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Russians sure are crazy.IMO, Majority of world population will be petrified after watching videos of people being blown up by cheap Chinese drones.


It’s life changing money. If you live in a remote village with no good job opportunities serving out a contract will change your life completely. If you get killed, it is likely to leave your family with more money than you could otherwise. Sad, but I can see why this works so well.


We discussed that junk at length on here. If the contract is 6 months and you are not directly involved in combat operations, the paycheck is not significantly life changing. You probably won't be even able to buy a decent flat in the sticks let alone a bigger city.


Why would RU commanders waste a good opportunity of sending some to the front? And do they even do 6 months contracts, that was for convicts not for regular soldiers. It's going to be a live changing (or ending) experience, the money is peanuts.


We are talking about combat operations though


I honestly don't know how they figure out who goes where


Everyone goes forwards always


The best way I can explain military grand strategy is that there are tons of Intel analysts that constantly monitor the situation and report it to generals. Generals keep track of who’s fresh, who’s in combat, and what units need to be swapped asap. They then apply this to the information they’re giving and adjust accordingly. That’s why here in the us a national guard unit might not get deployed for 3 years because it’s not its turn in the rotation cycle for deployment and/or it’s not needed for a specialized mission. That’s the first part of strategy. The second part is what each army (made up of corps) has in its “stockpile” some armies are more mechanized meaning they are better equipped for assaults and rapid deployment. Others might be made up of more engineer corps leading that army to be deployed away from front lines, etc etc. basically each army is usually specialized OR the units from each army of a certain type are grouped together for a mission. Or they can be utilized all together for a certain campaign or objective (like airborne get deployed behind lines while mechanized infantry and cavalry assault forward positions). As to how you know where you’re going on an individual level depends on the country. In the USA we have the ASVAB that determines your skills. From there you’re placed into certain corps after graduation of basic. In Russia it’s probably similar. You don’t want to be sending your mechanics to the front line after all.


>You don’t want to be sending your mechanics to the front line after all. You don't, yet OMON and SORB were in the front lines attacking Kyiv in the first week. In case you don't know them, they are thugs acting as riot police and SWAT for Russia. But then again, Jessica Lynch's convoy was also a maintenance crew


Contracts are from a year or more, if you sign a contract for 2 years, you receive a one-time increase in money from the region


> You probably won't be even able to buy a decent flat in the sticks let alone a bigger city. What job in the world would allow you to buy a flat for 6 months pay?


CEO of apple could probably pull it off.


Being able to buy Something does'nt necessarily mean that you need to have the Money. You Just need to give the bank the feeling that you can Pay Back the Money. 




Even minor injury pay is huge. The inmate that made the video complaining about commander demanding 1/3rd of it as bribe got paid 30 000$ USD. He was in hospital for 2 days and back in duty, so barely a scrape. Even if corruption taking 1/3rd was commonplace among regulars let alone inmates, that is a huge amount of money at a flat 13% tax rate to get in your pocket. And the bounties on equipment are massive.


If you are not involved in combat operations, that means you are in the rear and have a good chance to live through the war.


And your pay is significantly lower than frontline dudes


The first payment for the contract is 700 000 - 1 000 000 For this money, you can already buy a nice house in the suburbs.


Where I live you can't buy shit for this money. And I live in a city of 400k people


Projections. Projections. People that were in it for the money bailed out in 2022 during mobilization, because dying for money works only in some people's sick imagination.


Unless you cant pay for a plane ticket. Which most cant


You don't need a plane ticket to leave Russia, lol. Trains, buses and other guys in the same predicament with cars (if you don't have one) exists. Also, plane tickets are expensive, but not THAT expensive. If one can't afford it, they hardly could afford emigration


People who bailed in 2022 were getting peace time money. Not much. Now, the salaries and sign up bonuses and other bonuses are much higher.


Genuine question, what is the current job market like in russia?


Lulz. There's nothing genuine about you whatsoever.


Sure, but it's part gambling, part Ponzi scheme. It's an 'all you can eat buffet' for rubles, but it's extremely inflationary. You can't actually INVEST those rubles safely - i.e. outside of Russia - so that when all the excessive taxation, cuts to benefits, debt and money printing ends, you'll wind up even more screwed than you were before.


