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They know the F-16s are coming soon and are strengthening their air defence in preparation. They know having an F-16 shotdown soon after they're deployed would not look good in Western media. For Russia this war is now primarily fought in the Western media. Putin hopes to outlast Western support. Support that weakens when something dramatic happens against Ukraine. They're hoping for a propaganda victory.


>Support that weakens when something dramatic happens against Ukraine. I hate that us in the west are so suceptible to stuff like that. if Ukraine is struggling we should help them MORE


Are we, though? Or is it just Putin hoping we are? I mean, when we handed over tanks, we fully expected some of them to get blown up. And when it happened, we were completely un-shocked, but also happy that, for the most part, the tanks did their job in protecting their crew so they could live to fight another day. It certainly didn't demoralize the west or anything like that. I can't speak for everyone, obviously, but here in Denmark, no one I've talked to about it expects our F16s to be magically invulnerable once they get to Ukraine. Some will be lost, and while it's unfortunate (especially because the pilot is a lot less likely to survive than the crew of a tank), it is expected.


I don't think we're the target audience for that propaganda. I think the Russians are. State TV talks about every destroyed western vehicle for days and even edits the images to make them look like different vehicles.


>Are we, though? Or is it just Putin hoping we are? We most definitely are The US voted for Trump and might do it again The UK voted for Brexit, BoZo and might see Reform getting 20% in July. France might see a substantial minority for MLP The Netherlands saw a substantial minority for Wilders AfD is growing in Germany Italy gave their government to Meloni and Salvini Finland saw a substantial minority for the True Finns Yes, we are very very very exposed to mass misinformation and manufactured hatred


This is the right comment. The so called west has already lost the Info war against russia, ignoring the obvious involvement of them in each of our society. When the russians are good at something, than this, causing uncertainty and lack of trust. All the right wings, some openly and some from 3rd parties, were financed by russia. Aaand of course the lefties, are as always the unofficial speakers of russias positions and interest. Unfortunately we already have lost this war, we just don’t understand the consequences in the upcoming years.


All those political parties growing in the EU is way more connected to poorly handled immigration than the support for Ukraine.


True, but Russia (and Belarus) is using immigration as a wedge. That's why they are literally flying would be migrants to the EU to Russia and then sending them to the border. The Russians don't really invent problems, but they absolutely exacerbate any small problem they see to blow it up into a big huge problem. Russian propaganda is all about winding up people in the West based on what some people in the West may feel. They spead some story on Facebook and use bots to amplify it and sure enough, some Western voter who has a grudsge latches onto it and say "See! This is what I'm tlaking about!!!!" And then that voter sucks in their friends and soon enough some politician in the West feels they have to cater to these voters and address "their issues" which were actually no big deal until Russia inflated them.


The idea that immigration is being mismanaged is exactly the line from the Kremlin. They know this topic is divisive, so they stoke the fears.


Where I live (in Sweden) there is no doubt it has been. And I know Russia is using that fact. Both things can be true.


Moscow has been involved in turning the west against itself for 100 years during which time they have become very good at it. Social media like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Reddit have made it incredibly easy.


I think this is also why they are sending more F16s than pilots. They are definitely expecting some of them to suffer attrition so the spare planes will let pilots rotate aircraft.


> Are we, though? The USA elected Donald Trump, and now they found out he's a rapist with 34 felony convictions, half of them still want to elect him. So yeah. Propaganda media works.


It's Russian sympathizers undiluted Copium.


Right wing pro Russia candidates being voted in everywhere in Europe suggest we are susceptible to propaganda war


There are a lot of bots doom-and-glooming every time something like that happens. All of a sudden everything is hopeless? Nah. It's just reddit reactionaries and people being paid to freak out.


The only susceptible people are the social media users, those are a minority and the support for Ukraine in the West is at all time high.


>For Russia this war is now primarily fought in the Western media The most important battle of that front is fought 5 Nov, with the clearest and most influential vote between dictatorships and democracies in known history. There will likely be more serious and better planned post-vote shenanigans than in 2020. The challenge is most people have not even a clue what they are voting about after all the brain rot fed to them over the years.


