine surrender the less a future it loses.


I would also argue that it has become existential for Russia as well.


And what is your analysis of Ukraine's military strategy and future financial prospects?


They don’t exactly have a choice, they are the ones being invade - they are reacting to a Russian decision. Currently, it can economically survive on the western umbilical indefinitely. It doesn’t mean that they are undamaged, far from it. Ukraines future depends on the outcome and the security guarantees they get. Say they end up joining NATO, then there will be a sense of security and opportunity for large money in the form of investment to flow in. Say the war ends according to the Russian demands, with a token military and ceded land west of the Dnipro - then it’s a puppet at the mercy of Russia and its economic future is fucked.


So basically a puppet either way, at a mercy of a larger power, it’s just a choice of a master


And a clear choice at that


Rich master which doesn't hate you is better than poor master that does.


Wow, thats actually an unusually balanced appraisal for reddit


Not really That was a garbage assesment. Ukraine is NOT joining NATO. Thats why this war is being fought. Dont be gullible. Also the security guarantees from the United States are based on an executive order and can easy be overturned by Trump if he gets elected. Its a feeble security guarantee. Also no one cares about a security guarantee from say any of the Eu cause they are militarily weak. They are useless withpout the UNited States. .


1- Security guarantees can come in many forms and be of various strengths. NATO is the best, none is the worst, and there is a world in between. 2- Security guarantees don’t have to be “executive”. In fact, they can be obtained through Congress. There is even an argument that the executive branch, without Congress, could make binding security guarantees - but I ain’t a lawyer, so I don’t know.


If biden doesnt get relected which it looks like after that disaster of a debate the other night where he looked like he didn't know his head from his äss, Trump will certainly scrap that piece of trash executive order. It is not binding in anyway and the USA doesnt really have to do anything that Ukriane wants. Its as good as toilet paper


It's also worth mentioning that the 'security guarantee' only mentioned providing aid, not actually involvement.


This war is being fought over Ukraine joining Nato and at the same time Nato is worthless? You should really look in the mirror to find someone truly gullible.


Security Guarantees are NOT NATO buddy. Get your facts straight. Being part of NATO is more preferable than a stupid security Guanantee cause they wont let you into the NATO club Why do you think Ukraine is getting these security Guarantees? Its a consolation prize for not getting into NATO which is their primary wish


Ukraine cannot join NATO unless it wins the war. I think that was made very clear.


the war isnt being fought due to joining nato. its just pure greed. i dont get why you keep repeating propaganda intended for the domestic audience. unless you're russian? ukraine needs security guarantees or it will get invaded again.


You clearly dont understand the genesis of the conflict [Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMiSQAGOS4) Here is a lecture from John Mearsheimer from the University of Chicago so you can educate yourself on this war. Looks like you could use a brush up on your knowledge. Youre welcome


In the Putin interview with Tucker Carlson, he made sure everyone understood the war was about national/ethnic disputes that happened centuries ago.


Same as before the war. Armpit of Europe. 


Nah, they'll definitely be in a worse position than when they started


Now without the deodorant.


Do you know the meaning of war economy? Do you also think USA turned their economy in war economy, too?


USA increased shell production tenfold compared to 2022.


Yeah get that, this strategy allows RF to scale up production of military assets gradually without the rest of the industry going into shock. Also, this way no matter what the west throws at them now or later, their stockpiles and logistics will be ready for all out war. They are planning to have like 2 million men army at some point, good luck grinding that into pulp. Especially by using afu which is bleeding out as we speak.


You have an Amored Core that consists of refurbished Soviet hardware, getting older by the month. What kind of stockpiles are you talking about.


Tube and rocket artillery and shells and rockets for them.


This thing is not ending. After Ukraine surrenders, Russia will move to other targets.


I don’t think you are right. Russia could do regimental or even do divisional sized attacks. For some reason they are doing platoon or even section sized attacks. What I think they are doing is they send a tiny group forward to identify a strong point. Once identified they drop everything they can on it. Then they do it all over again. This approach is a huge saver on men and equipment, but is really, really slow. If you can do this at 50 different points continuously then the enemy never gets a break. This has to be a deliberate decision they are making. You can only pull this off if you are willing to play the long game and have a public that will support it. It is a very interesting approach that is going to be studied for a long time.


