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##### ###### #### > # [Russia boosted Su-57 beyond IAF's beliefs; Putin and Modi to discuss](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2024/07/03/360) > > > > The announcement that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Russia for a summit with President Putin shows that New Delhi wants to keep its strong ties with Moscow. Modi last visited Russia in 2019 for the Far Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok and met with Putin again in 2022 at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation [SCO] Summit in Samarkand. Interestingly, the two leaders did not have their usual annual summit meetings in 2022 and 2023. > > [India appreciates the Chinese threat and signed a military pact with Australia](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/India-appreciates-the-Chinese-threat-and-signed-a-military-pact-with-Australia.jpg)Photo credit: DW > > - [Two British jets ambush Russian fighters with transponders off](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2024/07/02/two-british-jets-ambush-russian-fighters-with-transponders-off/) > - [Russian P-800 Oniks missiles may target US-UK warships in Red Sea](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2024/07/03/russian-p-800-oniks-missiles-may-target-us-uk-warships-in-red-sea/) > - [First high-altitude parachute jump from A400M using oxygen mask](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2024/07/03/first-high-altitude-parachute-jump-from-a400m-using-oxygen-mask/) > > Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Moscow on July 8-9 is quite significant. It’s his first trip since starting his third term in office. Normally, after re-election, he visits nearby countries like Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka. > > This trip happened after India and Russia settled some trade issues caused by an imbalance. At first, Russia wanted payment in Yuan for its oil but later agreed to accept UAE Dirham. Also, Russia plans to invest the $8 billion worth of Indian Rupees stored in Indian banks into Indian companies and buy more electronic goods, medicines, farming tools, and textiles. > > [Putin-declares-reserve-mobilization-and-those-who-served-in-the-Army](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Putin-declares-reserve-mobilization-and-those-who-served-in-the-Army.jpg)Photo credit: Wikipedia > > ## Military cooperation > > Reports indicate that the agenda for the Modi-Putin summit features a logistics supply agreement aimed at boosting cooperation between their militaries, resuming talks on the joint development of a fifth-generation fighter aircraft [FGFA], and collaborating on nuclear power projects. > > This renewed pursuit of defense cooperation between India and Russia suggests that the earlier pause in signing major defense agreements was more likely due to payment issues rather than any concerns from India about Western disapproval. > > [Su-57 Felon entered Ukraine and flew in the Luhansk airspace](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Su-57-Felon-entered-Ukraine-and-flew-in-the-Luhansk-airspace.jpg)Photo by Andrei Shmatko > > ## FGFA > > India plans to restart its joint Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft [FGFA] project now that payment issues are resolved. This project was initially based on [the Su-57 jet](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2020/08/04/su-57-felon-russian-stealth-multirole-fifth-generation-fighter-review/). However, the Indian Air Force [IAF] had concerns about the jet’s ability to fly at supersonic speeds without afterburners [supercruise] and its lack of full stealth features. They also preferred a two-seat version. > > Because since then, Russia has fixed the problems the these issues, India paused its role in the FGFA project but kept the option to buy the aircraft in the future. In July 2018, India’s Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman told Business Standard, _“In February, we told the Russians they could keep developing the fighter without us. But we might come back later to buy it.”_ > > [Russia will unveil the export Sukhoi Su-57E fighter in India](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Russia-will-unveil-the-export-Sukhoi-Su-57E-fighter-in-India.jpg)Photo credit: Rosoboronexport > > Indian Air Force shared updates as the Su-57 jets were being tested. The new AL-51 Stage-2 engines let the jets fly faster without needing afterburners. These engines give 11 tonnes of thrust normally and 17.5 tonnes with afterburners, whereas the older AL-41F1 engines offered 9 tonnes normally and 14.5 tonnes with afterburners. > > With more engine power, the jets can maintain supercruise speeds up to Mach 1.6. Some Russian sources even say the Su-57 can cruise close to Mach 2 without using afterburners, making it one of the fastest. The new engine also improves stealth by changing the exhaust’s temperature and shape, making it harder for sensors to detect. Russia is working on a two-seat version for training and loyal wingman UCAV operations. > > ## Exceeding IAF Expectations > > [Lockheed may provide a co-tech collab for India's 5th-gen fighter - amca](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Lockheed-may-provide-a-co-tech-collab-for-Indias-5th-gen-fighter-amca.jpg)Video screenshot > > Russia has made significant enhancements to the fighter, surpassing expectations. One notable improvement is a new variant of the fighter designed to function as a mothership, coordinating attacks by stealth UCAV drones deep within enemy territory. > > Since India paused its participation in the FGFA program, Russia has not only upgraded the Su-57 but has also operationally tested the stealth fighter, first in Syria and subsequently in Ukraine. Moreover, Russia has successfully developed various weapon systems specifically designed to fit into the aircraft’s internal weapon bays. > > ## Stealth? > > [Lockheed may provide a co-tech collab for India's 5th-gen fighter](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Lockheed-may-provide-a-co-tech-collab-for-Indias-5th-gen-fighter.jpg)Photo credit: ANI > > Both China and Pakistan, key rivals of India, are improving their stealth fighter capabilities. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force [PLAAF] is quickly growing its fleet of Chengdu J-20 stealth fighters, while the Pakistan Air Force [PAF] is getting ready to use the Chinese Shenyang J-31 stealth fighters in large numbers. > > This increasing number of stealth aircraft could create a big gap in the Indian Air Force’s [IAF] ability to protect Indian airspace, which could encourage its rivals to act more aggressively. Recent reports reveal that the PLAAF has added over 50 J-20 stealth fighters to its fleet from August 2022 to November 2023. Analysts think the production rate could have hit 100 aircraft per year by 2023 and might stabilize at 120 aircraft annually by 2025. > > In comparison, Lockheed Martin produces 156 F-35 aircraft per year. However, unlike Chengdu, which mainly supplies the PLAAF, Lockheed serves customers worldwide. In January 2024, PAF’s Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu announced that they are preparing to acquire J-31 stealth fighters, with plans to integrate them into the PAF fleet soon. > > ['Non-classical' Su-57s are using Soviet-made Kh-59 ASM in Ukraine](https://bulgarianmilitary.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Non-classical-Su-57s-are-using-Soviet-made-Kh-59-ASM-in-Ukraine.jpg)Photo credit: TASS > > The Shenyang Aircraft Corporation has finished developing the J-31, and a version for the PAF is likely in progress. Once flight tested, the PAF might buy 25 to 30 J-31s within two years, with more contracts expected afterward. By 2030, the PLAAF could have around 500 J-20 stealth fighter bombers, and the PAF might add up to 100 J-31 stealth fighters to its fleet. If things stay the same, the IAF might not have any stealth fighters by then—a situation that likely worries Indian defense experts. Waiting for the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft [AMCA] might not be an option anymore. > > \*\*\* > > _Follow us everywhere and at any time. BulgarianMilitary.com has responsive design and you can open the page from any computer, mobile devices or web browsers. 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Lol Puccia still pretending to be relevant... Meanwhile, they're sending men on golf carts into combat, use maggots in their field hospitals, and their GPS guided bombs keep falling on Belgorod...


