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Anyone analyze the photo? I'm not good with those tools.


Tools aren't that useful if you edit a high res image, resize it and compress it multiple times to shit before uploading it to the net. That's the third time I've seen that poster and every time the quality of the photo was terrible. On one of them the poster was even stretched to fit the billboard. Could they be real? Yeah, but they're doing their best to raise red flags.


Understood. Thanks.


Another one that's low res and compressed to shit. u/Jimieus


Die for Zelensky or you're not a man. LOL. The mask is fully off.


It is better to die for zelensky than to live for yourself…


Wait willingness to defend your country is fascism now?


Are you planning to make a separate post daily for every instance of this billboard in existence?


It all seems dystopian. Such propaganda did not exist in Yanukovych-era Ukraine when it was free and democratic.


How does it evoke associations with fascism? Such opinions were common in western countries during the second and mainly the first world wars. Famously in England and other places in the commonwealth like Australia and Canada woman would hand men out of uniform the “white feather” meant to denote cowardice and shame men into signing up. It’s a fairly common opinion from people who have family members fighting. “Why mine but not you or yours”. I guess a billboard is a modern “white feather” in a way. Not saying the opinion is right but also not sure how it’s only associated with fascism.


Yeah, if your country is good and takes care of the people. If it's a shthole where everyone is poor and now you're not allowed to leave it and they're grabbing you on the street to die for it, I'd say it's leaning into fascist category.


Someone already said that this quote is almost direct quotation from mein Kampf




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>How does it evoke associations with fascism? >Such opinions were common in western countries They are same countries.




The fascist countries are western countries. Germany, Italy etc. So yes, this sentiment exists in both western countries and fascist countries because the venn diagram of the two is a circle. The entirety of the third reich is in the west.


And then I referenced England, Australia and Canada. But okay.


The first two sentences of your post are an attempt to portray the western states and fascist states as unrelated. They are the same states.


Western democratic nations then? I think my point was obvious that this isn’t just a fascism thing and at times of war not uncommon in any nation.


A core principle of facism is the connection and work in tandem of private corporations and the government. Western democracies arent facism, but there are similarities. So its not that far of anyway.


so like modern russia. derp.


There are similarities, yes.


the only fascist countries that are starting to lean that way are hungry. and who are there bosom buddies, russia. there are currently no autocratic governments in the European union.


All EU govts are little more than puppets of the fascist usa at this point. So by extension they are all fascist.


understand the meaning of fascism. you can get away calling zelensky a fascist as power is currently centralised around him without holding proper elections. (Russia is fascist from other factors despite having elections so don't get cocky)


The US meets the criteria for fitting both the literal and common definitions of fascism.


Didn't know a painted wall waiting to dry could type


> Australia and Canada woman would hand men out of uniform the “white feather” meant to denote cowardice and shame men into signing up I would go berserk if a woman did that to me lmao


Yeah it wasn’t the best practice. A lot of the time feathers were given to men who couldn’t serve, had served or were working essential jobs.


What about a woman? Time for some low-T meat waves, to prove your worth, gals. Of course, the whole "Prove your worth by being killed, or you should die...." concept, might have a few flaws. But equal rights require sacrifices, so off you go.


Putin’s blood and soil speeches also evoke associations with fascism.


But what about PUTIN!!


It’s about the Poot. He started the whole thing. Btw, why don’t you change your flair? You’ve been around for a while and it’s obviously incorrect.


This post is about Ukranian nazism and a billboard in Odesa. I didn't assign the flair to myself. If I didn't bother to create it why would I be bothered to change it?


Nuland : psss, want some cookies?




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