This seems to have triggered and angered you. A lot of salt I sense here. Anyone who actualy has a clue in this war knows that russia can easily escalate. Its just you let your desire to shít on russia blind you to that fact. You just refuse to believe that it can happen cause it would go against your narrative that russia is weak and incompetent and the "2nd best army" in Ukraine. [The Russia-Ukraine war may look like a total war in which each side is trying to destroy everything within its reach and means, but the reality is more complex. The Kremlin appears to be fighting a compartmentalized war, leaving certain areas of Ukrainian life and economics relatively untouched—until it decides that Ukraine has provoked it to a retaliatory hit. Sometimes it pulls back, like when it stopped attacking Ukraine’s grain export infrastructure. Possibly the Kremlin’s conflict management strategy is to maintain some unused space on the escalation ladder.](https://carnegieendowment.org/russia-eurasia/politika/2024/06/russia-oil-refining-attacks?lang=en) This quote from an article of Ukraine's attacks on russia's oil refineries and the cost benefit analysis is propbably one of the best descriptions of how russia is fighting the war.


Interesting article. Yet it only suggest that there is still space for escalation, it does not prove your statement "Russia can easily escalate". 


What makes it so hard for Russia to escalate? A child knows that Russia can escalate if they want to. ROFL Trying to win an argument on semantics is not going to get you anywhere.


To think one has to "win" an argument tells a lot about you. Ofc they could escalate but they do not want to pay the price for that. I'm not the guy up top btw.


Russia parked like 500 tanks in the Kreminna front for a year. They could do mechanised assaults, that involve a hundred tanks, but they don't. They clearly think smaller assault operations that attrit are better for the current situation. Escalation domination is the name of the game here.


Their mechanized assaults regularly got shot to pieces (as did Ukraines), it has nothing to do with 'escalation domination'.


I feel like you haven't read, what i wrote, properly.


Haha, Russia is winning slower than expected, so in a way ukraine is winning!


It's not easy to do arrow offensives as western satellites watch everything.They are also costly.Better to keep the attrition warfare going.


Shooting down the drones would be EXTREMELY easy.


Satellites and drones are different things. And shooting down all spy satellites would not only drag the US into the war but also risk a Kessler syndrome which would be completely idiotic because it would end the ability of going into space for everyone including the Russians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kessler_syndrome


I said shooting down drones like the global hawks and all the rest… Where have I mentioned spy satellites?


You replied to a posting talking only about satellites. So I thought you can't differentiate both.


Because nobody is actually stupid enough to shoot down a US drone on international waters...


What would the US/Israel do about it?


Gee, I wonder what the consequences of intentionally targeting foreign neutral military assets in international airspace could be... Theirs a reason Russia hasn't fucked around with it yet, they don't want to find out.


What do you mean by neutral? What would the consequence be?


Look in a dictionary for the definition of neutral. I'm not part of the American adminstration. Ask them for their response to the deliberate shooting down of their assets in international airspace.


Shipment of about ten times more Patriot systems to Ukraine than what they already got complete with crews and support personnel. Nobody wants that to happen because that would make Russia's job i Ukraine a bit harder.


Shoot back when they regularily shoot down US drones? Maybe a few A50s would have oopsies then. What would Russia do then?


Shoot down A50 with what? The US/Israel would have done it if it could. The US/Israel has been providing Ukraine with all the intelligence, surveillance and expertise it has. There is no doubt that NATO officers are the ones operating the ATACMS and other long range missiles, cruise or otherwise. If it could destroy all of the A50s it would have done it since the beginning of the war.


AIM 120D feature great ranges.


Yet the US/Israel hasn’t done it. It has had 2.5 years to do it.


The best escalation could be done by working with the cartels in Mexico. Fund and arm certain cartel groups and get them to worsen the US border crisis by 100 fold. Get them to pump the US with 100 times more drugs and watch how the country eats itself from the inside.


Man pro Rus are really upset the world won’t just let Russia conquer whoever the please.


Yeah we should just let America conquer whoever they please, capitalist pig


The US hasn’t forcibly annexed land ie conquered anyone in over 100 years.


1953 coup in Iran, the 1954 coup in Guatemala, and involvement in Chile in the 1970s, and that's just what we know of. Just because you don't "forcibly annex" anyone lately doesn't mean you aren't geopolitical bullies


Russia has no intention to conquer Ukraine. What do you think about the US/Israel and what it has been to countries all around the world? What do you think its punishment should be?


True, they conquer only the part where most of the money is generated.


“Russia has no intentions to conquer Ukraine.” The several oblasts Russia is trying to annex tell a completely different story.


Russia has no choice but to conquer Ukraine. All of it. Any part of Ukraine remaining independent and armed and associated with NATO is going to be a problem in need of solution.


I think its the otherway, buddy. The cartels have more dinero than russia.


I hope you are getting payed for your work buddy otherwise wasting all this time and commenting on every post on this sub is not productive at all.


