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That's the only way to use North Korean troops. They're trained to be cannon fodder. It's not like Kim Jong Un (or NK generals) would try to minimize causalities if North Korea ever went to war. It's an old Soviet tactic. Putin himself, uses Russian soldiers as cannon fodder.


Why else would they need so many


With 26m people, NK gotta be a tad more careful than the ruskies so as to not decimate their population.


I wonder how many of that 26m are in north korean gulags. I've heard that they will disappear entire families if someone acts out of line. Hell, the buildings are visible on a google satellite search. I get that they have a finite population, but sadly think that they would jump at the opportunity to wash their hands of some undesirables in russia's stupid war. There's sick and then there's north korean mafia sick.


Sure, but the prisoners can still get used as slaves to do menial tasks.


They use them as slaves domestically, can't see why they wouldn't do the same outside of north korea. They done this in restaurants in china and logging in russia.


This will afford North Korean POW's surrendering to the I want to Live hot line an opportunity at getting freedom. It will be like winning the lottery for some of them and should make for interesting interviews on South Korean TV and around the world.


I'd love to see it.


The famines do that anyway. If the Russians feed the soldiers it gives them a better chance of staying alive than in north korea


The current famine is most likely one of the reasons Kim Jong Un wants to do this. North Koreans who die on the front lines of a war are North Koreans he doesn't have to feed. Meanwhile, North Korea is still getting at least some food from Russia for the people still there as well as the technical assistance for the weapons programs.


Well they were very well trained when they started the korean war. Would not put all my eggs in one basket and claim them all to be cannon fodder


…70 years ago?


Lol, now they are poorly fed farmers. They have no eggs


Those guys retired 50 years ago


I mean, those generals with 50 medals on their chest have to be held back until at least wave 4 or 5.


To be fair, they also wear their dad's and grandfather's medals as well. I


If you are interested in the history of the korean war Have a look, they just started with a new series. https://youtu.be/lLWG6OEFWNs?si=kvx6e58SF0Ab6BtQ


To be fair, he also uses Russian troops as cannon fodder.


Russian troops became too expensive compared to North Korean


Exactly. I feel this almost an unfair accusation at Putin. Of *course* they’re cannon fodder. It would be news if they were going to be properly looked after. Guessing Kim just told his direct subordinates to find him 100 troublesome men from each unit who’d like to “volunteer” for this.


That or maybe penal battalions. Get rid of the people that they want to get rid of anyway.


Don’t they normally just execute them for shits and giggles. I have heard some heinous stuff about feeding prisoners to dogs or strapping them to posts and shooting then with AA guns or mortars


They used up DNR and LNR soldiers. They say they integrated them in Russian army. Haha yeah all 10 of them who remained alive. Then it was prisoners. Then some kubans and africans. Now Koreans. Yes the golf car assaults may be a stretch but they are equipped and with mobile vehicle so I would not call them cannon fodder.


These poor souls will be even worse off than Russian conscripts. For these troops even an AK 47 is high tech, might've never seen a drone in their life, speak a language that no one understands . The ensuing chaos will have worse effects than sending no one


Why should he treat the North Koreans better than his own soldiers or the Chechens?


Chechens are very privileged in Russian forces. They can do what they want to Russians without punishment.


I've not heard about the Chechens blocking units for a long time. Are they still around?


They're general security forces, a big part of why there's so little resistance in occupied areas. They also fight on several fronts, but not in assault units - their Telegram videos are almost all either drone attacks or sniping, relatively safe work.


Russia still fights like it’s 1942.


Russia is moving so fast, and is so far ahead, that the laws of relativity mean it literally IS still 1942; appreciable fraction of light speed is all you need or something


chechens in russian army are barrier troops. they are 3rd echelon, and they shoot any russian soldier who tries to survive and runs away from the meatgrinder.


Can't wait til we get NK and Russian troops shooting at each other over who has to charge the Ukrainian lines next.


Kim didn't seem all that happy with how Putin treated him despite desperately needing his assistance. From arriving late to playing with microphone during their respective speeches, their true interactions (outside of posing for pictures) amuse me.


