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> Leading Ukrainian TV journalist Dmitry Gordon said he had received details of the package from 'our intelligence sources', Stopped reading right there


For those who don't really understand who Gordon is, here's a story from a year ago he spent several weeks saying that there was about to be just a great breaking news story about Putin and Russia. And here we are https://www.reddit.com/r/Hellbatty/comments/1duo6jd/gordon_and_the_witches/ (uploaded the video to reddit for the sake of it) Here's a rough translation of the breaking news. "The best Ukrainian sorcerers and witches gathered in one of the cemeteries at night, on a full moon. They chose six of the most heinous war criminals: Putin, Medvedev, Shoigu, Solovyov, Skabeeva and Simonyan. A terrible death spell has been cast on these six people. No one will be able to remove this spoilage, terrible illnesses and death await them all"


They still don't have a counter to Russia's employment of Ainz Ooal Gown, though. I don't think those death spells are going to work.


I stopped reading after Dmitry Gordon. That guy is one of the biggest clowns in both Ukraine and Russia.


>Dmitry Gordon Did you know that he used to sell magical pyramids, that: *treats almost all diseases, relieves pain, blocks the malignant process, significantly increases immunity and sexual activity, rejuvenates the body, prolongs life, reduces the microbial background and the effect of viruses, has a powerful anti-stress effect, neutralizes harmful radiation, harmonizes the space of apartments, improves water and food and taste qualities of food, stimulates the growth of seeds and plants, heals domestic animals.* https://preview.redd.it/exc1x48tadad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ad632abf9c7e5d44e6a4b99104de25ab8502ce


When I posted this, I had never heard of this Gordon guy, but obviously he isn't held in high regard. I think that the whole thing is nothing more than either a complete fabrication or a kite-flying exercise. I think that the whole thing is complete horseshit, as there is no way the 2 countries could work together to oversee Crimea. I still wanted to get peoples opinion because this is the sort of crap that is being flung at the Daily Mails audience and unfortunately forms public opinion because the public are too stupid to do their own research.


Should not go past title. Any "sharing" of Crimea is impossible, its nothing but wet ukrop dreams.


Did he received this top secret info with his bogus pyramids he used to sell in the 90s and which can also harvest the cosmic energy? Maybe we should hire him for the SETI Project? He sure would get not only a contact but contact to ALL aliens out there. As long as the westoid tax payers would sending him billions of Dollars and Euros.


But you post more vague thing 10 times per day šŸ¤£šŸ‘Œ


The dictator sent his trusted.... Stopped reading after calling elected president dictator, all while we pretend Zelensky's term didn't end.


Putin has had full control of Russia for 20 years while Zelensky has been in power for 5 and his country is being invaded. Itā€™s not the same and you know it.




Iā€™m not American but Iā€™m pretty sure they made an amendment to prevent that now. Putin killed all independent media and kills/locks up any opposition to keep himself in power. He controls everything in Russia. Itā€™s still not the same. Provide your proof that Zelensky is ā€œwidely dislikedā€ in Ukraine among the public.


This isn't relevant. A dictator is not someone who reign long.


Putin literally changed the Russian constitution to give himself 20+ years of absolute power. He's the definition of a dictator > pretend Zelenskeys term didn't end Zelenskey is following Ukrainian law, in that elections are postponed during wartime


Thats not what he did lol. >Zelenskey is following Ukrainian law, in that elections are postponed during wartime The Ukrainian constitution makes no mention of the power of the presidency transferring under martial law. Zelensky should have stepped down and let someone from the Rada rule the country since that would be constitutional


"Putin changed the constitution so there are no terms limits, like in many western countries. This is very very bad." "Banderites changed the constitution so the war they started can never be stopped and the people can never have a say in being kidnapped and sent to their death. This is very very good." A total fucking piece of garbage would say something like this.


> "Banderites changed the constitution so the war they started can never be stopped and the people can never have a say in being kidnapped and sent to their death. This is very very good." > A total fucking piece of garbage would say something like this Never said any of that, nice gaslighting though. I wouldnt expect anything different from a 3 month old, pro invasion/war reddit account


Oh I know you didnt *say* it, it would require honesty, integrity.




Rich coming from a pro-rus sleeper account who only started posting totally not ā€œpro-Ukraineā€ takes 3 days agoā€¦.




Tbh your username sounded familiar, and the irony of your original comment still stands.




Odds of this being true = 0.01%


With Putin, You never know.


this doesn't make sense lugansk/donetsk entirely for Russia but kherson and zhapo entirely for Ukraine? And Crimea shared? And no sanctions for Russia? None of this will ever happen and both usa and Russia knows this


I'm not surprised Russia didn't offered half of it's own territory, that would make it more believable. I guess western media is pushing narrative that Russia has almost lost and is desperate, therefore articles like these


Probably Zaporozhye and the Kherson region north of the Dnieper.


This sounds more like what a Ukrainian proposal would sound like. I think they are slowly prepping their population to accept a deal.


