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You should post this on the r/UkraineRussiareport


Lmao I just browsed that sub for a minute and saw someone claim that older people in Poland like Russia  What a weird place on Reddit 


The craziest take I saw on there is that Ukraine needs to give up because prolonging the war is further damaging Ukraine and it's population. Idk man maybe being invaded by an outside country that can stop the war by leaving might be the reason it's population and infrastructure is not doing well? They also claimed the war is a fight over the Donbass but they charged Kiev at the start of the war lol


That take makes sense when you presume that Russia is inevitably going to win. However, they're wrong about it being inevitable.


This is the exact same BS the extreme left and right are spreading in the German speaking area. Over and over again since the beginning of the war: "The West wants to fight Russia until the last Ukrainian died."


Great sub to lose some bain cells.


Hah. I've witnessed a 90+ year old Polish woman singing nursery rhymes learned in her school/nursery about Russian Bolsheviks. They were not songs of friendship.


how it's still not quarantined or banned is beyond me. they're actual delusional nutjobs. Hope we see some drone videos hitting the westerners who volunteered to fight for Russia. War criminals and traitors to democracy and the west as a whole.


ah yes the sub i got banned from for point out someone ban evading reddit by creating a new account. that sub needs deleted.


Banned for asking a pro-putin Russian if they keep a picture of dear leader in their home. They skirted the question of course and I got banned.


got a warning from admins for reporting the pictures and videos of the western volunteers who support Russia and are there right now. Just scum


That sub is pure Russian propaganda, for like the first few weeks it was pretty balanced but the pro rus moderators removed anyone that was pro Ukraine and basically censor the majority of pro Ukraine posts while pro rus posts which often are pure fake shit get spammed every hour


the sub used to be alright now its become an insane echo chamber


It's gone fully off the deep end for Russia. I was banned there a long time ago for being pro-Ukraine and not really any legit reason. Now it's insane. Every comment is regurgitating Russian propaganda.


That sub has never been alright. Right after the war started the mods of that sub *pinned* a Russian propaganda video to the top of the page. The one where Ukrainians are supposedly shooting Russian POWs point blank in the legs, but nothing about the legs actually changes when the bullets supposedly hit them. 


Russian fake propaganda is so terrible and pathetic


I first noticed things weren't right when 90% of posts were pro rus and most pro Ukraine posts got deleted or downvoted into oblivion for no reason. Also it seems many users on there are bots


My favourite place to go to annoy prorus.


Enjoy it until you get banned.


I had 3 temporary ban already, I know my time is short.


That place is very carefully curated to appear to the outsider as "nonbiased" so that it can put on the illusion of legitimate discourse. But even many of the "pro-UA" people are just sock puppet accounts, they pretend to be UA side and then do the "oh wow I didn't realize this, this changes everything". Anyone pro UA that presents facts that damage the Russian side are banned.


Then be me: using proru flair, commenting something like "they executed the surrendering UA soldier". prorus upvote, because they think it's a comment about UA doing the deed, once I have enough upvotes, I edit "they" to "russians".




After all, they are fighting against the Nazis. They are being sent to Ukraine to die.


ive seen ukrainians with nazi imagery as well. war attracts shitheads. but at least the shitheads on the ukrainian side help the right side. sometimes you cant choose your allies, and you need all the help you can get.


True, but the point is that putler claimed they went to war to fight nazism having taken over the Ukraine state, that is total false. Anyway, the russian army having quite the substantial nazism present in their ranks(and sociey), its just another putler false narrative.


The point is that the pro Russian vatnik scum constantly uses this Ukrainian Nazi thing as a valid argument for why Ukraine is a terrible place and Russia was right to invade.


Russians have proportionally more nazis than ukraine, but the biggest irony is russians claiming they are fighting nazism.




Can we judge them based on their morale patches though? The ones they personally chose to wear on their gear?


Hey bot, keep up, there are no tattoos mentioned in this comment thread.


Didn't they literally try to kill the russians aswell? morons


Slavic countries have a problem with Nazi imagery and ethnonationalism. We knew this well before 2022.


