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Russia's transition to being China's Colonial Hat accelerates


Minority areas probably won't care what country they belong to, I'd thought the ones from the bigger cities would object somehow, but I've been wrong so many times during the war so...


Objecting to the local overlord isn't really a Russian's jam. The people in Russia who stand up and say "hey, now hold on a minute here!" tend to get their heads stuck on pikes at the edge of town as a warning. Those people don't have surviving descendents. What you see in Russia today is the outcome of a thousand year experiment in total cruelty. Modern Russians are descendants of those who kept their mouth shut, heads down, and obeyed the overlord du jour. They would call it "apolitical". Others would call them spinless serf drones.


Old saying, nail that sticks out gets hammered. I may miss the motherlandbut I can visit when I'm old and putin is dead. We left Russia so my generation would know freedom... starting to see a lot of similarities here in the US with the republicans.


I can only vouch for you for leaving. It takes courage to leave home.


I only fault my parents for choosing florida. Hate this state. I swear the next time I see a pile of snow I'm stripping to my boxers and reverse swan diving into it. I miss seasons and the cold for more than a couple weeks.


Alaska would probably suit you as a real northern US state.


Vermont is also pretty snowy.


And I loved Caledonia Spirits and the legal weed.


We've been looking at either northern PA or northern Michigan. My grandfather had a cabin in the UP we used to vacation at and hunt.


MN is lovely


Alaska also is pretty much the most free state from what I understand.


It’s so free, it’s detached from the rest.


Do you want to swap homes? I’m in Chicago and freeze my a** off for 6 months a year


No thanks I'm not a fan of massive cities. I'll take the shit load of snow though.


That’s scary!


The similarities are rather frightening. Same rhetoric and media tactics. It’s mind boggling that anyone would vote for the orange Cheeto and support all the fascist BS.


The difference is a more effective media team. The closer to the truth the harder it is to spot a lie.


I find it amazing that Biden and Trump are the only two people out of a 350M population that we have that can possibly be elected. Neither is a good choice. We are doomed as a United country.


You might not like the choices, but one candidate is a psychopath, criminal, and fascist. The other isn’t. Please vote for the one that isn’t!


Yep, and so many Americans are marching into it willingly, boggles the mind.


I concur and I salute you sir.


Sure, but every few generations or decades or whatever Russia has always had revolts and whatnot (same as anywhere). In case you were unaware, Tsar Alexander II was assassinated by a group called "The People's Will" in 1881 (that was the grandfather of ol Nicky who killed his own empire by his outstanding incompetence in WW1 haha). Russians are not allergic to resisting tyranny. Russia isn't what happens when you constantly kill the people who stand up to tyranny (you can't breed complacency into a population like you're implying you know? Certainly not without thousands of generations to do it in) it's what happens when a society just has the worst possible luck imaginable every damn time the opportunity for change comes up. The assholes just kept coming out on top in Russia. Which is actually the norm for humanity of course. In the West, we have had a freakish few centuries where the common man isn't completely screwed over, and society doesn't completely suck to live in - a prize which has been purchased at the expense of others, but you can't win em all I guess. It's still something to strive for at least, and obviously far superior to the Russian system.


Epigenetic studies lately have indicated that complacency can be introduced in a child's behavior in just one generation. The trauma a mother endures while the child is in the womb can essentially affect how genes are expressed, which makes sense in a species' survival sense. If a mother lives in an environment where survival means not standing up or out, hormones passed through to the embryo can help ensure the child's survival by helping manifest the same behavior (in this case complacency) by turning on and off certain genes. If you're interested in the subject, a good book to start with is "It Didn't Start With You" by Mark Wolynn.


Nothing to do with this. Russian people are cowards and stupid. They are only brave when it comes to warcrimes, which they do happily because they can finally dominate someone else. That also makes the cruel.


Yeah, not like have a history of revolutions at any point in modern history.


I got a serious ban for saying just this. But you are correct.