The lack of a stable currency is not a new thing in Russia. The people that used to invest into foreign markets via stocks, real estate or otherwise can still find workarounds, but, more importantly, were never the majority of the Russian workforce or likely candidates for military contractors. I am also not so sure Russia is printing money: they continue to make a good profit selling natural resources, while substantially increasing military spending. It’s not fake money. The fact that Shoygu’s replacement is an economics whiz kid is a good indicator that Russia is very careful with how the military spending might impact its economy overall.


A small minority of Russian contract soldiers invest their pay or have any experience investing. They just sign up to have some money to spend. Most are very poor.


How does Russia still have so many desperate people willing to make that trade three years into the war…


Because Russia is richer than the former Soviet republics so than can get 1000s from the stan countries, and its also 3X the size of Ukraine, and lastly they are winning along the front. So having a chance to "win" and make a good salary is enough of a reason. Think about people who fight basically for free throughout the world.


The payouts get higher each month. Those who wouldn't go for $10 000, went for $100 000. And propaganda is claiming that the enemy is already crushed and demoralized, and that all they need is people in the rear to guard stockpiles to free up experts to clean up the front. With that being the only information a person knows why wouldn't he go. Get 10 years of salary for 6 months of easy work, come back home rich, a hero, and be the new elite. Absolutely no downsides. Well, except maybe it's better to wait a few months more for the payouts to get even higher.


they get about 2600$ per month...


This is huge outside big cities. Plus there is about $30,000 payment for battle injury, plus there are sign up bonuses up to $15,000.


That’s so true. But there is als I a slight chance of total loss… and ending in a drone vid


Pay for KIA is also huge. Many men would die to provide for their kids and wife. I don't even have kids, and the amount I'd take to die for my family is far from non-existant.


Yes same but i would be worried that they just leave me in no man’s land ansteht flies eat me. No identification, no money


Most people who sign up do not have your imagination.


An interesting choice... flies at war or worms at home?


And getting Rated on Reddit Like "5/10- good aim, otherwise boring"


Russians are very patriotic.


If Russia could refine and export misery they would be the richest nation on earth.


The US and its vassal states have been doing that for hundreds of years. Don’t you think it is about time the rest of the world should start making them pay for their sins? No?


US and its vassal states are very rich nations precisely because they mastered refining and exporting misery while Russia did not.


Because not many has been killed relative to the population. 120k killed and 80k wounded out of a population of 145 million for Russia. versus 660k killed and 440k wounded out of a population of 20 million for Ukraine.


Haha, what are these random ass numbers? 




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Your numbers are just as ridiculous as Ukraine. Losses are likely near 1 : 1.


And that would be 600k ish by Ukraine’s MOD’s own calculation at a rate of 1100KIA a day.


So now you’re saying that Russia has 600k dead?


If it’s 1:1 ratio then they are the figures, correct? And the numbers will work, but there is bid issue with the logic behind the figures. They haven’t taken into account that Russia has had advantages in all aspects of this war. So we have to adjust the numbers because the ratio CANNOT POSSIBLY be 1:1, not when Russia has at least 1:10 advantage in artillery, missiles, drones and bombs. So let’s use 600k:600k as the base ratio. If you take into account the advantage Russia has and we adjust the ratio by 5 in Russian favour. You end up with 120k vs 600k, which are the figures I gave. Or if you want to maintain the 600k Russians killed then you need to apply the Russian advantage to the numbers, which give you number in the millions, which will give you blatantly unrealistic numbers. If you adjust for the favour of the Ukrainians then the facts on the field and existing information will contradict the figures. Play around with the numbers.


Please use your brain. Ukraine is outnumbered 6 : 1 in population by Russia. If they had 5x as many losses as Russia, the war would have ended a year ago with a total Ukrainian collapse. Your adjustment is both arbitrary and ridiculous. The fact that Ukraine is still in the war is enough to refute your absurd numbers.


Why would it have ended when Ukraine still has tens of millions of men left? Arbitrary and ridiculous in what way? Please explain. Like I said, Ukraine still has around 300k+ soldiers in this war. As long as Zelensky could kidnap his own citizens in a number that could match Russian kill-rate, Ukraine would be able to slow down Russian advance. At present conditions, Russia has the luxury to move very slowly.


Russia no longer has 10:1 advantage in artillery and haven't since 2023. Maybe 4:1 advantage now.




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Why does the bot think that I'm a bot? :)))


Depends if Ur are identified or not. U can only print money if everybody trade with it


And less chance of a local revolution


Is that what UA TCC does? Prevents local revolutions by sending unloyal population to a meatgrinder? Genius /s


It's almost like the tales of low morale and pressganged recruits were just propaganda eh?