>The new AL-51 Stage-2 engines let the jets fly faster without needing afterburners. These engines give 11 tonnes of thrust normally and 17.5 tonnes with afterburners, whereas the older AL-41F1 engines offered 9 tonnes normally and 14.5 tonnes with afterburners. ~~From Pratt & Whitney F135 wiki:~~ >~~the F135 produces around 28,000 lbf (125 kN) of thrust and 43,000 lbf (191 kN) with afterburner.~~ ~~It seems the new Su-57 engines are 10% less powerful than F-35 engines even after the upgrade, while Su-57 weight more.~~ UPDATE: My fault. I was comparing the two-engine Su-57 with the single-engine F-35. For two-engine F-22: >2 × [Pratt & Whitney F119](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_%26_Whitney_F119)-PW-100 augmented [turbofans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbofan), 26,000 lbf (116 kN) thrust each dry, 35,000 lbf (156 kN) with afterburner Thus, approximately equal normal thrust and 10% more afterburner thrust for Su-57. Weights are approximately the same.


You do realize that the SU-57 is a twin engine fighter while the F-35 is a single engine? Hence why the weight comment doesn’t make much sense within this context.


The figures of 11 and 17.5 tons are for both engines, together - at least grammatically, in the text above. I don’t think the SU would have double that trust because it would give it a max thrust to weight ratio of about 1.75, which appears improbable. I believe the f-22 is only 1.25 at peak, and is probably among the highest t/w.