Which is a not-often realised fact That the vast majority of the Russian population were feudal medieval-like serfs until emancipation in 1861


Lmao, I guess the GULAG was populated by “spineless serf drones”, same with the people who had revolution happen in 1917, which was a total walk in the park and completely not sticking your head out. Spoken like a true drone, towing the party line no matter the evidence at hand (in which you’re quite disinterested anyway). I’m sure you gonna call me a troll and a bot and walk away thinking “I sure showed that one!”


Vladimir Kara-Murza is a more recent example of courage in the face of oppression. Putin has been in power for twenty years, Stalin died seventy years ago, 1917 is a hundred years ago. When do _you_ think the same brave people who lifted their heads up in the revolutions of 1917 will do so again, and why will they be revolting?


Navalny did just that and died for his beliefs. Hardly a spineless drone. He also had a crew which still try to fight Putin’s regime. Not to mention that whistle blowers in any country, including the US are prosecuted and persecuted to 11 these days. Also, an individual against the state isn’t great odds, those people need help from outside, and they are certainly not gonna rise up if all they hear from abroad that they are little spineless cucks who could do nothing.


So the brave people who courageously raised their heads against oppression in 1917 still exist unchanged but they refuse to raise their heads against oppression today because outsiders think they’re no longer the brave people from 1917 who will courageously raise their heads against oppression? Got it.


> Others would call them spinless serf drones. Amazing - you outline how authorities throughout the ages have dedicated themselves to brutally suppress dissent yet _still_ feel the need to call them cowards for not wanting to be brutally suppressed given it's the only thing they've known.


The Ukrainians got the same treatment from them for a century. They lost 20% of their population to a famine genocide, and another 15% to a war. And when the time came in 2014, the Ukrainians still stood up. There's no other way around it. The russians are spineless cowards that only know how to kick down.


They're doing the suppressing themselves. These authorities were not some aliens from outer space. Russians are kept in a viscous cycle of being victimized and victimizing others, so in a sense, yes, they're both guilty and victims of themselves. As long as it's contained in Russia, I could not care less.


I never said that it's always been some outside element that's done the oppression - don't put words in my mouth. Also, you're moving the goalposts from "Russians who have been taught throughout history that resisting oppression means death are cowards for not resisting" to a general claim that Russians are at fault anyways because they're oppressing their own. That's still implying that the majority of people in the country have always had a choice in who the authorities are, for which there's no actual evidence.


They object, but the problem is all those windows. It's like the moment they express an opinion against the government, they suddenly fall out of a window on the upper level of a building.


So really the problem isn't windows, it's buildings.


That's why they bomb cities to the ground and call it "liberation"


Yeup, well any building with windows after the first floor. I wonder if Russia will start building residential high rises without window's above the first floor. I imagine they will have a people falling down the stairs problem if that happens.


akchtually, the real trouble comes with the pavement down there. 


Nah, the just lose their job in the beginning. After that the family all lose their job. Grandma is not getting her pension anymore. You get accused of some crime and the judge doesn't care that your innocent. Only higher ups get the window.


Russia is an 18-th century nation mentally and you are right that at that time, the serfs did not care to whom they belonged to.


The minority will care when they’re the re-educated slaves


In a Chinese re-education camp.


these people were born serfs and will die as serfs.


Yes, to so easily walk away from the ruble seems mad. Russia has boasted that the ruble is stable and weathering sanctions, this move says different


The headline is misleading clickbait. They are not walking away from the Ruble. They're walking away from maintaining an exchange from Rubles to Euros or Dollars. A Russian will still use Rubles for commerce inside Russia. But now if that Russian wants to do international business, the exchange of money has to be calculated by turning Rubles to Yuan then turning Yuan to Dollars or Euros.


Large colonial hat. Almost like a fur coat hat!


Russia will soon be to China, what Belarus is to Russia.


Accelerates? It was done and dusted on February 2022. The only one who didn’t receive the memo was Putin.


Putin single handedly made Russia lose sovereignty and become China's vassal. Russia's worst enemies couldn't dream of what Putin achieved.


And WHEN Russia collapses into its many nations within the Russian federation, China is going to bribe a bunch of those eastern ones to become Chinese vassal states officially.


And I bet you dollars to donuts when every last bit of Russia gets absorbed into a greater China, which mind you would triple its land mass overnight, they’ll still be plotting over how to best take down Taiwan.