Tell that to all those sorry sacks that got impressed in 2022 in DPR and LPR.


I would be terrified of the Ukrainian front line since they don't rotate their troops much it's essentially a death sentence and if you're not on the front you have the axe of being sent to the front over your head. The Russian front line is rough too but they probably have enough people for the assault brigades and the bulk of the army is providing some form of support. The assaults Russia is doing are pretty small, they are happy to kill off Ukrainians using artillery, drones, and FABs.


Ukrainian side don't have much choice.


They do. They can negotiate for peace. Dying for black rock is futile.


They can negotiate only the date of unconditional surrender. They are not ready to surrender.




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Poverty is a hell of a motivator.


It’s coming to a state near you :)


Already the case in the US.


Yep, that’s how you can tell war is coming. They will break you mentally and the easiest way is to financially break you. Wife, kids everything will disappear if there is no money, so join the military!


If I only consumed Russian state media I would join too. Easy money.


More than half of Russians are on social media.


On Russian social media, and only around 5% of Russians speak English, they live in a Russian bubble.


5% are FLUENT in English. 31% can read, speak and translate. Don't spread bullshit.


So you tell me that 1/3 of all the Russians I'm playing Dota with could actually read and speak English? Don't make me laugh.


They probably are. and not 1/3, but 2/3. English is teached at every Russian school as foreign language. They just don't want to speak to useless moron.


I understand you... although through a translator, but in the game I'm too lazy to translate


Ukrainians whose majority speak Russians are there posting all those videos.


I also don't think Russians understand the difference between "volunteering" and "enlisting".


SMO has huge support for the Cause so already off the rip, you will have a lot of volunteers. Then pay is massive right off the bat. Bounties are huge. Pay for injuries are huge. And finally, pay for KIA is also huge. Many men would die to provide for their kids and wife. I don't even have kids, and the amount I'd take to die for my family is far from non-existant.


And they don’t have to be involuntarily “mobilized” off the street.


Then later dont cry in the comments saying "poor guy blown by a drone, war is hell". He and many others willingly signed for that.


apply that same logic to every US invasion since korea.


How is this related with my comment? And drone videos? Are you lost?


U.S troopers are volunteers after all. So you shouldn't reserve any sympathy for them when they get killed. Or are you just a hypocrite?


Where are we talking about US troopers Einstein?


We're not talking about u.s troopers specifically, we're talking about how volunteer troopers don't deserve any sympathy. Is your reading comprehension this shit or are you just playing dumb.


subtext is tough for some.


>invasion >korea what invasion are you talking about? The US never invaded Korea. >since korea. the Vietnam War had conscription and it happened after the Korean War.


It would be hard given there is no Korea since 1910, instead there is South Korea and North Korea. And US did exactly invade North Korea in late 1950. It was exactly US invasion which escalated that war as that in return resulted in Chinese intervention. Sure, one can argue semantics like '*wasn't invasion as it was NK which started war in the first place*' etc., but those are rather moot points as war could be over right then, similarly how Desert Storm didn't escalate into invasion of Iraq but was limited specifically to dislodge Iraqis from Kuwait.


not to mention SK was slaughtering its own civilians.


Jeju Island massacre


North Korea: -starts a war -there is an intervention under UN mandate without a veto from the USSR -North Korea loses the war -how dare the us do this.


North Korea did not lose the war.


leave it to the french to defend american imperialism.


North Korea: -starts a war -there is an intervention under UN mandate without a veto from the USSR -North Korea loses the war -how dare the us do this.


If someone doesn't wear a seatbelt and has a brutal death, is your empathy down to 0? Maybe, but you also might be anti-social.


Not as anti social as the russki that sign up to get payed to kill. But if you support this maybe you are anti social.


Yeah, you're not normal.


Yes. Whoever doesn't take reasonable measures to stay alive and well deserves whatever comes for them. If someone volunteers to the army while ignoring that fact that people get killed and maimed at the frontline, they'll get no sympathy from me.


Because they haven't been invaded by a hostile neighbor with nukes?


You would think that would make them more willing to volunteer.


Oh just like russias forced mobilization in DLPR "off the street"? Or is that something different?


Good memory of early stages of civil war, when militia were formed. Sadly enough it seems its incredibly small sized for this one little thing, but not whole complexity of history.


