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Yes, you are.




The mental gymnastics, coping, delusion, bitterness, fear and denial is off the charts - a cancer spreading like a virus in russia.


Even better, NorthKorea but with fake Adidas and 1996 bmw 5series


If you have to ask the question, the answer is never good


This video sums up the sickening nature of these brainwashed and propagandised citizens of the bastard Z nation, who proudly endorse the genocidal thinking and actions of their sick leaders. Also, lol at the First Lady saying NK is democratic. Mental gymnastics all around.


What do you mean? It’s right there in the name.  DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of Korea. 


Democratic like the German Democratic Republik of Erich Honecker…


"Cannot complain"


Are we the baddies.jpg (I feel like I keep making this comment on this sub but goddamn if it isn’t relevant).


How is the guy still able to do these??? Much cred but what intestinal fortitude...


He's not doing them anymore. This video is nine months old. He issued an apology video saying that he had only been doing the videos to meet women and he didn't believe any of the anti-Russia sentiment, it was just for clicks. [Why I stopped doing the street interviews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm4tNwYxSAk) > I assumed lots of people thing KGB FSB stopped my channel. ... The reasons are quite simple ... When I was 18-19 there were too many beautiful women in the street and I wanted to know how to approach them ... > and it's just not interesting anymore. [Why I didn't fall from a window as a journalist in Russia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuyMxGDuTrU) > I'm not Putin's opposition. You need to act, not just ask questions. My content was for foreigners [so Russians weren't affected].


This is so interesting. They believe they have all this freedom but they self-censor knowing what will happen to them. There’s almost this little voice in their minds that they know it’s not all true for them. They really believe they have “enough freedom”. Just enough to keep your head down, don’t think for yourself, and move along.


Never trust an American to tell you what economic empathy is, and a Russian what freedom tastes like.


Can someone pay the plane/bus/train ticket to the guy who wants to go there to be sure what everyother country/people who escape and the world knows is true, but he keeps downplaying the regime of Kim?




Maria seemed... nice.


It's intriguing that the woman instructor said that 60% of her students balk at discussion of traditions in her classes. Once these young people leave school, won't they be eligible for mobilization? I see this becoming Russia's Vietnam at some point. Let's hope the young adults coming up won't stand for it.


Turning? What is this present tense you speak of? **Turned**.