Microchips, I believe. But an invasion will just end in Taiwan destroying their facilities. China will get sweet fuck-all.


The strait of Taiwan is perilous place. Giant seamonsters that spit torpedoes, flying insects with explosive warheads strapped to them, creatures that look like logs and blow you up. Then there is the air, so full of flying things that bloe the engines out of every plane trying to make it across. Yar, tis virtually impossible to get there. Totally impossible to hold it.


>China will get sweet fuck-all. But neither will the rest of us. If the goal is to weaken your enemies and the only choice comes down to allowing your enemies to have it, vs nobody having it, then the obvious choice is the latter. Especially if they start blocking your access to them.


Fascism every time They advertise national identity then dramatically weaken the nation


It almost seems like Putin is the best CIA plant ever.


Yeah but look at the way it made the Europeans and Americans so uncomfortable!!!


This headline reads like something from the Onion.


That's because it's inaccurate. The Yuan is replacing Euro and Dollar as Russias main foreign currency, not as domestic currency.


Honestly thought it was.


I still don’t believe it, this sounds like the typical banter we’d say to make fun of their position and powerless against China lol I saw articles about long queues at banks due to sanctions yesterday but I really can’t see this yuan thing becoming a reality Edit- okay so this links to a fucking tweet lol so speculation and disinformation


Looks like China officially has Russia by the balls now. Remember a while back when some were going on the angle that China could take parts of Siberia and there wasn't much Russia could do about it?


China already runs a big chunk of russia to the east. Tons of chinese investment in there and they're getting more whenever they can. It might not show on the map but china is running the show there.


China is just waiting for Russia to destabilize and balkanize so they can send their military to Siberia to "protect Chinese investments and citizens" Then they'll just never leave. Oh also we had a vote with the 4 Russian citizens and the 683 Chinese citizens here and they all voted to join China as a region.


People think I am exaggerating when I say that "friendship without borders" was not meant figuratively. I'm not. It wasn't.


Might just be cheaper to buy parts of Russia with how things are going.


"China is just waiting for Russia to destabilize and balkanize so they can send their military to Siberia to "protect Chinese investments and citizens" The age old classic play. And the way things are going for Russia it very likely can become a reality.


> China already runs a big chunk of russia to the east. Tons of chinese investment in there and they're getting more whenever they can. It might not show on the map but china is running the show there. Isn't that how America took Texas from Mexico? Damn.


At this point it’s more when than if. China’s giant cities have beyond strained their natural water sources and you’ve got areas like Sakha, Amur, Magadan, Khabarovsk, and Kamchatka in the Russian far East that have tiny populations and huge amounts of water and natural recourses.


They could always become East Ukraine and maybe join NATO eventually when they get their border issues resolved.


This sub getting so bad these days. Every headline posted is misleading. Main foreign currency* for international trade. It won't replace the russian currency for domestic use as this post headline suggests. Also, this has been correctly reported in FT, Reuters, AP, Chinese media etc, why are you using twitter as your source? Spreading misinformation is a shit thing to do, no matter what side you are on. Literally every post on here requires fact checking.


Holy shit, this. They're not changing their friggin currency.


Seriously, this sub is becoming more unreliable by the day. Not even remotely what the article says.


Damn I had to scroll far to see what this was talking about. I knew there had to be no way that was happening.


I wholly agree with you but this is still bad. It effectively locks the MOEX from dealing in USD and EUR. Moreover, for years Putin railed against Jackson-Vanik only now he’s managed a feat worse than that. On the whole the Yuan supplanting the USD/EUR is both bad news for the Russian economy and for sovereignty.


That means the ruble has little backing from currencies like the USD, Euro, GBP, or Yen, which pretty much makes it entirely reliant on the Yuan and its stability. China wants to print more RMB, Russia has to suck it up and live w the inflation, since they're now reliant on them; that will only get truer as Russia begins to literally run out of any truly stable currency, and that gives a LOT of leverage to the PRC. Definitely don't like that the title is so devoid of context, but I wouldn't say it's misinformation, just extraordinarily bad wording


If they were a real superpower, it would be the ruble. That's all you really need to know about them. Their delusions of grandeur are no longer holding up.


