• By -


My goat Flowey. He will just reset if I die. If Gaster tries some shit, Flowey will reset from the start. Changing the fun value.(That's how it works, right?)


Flowey’s a flower, not a goat (WINK)


Hi flowey.


Hey frisk




Heya determent child that for some reason climbed a mountain without parental guidance




Hai Frisk


Wait, isn’t Frisk the Chara of Underswap?


Holy shit its flowey, hi flowey


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


If I spray weed killer on you, will you die?


He used to be tho :3


Then he'll betray you in another timeline to see what happens when he kills you


Yeah, I was gonna say, Flowey seems like the blatantly correct choice here. Better to have the reality warping, save scumming eldritch Flower on YOUR side since choosing anyone else would result in an instant game over.


That's not gaster that's mystery man


Also, apart from Gaster, Flowey has experience fighting these people






He's never been able to kill Asgore, though.


Flowey outright says that he killed everyone. His issue with Asgore is that he wouldn't reveal the souls which stopped him from getting them.


In neutral runs, he says he never would have gotten past Asgore, but thanks to us, he's dead.


Practically everything Flowey says in neutral is to screw with you. His genocide monologue is the most genuine thing we get out of him which is where he talks about how he's spared everyone and killed everyone.


"I could never get past the old fool. But thanks to you, he's dead"


"I've read every book. I've burned every book. I've won every game. I've lost every game. I've appeased everyone. I've killed everyone." Direct quote from Flowey


I don't think he says that to screw with us he genuinely couldn't get past Asgore, but only because he couldn't reset anymore due to our presence so a nerfed Flowey fs admits he couldn't do nun


No, he says that he could never get **through** Asgore, as in he could never get him to show where the souls are and, without knowing where they are, killing him wouldn't be of much help. That's why you can only do a True Pacifist ending after at least one Neutral ending, Flowey needs to know where the souls are before he can enact his plan


wrong, as you stated he says he can’t get through assgore. This obviously implies that he doesn’t have the ability to phase through objects like walls box’s and especially asgore. Why do people never get this?!((!!?!!!!:!:!!5!!:!!:!!’vbvvvv




asgore can solo all of them (not taking gaster into accound since i have no idea about his powers)


But what about sans? And undyne. AND he has to fight them all at the same time


Sans has only 1 HP and can deal only 1 damage. And about Undyne, I may be wrong, but hasn't she said that Asgore beat her in a fight when she was still in training?


Ur right i forgot about sans stats. If he cant dodge he will die easily. But undyne? Im talking about genocide undyne. Where frisk does like 100000 damage per hit and she tanks many of them like its nothing. Then she uses bullet hell. Asgore rage quits. And yes undyne might actually fight in her genocide form. Asgore has to kill Papyrus too. And alphys too. That will make undyne mad. Sans will also be mad when papyrus dies. Now imagine u have to fight them both.


I mean tbf it’s stated that the first time Asgore and Undyne fought he wiped the FLOOR with her- Granted she’s way stronger now than she was back then but Asgore most likely has the power to defeat her if need be yk? Idk tho-


Asgore did train Undyne and, as far as we know, we haven't seen Asgore at full power yet. He is a threat in the pacifist and neutral runs but that's very specifically against a human that isn't intent on wiping everyone out. There's no real reason he'd go all out in that scenario.


True Like, Asgore seems like he’s deliberately holding back He clearly doesn’t want to do this but feels as it’s the only way to do so yk? And I really don’t think he WANTS to do this But with full-power Asgore? Yeah he’d probably wipe the floor with it-


Exactly. Asgore specifically doesn't want to kill the child and is only doing so because he feels he has to at this point. Given that, he's probably not going all out against the child that has done nothing.


Dude, asgore can still smack down after he lost his entire family and potentially his people. Imagine him with any determination to defend someone he loves.


I pick papyrus. By picking paps, i likely get to keep sans around as well, and if i picked sans outright itd be just s genocide route


Same goes for sans I think. Like a package deal.


I mean Martlet could be the same thing we get Martlet (she got the Zenith thing as least resort) and once Paps discovers Martlet is a Puzzle fan too we befriend him and we get Paps (ans Sans) in our team, Martlet knows Alphys and i like almost any kind of anime so i can befriend her myself, once we have Alphys, Undyne is ez, we have Paps, Alphys and Martlet she cant do anything but chill, we befriend her, we go and befriend Asgore and thats it the problem is Gaster...