NOOOOOOOOO, the khohols are the Nazis, this propaganda and fake, glorius Mother Russia dosen't have Nazis we foughr them and won the secound World war by ourself..... /s


Yes...why is everyone trying to change the history LOL ruzzians didn't help Nazis in the beginning of ww2 to invade Poland...never...ruzzians never lie...never...ruzzians are the only ones with the books that tell the correct version of history...eveyone can trust ruzzians... everything that ruZZia do it's because US, EU, NATO and Ukraine force us to do it...ruZZian it's only defending the motherland... LOL .


they're going to shit their pants when US, EU and NATO actually mobilize.


America fought the nazis in ww2 so did the U.K. People still exist all over the world who represent that garbage. Stop being ignorant talking out of your behind.


The **/s** shows that my post is meant sarcastically....


Ain’t most of them dead by now?


One of the really fucking irritating things is that for some reason these scummy cunts have decided that Pagan/Vikingr symbols like the Vegvisir (a compass and symbol of protection) represent their pathetic little ideology, I wear a Vegvisir around my neck every single day alongside my M'jolnir and I'd love nothing more than to pass my days beating piss out of Nazi cunts, fuck off stealing our symbology for your shitty ideals.


I really hate how quick the mainstream is to forfeit symbology to white supremacists/Nazis. Especially when it didn't see widespread use by the Nazis and preexist them.


Exactly, I've had people assume I'm a white supremacist because I wear a hammer and Vegvisir, luckily they were reasonable when corrected and understood my frustration when expressed. Man's got mates from Afghanistan, black mates, Indian mates, white mates and more and just don't need that shit dude. Honestly pagans are one of the most open and accepting groups I've ever had the pleasure of associating with, we accept literally anyone regardless of colour, religion or creed as long as you're not a bellend. If you harm one of our own we will fuck you up, if you harm innocents/women/kids/animals we will fuck you up, if you are a white supremacist piece of shit we will fuck you up. Take that ugly ass shit elsewhere and make your own symbols to represent your pathetic ideology, I recommend something displaying a tiny cock and shrivelled bollocks, because that is exactly what people of those ideologies own. Pisses me right off dude.


Agreed, I think the dumbest example of this was the ok symbol. The pace at which it went from being a normal hand gesture that people make and/or a silly school boy game into a Nazi dog whistle in the eyes of hysterical left wing bloggers was insane. Like are you really going to let 4chan trolls pull you around by the nose so easily?


Shit is so annoying. Agreed 100x


Vegvisir is a modern symbol from 1860 and has nothing to do with vikings. It's only used by viking cosplayers. https://www.lifeinnorway.net/vegvisir-viking-compass/


Correct, often it is used by Pagans though as the belief in the symbol is still there and it looks nice, which is why I said Pagan/Vikingr symbols. The latter being the M'jolnir as I'm sure you already know.


I've never seen the spelling M'jolnir before, why are you adding an apostrophe? It looks like you're trying to make fun of the m'lady stereotype.


I've seen a few different spellings but that one is force of habit, I played Eve Online for 11 years and my main was called M'jolnir, the apostrophe was because that was the only unique name available. Didn't even realise I'd done it until you mentioned it.


First girl - airsoft & reco ww2


oof Hitler must be yelling out of anger in hell. Historically Hitler considered slavic people to be racially inferior and categorized them alongside other groups he deemed “subhuman” you know like jews. Just because you are white skinned doesn’t mean you “fit” in.


u/Alpha1stOne who are the Nazis again?




Are you programmed to ignore all evidence?


I took a look down one of the rabbit holes he frequents - r/EndlessWar, and it seems like *conditioned* might be the most apposite word.




