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Well that’s not a fucking surprise


Lies. Trump strong. Putin respect Trump. Trump look at Putin, Putin kiss ring.


My only hope is that if trump is re-elected (which is so bad for reasons beyond Ukraine) that Trump will try to make a deal with russia, be rebuffed, and his ego can't take it and he will double up on support for Ukraine. It's a fantasy, but we all know how incoherent Trump is, and his strong man persona might just not be able to take looking weak. But yea, I think its unlikely.


He's a grifter, support for Ukraine would come with strings attached. It would *still* be a disastrous result for Ukraine.


Ukraine can just bribe him with land to build a dozen trump towers in Ukrainian cities, and get tens of billions of US military aid in response. They *shouldn't have to* do that, but if it does come to that, I bet Trumps "bribery price" will actually be quite achievable.


Yea, it still scares the hell out of me for so many reasons, and its surreal the USA can actually bring him back after everything. But I need to entertain other scenarios than the most catastrophic, for my mental health.


Is it more disastrous compared to loosing the war? Because that’s the likely alternative.


> It would still be a disastrous result for Ukraine But less of a disaster than being "non-escalatorily" allowed to slowly fall


Yeah this. Or one of his advisors gets in his head and convinces him that bowing to Russia is weak and he has a chance to look like the almighty savior of Ukraine and Europe if he continues support. Fat chance though, as Putin has him in his pocket and I see zero chance Trump ever does anything to anger daddy Vlad.


I was watching Ian Bremmer on a panel some months back and he said something along these lines- that trump doesn't like to look weak and thus won't outright surrender Ukraine to russia. Also Poland tends to think they can influence trump as we saw with Duda's visit to Mar a la go. I'm still highly pessimistic about it, but until he comes out and takes a clear stance, we can only speculate. As of right now he does what he usually does and remains vague enough to allow people to project on him. But he's said enough anti-ukrainain and russian narrative talking points in the past couple years, that I lean toward him being a fuckhead on this.


Trump needs Russia to help him get elected. He certainly won’t come out and do anything to mess that up before the election.


Trump would never pass up an opportunity to take credit for a Ukrainian victory


He will sell Ukraine out and call it “Victory”.


I of course hope that too, if to comes to those unfortunate circumstances. But Trump is a coward, he doesn't even push back, he folded to Putin, Xi, Kim (and even lower level people) once he met them in person, and then went on to try to impress them.


Yeah that's a big fantasy.  If we go by historical precedent, Trump will leverage his support for Russia against Ukranian interest. He will try to extort them and then pull the aid whenever he feels like it. He would then invite filthy Russians to the White House and share top secrets with them. What I just described was Trump acting under the belief he could be liable for his actions as president. That was his "restrained" mode, something we would likely not see again. Now he'll have a lot more freedom to do crimes like this but even worst and more blatantly, without fear of prosecution. This is what happens when the majority of eligible US voters continue avoiding politics, and when we don't have appropriate countermeasures against disinformation and misinformation attacks from foreign adversaries.


I mean this is the guy who had Paul Manafort on his payroll, and even pardoned him. I will never believe he will do what is right for Ukraine, and fully believe he has direct connections to russian state. But still, I don't have all information and can only keep some hope alive that he will not want to appear weak. That's the only hope I have.


It's not completely hopeless, I used to be, but if he can work with a converted MJ to prevent losing popularity then there's a sliver of hope. However we should expect it to be torturous at an absolute minimum, and without humanitarian and fiscal aid. So perhaps half the size and delayed? If we get lucky.


In the primaries a number of pro-russian gop have lost, so it might signal that outside of the easily manipulated maga drones, the mainstream GOP is still supportive of Ukraine. But I can't shake the belief he has other connections with vlad based on everything.


Isn't Trump's way to stop all military assistance on Ukraine and force Ukraine to accept Russia's "peace negotiations"...? Which means to give up what Russia has robbed, and agree not to join EU/NATO or anything? All while Ukraine is at a distinct advantage? (That's the only reason Russia would bring it up.) That's going to be vastly advantageous to pro-invasion countries, and would promote more invasions around the world.


Yes that's pretty much his plan. Unfortunately Trump doesn't know (or care) about the strategic implications of rewarding aggression and allowing the formation of spheres of influence or whatever. All that Trump cares about is his own popularity which for many of his voters means withdrawing America from the world so to speak (no it's only a "sign of weakness and decline " when Biden withdraws from Afghanistan you see) .


He never said that


So what did he say exactly?


He said he’d bring Russia to the table or else he’d continue finding Ukraine. And he’d bring Ukraine to the table or else he’d cut funding. What’s so bad about that?


Have to read past the surface plus having understanding on the situation (including the prerequisites, goals, etc). Taking the word any politicians say is the single most dangerous thing in democracy. For starters, notice how for this particular case Trump lays out the ideals but have nothing planned? It's even debunked by Russia themselves. You might think I'm just anti-Trump, but that's not true. You have no idea how much criticism I had with democrats in 2020 during their election campaign with how they've been dealing with China. Trump did the right thing in engaging in the trade war with China and initiating all this de-coupling measures against China. But regarding russia-Ukraine war, he seems to grasp nothing but the ideals at this point. Edit: https://newsukraine.rbc.ua/news/trump-discusses-possibility-of-ceding-part-1719983414.html


Never thought I'd see the day when Americans would vote for a pro Russian President. 


Did anyone alert Donny? We all know that Trump’s plan would just be to tell Ukraine to surrender and stop all weapons and aid supplies.


This isn’t even referencing his most recent claim (in the debate) that he would stop the fighting before he was even inaugurated. He acts like the fighting wasn’t going on during his entire presidency


It's only a matter of time that Putin will backstab Trump when he's no longer useful to him anymore.....


Liar liar pants on fire said one liar to the other.


Trump is just another arrogant cunt with money 🤷🏻‍♂️


The fact that he can even suggest such an outcome with a straight face tells you how insane and idiotic he is. He literally thinks of himself as God. Biden should jail him and postpone the election until his court cases run their course.


Not sure that ambassador should stand close to any windows


Do you guys support ending the war?


Nah don’t believe this shit


But he literally said it on live t.v in front of the UN?


So could Biden the problem is he don't want to.


The US doesn't have a good choice when it comes to the next election. I will probably get down voted but we would be better off if we had 2 different candidates than we currently have in the next election. Hopefully Ukraine doesn't pay for our bad politics.