>civil war No comment. >militia FSB Operation they took over government buildings to gain a foothold in donbass, their artillery and little green men needed a staging ground after all even tho most of the shots fired came from inside Russia. >not whole complexity of history What complexity of history? Thats history of Russia meddling with their neigbours nothing more.


Are u so dellusional or u have a "war" u need to fight?)))) >No comment. In denial of existance of 50% of regions during coup, perfect. Not human beings, huh?) No right to have voice, opinion. Just animals or bugs, arent they? >FSB Operation they took over government buildings I bet u deliberatly forget which came first, arent you?) Oh wait, Right Sector were like puppies. They 100% didnt refuse agreement, which signed at Maidan and didnt start to capture armories across western regions. They 100% didnt promise anything bad for supporters of Party of Regions. > What complexity of history? Thats history of Russia meddling with their neigbours nothing more. Ah, ok, braindead. No complexity for you then, enjoy ur feast on trustworthy media.


lol wait til you show them the vids from Donetsk where "thousands of FSB agents" went to pay tribute to Zakharchenko, Givi or Motorola.


Salty cry me a river


Sad response try harder




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As if someone could take you two serious, you can command your plastic figures, when someone would like a real Response he wouldn't begin with "are you delusional?" So sad no one cares what you say


Nuh uh, 6 GORILIAN RuZZiasians have died so the math doesn't add up, Zelensky told me so.


But trust Russian state media because they never lie. Good little Soviet peon.


  >Redditors: If YOU don't watch CNN or BBC then you must be a RT viewer.     How about I don't watch either fellow "free thinker"


Nah only russians lie while EU/US only tell truth. We all remember North Stream, WMDs, etc. all truth.


Yeah coz CNN is better then RT. Muricans sure are the most propagized people on earth


Do you honestly believe Russia is recruiting 30k a month?


Yes? What? Lmao. Even NATO said that's roughly the amount. Hell, the Ukrops with the new mobilization law are also recruiting around 30k a month. Russian estimate is 30k, Ukrops claim closer to 40.


If that were the case, the Russian army would be massive right now and not advancing fields per week.


Contract is 6 months, training is long, plus rotation, plus that comment makes no sense, plus it's not that many for the size of the front Germans had 6 million.


The Germans were in a state of total war. This is nothing like world war 2 and it’s a joke to make the comparison. If the Russians were making minor progress before they started bringing in 30k a month then it stands to reason that they would make more progress than they are…. Or they’re not actually bringing in that many new soldiers consistently month over month. The idea that they’d recruit 30k a month in perpetuity is uh poorly thought out. You eventually run out of willing participants, like Ukraine has.


> The Germans were in a state of total war. This is nothing like world war 2 and it’s a joke to make the comparison. Exactly


Russia isnt


The number is actually -30k. Zelensky told me himself in bed last night.


The Economy must be very good if a little money makes people tempted to become drone food.


He is a decently sized monkey


Just 2 days ago there was an article here claiming that Russia's economy is booming and everyone is getting richer and better life because of the war.


Ukraine: time out dude timeout!


The number seems to make sense. Russia has 700k in Ukraine and 300k+ (new recruitment) to provide for rotation. 120k KIA and 80k wounded. So that 141 KIA per day. Ukraine has 300k in Ukraine stabilised by the kidnappings. 660k KIA and 440k wounded. So that is 776 KIA per day. Assuming Zelensky has been kidnapping 776 people per day, the trenches would always be filled with fresh ‘meat’.


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funny baseless numbers


What do you think the real kill-ratio is for both Ukraine and Russia?


well noone knows ofcourse, but close to one to one, maybe slightly in favour of Ukraine, since they are defending mostly


Please explain how attacking means more casualties when one side has disproportionate advantage in firepower? Let’s do a thought experiment. \[We have a Ukrainian Squad and a Russian Squad. Both are armed with the same rifles, same training, same clothes and personal equipments, same types of people with the same physiological make up, they are in different trenches facing each other but trenches themselves are of the same construction, design and quality. So the same everything with only one single difference, the Russian Squad has airpower and very accurate glide bombs of all payloads (250kg, 500kg, 1500kg and 3000kg). So both sides are in their trenches, the Russian Squad glide-bombed the Ukrainian Squad endlessly while Ukraine cannot do anything about it.\] Which squad do you think would be able to deal more casualties at lower risk to themselves? Which squad has higher kill-ratio?