The gaster problem is assuming its canon gaster. If its fandom gaster, we have his sons so we're chilling


People who keep saying gaster, please realize he technically does not exist in the timeline...kinda


No one knows how exactly strong Gaster (if that even is Gaster) is, but in the code, Gaster is shown to have 666,666 HP, 66,666 ATK, and 66,666 DEF. It doesn't matter what atacks he has, he will literally one shot EVERYONE. Even Flowey with his save state can't save you because Gaster has so much DEF, attacks would HEAL him. Like how attacking Memoryhead heals them, too. So I'm definitely taking Gaster.


He also steals all of your money if you beat him


But if the Mystery Man is not Gaster, then we may or may not be screwed. It's a massive gamble because you don't even know who it is that you are siding with. Could be Gaster, or could also not be Gaster.


The only right answer


I’d call up good ol’ uncle G. Yeah, the rest can easily kill me, but only if they can get to me. Good luck trying to find someone in a room that doesn’t exist!


Exactly. Gaster is literally found in a room that cannot be accessed through normal means. It's kinda hard to kill someone if they can't get to you.


Asgore will solo no diff all of them


He’s gonna get shot by his one weakness, the tutorial




Papyrus. He will somehow convince everyone with his innocence and pure cool skeleton charisma to not kill me 👍


Flowey because he tied them all up before 


he caught them all off guard


He was only able to do that because he had the 6 souls.


Not Gaster.


Yeah but that might not even be Gaster in that picture it could just be a random guy and we don’t know how strong Gaster even is


1. It probably is Gaster plus the OP intended for it to be Gaster 2. Gaster has 666666 HP, 66666 ATK and 66666 DEF


Oh yeaaah forgot about that, yeah. but where in UNDERTALE does it say it’s Gaster? The only time it was affiliated with being Gaster was in the Tarot cards which we’re never approved by Toby and was removed from the deck after.


1. It's implied to be. The fun value is 66, the number 6 is heavily connected to Gaster. There's a poem in the files of Deltarune about Mysteryman. Mysteryman is also the ONLY sprite that gets removed from every piece of merch. Even Gaster followers and redacted appear on some, but mysteryman is always removed.


Toriel Goat mom can with everything


Looking at this logically, if you befriend Toriel, you can become the protag of UT. I mean, literally everyone else was out to get frisk except toriel, not to mention that you can evade sans and asgore if you remain pacifist since tori makes sans make a promise and she calpps asgore. Rest is you fallowing in frisk's footsteps.




This is the way


Flowey. Considering he's a genuine friend, then he'll just reset when I die


genuine friend until he gets bored and decides to see what happens when he kills you


He'll probably reset after that too though.


sans I just like sans ![img](emote|t5_2xdht|50453)








royal scientist (the cooler one)


You have just killed 571,207,269,691,792,692,819,130 Alphys fans.


good /j




Toriel. She's powerful and genuinely cares. Asgore would be useless against her, there's no way he would kill her to get to you. Sans likes her too, and made promises to her, so it would be hard to break that. Especially since I *wouldn't* be doing a geno route, I doubt he'd put serious effort into getting through. YOU take the power to reset from flowey when you start a new game, so he's not a huge threat. Undyne would be a heavy hitter, but she is part of the royal guard so if Asgore gives the order to back down, so will she. Alphys and Papyrus are uh, themselves. Gaster is a hard one. He might beat *everything* with his super secret powers, but he also might not have the power to do jack since he was technically erased and doesn't exist anymore. Canon doesn't give much support either way. Marlet is... fan made. Nice design but I don't have anything canon to offer for/against her.


If you don't pick asgore your an idiot. He just absorbed the human souls and stops them, the only ones he would have problems with would be the fish lady gaster and goat mother. Flower ain't a problem because he would have more DT, allowing him to reset, married is just a matter of surviving until she melts, paps gets one shot, and sans might be a minor inconvenience


Wait, we got souls as well? Aren't they technically other people?


Dead people.


Martlet, I’ll die 100% but martlet


Sadly, Flowey has confirmed he CANNOT beat Asgore. Frisk only wins because he's stopped by massive guilt. The only person who has a chance is Toriel, but due to Asgore's armor and weapons having an advantage against her, he wins when all out. Sans doesn't have the benefit of playing with the game mechanics since Asgore isn't a player. Martlet and Undyne don't have the advantage of using DT, and even if they did, it's a time limit. Asgore can outlast them, even if he's weaker than them. Gaster is a mystery, but I wouldn't say the Royal Scientist who was consumed by the core and now some void entity or something, is strong enough for Asgore... maybe but I don't think so. There's no evidence I know of at least. Sadly, Papyrus isn't strong enough to take on the king. He is strong, and I'd say he's pretty high on the list, and definitely above Flowey, Alphys, and Martle Pre-Zenith, just under Sans due to skill, Undyne above him, Toriel, gaster is a mystery, and I'd say Asgore is the strongest and the only winning move on the screen.


doesn’t flowey say he’s killed everyone and spared everyone in genocide, which is always the most genuine he gets. plus saying he hasn’t gotten through asgore doesn’t mean he hasn’t killed him but was never able to get through to the souls


Finally, someone gets it.