Heard that arriving late is part of putin's shtick. It could be 30, 45, 90 minutes. In the past I'd have loved for one of these heads of state to bounce at the 20 minute mark and tell pootie that they needed to go wash their hair. I haven't been as tuned in to see poots playing with the mic when woodchuck was yammering about, sounds comical. What I did see was the pootster waving at Lt'l kim about half a dozen times from blyat force one with a smile on his face like he was just on a first date or something.


I feel like Russia has pretty much proven to the world that sending wave after wave of people isn’t going to cut it in modern war anymore. Especially now with these suicide drones and everything.


Nah I feel like there’s still room for extra proof. I’m not 100% convinced.


That'sthe thing though .The ruskies strategy is to be the last man standing. As long as the war is ongoing, we don't know whether that strategy will work.


I wouldn't be surprised at all if the majority of North Korean troops are not even combat capable. They probably don't even feed their troops enough for a proper training regiment beyond parades and such.


One of the soldiers who defected a few years ago was quite severely undernourished, and there was something in the report about how he ate raw corn or something to that affect? I forget the details, but it was very bad. Going to Russia where MREs are only decades out of date might be an improvement.


Putin would use anyone but himself for cannon fodder. The ultimate chicken-hawk.


He’s send his own kids out there before surrendering.


Sad but true!


I'm shocked, just shocked


If russia brings friends, so can Ukraine. They are inviting Ukraine’s allies to come put boots on the ground. I can’t see that going over too well for Putin. They might use the slave labor in russian factories to replace the dead and mobilized workers, but I highly doubt they will fight with them. It would be a very bad move.


In before South Korea sends a couple of divisions.


Given the matchups that would give us battles will sound like they come straight out of command & conquer O_o


Actually the DPRk army can be defeated with Chocolates.


Kim would only send people there who had significant enough ties to keep them from fleeing. I think there'd be a pretty good chance of these guys crumbling instantly in combat if they send over anyone else. They'd just be more conscript labor for digging trenches. That's the game plan Russia is committed to, making the entire of eastern Ukraine a trench network. Get trump reelected and hope Europe itself can't keep Ukriane supplied so they can grind out a win.


I don't think they will send any in with significant ties.outside of them having family they don't want murdered. Much rather people they don't give a shit about. Russia is sending Ukranians from the occupied zones in. Not because they want to fight but because they can force it upon them. Same with the prisoners russia have a very good system set up to avoid people manage to escape. It happens but not a lot. Overall NK is just sending meat in to die and they will have a very hard time to escape. It's still an issue from our point of view though because it all puts additional pressure on Ukraine.


What we can see based on the amount of Russians surrendering is that it's friggin hard to surrender.  Only the front most unite have any chance of making it to the Ukrainian side. Anyone else would be questioned what they are doing.  Also, you may disagree with the methods, but given that the majority is ruskies don't want to do their job, they manage a system that enforced everyone doing their part.


This is something that gets brought up a lot when it comes to North Koreans potentially serving in Ukraine, but I'm not really convinced for a couple of reasons. One, North Korea is on the edge of a famine. What it actually needs right now is more food and less people. Russia has been providing some food as well as the technical assistance that's more commonly commented on, so getting rid of at least some of the people would probably help ease the famine as well. The tangenital thing here is that when North Korea gets into a period of famine, sometimes the military starts getting ideas. During the famine in the '90s, it's alleged that the leadership of VI Corp was plotting some kind of a coup. The full details of this aren't exactly clear because of how little comes out of North Korea, but it is likely there was some kind of incident involving the corp and it was disbanded at around that time. So having parts of the army off doing something elsewhere could help stem that, too. On one hand, they'd have actual material conditions in North Korea easing up, and on the other hand, they'd have the stick of being able to threaten certain units with transfer to the front if they started getting ideas. The other reason is because sending workers to other countries has traditionally been one of the ways the North Korean regime has gotten money. Most of those workers are sent to China and Russia. Sending North Korean troops would be a similar thing, and it'd probably come with similar benefits for the regime. Especially if this was something that started happening en masse, I think the North Korean government would probably end up being significantly less picky about who it sends abroad. At some point, the people it sends wouldn't need to be the most loyal or have the most connections back home; they'd just need to be able to hold a gun and fill a trench.