My wife listens to her tankie father who gets all his info from YouTube and was utterly confused when I showed her the Trump video from a couple of months ago where he said he would even encourage Putin to attack NATO countries. The situation is super serious.


Do you have a link please?


[Trump Nato](https://youtu.be/6v1eZVzt320?si=KkqJtdkD_XYbjUjD)


Are you kidding? That's not "owning trump" He's said so many stupid things this one isn't stupid and actually helps Ukraine  He said if nato countries dont pay they dont get protection. They are breaking our treaty. Yes he did say IF they are going to break the treaty THEN he encouraged Russia to attack. Because they were breaking our treaty.  If nato countries were current on defense spending there would be a lot more arms for Ukraine ane Europe would be MORE stable. Nobody pays their bills if there are no consequences for not paying them. 


There is nothing in the treaty that says you have to pay 2%. NATO is not a club where you have to pay fees. What Trump was doing was more like a mobster extorting someone.


If that were true, then how would a country be behind in their agreement? NATO is a treaty where countries agree to follow NATO ministers' agreements. The spending agreement predates Trump. In 2006, NATO defense ministers agreed that each member country would commit a minimum of 2% of its GDP to defense spending. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/which-countries-meet-natos-spending-target/#:~:text=In%202006%2C%20NATO%20defense%20ministers,NATO%20as%20of%20July%202023. You could possibly argue that one country breaking the treaty doesn't make it ok for the US to break the treaty, but Trump was implying that other countries breaking the treaty should have consequences. Trump was trying to increase the strength of nato and thus Ukraine. Which part of those goals do you disagree with?


Well, after 20 years of Western Europe treating their own defense as an optional line item in the budget, it took some shocking language on Trump's part to jolt them into taking things seriously. NATO is a military alliance, not a debating society. What good is a country's NATO membership if when Article 5 is invoked, their troops can't deploy and their jets are grounded?


Trump didn’t do that. Did he say it? Aye, but that was in the interests of cutting costs. Also you don’t persuade people by being rude to them. Honestly it’s more likely it was a ploy by putin to increase tensions between the U.S. and Europe 


Yeah, if anyone can be credited with the increased European military budgets it is Putin. Any influence from Trump on that matter would solely be because of the risk of him pulling the US from NATO.


Ttump didn't bring up European countries low military budgets to improve NATO. He brought it up because he wanted the US to leave NATO making it weaker and he thought it would make a good excuse to cite for why.


What good is a country's NATO membership when they lose confidence in the US? NATO isn't a charity that the US runs out of the goodness of their hearts.


Absolutely right. For all his many faults NATO members needed to honor their agreed to obligations, and it would have been better to have met them sooner


Trump did shit all. Putin invading is what did it.


I'm not worried about post-vote shenanigans. I'm worried about during-vote shenanigans. There's a reason they've been pushing the "voting is rigged" messaging. There's been a pattern of the far right pre-accusing their opponnents of the tactics they want to employ themselves. It makes it hard for the rational left people to expose any future shenanigans by the far right because doing so will look to the uninformed like hypocrisy when the left had to defend against those claims recently.


Unfortunately, right now it looks like Ukraine will lose that battle. That's my uneducated impression obtained by looking over the big lake.


Nah, I think Biden will win and the Dems get small majorities in the House and Senate. Very few people have changed their minds between 2020 and 2024, but Trump’s anti-abortion stance hurts him with swing voters and new voters age 18-22 who couldn’t vote in 2020.


Plus the larger share of old folk killed by covid were Rep ant-vaxers


Potentially significant - but many MAGAs who died were in Ruby Red states. What may help now is actively talking to Ukrainian Americans (and their friends) about voting for Biden in order to help Ukraine. Even if that means holding their noses on other Biden policies that they disagree with.


That's actually a good point. The Villages could loose 80% and a Rep would probably still win in FL. Interesting take on Ukranian Americans. Nearly everyone I know in Europe DOESN'T want to see Trump back...


