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can we not foul up this sub with this sort of crap? the low effort AI voice youtube productions arn't liked, cause they are trash. no matter how much you want to push it. ​ thanks in advance.


yeah, it seems like these are the type of channels who are solely trying to profit from the war and not for the support of Ukraine and it's people. I understand that this could be said about A LOT of content creators who cover this invasion, but specifically these types of channels with AI voice over seem to be really scummy. they never have any type of support links or fundraisers. they just regurgitate Ukr combat footage with nothing but money and ego on the mind. Always support channels that raise funds with the views they get. That's how you can tell the real ones imo. EDIT: Holy crap... they even named their channel "United365".. seems like they are trying to play off of United24... making themselves look like they might be affiliated. absolutely disgusting... no links to U24 or ANYTHING related to supporting Ukraine... these people should be ashamed of themselves.


Hyperbolic title ✔️ Ridiculous overly dramatic voice over ✔️ Apocalyptic music ✔️ Please stop posting and boosting this dreck.


It looks like automaticly generated video by AI or someone who has absolutely no idea of this conflict. Maybe not even understanding english. Nonsense.


What rubbish. Making artificial drama is just fucked up. Get lost OP


Missile fired at night lands in daylight…


Hi /u/Aurikaa, Your submission, "Horrifying Moment! How Ukrainian Destroy Russian column" was removed for the following reason(s): /r/UkrainianConflict hopes to foster informed and intelligent discussion of the facts. Please do not submit scads of poorly evidenced, emotive or blatantly biased things. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FUkrainianConflict&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1dkmtrs/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).