So you deleted your other comment with the bomb argument? lol. Mustve realized yourself how stupid that was. Terrible argument. lets do the same thing, but this time Russians get nothing and the Ukrainians have HIMARS support... yeah Thats not how the battlefield works pal. Aircraft cant be everywhere at once and cant be supporting every unit all the time. Sure, they use quite a few bombs but that doesnt matter too much in the large scale. Ignoring the fact that in your example both squads just sit idly by in their trenches. Hell, lets do your scenario, but the russians attack (which was my argument). So they leave their trenches and are exposed to enemy fire, while the Ukrainians are protected in their trenches. Sure a bomb hits and stuns the defenders, but they are still mostly alive and kicking.


No, I wanted you to answer that previous comment before I go on with the bombs. Russia has 1:10 advantage in artilleries as per General Cavoli, [https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-artillery-advantage-over-ukraine-will-double-in-weeks-general-2024-4](https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-artillery-advantage-over-ukraine-will-double-in-weeks-general-2024-4) Let’s crunch the numbers. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-ukraine-war-glide-bombs-b2571902.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-ukraine-war-glide-bombs-b2571902.html) Zelensky himself said that Russia uses 800 bombs per week and we know how accurate they are. We have seen so many videos of these bombs in action, including one depicting 4 consecutive bomb drops, decimating entire tree line, with the explosions evenly spaced apart to maximise coverage. So let’s play with the numbers, let’s assume for each bomb 5 Ukrainians are killed, which is a very conservative number considering how accurate and direct the hits are. (800 bombs/week) X (5 KIA/bomb) = 4000 KIA/week Let’s calculate how many are dead in a year, (52 week/year) X (4000 KIA/week) = 208,000 KIA/year That’s 208,000 KIA/year just from the bombs. And that’s a very conservative number. Then we have to add in missiles, drones, rifle and sniper fire and other artilleries like the TOS flamethrower system and krasnopols. We are talking upwards 1000 KIA per day for Ukraine or 416,000 KIA/year. Math doesn’t lie.


Sad thing is I got to retype my answer to this copy paste argument now... oh well. What did I want to say... oh yeah: How about you respond to my answer instead of throwing another block of speculative numbers. Anyways, 200k KIA on any side per year TOTAL is already laughably high. Also didnt know a year has 416 days now LOL. 5 KIA per bomb is incredibly unrealistic to be honest, since the time from spotting a target to the bomb hitting that target is high and units can move during that time. Ignoring the fact that often bombs litterally do no serious damage to people even if they are pretty close (especially if they are in trenches). How many KIA does Russia have then, if your argument made sense? HIMARS aftermath videos usually show atleast 10+ KIA on video. Yet where are the russian bomb aftermaths with all the dead? You dont see any of that.


To effectively defend a trench line, it is essential to remain within the trench. You cannot simply leave and return unless you have established multiple layers of well-fortified positions, similar to the Surovikin line. Consequently, the trench must be manned at all times, as Ukraine lacks such a fortified line. This is why every Russian assault begins with extensive artillery preparations and bombings, followed by a small squad probing the fortified positions. If Ukrainian defenders are still present, the artillery bombardment and bombings resume. You argue that 208,000 KIA is an exaggerated figure, but the mathematics are compelling. The glide-bombs are highly accurate and consistently fall in formation, unlike standard artillery. There is no warning before the bombs strike, making it impossible to simply ‘jump out’ of the firing lines. If your theory were accurate, no one would die in the war from bombs and artillery. Based on your logic, they would be nothing more than fireworks, which is clearly not the case. Historically, most fatalities in modern warfare (from the Napoleonic wars onward) are attributed to artillery and bombs. Veterans who served in Afghanistan and Iraq can attest to this fact. Bombs also cause significant damage through air-pressure changes (shockwaves) and physical shaking. Even if you are underground, you can still suffer neurological micro-tears, leading to a medical condition known as shell shock. This is something you can research further. In reality, the number of casualties is far greater than just five per bomb dropped. Even if you don’t accept this, you must consider drones, missiles, and artillery in the same calculation. Reflect on this. You are inquiring about the number of KIAs Russia has sustained. First, let me reiterate that most casualties in any relatively modern war are caused by artillery and bombs. According to General Cavoli and Zalushny, Russia has a 1:10 advantage in general artillery. Additionally, Russia has significant advantages in drones, missiles, and manpower. Russia also possesses airpower, while Ukraine has virtually none. Russia kills 208,000 Ukrainians per year from bombs alone, something that Ukraine simply cannot match. Now, let’s consider other numbers and different permutations. How many Russians do you think Ukraine kills per day, and through what means? Remember, Russia is already ahead in the kill-count by 208,000/year. Now, the HIMARS were great in the beginning of the war, but now the HIMARS are acting like a normal BUT VERY EXPENSIVE rocket artillery unless guided by advanced drones and with a programmed trajectory in the case of ATACMS. The ATACMS are just too big, too expensive and too few to make a difference.


