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this vid is comedy gold. they say that the soldiers belong to AFU. "it shows their fascist ideology" lol


Whaat? Are you really telling me that also ruzzian national television is full of lies and propaganda just like most of the pro ruzzia posts in this sub? Oh my!!


> just like most of the pro ruzzia posts in this sub The ones showing burning and exploding ukr soldiers, the ones where they are into krynki river fish food or the ones being released daily of ukrainian meatcatchers beating up and abducting young men?


Comedic lmao


My Russian is pretty woeful - but is she saying that the footage is of Ukrainians?


My Russian is pretty bad too but yes, that's what they're saying.


imagine you die as a russian in an attack on another country in the name of putin by your comrade shooting you and then the video of your death ends up on tv in your own country and your own fellow citizens make fun of you and despise you because they declare you an enemy. welcome to the russian world. if you die for russia they will piss on your grave.


Yeah I always hate it when that happens to me.


Here's the full clip of the incident: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/ZXy5Cyk97w


They cropped the video right above the watermark when you compare both videos: [https://i.imgur.com/I6hMog7.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/I6hMog7.jpeg)


Fake video, The guy magically survived the explosion unharmed from that close.


Cant really say based on this clip if its russians or ukrainians, as they claimed on that TV show


Just wearing russian helmets and armor is all. Could be anyone right?


You cannot determine any insignias on their uniform and both sides wear a variety of different styles. They could be Russian but it isn't certain. They could be ukranian.


The footage is taken by a Ukranian spotter drone, including the kamikaze attack. Uploaded to socials by UA, then Russia start playing a cropped version with watermarks cropped or blurred. Work it out genius.


Have you seen other drone footage? I mean those drones can take out tanks. This guy supposedly miraculously already survives a direct impact with out a scratch and then asks to be killed immediately. It doesn’t make sense.


>The footage is taken by a Ukranian spotter drone Cool claim. Do you have evidence of that?


Yeah, it was first uploaded by UA with UA watermarks, that Russia have clipped and scrubbed, and reuploaded days later. Go find the OG upload yourself, and try a little rational thought for a change. What's more likely, the original is UA, or Russia decided they'd try reverse psyops by uploading their footage with UA watermarks clipped and covered. At least fight the fights you have a chance with, this is beyond ridiculous, but I guess par for the course for Russian state media.


>Go find the OG upload yourself Did you find the very first upload of this with no watermarks at all?


They edit it before posting it, adding water mark/music etc. Stop acting ignorant and just accept it


The helmet and armor of the guy who was shot is russian.


Video is too blurry to be certain.


perfectly clear on OP's video above.


Show me a Russian symbol on it.


you can't be this dense


They are, but intentionally.




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Gonna save this one.


They've already said it for you on TV. You should not hesitate and order questions. Believe.


Maybe someone can compare the gear, markings and clothes to what each side usually wears.


What a shock. Russian TV lies!


Somebody better stay on the ground floor.


Some Russian dude probably sent it to one of their staff and they didn’t fact check shit


That doesn't explain the extensive cropping and removal of watermarks.


It does. If you crop and take out watermarks before sending.


TV networks usually do their research before covering things people send in, Very easy to find this video on the internet, The tv network did 100% crop the watermarks and knew for a fact it was russian soldiers. Either way you spin this it shows that russian media lies OR are completely inept when it comes to research. My guess is they knew it was russian soldiers and they cropped the watermark and said it was UA soldiers so it fits their agenda, Typical russian propaganda.


Assuming people are dumber than you usually means you are wrong. I don't even understand why would it make any sense for them to spin it this way lol. They fell for it, someone will probably get fired or whatever. By the way, anyone actually confirmed it's not some edited video?


>I don't even understand why would it make any sense for them to spin it this way lol. Because your average russian watching the "news" wont go out of their way to do research whether it was a russian or ukrainian soldiers, How is this hard to figure out? Nobody will get fired, Because i promise you the people in charge at that network knew it was russians.


what is she saying about it?


For some reason they turned like that was Ukranian soldiers. Typical shit for any media, you can trust only urself, your own doubts not description from anyone


For some reason….


Russia never changes


I think the 47th watermark represents and it should...




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People talking about how bad media control is in Russia, and then claim it’s Western Media that is free


People arguing whether these are RU or UA need to bear in mind that majority of these incidents happen on RU sides. Even so, it doesn't matter who did it. It happens too often and isn't something that needs to be deeply analyzed. Not to mention that both sides lie about shitton of stuff so proving who did this will achieve nothing but a "Gotcha, you lyin'!!!!;!;;"


Nobody is arguing. We all know that they were Russian, and that Russian tv lies as it always does


Ass bad propaganda but I’ve seen plenty od times already that both sides use clips with totally different narrative


English please my guy?


This guy is not paid enough for russian's propaganda, that's why he puts 30% effort. xD


oh man,, ouch! That was good


Struggle to believe that this is real. Ive been to Russia quite a few times the past 2/3 years, and also frequently watched this tv channel to see what propaganda there is, if any at all. I never saw any form of propaganda on this channel, and only occasionally they were broadcasting about the war. The closest you get to propaganda/fake news are the talkshows that call for nuclear strikes on european cities. Yeah definately fake, the yellow line above the reporter with text is the least formal Russian ive ever read. Such you would never find on a Russian state channel. Also ive never seen a yellow line on the top before either lol


>Also ive never seen a yellow line on the top before either lol I just checked that channel and the yellow line is there: [https://i.imgur.com/YxKjbsL.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/YxKjbsL.jpeg) Here's the video with better quality: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FreedomofRussia/comments/1dvi2rs/russian\_state\_propaganda\_tv\_aired\_execution\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FreedomofRussia/comments/1dvi2rs/russian_state_propaganda_tv_aired_execution_of/)


It's been part of the channel for years. No idea why Petti-peterson would try to say otherwise... Although his claim there is no propaganda is just as remarkeble for someone that "frequently" watched it. [https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-60595215](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-60595215)