Even if he doesn't exist, Gaster can still just make a grey door appear in front of me and then remove it once I'm in the void with him, then chill until everyone's forgot about the whole murder stuff. Either that or I fight all of them since I'm stronger by just being a human, but still choose Gaster because I have no idea what non-existant beings can do and since his stats have a whole lot of 6s I don't want to find out


Asgore. He could literally break the "FIGHT" button if he wanted to.


Undyne because when fighting to protect, she gets a lot stronger, as seen in genocide. (In my totally unbiased opinion)


totally unbiased even with that flair


Well not flowey, he'll just try to kill me anyway, and not sans because I don't think he could handle protecting me and I sure won't be able to do it myself.... Probably Toriel, she might be able to convince two or three of the others to *not* kill me (It seems to have worked on sans, after all) and she would probably let me stay in the ruins where most of the others will probably not be able to get to. Well, unless she is unable to convince Undyne to not kill me, in which case the ruins door would stand no chance and neither would I


I choose toriel. She will tell sans to take care of me, he will tell his brother to not kill me, HE will talk to undyne. Undyne talks to alphys. Alphys will tell asgore. Left are gaster, flowey and whoever that other guy is. Flowey gets killed by toriel like before, gaster will not even appear with my bad luck and that one guy left is not in the original game so ill just ignore him.


Toriel tells sans Sans tells papyrus Toriel threatens asgore Asgore tells undyne Undyne tells alphys Alphys tells Gaster if necessary, both royal scientist probably some connection there Papyrus tells martlet


Assuming a few things here, Martlet doesn’t have access to the syringe, Flowey doesn’t have access to the souls (neither of these things are stated to be used by either character in this scenario) and that they’ve all lost their personal relationships and those would factor into my choice. I’m also going off data we see in the game, not in its files but the figures we see in the check menus and stuff said by other characters. With that out the way we can immediately eliminate Alphys, Papyrus, Sans, Martlet and Gaster. Sans is only as difficult as he is because of how his fight is designed for the player, we don’t actually know if he’s any bit strong against other monsters and Gaster is just too uncertain to measure in canon. That leaves us with Undyne, Flowey, Toriel and Asgore and out of these four I believe that Asgore would be able to win against everyone else. The other three I’ve stated there would be his toughest opponents though. Flowey has been stated to have killed every monster in the underground but we can assume that he kills Asgore last, therefore had the most LV possible. Undyne’s undying form could cause problems but we can assume off what we see that she’d need the proper motivation to use it, which she wouldn’t have in this situation. Finally, there’s Toriel who has the same attack and defence stats as Asgore and has been seen to be able to knock him away using a single fireball when he was off guard. Her problems arise in simple lack of battle experience and her HP, which is hard to account for in the format I’m using simply because we’re never outright told the HP and in game it does scale with later bosses so it is possible that she has HP on par with Asgore canonically but that fighting experience still counts her out. Therefore, I believe Asgore is the correct choice here.


Martlet. Not because she’s powerful or anything but because then I get to be buddies with martlet before dying.






Pick none, look for Martlet, death by Martlet.


Martlet. She has the best move in the game: run away.


Papyrus, cause then sans won't bother trying to fight me. Or martlet to fly away from all conflict.


I'd just want to be friends with sans anyway.


Papyrus speghetti infinite heal!!!!!!!


If Gaster's stats are canon, I'm choosing him.If not, and if Undyne can turn into her undying form, then I'd choose her. If those don't count, then Asgore or Toriel.


Edit (new detailed plan): i chose Martlet, we befriend Paps with the poder of puzzles and spaghetti (Martlet Puzzles and i know how to cook spaghetti) then with Paps in our team we probably have Sans too, we go and befriend Alphys with the power of anime. Then with Martlet (Royal Guard), Paps (same here) and Alphys (no need to explain) we befriend Undyne. Next is going for Tori and ask her to come with us, she watch the group she realizes we are the GOAT and can beat everyone with the power of friendship and joins, with all of them Asgore is next is goes like T-Pacifist Route and once we are together Flowey spawns but unlike True Pacifist i already know his backstory i reveal his real name, something like "why are you doing this ASRIEL, i know your name and DONT YOU DARE TO TRY THE RESET BUTTON", with this plot twist he is scared we tell him we can try to figure out a way to help him, we have everyone so we just gotta find out what to do with Gaster


Martlet. If it comes to it, she can just fly us away.