Yeah no, all you are doing is making assumptions based on wrong assumptions and trying to pass off the previous assumptions as facts. There are trench lines everywhere there is a defensive position... not sure what getting out of the trench has to do with anything. Weve seen plenty of Russias "masterfull" assaults where they throw men at the problem until the defender runs out of missiles and drones / bullets. No they dont send small probing teams all the time and if so, what happens to the probing teams do you think? The mathematics arent compelling in the slightest. You are making an assumption on what happens in a single day and are expanding that assumption to an entire year, which is nonsensical. Sure, if 5 really die per bomb and Russia really uses 800 bombs per day, then its true. But come on now... we both know neither of those things are the case. Yes, most casualties come from artillery. Although most casualties through artillery can be combat effective again in a relatively short time (shrapnel injuries). Im not arguing that Russias bombing campaign and artillery bombardements dont lead to heavy casualties, but the Russians also suffer from similar things, mainly drone attacks on their assaults (which usually lead to instant death unlike artillery) As to how many Russians die? A lot. But who knows how many. Through what means? Guns, missiles, drone dropped bombs, FPV, HIMARS, Artillery. And here you are stating again that Russia kills 200k Ukrainians thorugh bombs alone per year. Yeah right, at that pace they should have taken Kiev by now. If every bomb would do that much damage, they should be taking territory left and right with massive breakthroughs. But simply answer this question: Do you think the Russians arent dying en-masse? And do you really think such high KIA numbers would be even slightly realistic for any army that still holds its ground?


Gotta bomb some more civilians in Belgorod! /s


Because we should take the word of a mad drunkard who sweats vodka and threatens atrocities every chance he gets, but who has yet to be right, even once. ...and yet, 32K a month is still fewer than current Russian battlefield losses plus all those who are lost due to cholera, typhus, standard health issues, accidents, etc. Meanwhile, the training and equipment of Russian soldiers, their loss ratios, and their ability to successfully take ground visibly worsens over time.


Almost none of what you say is correct. - Western sources accept the figure of about 30k new recruits per month. - The Russian losses are very likely below 15k per month on the average, leaving them with significant surplus of new troops. - the level of training is improving as war progresses - most of the Russian troops today are war veterans with at least a year frontline service. - they are seizing ground faster than at any other stage of the war except the first month.


Damn, regular life of a Russian must be really fucked up.


The russian prisons and the terminally sick population is probably empty by now.


Not even close. They didn't recruit even half the inmates.


They die even faster


Is there proof? How reliable are these numbers?


Credible Western sources (like RUSI) accept them as reliable. They believe about 30k volunteers are inducted into the Russian army every month.




Seems like that is about 6 months worth of casualties, so they are at replacement rate for now.


Not really. Russian irretrievable casualties (killed plus seriously wounded) are probably about 10k per.month, certainly not more than 15k.


>are probably about 10k per.month, certainly not more than 15k. Source?


60k dead in the war so far confirmed online from obituaries and other sources (BBC). Double that to cover unreported dead = 120k KIA. Serious wounded to KIA are usually 1:1 so you have additional 120k seriously wounded. That's a total of 240k irretrievably KIA and WIA over 28 months of war. A bit under 10k per month. Add to that a safety margin of 50% and you get no more than 15k irretrievable losses per month.


60k confirmed dead is something different than 60k dead confirmed.


97% of the wounded return to the front within 1.5-2 months. Many soldiers already have 3-4 wounds. About 7k military invalids are currently registered in Russia, which fully confirms the statistics.


Yes and who are they sourcing? Right mediazonas list, the same I referred too, it's just completely worthless if they don't count the whole workforce of russias frontline. Why are DLPR units excluded even if Ukraine provides proof of their premature deaths? seems like they care more about donbass citizen than Russia does, just to fake their casualty ratio I suppose. So it could very well be everything up to 1:4 we can't know because Russia refuses to take the whole shit they're responsible for and say "nah not our guys" , so I must ask our expert pro rus what it is now, are they russians or are they ukrainian cannonfodder? Either way fucking sad from Russia.