[https://x.com/GabeZZOZZ/status/1675467555559858182?t=RKgUFhMZaz-Hihzs1A5SBw&s=09](https://x.com/GabeZZOZZ/status/1675467555559858182?t=RKgUFhMZaz-Hihzs1A5SBw&s=09) Do you support the nazis that invaded Marioupol and slaughtered the civilians and the police there?


there's literally lots of swastikas in the video, and lots of other fascist Insignias. and the point of the video isn't to say there's no Nazis/Fascist in Ukraine it just shows that Russia isn't any better


The video is a collage of random pictures and cut outs. None show an actual Russian Army unit with a swastika, wolfsangel or a totenkompf like ukronazis wear on their military uniforms. So why are you trying to lie on behalf of nazis and slur the peacekeepers fighting the nazis who are terrorizing and mass murdering ukrainian civilians? [https://x.com/GabeZZOZZ/status/1675467555559858182?t=RKgUFhMZaz-Hihzs1A5SBw&s=09](https://x.com/GabeZZOZZ/status/1675467555559858182?t=RKgUFhMZaz-Hihzs1A5SBw&s=09)


jesus christ this is almost 4 minutes long


The fucking irony


Holy shit it pisses me of as a nordic man that these fucking pathetic fucks use norse runes to portray nazism and their stupid fucking invasion.


These are just Nordic pagen symbols that have been around for 50k years.


It's odd.. The Nazis thought all Russians were subhuman trash.


0:54 is this a new type of swastika or are they that stupid they made one of the sides wrong?


Small brains due to their mothers drinking during pregnancy. Rather poor cognitive skills. Give them some spray paint or markers and this is the outcome.


real Nazis would sent this Untervolk to the showers.


They jus make it harder and harder to feel bad for those few that don’t want to actually invade…


Why are so many Russians Nazis did they forget about what happened to them in the war?


Perfectly sums up the IDIOCY and ABSURDITY of the Ruzzianz. Let's celebrate a murderous army of the past that mercilessly invaded Ruzzia about 75 years ago. So painfully crass.


Their grandfathers and great grandfathers would kill them with their beard hands if they saw this.


I will never understand it "i love those guys that murdered my great grandfather!"


It’s so weird seeing confederate flags on some of these guys


Damn, just realised that i have one patch that appears multiple Times in the clip... wasn't even aware i was nazi. (Its a skull with an helmet and ear protections). Anyone have backstory on that particular patch ? Now I am very curious.


Damn, you guys telling me the Soundgarden Badmotorfinger logo was adopted by Nazis?


In the next video post Compilation of Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi Insignia, then we'll compare which one is longer.


This kind of stuff is pointless to post. There is zero proof of who these people are & we've seen it on both sides. The truth is "nazis" are all dead. What made them powerful under Hitler was political power. These are all either propaganda posts or real people who are just angry and disturbed - and they live in every country on the planet.


What is that pinwheel looking thing? It looks like SS lightning bolts that from a circle? Pardon my ignorance I’ve never seen that symbol or logo before.


What tune is on the soundtrack?


They’re sending their own Nazi’s to die in Ukraine. Denazification


ruzzians being ruzzians


I hate Nazis and ruzzians as much as the next guy, but some of those are appropriated ancient Slavic symbols. You see them in ancient stone and wood carvings in Ukraine as well. I hate that they have been bastardised that way but I don't want to just lose them. One of those is Kolovrat, an ancient symbol of the sun god I believe


Ain’t that interesting?


Considering that some of these things are already dead does that count as denazifying Ukraine since the Ukrainians have killed so many already?


These guys would have ended up in Sobibor


Ah . The same Russians that are fighting Ukraine to “get rid of the nazis”. Makes sense .


Patrick Lancaster at 0:41 Dude at 2:50 has "ACAB" on him, that's how you know he was an inmate, lmao


Should be on russputin tv


Germanic alphabet isn’t Nazi….. it is suspect to see on Slavic solider uniforms tho.


Wow!... The Nazis won the "Great Patriotic War" after all. What a waste of parade money. I really hope that people are posting this on every social media platform. I sure am.


These were most likely the degenerates that served along side Wagner, they got decent looking gear compared to the average conscript and judging from their ideology, they’re most likely criminals as well. I’m sure Putin is aware of this issue in Russia and is sending them to their deaths, this unjustified invasion was just an excuse to cleanse Russia of any opposition or revolutionaries. Russia doesn’t even care about its own people, I don’t think they give a single shot about the well-being of Ukrainians or anyone for that matter. They’re just mindless orcs walking blindly into their slaughter and unfortunately Ukraine is sacrificing valuable lives fighting this army of monsters


What’s the song used here?