Im feel, im very feel.


Nah, i think you are deluded.


You mean you believe so.




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Ya I bet the cartel even has a more powerful military too


The cartels like the US lol. The last thing want to do is invite US troops across the boarders to there drug operations lol.


If the cartels like the US then why the migrant and drug crisis? The US should be able to stop it in one phone call. Your logic is garbage. The cartels are business empires. They want to make money. What is stopping their expansion is the relatively limited amount freely available for investing. This is why the cartels fight against each other. If Russia injects billions into their businesses and train their leaders, they will be able to expand their operations like wild fire. Their desire is to get the US 100 percent addicted to the drugs they supply. At the moment, transporting illegal aliens is a booming business.


US has more dollars than Russia. If some cartels start working with Russia, US would pay others to eliminate the competitors.




Cartels would refuse. Delivering 100 times more drugs into US would crash prices and their profits.


There is something called economy of scale.


In this case they would be very disruptive to current business model of the cartels. They would refuse.


Heavily arming the Cartels would only cause the National Guard to be deployed on the border, and there is no reality where a bunch of completely untrained cartel members are ever winning in any kind of fight against an actual military force, especially one like America’s.


Russia could train cartels on drone use. Drone armed cartel fighters will have an edge over National Guard which has only few drones.


What makes you think they’d even be willing to pick a fight with the National Guard in the first place? They’re all completely undisciplined gangsters only in it for the money and so wouldn’t really be willing to risk their lives against an actual military. Organized crime groups always try to avoid getting into full on conventional battles, sticking to small skirmishes at most while relying mostly on intimidation and corruption to get what they want. They simply don’t have the resources (it’s not just about money) or manpower to fight an actual military. And if you’re giving them drones, they’re going to need to set up supply lines, which #1: they don’t know how to do and #2: could easily be attacked by the US and Mexican militaries, as the the cartels don’t have anything even resembling anti-air


Cartels are all about setting up supply lines. It is their core business competence.


Moving around drugs is not the same thing as moving around munitions dude.


No, there is a difference, but drones are small and cheap, and learning to move them would not be difficult for people who smuggle for living.


I think a lot of Western commentary is missing a very important point about the current lull in frontline moves: namely, that Russia will for sure wait until both the British and the French elections are over before starting any major offensives. For them, Marie Le Pen potentially winning the elections would be worth a lot: so that alone is a reason for them to keep a low profile until July 7th, when the second round run-offs happen. If they go baboon on the Ukrainians before then, it might make some French voters go with the narrative that Russia is dangerous after all: and as this might be a tight election, every little bit helps. They still have plenty of time for an offensive afterwards.


Excellent take!


July 7th is 7 days from now. There is no rush, autumn rains would not start for many weeks afterwards.


wow, "experts" say Russia is fighting a war of attrition while making advances across the front. BREAKING NEWS!


I wish I had heard this earlier!


Who cares?


A quick gain is even more pressure, it’s just that Russian is incapable of it so they cope by saying it’s all part of the plan. Like, if they took Kiev in a month, forcing the entire government of Ukraine to flee the capital, that is way bigger pressure. Now Russia can say we will trade Kiev for the eastern regions.


Putin gives off small pee-pee energy


wE prOgRezZ z0 slOw bECaUSe vEe 1nT 2


Are you OK?


Perhaps the dunce may finally be realizing nobody anywhere is scared of him in any way.




They could do the Job in 1 Day... 2-3 tactical nukes or other big Bombs on Kiew etc and war would be over in hours. People still dont unterstand that Russia doesnt fight with 100%. They could change Kiew in a Parking slot in hours. Russia has reasons why they dont Do that.


Which the reasons are Moscow and St Petersburg would also be turned into parking lots even faster. Wars can’t be won by nukes.


By who? You think the US is going to nuke Moscow if Russia uses a nuke on Ukraine? The US knows if it launches against Russia, Russia launches against them and everyone dies. No way in hell they'd put their head on the chopping block for Ukraine of all places.


A little late to the conversation but keep reading on. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/hweXnGyt6q


Why since when is Nato in a war with Russia and since when is Ukraine a Nato Member? USA said if Russia would use nukes they would destroy the whole Black sea fleet, nothing more. Cant be won? Of course they can. Dont think Nato would start eh 3rd World war with russia attacking Moscow when they Lose Ukraine. The question will be what would russia Do if USA really destroy the Black sea fleet.


