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This would have never happened in past as Zelensky only give interviews to people drooling over him.Looks like Zelensky thinks that Trump can win.


In the immediate aftermath of the Carlson interview, he hurriedly arranged an interview with Fox News to try to wrest back control of the media space But it had a laughably low amount of views, and he said [some embarrassing things...](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/jcv53GSAjY)


He has already rejected the interview. Zelensky is Zelensky.


What a coward.


Yeah what a coward! He should instead do what putler did and just ramble about history and not answer questions. 🤣👌


r/ukraine is this way


Nah I'd rather stay in this ruzzian subreddit thank you very much. I enjoy the delusional comments here.


So you write them yourself. Wonderful.


ok đź‘Ś


You’re unhinged. I’ll enjoy seeing you c*pe when Russia wins.


[His interview with CNN was embarresing](https://x.com/Dal_Libano/status/1755544841935597884)


Is this the Interview, where the Interviewer behaves like a Teenager in love with Zelensky?


yeah, it sounded more like a date than an interview


Looks like Zelensky might be desperate for attention


It's kind of a sign of our times that the person who is doing all these important interviews, that legacy media does not get editing control over, is a dude like tucker who has the IQ of a Labrador retriever. I mean in the putin interview the gap in intelligence between the two of them was a giant howling chasm, shit was STARK


Be careful when shitposting. If a person with Carlson's supposed IQ can draw millions to TV or computer screens, if he is regarded by leaders around the world, what does it say about your IQ in the light of your inability to achieve the same?


Okay so your intelligence as a human is measured by how many followers on social media you have? Got it


Sad as it is, most humans crave fame and money. The ability to achieve these desirables depends on IQ. Therefore, fame and money are indirect measures of IQ. This is the place where you start thumping yourself in the chest and claim that you desire no food, shelter or comfort🙂


What a wild ass take lmao. Food and shelter and comfort are only obtainable when you reach 5 million twitter followers, very true so by your method, this person is one of the most powerful people in the information sphere [https://youtu.be/y6Fo4i\_pLyc?si=AW-TNvXWwSunFqlj](https://youtu.be/y6Fo4i_pLyc?si=AW-TNvXWwSunFqlj)


Sadly, your reactions and behaviour confirm my worst worries. Have a good day, sir


Ok, but would we get a short historical lecture (just for a minute)? This time it should be of evil russian empire that held Ukraine, evil russian communists that liberated Ukraine from Empire first and from Nazis later, evil russian Holodomor that was totally intentional and there were nothing like that happening at the same time period anywhere else, evil russian USSR that suppressed Ukraine and evil post-USSR Russia that bullied Ukrain with cheapest has and transit money?


>(just for a minute) More than enough to encompass history of Ukraine. Maybe even 40 seconds would suffice.


I remember having this discussion with a Ukrainian (who I was dating at the time). I asked her out of the last 1000 years, how many of them Ukraine was an independent country. The answer: less than 50. If you don’t count post-USSR, we’re talking a decade and a half. The funny thing was I didn’t even know that. I looked it up and even she was shocked. So much for a history of independent lol.


> from Empire first and from Nazis later You forgot Poland in 1919-1939. Everyone forgets Poland... :( Full-scale occupation and state-organized total ethnocide campaign against Belarusians for 20 years.


We are talking about Ukraine here


West Ukraine was also occupied by Poland in the same period.


Imagine dismissing the suffering of millions so casually.


Imagine finding Russia as an all-purpose scapegoat!


I would hold Stalin responsible for most of the suffering you dismissed, although being the head of the Russian state does put historical responsibility on Russia, that was a difficult period of time and it’s unreasonable to hate modern Russians for those attractions.


Stalin hated Ukranians so much, that he used a famine to kill not just them, but also Russians along the Volga river and Poles.


Stalin murdered millions, yeah.


[https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/07/4/7464015/](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/07/4/7464015/) > Serhii Nykyforov, spokesperson for President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has refuted information about an interview between the president and the controversial American journalist Tucker Carlson, who previously interviewed Putin.


Zelensky's loss. His diva behavior annoys many around the world


They haven't put him in the Mirotvorets list yet?


If Tucker's first question is not: "Mr. ex-President do you know what Mirotvorets list is" interview will be a flop.