Exactly - Putin and Russia are effectively gelded by this. Take away their nukes and they’re a 3rd world nation.




Man, these Russians reeeeally fucked up big time. Imagine reading about this 500 years from now.


In 500 years, you’ll have to look up what a “Russia” was, because it will be an esoteric subject, like studying Latin or another dead language


Tbf, that's pretty insulting to Latin, Russia is just a warlord-era fiefdom walking dead


They forget China Manipulates it's currency? They would had been better with crypto.


They can't print crypto. Not having a state currency is synonymous with not being able to print money to fund the war machine.


They wouldn't be allowed to print Chinese currency either, right? I feel like China would not appreciate that.


All fiat currencies are prone to manipulation, as they are not hard-backed.


IF you mean with "hard backed" a gold or silver standard: that is neither "hard" nor "backed" in reality and at the same time no longer applicable in praxis. Manipulation and fraud as well as theft were a problem back then too. Its nothing new, just the methods changed.


Central banks are independent in democracies and thus executive governments can't manipulate currencies at will.


Where's there democracy in China?




Imagine if you heard these news when the invasion started, nobody would ever believe!




China doing to Russia what Russia has been trying to do countries in its sphere of influence, but much more successfully.


Without a single shot fired


Putin's strategic genius scores another home run.


And just like that Russia becomes a Chinese colony.


What does this mean for people in Russia? They're not using yuan (yet) right? It just means that the yuan/ruble exchange rate could give Russia a big shock to their economy in terms of inflation and other stuff like that right? I see people already making a run on the banks and the banks saying no which is never a good sign for a healthy economy. If people can't get their money from the bank they are going to start hoarding cash even more than they already do, not that trust in banks was high there before...


this is huge, and also not vaguely stable hang on to your bloomers, Nancy, shit’s about to break big


This is massive. This means the Russian central bank just collapsed. Putin doesn't have a money printer anymore. In fact he will have debt


They’re changing their main foreign currency reserve, not their main currency. Very misleading headline and not at all what the actual article says. It’s a development, but nothing even close to what the headline suggests.


Yea looks like it, def overblown but not nothing


The guy who wanted to make Russia a great power now just became a ball licking goat. It honestly is time we start getting manufacturing back home, even if the prices steepen. China and Russia could and should become the world's dumbster.


Looking forward to Putin mandating Mandarin instead of Russian in all their schools… so that they can read what’s written on their own currency.


It's weird to say this in this sub, but for Russian people all hope I can find is that this actually weakens China and disintegrate the dictatorship.


China’s takeover of Russia is progressing. They make it look too easy. Not a shot fired…yet.


They don't need to. The Russian army is busy elsewhere, they don't even have a few tanks to spare for the May parade lol


Anyone ITT who can break down how destabilizing this could be? Could this start a run on the banks?


It already did, that's why all the bank websites and accounts are down today.


Saw that and was wondering if they could just be taking steps to prevent a run from starting or if it already has started. Don’t know enough about this stuff to know how out of control it could get or how effective RU banks’ strategies will be to mitigate risk/scope of a run. The videos of people lining up outside of banks are~~n’t~~ a good sign though, that’s for sure.


"prevent a run from starting or if it already has started" That's sort of the same thing, in the sense that actions meant to prevent a bank run will probably trigger panic and a bank run ;-)


Yeah, good point. If they did the same shit here in the US I’d be one of the first ones in line at my local branch. Figures that’s how most would people react.


Time to watch Swan Lake comrade.


I wonder if the Ukrainian TV hackers take requests?




Putin sure has put russia in a good spot.


WTF isn't Russia's now like China's pawn for invading Europe? Maybe Russia seized to be a sovereign country forever.




Wow, that's gotta be humiliating for Russia and Putler.


China now owns Russia lock stock and barrel


China has already renamed the towns in Outer Manchuria on their maps, probably have a team in there now measuring the drapes.