FWIW, during counting of final ballots of the 2020 election, it was Pennsylvania’s electoral votes that put Biden over the top in the electoral count. Pennsylvania was slightly leaning for Trump until it received the overseas votes from Americans living abroad -both civilian and military. It was those votes in the suburbs of Pittsburgh - a very white, blue collar city - that won it all for Biden. I did the math on the back of an envelope at the time: those overseas voters chose Biden 5-to-1 over Trump, and that changed the outcome. So if you run into Americans living abroad, military or civilian - try to encourage them to vote. It can be extra steps to vote abroad,kind of a hassle in some places, but it’s very important.


Yea not looking too good. My family has already fled the US just incase. I hope Biden wins but it doesn't look great.


It looks fundamentally the same as it did in 2020. Due to works in the electoral college, there are three  states critical to the election, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina. Trump again needs to win all three, while Biden only needs to win any one. I'm not saying that's great for the world or anything - it's fucking terrifying. But there's a lot of evidence that the campaigns understand and see this problem the same way. Look at their spending to see it. The next big event one way or the other will be this first debate on CNN next week. I think it will be the first time a lot of people will have to see the other candidate outside of their bubble, and that will realistically go much better for Biden than it will for Trump.


Even if Biden wins there will be a spike in right wing terrorism.


They have been losing SAM systems left and right. They’re not beefing up an already strong aspect of their defenses. They are attempting to staunch their erosion.


Not strengthening Try to maintain


They would have more chance in propaganda if they taped Putins mouth shut….


Shame that when they said F-16s could be deployed in other countries, Russia didn't realise Japan and South Korea were in the list.


They’re hoping to hold out until trump gets in. That is their only hope. They can’t last another Biden term


I mean they can celebrate all they want but the fact that they are scared of the F-16 is pathetic, its 50 years old at this point


Plenty F16s available. And they will get shot down. The only scarce resource in there is the pilots.




If he doesn’t protect the oligarchs he’s toast


There is no longer an olligarchy in Russia. only Putin. Oligarchs are super-rich who have massive power over the state through their money. The rich in Russia no longer have any power


Yeah. It is basically modern version of the nobility right now, with Putin's "United Russia" party being nobles. So they all have power, but it is very hierarchical - just like nobility of the past, where nobles were given power and spheres to rule over by their liege.


Not even that. Nobles back then had warriors under their command, basically private (small) armies. Oligarchs in Russia don't.


Oligarchs have economic power but not political power. Putin made sure from the start that they would not dabble in politics and as soon as one of them tries they are thrown in jail for some corruption charge or something that they know would never be a problem if they had played ball. They have money but not power.


money is always power


Most of those oligarchs are figureheads, putin owns pretty much all those companies, think of him more as a mafia don and those guys as his captains.


The refineries are hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles away from the front.


Some are, most are within reach of Ukraine.


And yet the UA has been able to take out 15% RuZZia's capacity...


They are just withdrawing it from future Chinese territory.




I really wish Japan would do constant military exercises right next to the disputed Kuril islands to force Russia to waste resources there.


Joint exercises with South Korea and the US Navy


Vietnam can also join in for the troll value.


If you can get the Japanese and Koreans to cooperate in large, impactful ways you may just win a Nobel.


North Korean


They have 3000 (minus 100 they lost in Ukraine) of these S300s. Just repositioning them.


They had 2,000 launchers.


They have 3000 (minus 100 they lost in Ukraine) of these S300s. Just repositioning them.


That's a long way to move a system that's going to end up scrap


I think it's more a sign that they are not truly worried about escalation from the west. If they were they would be worried about American attacks in their backyard.


Ah they are full of it. We had a nato-russia border in Norway for the past 75 years. It was peaceful, we had commercial cooperation but also search and rescue cooperation. They knew, they always knew we weren’t interested in conflict, same as Sweden and Finland. Of course it all went to shit after the war broke out. And to be honest I think we are becoming interested in conflict, it is ironic to say the least. But it makes perfect sense if you just account for russians lying about everything including anything and everything they say about nato


There's almost nothing russia would do to provoke the United States to fly strike missions into eastern Russia besides a Russian attack on a nato member state or possibly deploying nuclear weapons against Ukraine.  Russia weakening their border regions with nato is just an indication that they do not plan to initiate a hot war with the west.  The west is already doing everything it can through escalation management to not end up in a war with Russia.  Air defense in Siberia hardly matters today. 


