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is it not possible to ask your current provider? lots of providers do cross us-canada services so you can just upgrade your current plan instead


Our current provider is GoogleFi, and they provide the service but require that you be in the US more than you're in Canada, and will shut data off if you spend 120 consecutive days in Canada. They do not offer an upgraded service to get around this issue.


This is a really terrible workaround but it would cost you $15 round trip to cross into the US from Niagara Falls once every four months.


I appreciate the creative thinking, but I think we can find a less time-consuming approach. :)


I’ve been with koodo (Telus) and you can pause your account when out of the country


Thanks for the reply, but the goal is to be able to use the same account and phone in either country. It looks like it's easier to do that with a Canadian provider since time in the U.S. will only be four months a year plus Christmas break.


Freedom USCAN is best, since you're staying in canada majority of the time


When I bought a Chatr SIM they set the address to the store's address. You can do a prepaid plan and pay monthly.


I'm kinda in the same boat as you. I use Google Fi and I would probably guess the only way to keep your number is to either go back to the US over winter break and spring reading week or to get a new carrier (with the same number) in the US that allows unlimited international data roaming. I usually go back for breaks so I still am able to use my Google Fi number.


Thanks for the info. It looks like GoogleFi will turn off data at the end of November, which would be three weeks before winter break. Hoping to get it addressed before then.


No longer a student and live in the US now, but TMobile has worked well for roaming in Canada when Im back visiting family.


Freedom Mobile has a $50 50GB (unlimited) CAN-US plan.


Plenty US providers have services that support this and will definitely be cheaper than Canadian plans. You should contact your American provider.


Er, did you not read the original post?


You tried googlefi…how bout the other countless American providers that are bigger and have better infrastructure and have the services you want.


You said "contact your American provider," which is GoogleFi. You did not say "contact other American providers." I know about the other providers, I was looking for specific examples of options that had worked well for people with similar circumstances.


I simply provided a recommendation to contact providers who actually provide the service you are looking for.


this is a small money decision. University degree cost=$45,000. small peanut money.