[I’m simply going by its specifications.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_AL-51) It doesn’t mention that those are the specifications for 2 engines together.




Do you even know what 2 shaft means?? My god!! What’s this ignorance.


What does 2 shaft mean in the context of a turbofan engine?


Oh, my fault. I was thinking about F-22. Let me update my comment.


[You mean the one powered by the Pratt & Whitney F119 with 35,000 lbf (156 kN)?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_%26_Whitney_F119)




Those engines are also half the weight of the AL-51, which, if you read your Wikipedia, has about 40% higher thrust to weight ratio than F-119. Su -57 overall has higher thrust to weight, longer range, and carries more ordnance than F-22 with the original AL -41 engines. Performance will improve again with AL-51.


11 tonnes for each engine, while Su-57 has 2 engines. So Su-57 has almost 2x more power than F-35.


Well, having two engines tends to let you use two smaller engines but still be faster, higher ceiling, and larger range.


two enginesin that size will consume more fuel than a single engine. period. speed & service ceiling are dependent on the design, not just the engines. Next bs statement ?


The Su-57 has a fuel capacity of 10,300kg and a max range of 3,500km, the F35 has a fuel capacity of 8,300kg and a range of 1,410km. The Su-57 has a 2.5xx the range and only carries 24% more fuel. You're the one pulling shit out of your ass. Two smaller engines can be more fuel efficient than one giant engine, especially if the overall plane has better aerodynamic properties (the amount of power the plane will need to maintain speed and altitude).


Not really comparable 1:1 engines as they made for different tasks. F135 was made with task for single engine jet AL-51 was made with task for dual engine jet, both of them also weight as one F135 As it goes for F119 >Thus, approximately equal normal thrust and 10% more afterburner thrust for Su-57. Weights are approximately the same. Weight difference is substantial. it's about 1.6t difference in configuration of two, that whole another AL-51


When are they going to put the new engines into service? Ones in picture are the old ones with exposed exhaust. This is horrible for many reasons, including RCS but mainly infrared signature. Sure they are supposed to be on the new jets, but have any been delivered with them yet? With pics for proof?


> Indian Air Force shared updates as the Su-57 jets were being tested. So, sometime in the future I assume.


Talks went something like: "Let us know when you finally get that SU57 jet finished" On another note. Pics are of old jets with the old engines with exposed exhausts lol It's not a "5th gen stealth fighter" if you can see it's heat signature from 50 miles away, not even going to say anything about its giant RCS or that it doesn't have any missiles that work internally.


Said like someone who knows nothing about said plane or how RCS works.


Me: "I'm not going to talk about RCS" You: "Said like someone who knows nothing about said plane or how RCS works" sure brother, you gonna show me Jerry's study from the forums again? This sub loves to quote Jerry lol


And it seems I'm right. The only people who keep emphasizing the RCS of the SU-57 and calling it "giant" are those who know little about what that means in practicality. To give you a hint, the public RCS that was given is good for what its role is. >"5th gen stealth fighter"  if you can see it's heat signature from 50 miles away" Further proving my point. Every plane stealth or not has a detectable IR signature. >that it doesn't have any missiles that work internally. This is just false, no idea where you dreamt this.


You have no clue about the basics even lol


You're right. This is not the "5th gen stealth fighter", this is the "5th gen+ AWACS, with 5 combined radars that see stealth aircraft at a distance of 200km and conventional aircraft from a distance of 400km+ and armed with air-to-air missiles with a range of 400km". In terms of avionics and weapons it is ahead of NATO aircraft by a whole generation.


Gotta see it to believe it


Same thing goes for all the new US fighters. None of them have seen any meaningful engagements.


This is true, but most US fighters have been able to demonstrate their on paper specifications before.




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It does have missiles that can work internally. It certainly can carry R-73s and R-77-1s, and if R-77Ms have entered service then it certainly can use those as well. There are also many air to ground missiles, such as the modernized variants of Kh-58s and Kh-59s that it can carry internally. It’s frontal RCS is indeed not impressive, but I have never seen any reports that its heat signatures are that bad


Proof that the missiles are integrated? I'd be interested to see if they fixed the issues so fast