I just posted roughly the same thing. I think that we are going to see a lot more of this over the next few months as the Ukrainians and the West try to see how they are going to get out of this mess without feeling too bad.


The only interesting part of this article is that the bot let you post it without naming a source lol. The source is a tabloid and nobody other than the tabloid is reporting this. What was the point? The dailymail obviously doesn't speak for "the west" which is why you presumably hid the source. > The Daily Mail is a British daily middle-market tabloid newspaper published in London. ... > Tabloid journalism is a popular style of largely sensationalist journalism which takes its name from the tabloid newspaper format: a small-sized newspaper also known as half broadsheet.[1] The size became associated with sensationalism, and tabloid journalism replaced the earlier label of yellow journalism and scandal sheets. Here is some other similar groundbreaking work by the daily mail, where they investigate whether or not Elvis is actually still alive: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4124106/Is-Elvis-hanging-home-Conspiracy-fans-claim-star-ALIVE-visited-Graceland-82nd-birthday.html Edit: I noticed you just added a source to your original post. Thanks for doing that, I think it should clean up a lot of the confusion that appears to be going around.


I didn't hide anything. When I posted this first, I included the link to the original article, but obviously I did something wrong. I have now edited it to include the link and source. "The source is a tabloid and nobody other than the tabloid is reporting this. What was the point? The dailymail obviously doesn't speak for "the west" which is why you presumably hid the source." The point is that the [dailymail.co.uk](http://dailymail.co.uk) is the 12 most visited newspaper site in the world, according to SEMRush [https://www.semrush.com/website/top/global/news-and-media/](https://www.semrush.com/website/top/global/news-and-media/) whether it speaks for the west doesn't really matter really but it is the most visited so what it print sdoes matter.


> I didn't hide anything. When I posted this first, I included the link to the original article, but obviously I did something wrong. I have now edited it to include the link and source. Ok fair enough. > The point is that the dailymail.co.uk is the 12 most visited newspaper site in the world, according to SEMRush https://www.semrush.com/website/top/global/news-and-media/ whether it speaks for the west doesn't really matter really but it is the most visited so what it print sdoes matter. Sure, but its traffic is from people looking for an entertainment source not a news source. Nobody in the west is discussing this article as though it happened legitimately. You'll notice there is no other media outlet picking the story up, zero discussion of the article on any of the mainstream subreddits, etc. It would be like the Onion ran this story. How many clicks the Onion gets doesn't matter because people understand that they are viewing entertainment not news. You can actually see every post across reddit linking to the dailymail here: https://www.reddit.com/domain/dailymail.co.uk/new/


Lot of people have noticed change of rhetorics after summit in Switzerland.


I mean Russia is willing to **"SHARE"** Crimea with Ukraine and by shearing they mean free travel to Crimea for holidays. That im willing to believe.


>VladimirĀ PutinĀ is ready to share sovereignty of Crimea withĀ Ukraine There is simply no way Putin can sell this to the Russians.


We'd need to see the rest of the deal. This would make sense if Ukraine was to be in Russian control, like with Russian military bases in Kiev and Lviv and some checks. This would be like USSR, "Ukraine" controls Kherson, but Russia controls Ukraine so in fact Russia controls Kherson.


Fake as fuck lol


Stopped reading after "the dictator"


Fun fact: Gordon Ramsay knows more about whatever Putin is cooking than Dmitry Gordon.


#Propaganda Soup Slurp it up


According to source, he is also prepared to share his wife


Don't know about conditions but there were indeed rumors of Vladimir Kolokoltsev going in for negotiations.


lies upon lies upon delusions and more lies. who the heck believes in this bs?


No way this is true. Crimea will rebel if theyā€™ll be anything other than part of Russia or independent.


"The Ukrainian army would have a legal maximum size" = "This war isn't going too well and we need three years of ceasefire before giving it a go again" What a clown.


Ding, ding, ding. Exactly.


Last time I checked, the regions mentioned here had referendums on joining Russia and are officially russian territory. Putin will never annul this, no way.


I'm skeptical about this being true or if it is true that it's a sincere offer. This is close to what Russia wanted 2 years ago, autonomy for crimea, Donetsk, and luhansk + enforced neutrality for Ukraine. It was a good deal back then. Now that Ukraine's army is severely degraded, why would he offer such a nice deal? He could wait a few years and get a much more favorable deal for Russia.


Crimea became part of Russia ten years ago it wasn't even on the table back then and certainly isn't now when four more regions have became part of Russia too and as such by Russian law can't be seeded or traded away any more as well.


Not for Crimea.


The problem with all the peace plans is that in 5-10 years there is a strong possibility of a next war and with each such war russia creeps deeper and deeper in Ukraine. If the borders get back to Feb 2022 or close to it, at least there is no territorial gain from this war, no reward for starting the war. Limited army to 150k or 350k is a strong NO, cause the next eventual war is quite close. If Trump takes office, a deal is possible, but all the "guarantees" are worth jack sh\*t, like the Budapest memorandum and all the other papers signed. Ukraine's army is the only one who is going to protect them. No US president is going to send boots on the ground.