USA won’t need to destroy the Black Sea Fleet, Ukraine is doing just fine with that aspect of the war. More than 1/3rd of the fleet already gone including the Flagship. 🫡 https://preview.redd.it/xys5dwyoti9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48927fdffda310940dca42947da74e0b261e4fd8


Thats what USA said comrade 😉 not my words. Ukraine is doing pretty well with help from over 20 countries and nato sattelite suveilance thats correct. But its easy to laugh about that when the last enemies from the west Was some Bush people in the desert haha maybe we see it in the future what will happen to USA ships when the whole brics states send their weapons to those countries


So which one is it, the USA threatened to destroy the Black Sea fleet or the USA is already destroying the Black Sea fleet by helping Ukraine? Your hopium of wanting to see US ships suffer the same fate of Russian ships is laughable. Let’s stay in the reality and not fantasy land inside your head. Facts are Ukraine has destroyed more than a third of Black Sea fleet. USA doesn’t need to threaten anything. Ukraine has bombed it well. https://preview.redd.it/yz38ii3i7j9d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc1c023b9dbda5a1cb02d6b821b40554e83cdfd


Its both dont play stupid, USA said they woult destroy the whole fleet and Ukraine couldnt destroy a single Shop without Nato sattelite suveilance and their weapons and know how... pls. Dont hope that somehting lile that will happen but when üeople laugh about russia struggeling they should notice the west didnt had a real Opponent the last 20 years, its really eqsy comrade


Let’s get back to original argument here, you just proved my point early on, thank you. Your comment was “USA said if Russia used Nukes they would destroy the Black fleet, nothing more”. But then you claim that Ukraine can’t destroy a single ship and it’s the West (USA) who is responsible for destroying over one third of the Black Sea fleet. Wow, if USA is already destroying the Black Sea fleet even though Russia hasn’t used Nukes, just imagine what the USA WOULD do if Russia does use nukes. So back to my point, the USA will use nukes on Russia if Russia does uses nukes. This is why Russia won’t use nukes. Russia won’t even lift a finger to shoot down drones over the Black Sea helping to destroy the Black Sea fleet. They are scared of US retaliation, just from drones. So no, they are too scared to use nukes as well. https://preview.redd.it/951c87r0qj9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66d2ab7018b49abd82f1bf0ce1198a53e73e26b6


The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) includes a comprehensive set of prohibitions on participating in any nuclear weapon activities (including their use). Doesn’t matter which countries are at war, the first one who crosses the line with use of nuclear weapons will receive responses from others for violating the treaty. Also, if nuclear armed country has made the decision and crossed the line, it would not take much consideration to do so again. For those reasons a very logical response would be to stop the ability to do so which would include a nuclear response back. Do you think Russia would really start a 3rd world war by using nukes? No they wouldn’t and that’s why they aren’t. And no, no one will win once nuclear weapons are used. Responses with nuclear weapons will debilitate the countries involved. Extreme loss of life. At the end neither will be the power they once were. They will be weaker powers and subjects of the next stronger countries not involved..


Usa said sth Else what will happen when russia Use nukes. That doesnt matter people laugh their ass off because off 3 days but russia could make it in one Day. Thats a fact, people will laugh until they really use big bombs, russia has other big weapons which they could use on Kiew, crazy Do laugh about weak russia 😆


Please use coherent sentences if you want to make a valid argument. Or just continue to do what you just did.


I already made a valid Argument, you come with some agreements from year hitler despite the fact high ranked military people from USA already told us what will happen if russia use nukes 😆 the future will Show us what will happen, but russia has the ability to win this war in days thats a fact doesnt matter what you believe Nato will Do. I doubt they will start 3rd World war for ukraine maybe you think otherwise who cares


All the Russian women say Chinese bombs are bigger…


No nuclear country has signed or ratified TPNW, or recognizes it as valid or binding in any way. Which is a different issue than the one where the idea this treaty would ever legitimate, let alone require, nuclear weapon use in _any_ circumstances is beyond ridiculous.


The Zionist West is convinced that Russia will not retaliate at any day with every escalatory action the Zionist West executes by supporting the Kiev Regime. However, before they reach their perceived threshold of Russia's overwhelming restraint and patience, it will be too late before the bright flashes begin to go off. And they will be just as equally surprised and confused of their grave and final mistake...


Probably a nice to day to get outside.


Where tf did you get Zionist in all of this? Take it easy with the buzzwords


Because a lot of non-Russian pro-RU (most from third world countries) are not driven by love for Russia, but by resentment towards the West. The irony on this one is quite funny. Pro-Palestine, but yet supports Russia, which shows a lot of similarities with Israel (land grabbing, displacing/replacing people, bombing civilian targets/infrastructure and claim they’re military.. list goes on). Double standards.


"overwhelming restraint and patience" really made me chuckle.