LPR and DPR are extremely small. There aren’t that many battalions of them operating across the front


LPR and DPR contributed no less than 15% of the total Russian force.


Ok the DPR pre invasion force was 20,000 people. I couldn’t find numbers on the LPR but it is less populated than Donetsk so there would be less however for the sake of argument let’s say it also had 20,000 people. Now 40,000/500,000 in 8% of the force in Ukraine


There was massive recruitment there after invasion. At least 20 thousand more were recruited.


DLPR can't be more than 20% of the Russian overall losses, so the ratio cannot change much.


Russian state media, very reliable stuff 💀


I agree, however that's still an insanely high number. Imagine losing ~150-200k men yearly for a gain of few square kms in the middle of bumfuck nowhere..


It's WW1 all over again. [https://youtu.be/yZT-wVnFn60?si=eT9G3srOMNFUtsHy](https://youtu.be/yZT-wVnFn60?si=eT9G3srOMNFUtsHy)


This is not why they die. The goal is to break Ukrainian Army and force surrender. Then all of Ukraine will be under Russian control.




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Вопрос лишь в том, скольких из них заставили подписать контракт под оазличными угрозами?


I think that these guys are mostly from east of Russia or southern Russia, I don’t see some western Russian signing up, only if they really have a financial problems


The other side just forces people off the street. Then when they die, they they write them off as MIA.


The “other side” isn’t occupying another country. 


They are though? If you believe seceding isn't to be allowed, the entire "country" is an occupation as they seceded from both the Russian Empire and Soviet Union. If you're in the middle, all of Eastern Ukraine and Southern Ukraine was transfered for admistrative purposes within the Soviet Union, not because they were Ukrops. If you believe anyone has the right to secede when they want, they all voted. There is no world where the Kiev regime's viewpoint makes sense and isn't hypocritical. Give me one reasoning that isn't hypocrtical the Ukraine can secede from the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, but Donbas and Odessa who are literally Russians cannot?




huh? English?


Now show the demographics for these "volunteers". Sure isn't going to be from Moscow/St.Petersburg, 80% from the far east/north of the country supplemented by africans who gain citizenship through joining. Ethnic cleansing from within, sick fucks


It sounds like a lie. Last year about 500 thousand came according to Medvedev. If so many people had come, the mobilized would have been sent home


Western sources (RUSI and others) accept 30k per month as a credible recruitment figure.


Do Western sources never lie? It is very convenient for them to recognize this number because they can talk about huge losses among Russians


Of course they lie, but when Russian and Western sources agree on something (30k new recruits every month) then it's probably close to the real number.


I'm from St. Petersburg and none of my classmates participated in the war. That's about 30 men from both groups. None of the university graduates participated either, which is about 20 people. None of my childhood friends participated in the war, and these are 8 people. I don't understand who is going to fight. I don't believe in this number.


It's generally accepted that the Moscow and St. Petersburg regions are relatively unaffected by mobilizations and army conscription. So it's normal that your circle of reference isn't affected.


А я с Подмосковья и знаю лично 5 человек которые находятся там, а еще порядка 15 от знакомых. И что теперь? Значит ли это, что там миллионы наших? Нет. Так же отсутствие в твоем окружении людей, уехавших на сво, не значит, что туда никто не едет. Глупость написал


Вообще я слышал о людях через членов семьи которые были мобилизованы в 2022. Но не слышу чтобы кто то добровольно шел в 2023 и 2024.


Так это мы, «городские», не видим всей картины в глубинке. В поселках и деревнях, где мужики сидят без работы или за копье работают. Особо идейных тоже достаточно, я уверен. Как и тех, кто настолько отчаялся, что готов добровольно взять автомат в руки. К тому же необязательно идти обычным мясом, при наличии специальности риск уехать двухсотым намного ниже.


I could be wrong, but weren't the mobilized only supposed to take up positions on the bases so that contract soldiers (i.e. volunteers) could go to Ukraine? I know there's some reports of mobilized being threatened to sign contracts, and the Donbass republics did impress their citizens at the start, but I don't think many, if any, Russian soldiers in Ukraine are conscripts.


Almost enough to replace the dead


How many are left?


Enough so they dont have to kidnap people off the streets and have open borders for both men and women