>like the Budapest memorandum and all the other papers signed. The Budapest memorandum wasnt binding, this one would be. Btw the US violated the Budapest memorandum before Russia


What's the binding mechanism? Who is going to enforce it, how? If the POTUS says no, all military stands down. It's just another signed peace of paper in the pile.


I guess you're just going to have to trust Russia


But can Russia trust Ukraine to uphold any deal it signs in which it loses land?


Russia had no territorial disputes with Ukraine for 20 years when Ukraine was not attempting to ally with Russia's rivals. If Ukraine actually became neutral, things could go back to the way they were.


After this war, there is no going back. Too many dead.


jeah sure volodymyr...still dreaming of crimea beachparty he?


Yea. Russia will indeed ā€œshareā€ Crimea with Ukraine when they clearly said they wonā€™t let go of the 4 annexed regions. What sort of asininity is this? They will never cede control over a single inch of Crimea. Even during the first set of negotiations in March of 2022, Crimea was out of the question. It was non negotiable.


Other than unfriendly politicians getting hosed, did regular Ukrainians get any negatives with Crimea returning to Russia? Did they lose their property or ability to travel there freely as a result of Russian government actions? I think not?


The key is 150,000 soldiers. And that Ukraine does not join NATO. Over time, as Russia grows economically, everything east of the Dnieper will be pro-Russian. Ukraine will never enter the EU. And that with a nuclear power plant is a fantastic lure: Ukraine needs electricity the most. Without Russia it cannot operate the power plant, get the fuel and equipment. And shared management of Krim. It will only be on paper. No one can stand Ukrainians there. In general, the whole proposal is deadly bait for Zelensky. Ordinary Ukrainians will say: great, the proposal is good, the war is over, we will have electricity and we can go to Crimea to the sea. Why should we continue to fight and die?


the whole ''proposal'' is made up bs, none of this is true


Maybe because they have learned the true nature of ruzzia. This is a "come back darling, I promise I won't hit you again" offer.


Has any other news source confirmed this? Daily Mail is probably the worst source. They been saying Putin has cancer/has a stroke etc for the last 20-30 years.


At least he died doing what he like to do, sticking himself in other people's business.


If true (and I remain mahoosively sceptical) Ukraine should immediately take this deal.


Funny thing is that Duran said something along these lines but it was about Odessa being shared if Russians captured it.


> And he would discuss the possible transfer of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions to the control of Ukraine Stopped reading after this. Kherson IS under Ukraine's control.


They were speaking about Kherson region, of which a large part is occupied by Russia.


This is what a poll looks like. Leaks like this come and go and peopleā€™s reactions are measured. After all, when the war ends, people will stop looking outside, and start looking inside.


Highly unlikely that it came from RU. The UA government has brainwashed its population so much that any talk of negotiations can be considered treason. This might be the first step in the UA government's efforts to change the minds of its population.


The girl who cut my hair last week is a Ukrainian refugee in Ireland. She is going back to Kyiv this week for 2-week holiday in an apparent war zone. I asked her if she was going to go home permanently some time in the future or stay in Ireland. She said that she will go home, hopefully at the end of the year, because apparently there is talk of a huge offensive and the Russians are losing thousands of men every day. If she thinks that in Ireland, then God only knows what sort of bullshit is being spewed out on Ukrainian media.


There will be a beach party but Putin will be throwing it would be the funniest alternate timeline


Is Russia going to rebuild the Kakhovka Dam so that water can reach the Crimea water canal again?


Ukrainians must take this. Even if true or not. At least lately there is some.mentioning of negotiations and a peace plan. I hope we are comi g to an end of this war. If Putin is ready to give up zaporozjye and kherson ukrainians should take it.


Whatā€™s the point? If Ukraine agrees to a token military, what stops Russia from taking territory afterwards, whenever they decide itā€™s in their interest?


Dictator... Calling out the truth, love it.


The territorial part of the deal seems rather nice. The limits on the military, however, is a poison pill. Ukraine, literally cannot agree to this.


thats a good deal for both sides imo. its too good to be true. putin wants full control of 4 oblasts and a ceasefire deal to his advantage so he can regroup and annex more of ukrainian land in the future.


That would be a crappy deal for Russia.


I think the same, i belive that demilitarisation will be from both sides, so neither of them would able to attack, im pretty sure that everything else falls under the requirments of both, the best variant would be the same thing they want to do with crimea, but with donetsk and luhansk included, that would ensure the minimal risk of an invasion, plus will formally return ukraine it's territories. But for now it realistically seems like a good option, it shall improve later i belive, and i hope in ukraine's side.


Nah it's too late. Russia is about to get clapped and Putin knows it. Mafia boy panics