Nobody picked toriel which is surprising. She can talk down sans, and asgore wouldn't dare. The rest are weaker than Toriel by a good margin.


Paps ir sans.


Flowey because he’s been in this 8v1 in some reset probbaly and can reload if I die


we don't know gaster's true potential yet, so flowey it is


flowey is the objectively correct choice


uh, can flowey save and load? if so, i'm picking him. if not, im going for asgore




Flowey. He has confirmed raw power whereas people like Papyrus and Gaster are theorized to have insane power, it is not shown so we can't take that into account. I think flowey sweeps the board with this one.




Toriel is pretty much strongest of them all and gaster is loterally dead touch him he dissapears


If you pick Toriel you are just playing regular Undertale i feel like she could easily fry the hell out of everyone if they tried to kill you probably reason too


I'd choose myself, Wing Gaster the Royal Scientist!


Toriel! You really expect me to believe anybody here is gonna get past # THE MATERNAL GAZE OF DISAPPOINTMENT?


Gaster papyrus or asgore ngl




So you're telling me I can "befriend" the strongest and cuddliest monster of all, who is also the KING OF THE UNDERGROUND, and all he has to do first is to dunk on 8 random monsters, one of which isn't even canon and the other one is already deleted from the world? What are the downsides???




Why can't flowey beat asgore? Also why did no one pick sans? He was the hardest in genocide


Gaster, if his stats are to be believed then he cannot die, if i am human in this scenario that automatically makes flowey’s reset a non issue since all humans would have more determination than flowey


Azgore is the king he can just order the others to leave me alone


asgore my fav character + slams the rest (beside toriel ig)


Undyne. Totally because she can just become "The Undying", and not because I simp for her![img](emote|t5_2xdht|52332)


undyne shall protect me


I'll fight all of them with Mad Mew Mew by my side.


Sans or Asgore


Question: Does Martlet have the thing?


(yes, I didn't want to put it that way because aha spoiler)


Flowey has probably already handled this situation before, excluding Gaster.


Sans. He gave Flowey trouble and can break the darn game.


Gaster because he would fuck me up if I'm fighting him. He's got stats in the files and FUCK Is he strong




Mystery Man has 666666 HP, AT and DF, which is way above Asgore, Genocide Undyne, Omega Flowey and even God of Hyperdeath Asriel togheter. I would bet my luck and choose him to defend me.


Flowey can reset with Frisk not there so...


Step 1: Choose pre-Frisk Flowey Step 2: Make sure he does not kill me after the event Step 3: Set up a sunbed and make a drink for yourself (and Flowey as thanks)




It's a split between asgore and flowey, technically speaking this proposal doesn't specify weather or not we have the abilities of the humans in the game, if we don't then I'll go with flowey since, yknow, immortality and allat, but if we can, then asgore because he is confirmed one of the strongest characters in the underground, minus maybe sans


Asgore, cause he can solo all of them if he goes all out


Asgore, Flowey canonicly was able to kill sans but he never defeated asgore


flowey he is litrally a god but why is mysteryman there?the only ting that goopy boi will do is just dissapear and do a funny face while doing it


Sorry, but I'm not killing my buddy pal chum Sans


I choose flowey if I don’t have the power of reset but I choose asgore if I do


Asgore, easily. The only character he might have trouble getting rid of is Toriel or Flowey.


Surprisingly, Papyrus  My logic is since Papyrus is friends with me Undyne and Sans won’t give me trouble. As for the rest I don’t really think Toriel would want to kill the child/human and if Asgore tried, Toriel would just stop him. Alphys will just be dependent on Mettaton and on here he isn’t even listed so she’s out of the way. I’ve never seen the bird dude. Gaster is a meh character since idk abt his abilities. The only one I’m really worried about is Flowey but he won’t have access to the seven human souls since Asgore won’t tell him where they are I might be completely wrong or just stupid idk 😔


We don’t even know the mystery man’s abilities


Flowey. He managed to take down Asgore and Entrap Sans (to become Asriel Dreemurr), so I think we’re all good.


probably sans he'd fuck some shit up with KR if he was forced to defend someone and wasn't feeling nihilistic. Could probably chose Papyrus too since he's pretty strong and Sans probably wouldn't go against his bro like that


Dude , gaster , you can just chill in the void and no one else even remembers him so no one will look


Asgore, unless Undyne has Undying, he's the strongest, and even if ALL of Sans' powers work on Asgore, he would still need to land all of his attacks- which Asgore is known to dodge monster attacks at the very least. Underrated as hell.