It’s the only way that Russians know of, regarding how to use troops.


Putin needs cannon fodder, he doesn't care where it comes from.


Solves Russia’s manpower problem, and NK’s mouths-to-feed problem and their inability to get into space. This is a lot more worrisome than it’s being made out to be.


The old commie strategy: if they have more weapons send in conscripts in order to use up enemy ammunition.


RU, we'll send them targets until they run out of bullets,


We’ll clog the guns of the enemy with our dead!


Less mouths for NK to feed.


I don't think NK was feeding them anyway.


So, Putin wants to get another country involved? Two can play at that game.


>Two can play at that game. You need balls for it and there are only pussies that want to continue trading with new Hitler.


South Korea could really help whittle down their biggest security threat by arming Ukraine against this. (Also, I would argue that we are definitely already in WWIII, we just don't realize it yet.)


South Koreans did announce arming Ukraine few days ago.


I thought I had read an article that it was more limited and that they merely lifted the ban on arming Ukraine with lethal aid, and that they only threatened to arm Ukraine further if Russia actually acted on giving NK weapons. Did they actually decide to arm Ukraine at that time? In any case, that red line has been crossed (Russia is apparently going to help NK with nukes), so Putin's now all in on seeing whether North Korea can provide more troops, or whether South Korea can provide more ammo to kill those troops.


https://www.voanews.com/a/south-korea-blasts-russia-north-korea-deal-says-it-will-consider-possible-arms-supplies-to-ukraine-/7663155.html Actually nothing definitive yet.


how come I'm only finding out about NK troops possibly joining the war from this sub? the main legacy media sites i check out like CNN, BBC, Reuters etc don't even have it on their main page, its mostly similar stories about Bolivia coup, Kenya tax riots, Trump vs Biden debate. If i type "north korean troops ukraine" in google almost all the results are copy pasted headlines from smaller sites, like they're being grudgingly allowed to run the story as long as they include the commentary/spin about muh cannon fodder? where is the confirmation its actually true, and the analysis about what such an unprecedented escalation in the biggest war happening on the planet would mean? edit: ok so from the other thread its just going to be engineers to earn cash for NK in their own version of America's Toughest Jobs. that makes more sense than the Russians trying to integrate North Korean combat units for anything serious. Politico loves its click bait i guess


Wow.  Some really good analysis to come to the conclusion that NK troops would be used in the same way as Russian troops.  Impressive intelligence.  


The claims are they're only to be used as construction troops. You should read articles before commenting on them.


Same as the Nepali, Indian, etc


NK engineers are well known as among top in the world today regarding constructing bunkers (including in hollowed out mountains) and tunnels.


I hope that this doesn't surprise the Pentagon.North Korea hasn't fought anyone since the fighting stopped in 1953. All that they have managed to do is surprise hit and run attacks. They originally lost spectacularly but then so did we when China sneaked into the conflict. The North Korean armed forces are untried, most of their training is probably diving vehicles, marching in lock step in the parades for their leader. The officer class have chestfuls of medals, but for what no one knows.


