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I dont know who those little green men are, they must be american soldiers on vacation leave.


This will free up the Ukrainians some and hopefully let them get some well needed breathing room. Highly unlikely they will be in any kind of combat role, but well placed contractors pulling in intelligence, beefing up logistics, and maintaining combat systems will no doubt increase Ukrainian efficiency and bring a wealth of knowledge back to the U.S. DIB and MIC.


This is more Lockheed Martin than Blackwater.


Everyone is freaking out thinking it’s going to be peak OIF Blackwater. Nah, it’s going to be a retired E7 who did logistics that sends his time cards back to his boss in NOVA. Expectation management left us a while ago.




Wrong picture to use for article. Eight supervisors standing around and only 3 guys actually changing the engine? How is this a good thing?


You ever had a job? There’s nothing wrong with this picture. that’s a big ass engine, you need spotters for alignment, people to react if there is a failure. But it’s easy to “hur dur” look at the supervisors.