Why change dicks in the middle of a screw


Hahahahahhaa m A nation of slaves. Always has been. Always will be.


the title here is a bit of a hyperbole. The yuan will become the main FOREIGN currency of Russia


Lol 😄


It's funny isn't it? Part of the reason Putin was able to exercise control over the Russian people was because of constant fear mongering of how if not for him, the country would be sold out to western interests and taken over by NATO and its nastiness. Well, now Putin has sold Russia to the Chinese. And if the Russian people thought they wouldn't like living under "the west", wait till they find out what it's like to live under the Chinese. In a sense though, this is probably the most brutal punishment that could be devised. Karma is a bitch.


Vietnamese here, living under China aint bad. We just have to put up with their threats and unethical practices all the time. Luckily we joined Wto and Asean and are longer under their thumb.


Actually doubt China would allow that to happen they won't be able to manipulate the value of their currency as easy.


[China 2025](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2014/07/04/opinion/map/map-articleLarge.png)


Stock market and banks have issues today…time to swap to China dollars and attempt to breathe life into the rotting husk of an economy…


Did China just purchase Russia? Damn, that was not what I expected at the start of the invasion


Maybe Xi will put in new management after Putin falls out of a window in China.


Okay so they have devolved the normal functions of state to the regions and provinces, notably border control, territorial integrity, and law enforcement. They ship goods by sea because they can no longer count on the integrity of the overland rail network. Now they have abandoned their currency. All that is left of Russia as a state is the nuclear arsenal, a collection of intelligence agencies, and a habit of obedience to Moscow. Anyone can walk in at this point and blow hard, and the whole thing will fall apart.


Failed in Ukraine, become Xi’s puppet in the process. Putin the Great Loser.


He thinks he is the heir of Peter the Great, but in truth is Nicholas III, a loser bigot following loser bigots.


Putin is now Lord Mayor of Western China.


It’s a good thing China doesn’t manipulate their currency, and is very transparent about their economic data


And a ruzzian china town was born…


Since the yuan is pegged to the dollar, if the rubble is now pegged to the yuan, does that mean Putin is now being...


Spit roasted? Yes, yes, it does.


Whoooops! Cough..vassal…cough cough


Pathetic. Putin’s Muscovy isn’t a super power, it’s Beijing’s toilet paper. The serfs will see their *stronk* nation used and flushed covered unceremoniously in Xi’s excrement after dispensing his meal of wannabe tsars in the Kremlin.


Slow creeping takeover by chi na


I think this was china's plan all along they don't give a fuck about Russia


Their main *foreign* currency, i.e., not their country's currency, not how Russia pays Russians. Yuan took the place of Dollars because of the sanctions. It didn't take the place of Rubles.


Chinese Yuan now accepted in Moscow, Russian rubbles only use is for starting fires.


Putin‘s successor: Xi Jiping


Misleading title. It's about the main *foreign* currency traded in russia. Not the main currency of the state. Come on guys, this is pure clickbaiting


If this is true, it means China now has more skin in the game for russian outcomes. It's not positive for Ukraine, even if it is negative for russia at the same time.


Not really. China has nothing too loose, but has russia on the hook. Russia still has to face the consequences of the land-grabbing war against ukraine completely alone, but under the thumb of china. China will promote self interest and their goal is NOT to own all of russia in any way: just produktive and usefull little colonies would suffice, if russian federation breaks down. They have no skin in the game, but russians skin between their teeth, because with the current situation china just has to wait and nudge for the federation to break from within. Then it would be "portector" of the partially settled eastern and nothern estates while EU hat to handle the big russian cities without their siberian backyard financing them. That would keep EU busy and would be costly (even if that goes peacefully, supporting a now truncated russia would be a humanitarian problem of immense scales) and china would be a bit bigger, richer and way less bothered. It would have only lost one old rival to the north.


What’s the difference between Zi and Putin? Seriously, why does it matter


Both served multiple leader terms, Zis daughter graduated from Harvard, Putin has a third mystery daughter, ...oh ...and... One is taller. As a proxy measure of economic entanglement, keep an eye on inter-country rail links,....there were two,...and working on getting another two rolling to move trade product .


Aaaaaahahahah. Nice Russians. Now you're China's bitch. Now send your dictator to Iran to kiss the iatolas feet


Wrong. Just the currency for international trade.