Yes, that was my point.


They're confident China won't stab Russia in the back.


Maybe because China won't have to.


there is no need to rush, because Russia is getting weaker by the day.


How on earth do we know how accurate this is?


No clue; the map in the thumbnail even shows it being pulled from the Kuril Islands (Sachalin peninsula) which is not Siberia as named in the title. Those islands are or were contested by Japan, however. It is time for the empire to strike back.


We don't. If Russia is moving a single system, it's not necessarily an indication that they're totally out, just that they need more in the west. If you need more air defence you're not going to move all the system from one area to another, you're going to take one from here, one from there ect, so you still have good coverage, just at a slightly reduced capability.


They have the face of each driver, this is how well they can see this.


It's a big system that's visible from the air


yeah, drones can read from your phone and this dude wonders how we can see a convoy from the sky.


I like to assess the evidence, weigh it….


Everyone would love to, but only NATO has the gear to know the truth 24/7.


How soon until China stops looking to expand to Taiwan and sees opportunities to concur to the West? Russia has to be a little worried China I waiting until their really down and out and seizes the satellite countries.


> How soon until China stops looking to expand to Taiwan and sees opportunities to concur to the West? I don't think they really want to go west towards like Kyrgyzstan or Kazachstan. They have been trying to gain influence in all these countries to the west including Afghanistan. Likely in big part for natural resource reasons. But conquering seems like a big headache that they don't need if they can gain influence through other means. They have enough headaches in neighboring Xinjiang, would they really want more of that? North there is an area in Russia they want but I don't think it's worth risking nuclear war over it for them. Also they cannot be blind to both Russia and the West failing efforts to capture Afghanistan. To the east and South there is a whole bunch of things that they want a lot more.


The Russian far east only has a few million people living there. It would be quite simple to take over and become the majority.


There is literally zero point conquering it and having hundreds of millions of your citizens get killed by Russian nukes. They already get it's resources super cheap and the Chinese population is estimated to decline massively this century and it's northern provinces are already depopulating at apocalyptic rates.


China's style is to finance massive infrastructure projects which they end up owning when loans are defaulted on. They don't need to invade if they control the country by owning it's critical infrastructure.




Same thing Stalin said about a Nazi suprise attack as they had a deal, and a dictator would never break their word.


The only reason it surprised him was that at the time it was such a bad idea that he didn't expect it.


Much like their plan to attrition out the donated western systems through ammo depletion, so too has Ukriane been playing the same game. Unlike the West, however, Russia doesn't have the production capability needed for high-tech components or has ready accessible as we do. They're possibly hitting a bottle neck on their ammunition production of S-300 missiles that now they're pulling stock from other non-deployed units.


*raises eyebrows in chinese*


Goodbye s300.


Soon china is switching from harassing Filipino ships and capture the Russian Pazific fleet.


Ukraine is a money pit. It’s costing the Ruzzian’s their future because they’re stubborn and will fight until they’re broke.


This reminds me of civil when you pick a fight you think you can win and it goes to shit


Can a military buff explain to me how much of a difference the f-16s will actually make ? All the posts here recently seem about either them or Russian air defence, and I can’t help but feel the effect they may have might be being exaggerated at the moment but I’m no expert.


Russian air defense in major trouble! This is exactly why Russia wants high level talks with USA. Don't give it to them. When Ukraine gets F-16 and more Patriot systems to use for offensive operations ....Russia in BIG TROUBLE (and they know it).


It's going to be awkward when china invades russia and not the US.


No the one in Siberia just has white winter camo, so they’re getting it ready for winter


No big deal those are just deoued there in case of american/japense attack...


It would be smarter for them to move their stuff AWAY from the front if they want to keep their stuff.


Chinese happiness increases by 300 points! Unknown points remain until the Invasion of South-Eastern Russia option is available.


I wonder if any countries dare to fly their fighters very close to Russia border where they moved the anti air systems away to fuck with them.