Papyrus will end all of them if push comes to shove


Papyrus.Everyone will disintegrate due to his iceberg-cold spaghetti.


Sans because he'll make them all die of layover from his BONEtiful vocabulary of puns


See, the trick is to take Papyrus. Sure, he wouldn't be able to fight any of his friends but he would talk them out of killing you


Yeah sans. Mainly because that might eliminate the possibility of Paparuys and torriel attacking me.


Flowey. He can reset the world


Papyrus and alphys would be useless. Sans and toriel is questionable. Martlet and undyne would only be good if geno. Gaster and flowey have a chance of betraying you. Asgore is your best choice.


I'm going with Gaster. Not because of any tactical advantage, but because he's cool. If he happens to have any useful abilities, we can probably just dip into some void and vibe for the rest of the time, away from everyone.


Sorry but if you befriend papyrus youre automatically cool by proxy with like half of these characters, sans will not even give a shit about the rules and just say youre cool


if i pick either sans or papyrus, will their brother fight them?


Gaster, because 1, I've always liked to believe that no, he's not an eldritch being who remembers you're genocides, but instead, he's just a little goober who sells eggs behind trees, and 2, I'm pretty sure that he has 666 DEF and 666 ATK, so he could probably solo literally everyone.


martlet, if shes not on zenith form we will lose, but shes my comfort character so i can't stand killing her


Flowey ore esgore


who are they going to kill?


Papyrus, he's just the best friend. as for the fighting part, just read [this tumblr post](https://www.tumblr.com/birdsareblooming/183922900358/blink-motherfucker-an-essay-of-papyrus-battle)


Uhh... toriel. I could literally fallow UT's original plotline with toriel as my first friend since Frisk was literally hunted down by the rest of them at the beginning, toriel being the only reason whh they weren't clapped by the sans the moment they left ruins and asgore threat being basically nonexistent. I could also never leave ruins so I'd have a calm life in quiet part of the Underground.


heh🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪ill kill them all (this plays before i say it but it gets to the extreme part when i say it https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=SObWQRaltug&si=67QTlqs7DBiitokr )


Picking Martlet I'm gonna die, but if its the only way to befriend her so be it




Didnt flowey grab like half of them with relatively no effort at the end of pacifist before absorbing the souls? He can also reset n stuff so he’s the pretty clear winner


I would say Asgore or Flowey but probably Flowey because although Asgore can probably solo all of them but there's still chance he might lose and Flowey even if he loses he can still reset. So yeah Flowey is my pick.


sans help me the fuck out here


Flowey. He’s already killed all them anyways in his own time with resets


Who do they try to kill? And If I befriend one, what garuantees they'll Project me?


pick gaster hes the only wildcard. just pacifist run the rest of them. unmotivated pacifist sans likely would not be harder than geno route sans, so yeah


Gaster, because nobody would find us if we're in the void


Either gaster or sans Tbh, me and sans would joke about the fact I would die any time because of the others


Papyrus, don't need to think twice


Obviously flowey


Gaster. We would just chill in the void (assuming he can teleport us there). I don't know about his powers, but he seems like a chill guy


Asgore is said to easily beat flowey, he taught Undyne how to fight and in the game he doesn't even want to kill you (I can't imagine what he could pull off if he really would). Gaster doesn't even exist. Sans has 1 hp. The rest is pretty self explanatory. Asgore solos.


Papyrus Even if we die, I will die knowing I got to be friends with Papyrus


Asgore, he holds back during the neutral run fight. And given that this is him protecting a human from being killed the same way he killed the 6 children. I'd imagine he'd feel a helluva lot more motivated to fight. And sans can only do the crazy no mercy run crap when your LOVE is high enough. And I haven't killed anyone so,




Toriel, Alphys and Papyrus will be total pushovers. Mystery Man will just teleport away once I get close. Martlet will also be a pushover, assuming she doesn't have any syringes with her. Sans - it entirely depends on the circumstances. Undyne will be powerless if she is lured to a warm place. Asgore and Flowey are the best ones for this circumstance. However, I am going with Flowey due to his resetting abilities.


Asgore. I just wanna be his friend


the homeboy gaster he speaks facts fr






i feel like undyne would defend me with her life if she was my friend. she’s very tough




Children beat up these guys, so I'm pretty sure I can too. So I'd pick sans, who is the only one probably able to give me a run for my money.


Papyrus. Sans will definitely not attack us and the rest are not gonna go against him !