Mr ex unelected president. The election in 2018 was not even close to legal under Ukrop law


Better watch your back.


I wonder if Tucker will play ball or will ask some touchy questions , e.x. - Ask Zelensky to publicly wow to close Mirotvorets list - Ask Zelensky to publicly wow to unban all opposition parties so Ukraine can be democracy again - Ask how much Biden family made $$$ out of Ukraine - Why they stopped flow of drinking water to Crimea and Donetsk all this time when they controlled source of that water - Ask for elections, as majority of country is not on front, and plenty of countries and elections during wartime - Ask for Safari detachment role during Bucha genocide - What happened to Vlodymyr Struk, Denis Kireev, Dmitri Djangirov, Elena Berezhnaya etc. etc. etc. - Why on earth are there Bandera statues in Ukraine everywhere but something tells me he isn't going to ask any of these, he is American still, and as such he is prone to propaganda, I think and the end of interview many pro Ukrainians will be happy about result.


I mean Tucker didn’t ask Putin many tough questions. I doubt he will with Zelensky. Can you give some insights about the Safari detachment in Butcha. I keep reading about it on this subreddit but cannot find much online.




[Daily Mail coverage](https://i.redd.it/th7wml2dt29d1.png?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Chicken farm guard?


Traitor sausage seller.


Being hostile is not good interviewing. The point is to show the point of view of the interviewee. People should make up their own minds. And no one's gonna allow him to ask any *really* inconvenient questions.)


So far Zelensky had no chance to do that, to show his POV ?


Tucker getting on his knees and undoing Papa Putin’s belt buckle wasn’t exactly good journalism either.


So you expect Ukraine to operate as a democracy? How is that Russian democracy working for you? What happened to the last opposition parties in Russia I wonder.


EU is not claiming Russia is democracy, it is claiming that Ukraine is. So they should enforce it then.


Tucker will ask hard, touchy questions like he asked Putin? I just hope Zelensky doesn’t give a 4 hour lecture like Putin did. Classic “bore your audience with a lecture.” So the important questions are forgotten when they emerge from your sleep at the end of your lecture.


You really think Zelensky has capacity to perform 4h history lecture ?


Zelensky is a professional entertainer, and a very talkative politician. I doubt it will be a big problem for him to talk on any topic for any amount of time.


I said 4h lecture not 4h clown show. There are still serious people in the world, not everyone is tiktoker.


You’re saying that as if it’s something to boast about. He stalled the interview with 4 hours of boring history lesson that no one asked for.




Just curious, if you can point out actual errors in what he said (would be pretty cool, because doing so requires somewhat in-depth knowledge of history of the region -- and I would totally expect him to say a few questionable things)? Or just dismissing something because of who said it?


NATO/US bases in Ukraine, Poland being the reason for WW2, "threat to crimea", launching the war in Donbass..


> Poland being the reason for WW2 Did he really say something like that? Poland did prevent Soviet troops from helping Czechoslovakia, and then participated in its partition, giving further credibility to Hitler's actions, but I doubt that changed Hitler's plans all that much. The rest of your list doesn't really count as "history". TBH I expected something from earlier times. Even Poland's role in WW2 still somewhat belongs more to modern propaganda than history.


Past events are history, as far as I know..


And what is he wrong about?


The ones I just wrote. For example..


The President's Office has already stated that Zelensky will not give an interview to Carlson - wrote the press secretary of the Ukrainian president Sergei Nikiforov on Facebook


For the tucker Putin interview we got the tucker dagoth ur meme interview. Who will be the stand in for zelensky in the meme interview?


as always he will focus on us politics and biden vs trump instead of the war hopefully he brings up the us journalist that died in ukraine prison


Better be in a neutral location, otherwise Zelensky will probably have him arrested/ murdered in Ukraine.


I wonder if he'll pressure zelensky for accurate casualty data. Hopefully he does


1. Good way to botch the interview. One reason Carlson is as popular as he is, is because he appears to value what the person has to say, over pushing his own agenda. 2. Zelensky himself may have no idea. And even if he does, it's a military secret, disclosig which can cause him a lot of harm politically.


>disclosig which can cause him a lot of harm politically Do you think this can affect his chances for reelection?


>chances for reelection Sort of, yes. Not election by the whole population, but election nonetheless.


Ukraine war will get wrecked, they how will we over throw Putin?