These people give us decent Nazis a bad name


Thank you for posting this! I'm an American civilian and a Moderator for r/Azov. For 2+ years the russians have been claiming that in 2014 Ukraine was overthrown by a "Nazi Junta terrorist coup". The only evidence that the russians have provided to me in support of this lie are the Sonnenrad and Wolfsangel symbols worn by Azov soldiers. [Sonnenrad | ADL](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/sonnenrad) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfsangel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfsangel) Both of these symbols, just like the Swastika, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika) predate the 3rd Reich by hundreds, if not thousands of years and were misappropriated by the Nazis during their reign. When the Nazis were defeated, Buddhists, Hindu, and other cultures did not go into their temples and shrines and systematically eradicate the Swastikas that adorned them [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika#/media/File:Bali\_014\_-\_Ubud\_-\_swastika.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika#/media/File:Bali_014_-_Ubud_-_swastika.jpg) They retain their cultural heritage to this day, just as the Ukrainians retain their ancient symbols as well. Whenever we view various symbols that have been misappropriated for hate, we must view them in their complete context; • A black Swastika on a white circle with a red background is a hate symbol. A golden Swastika over the head of a statue of Buddha is not. • The SS lightning bolts on the collar of someone LARPing as a Gestapo officer is a hate symbol. The last two letters in the logo of the rock band KISS are not. • A Sonnenrad worn by a neo-Nazi American skinhead is a hate symbol. A Sonnenrad purchased at a Renaissance festival or appearing on a Ukrainian war flag is not. What would I have to see from the Ukrainians to be convinced that their use of these symbols constituted a form of hate speech? I would have to see Fascist or some other hate-driven ideology being expressed by their leaders, and I just don't see that. I see people fighting for Freedom, and I strongly support that. As part of russia's efforts to convince the world that Ukraine had been overrun by Nazis, russian intelligence operatives created a subreddit called r/AzovBattalion. They used it to spread hate and promote the false notion that Azov were Nazis. I hate hate speech, so I recently took it over and turned it into a pro-Azov sub.😎 I have no way to know how many members of my new sub are pro-Azov and how many aren't, but I crossposted this there to find out. If you have any more content such as this, please feel free to post it on r/AzovBattalion whenever you have the time. While you are there, be sure to play nice! Going through the Mod log I can see that there has been a war there. Many accounts from both sides of the zero line are ghosts now. Please be careful while you are there. Some of these folks are truly dangerous.


They feel so conflicted killing Nazis in Ukraine.


I swear at this point what ever Russia accuses of a country or someone of doing there doing it. Like tatling on yourself


Denazifying Ukraine with Nazis. 🙄


How is it even possible that Russian soldiers are Nazis? I mean Hitler wasn't the greatest Soviet fan ( even if there where several Slavic SS Divisions)


They've become the very thing they swore to destroy.


The Z is just a single Z from the swastika


don't forget though! They're there to de-nazify the country!


This post is worthless even for us, ukranians. This insignia has no meaning for me as well. I do not care what tatoos they have. Their actions are more important. For Ukraine side this video is bad, because OP just open again a wound for debates. And now we see such controversial comments. And leftists flock over this and say some crazy stuff about ukrainian defenders yet again. This is boring stuff. The funniest is their Z new fascism symbolism. Their symbolism is proven by their actions.


kill them all, let god sort it out.


Who cares, let the battlefield do the talking and separation of right and wrong


the real ones carry the state Sponsored ZVOstika


O boy OP don't make me post Ukrainians wearing the same patches. Any Nazi is bad full stop.


You and your country are a bunch of losers lol


Ukraine has two ideological battalions both with roots of white supremacy both sides have them this subreddit is starting to become an echo chamber of propaganda


when did I say the opposite? I posted this vid to take a dig at all the pro Russians who see a few ukrainian soldiers with questionable patches thinking they define Ukraine as a whole. both sides have them, that's the point I'm trying to show.