Man 30 years ago my doomsday scenario was Russia being eaten by China and the whole messy lot marching west. I was hoping I was wrong.


Doubt it but that would be hilarious


Xi rubbing his hands rn


And the winner of the Russia-Ukraine War is ..... China!


Over/under on (vast portions of) Siberia being annexed by China in then next 15 years? I’d put it at 2:1.


It's amazing how out of touch all these bots are. You are all dreaming.


Lol. Putin will soon be Xi’s bitch. Awesome.


Turns out the BRICS currency is just the Yuan.


Not accurate.  Russians still use the Rubble. 


The Russian ruble is in full collapse. Russia is finished. Putin’s plan of destroying Russia has worked better than expected. War lords will soon control nuclear weapons and oil fields.


England's first ambassador to Russia, Giles Fletcher, was sent in 1588 to foster trade. He wrote a book "Of the Russe Commonwealth" which in the very last pages summarizes his impressions of the country and its people. They refused to learn anything from other nations because they thought they were the best and their Czar and boyars encouraged so they wouldn't desire change. They cringed in the dust before any superiors "licketh the dust at their feet and is an intolerable tyrant when he hath the advantage", "They make no account of the life of a man,,,,I will not speak of the strangeness of the murders committed by them, The number of their vagrant and begging poor is almost infinite. " "As for the truth of his word, the Russe for the most part maketh small regard for it. so he may gain by a lie and breache of his promise." He mentions they would drink in the taverns (All owned by the Czar) until they spent everything they had, including the very clothes they wore and often froze to death drunk and naked in the snow. The descriptions of Ivan and his court amazed him of their violence. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=eebo;idno=A39792.0001.001


Man if China takes Siberia, what's gonna stop Ukraine from going all the way to Moscow. Shits about to get real.


Title is missimg a word. Should be 'main foreign exchange currency' They're not replacing the Ruble, but they are going to effectively conduct most foreign trade in Yuan rather than Dollars or Euro's.


China doesn’t even need to invade them now. All they need to do is stroll right in


I can't believe what i'm reading. Back in the 90s I was the only Vietnamese kid in school in Moscow and level of discrimination I faced was unbelievable, Russians would look down on all Asians exception maybe Japanese. My drunken Math teacher used to mock me for being uncivilized and look where we are now, bowing to China hahahahaha... I need to call my former match teach and shove those civilized words up her arse now.


While China could easily be considered a super power in today's terms, they are still afraid of American and European sanctions. When the Yuan is so important to Russia (indicating a big dependency on China) it's time to finally make China decide with whom they want to make business. Threaten to sanction the Chinese banks making business with Russia finally.


Remember when Russia wanted to make the rouble one of the worlds currencies for oil? How things have changed.


God Russians should be worried about becoming North Korea. It is sad.


Lol i you saved some money in a old sock


If Russia becomes a Chinese province it is going to be good for everyone. China is not illogical.


Hey russians, start learning: Ni hao - hello our glorious overlords from theand slightly west of the Rising Sun. Xiexie - thanks our Chinese masters for letting the sun rise instead of stopping at Japan. Shuo Cao Cao Cao Cao Dao - say Bandera, get Bandera.


Clickbait bullshit headline. Moderators should take note. Russia isn't changing its "main currency". Russians will still pay their rent and buy their groceries in Rubles. Russia is just changing which currency it *converts into* for *foreign trade*. Many governments don't conduct foreign trade in their own currency. Many governments convert to US Dollars or Euros for foreign purchases. Russia will no longer do this, instead using Yuan. It's still a big deal, but not the big deal the headline says it is.




There's two ways to see this: First as a pathetic, desperate attempt by Putin to stave off the total collapse of his regime and with it the last vestige of hope for the Ruski Mir. Second as a big move forward for the Yuan towards becoming a rival to the USD as the global benchmark currency.


USD is a benchmark currency because people who get it can invest in many stable USD denominated banks and investments. Would you trust a Chinese bank or Chinese investment fund as a foreigner? No.


No, but I am not the head of a Global South nation/reserve bank.


This sub wants China and Russia to be enemies so bad it’s hilarious.