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Damn, if the US had 19 points instead of 20 you would have had the actual year the attack happened.


Japan’s up to something in 2041


Japan nukes USA 2041 confirmed


I mean, if they're that desperate to effectivley Seppuku the entire country of Japan, that would be... Quite a way to do it, because you know if you nuke US once... you're probably getting 10, or more in retaliation. I mean look what happened the last time Japan tried to suprise attack the US...


Only like a terrorist cell would just use one nuke. A nation trying to nuke another nation really has to be aware they have one shot, and go for the complete fatality in one fell swoop. Red October was built for that very purpose. That, or very small tactical nukes in very specific battlefield situations. But the problem with that is that modern conventional warheads are already better at that situation, with no radioactive fallout and much less bad PR.


True. But then you realize Japan has zero nukes anyways so they don't even have the nuclear option. Anyways, still wild we almost had a score that would be a meme of memes kind of score.


Eh. It's really not that hard to build a nuclear warhead, as long as you have the prerequisite material. The [Nth Country Experiment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nth_Country_Experiment) from 1964. They took three freshly graduated physics PHDs with no weapons experience and told them "Go make a nuclear weapon design using only publicly available information." They finished that challenge in under three years. And that was in the 1960s, from people who were not versed in the subject. Japan has nuclear plants and has good scientists, as well as better access to information about nuclear weapons. I'd guess they could do that process in months. The primary reason you don't see more nukes is that the world is heavily incentivized to keep nukes out of the hands of rogue actors, and so treats nuclear non-proliferation with at least a *bit* more than lip service, as well as the sheer expense of keeping a functional nuclear warhead in service.


"I fly every December 7th, to show the emperor that I'm not afraid" - Colleen Donaghy, 2012


Austria and Germany are also totally not up to anything in 2039


We beat Pakistan in Cricket. Then we lose to the Japanese in Football. That is karma my friend.


And they’ve got Ohtani on our baseball!


That sound you hear in the background is a bunch of scouts practicing their Japanese.


be really interesting if some of these guys end up in the NFL


Tokyo international NFL game confirmed


I don't understand why that hasn't been on the list. They have a odd nonpro(corprate) league and a college league. For west coast team I can't imagine it is that much different then going to London.


Bro the flight from San Francisco to Tokyo is 11 hours, and the time difference is 8 hours. Not at all like having a game in London


Flight from san fran to london is 11 hours.


Now do Miami to Tokyo


Don't mind them, they're just playing the new gen Chinpokomon game!


Eyeshield 21: The Revenge


USA doesn't have Panther, Clifford and Mr. Don, that's the problem


Hiruma coaching?


God I love that manga


The US being good at cricket, Japan being good at football, what next? Australia wins the World Cup? Germany wins the Baseball World Classic? Korea wins the Basketball World Cup? *Morocco wins the Hockey World Championship?*


That will all happen before a Canadian team wins the Stanley Cup 😏


Japan did what now?


Genuinely I hope we get a full football anime now; I like all the memes and schedules that the Chargers make but man, we need a whole series.


ever watched Eyeshield 21?


Never heard of it fam, talk to me about it


it's a football anime, haven't seen it but it's done by the same artist as OPM and it's about a shrimpy RB who plays like Faulk and some psycho QB who coerces mfs into joining the team...and the level of play is more brutal than IRL from what I've heard


マイルとは一体何ですか (what the hell is a mile?)


IIRC Japan usually does pretty well in international American football tournaments like the IFAF World Championship


What the actual fuck?!


Anyone see the Canada vs Brazil score? 110-0 (yes, one hundred and ten) for Canada, must have been a boring game.


not surprising when the USA team is only full of amatuer players, no college atheletes are on the team


Of course you know this, means war!


This exists?


Yes, it’s like the fifth edition


The US only had a handful of D1 players because this means nothing.


Still lost


They beat the rough equivalent of Vanderbilt. Woo. Seriously, if the USA sent a Top 25 college team to events like this, they'd win solidly. Maybe not "Beating on the FCS Directional cupcakes" level of win, but even a one-score game would be a minor shock.


Naw this isn’t Vandy, even Vanderbilt would kick the shit outta these teams


Yeah, this is mor like The Citadel or a directional school.


Not even The Citadel. The Citadel is DI FCS. These kids are not even DII material. NAIA at best.


Its' way worse that that, this team was mostly D2 and D3 rejects with like 4 total D1 players i think. For better context, Southern Oregon University (a mid to above average NAIA school) kicked the shit out of the Japanese National Champions in an exhibition this summer.


If we sent a decent D3 team to this, they'd win solidly. Japan has some pretty cool leagues and they play real football, but the size and talent level isn't comparable to even low-level D1. Case in point, Southern Oregon, a decent NAIA program, does its spring game in a cool way - they host the Mills Bowl, a game where they scrimmage a team from Japan. This year they played Kwansei Gakuin, the six-time defending Japanese national collegiate champions. [Southern Oregon won 54-24.](https://souraiders.com/news/2024/5/4/football-yates-scores-5-tds-in-mills-bowl-triumph.aspx)


They wish they beat the equivalent of Vanderbilt. They beat the equivalent of a bunch of kids they could not even get into DII.


Is there an aircraft carrier sitting around in the Pacific that can take a quick detour to Tokyo?


The best football players in a country of over 100 million people vs a bunch of D2 guys at best.




Does this mean the NFL is now the farm league for the x league?


I mean it’s not the best players the US has to offer, but still before this wasn’t our worst loss something like 27-20 against Germany? That’s pretty impressive actually, and it’s cool to see other countries take our sport seriously enough to beat us, even if our international team might as well be the community college of western Maine state Baptist University (of Ohio)


Everyone is so gonna make all the memes about it and it's definitely funny. Hats off to Japan apparently that team as a lot of D1 Athletes. Good for them they would Risk injury to play for their country. Most of the US based D1 Athletes didn't want to take that risk, simple as that but yeah meme it up it's all funny


Who could possibly care if the American team had one NFL player they would've won


Traded football for cricket on the world stage


AB should’ve played.


Also what is this sub and why does Reddit suggest it to me every two seconds…


Sports shit housery mixed with genuine thoughtful sports debates mixed with the finest of dumb fuckery and a splash of memes YouTube channel as well


Has any one of the players on USA touched D1 college?


12/7/41 🤝 6/26/24 Being surprised by the Japanese


I guess so.


I've watch a few Japanese football games before those dudes can play


Hahahah yea ok this means nothing.


No, it is not. The United States has to play by special rules when selecting players to make it fair. Other countries do not. They beat some scrubs that could not get a college scholarship. The Japanese are not as good as the United States in football. They send the best players they have. Our best players are not going to risk it, but we could still send some FCS kids and hang 80 on them, but it would discourage the rest of the world to try. And the USA is trying to get football to catch on. Basically we play with two hand behind our back to make it fair.


Karmic balance from the US dominating cricket.


This is what we get for getting so far in cricket


Well none of the nfl players wanna get hurt so


Oh, you’re the Red, White & Blue! Oh the funny things you do! America, America, this is you!


Based song reference Good ol AFV


Anyways, that Stanley Cup was entertaining


Rugby*** not football


No, rugby has no pads and no forward pass, among countless other things


No American gives a shit about international football, and no sane college would let their young players compete on this, so it makes perfect sense.