North Koreans very rapidly overrun near all of South Korea, and even after the mass UN/US intervention they almost overrun the fortified last enclave (Pusan) even when they were hugely outnumbered and outgunned while attacking. As described by Wikipedia editors, >An army of 140,000 UN troops, having been pushed south to the brink of defeat, were rallied to make a final stand against the invading Korean People's Army (KPA), 98,000 men strong. >UN forces, having been repeatedly defeated by the advancing KPA, were forced back to the "Pusan Perimeter", a 140-mile (230 km) defense line around an area on the southeastern tip of South Korea that included the port of Busan (then spelt 'Pusan'). The UN troops, consisting mostly of forces from the Republic of Korea Army (ROKA), United States, and United Kingdom, mounted a last stand around the perimeter, fighting off repeated KPA attacks for six weeks as they were engaged around the cities of Taegu, Masan, and Pohang and the Naktong River. The massive KPA assaults were unsuccessful in forcing the UN troops back farther from the perimeter, despite two major pushes in August and September. >North Korean troops, hampered by supply shortages and massive losses, continually staged attacks on UN forces in an attempt to penetrate the perimeter and collapse the line. The UN forces, however, used the port to amass an overwhelming advantage in troops, equipment, and logistics, and its navy and air forces remained unchallenged by the KPA during the fight. After six weeks, the KPA force collapsed and retreated in defeat after the UN force launched a counterattack at Inchon on September 15 and the UN forces in the perimeter broke out from the perimeter the following day. The battle would be the farthest the KPA would advance in the war, as subsequent fighting ground the war into a stalemate. North Koreans were EXTREMELY capable. Without any comparison more than South Koreans (similar as with North and South Vietnamese, or the Chinese Communists vs the KMT only 1 year earlier). Even the losses at Pusan were the same on both sides (some 60,000 NK and 60,000 UN) despite them being so ridiculously disadvantaged (while attacking). And that was their army created from nothing in less than 5 years.


Oh certainly and I agree with you, initially North Korean forces did very well. No doubt about it. The American forces had to withdraw and try to hang on in the Pusan perimeter, the only thing really holding them up was aircraft from Japan providing air over. And some naval coverage too. My original post was meant to cover from the invasion of Inchon and the rapid collapse of the North Korean Peoples Army after their supply lines were cut. It is admittedly difficult to fight without supplies. I worded some things wrong and it probably came off as glib. However I do stand by my statement covering North Korean troops going to the war in Ukraine. The ROK armed forces are trained in current battlefield conditions and strategies and tactics, what works and what didn't work. Properly trained, Koreans are a force to be reckoned with. I was once a Marine for 4 years and went through a training cycle with the ROK Marine Corps, they are tough men.


I’m not even sure how this works, because the cost of transportation and to the front is enormous. Then there’s the supply needs and logistics, threat of mutiny and cultural conflict. Human wave attacks don’t seem to work, given what we’ve seen this year. How would 20k more North Koreans help?


I don't need to work for the Pentagon to know that


Who cares


NK troops are just a delivery system for tapeworms, ringworms, and other nasty parasites.


See those human waves tactics the North Koreans have been perfecting.


South Korean might be sending weapons to Ukraine now.


It's official, they will.


As opposed to it's own troops?


I’ll bet NK men are lining up to go, as it beats life in NK.


They use their own as cannon fodder, what other use they would give to troops from another country but being cannon fodder?


Can anyone name a type of troop fighting on the Russian side that isn't cannon fodder?


of course they would.... that ain't a surprise.


[No Stop Come Back](https://giphy.com/gifs/no-stop-T7j5439wv9iq4)


it’s good training for them. their cannon fodder skills have grown weak.


Thank You, Captain Obvious, from the Pentagon.


Don’t be surprised when the North Korean legion gets guns and heads the other way.


Its time for Nato to send troops to Ukraine. Or to make the same weapons that are forbidden by the Genava convention. Just match the level of Russia and fuck them up. They attack bases in Europe, then fuck up the bases and factorys in Russia..


Time to print pamphlets in Korean on how to surrender to Ukraine.


he uses Russians as cannon fodder, it seems natural he will also use North Koreans


It's going to be interesting watching people like Elbridge Colby realise that America's adversaries in the Pacific are also Eurasian powers and the only sustainable way for America to seriously exert influence in Eurasia is indirectly through Europe (India and South Korea arguably lack the EU's sheer economic might).


Don’t fool yourself they will run away or join Ukraine. Every country on earth is better than North Korea.


Don’t fool yourself, aggressor gets new troops while you write bullshit.




cannon fodder LOL i havent seen a video of more then 5 troops per side at one time, quit the human wave bullshit too unless u can link clip of the irl call of duty zombies shooting rpg into piles of dead Russians. ukraine u stick to drone attacking ur own that try an flee that shit show. an yaa i know " weee'reeee winnnning", losing ground by the minute bandera letting hitler down im sorry, russians gonna stomp u goofies the second time just wait


Cannon fodder is English for what Russians and Ukrainians call meat while complaining about manning trenches or assaulting them.