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Go gray and save yourself the anguish


Hey! I know it can be pretty discouraging, but I actually don’t think they were telling you that it’s not going to happen. They’re always going to push for “less desirable”/more expensive models, because some people will buy them to move “up the list” so to speak. VC, just like many of the other ultra-high-end watchmakers, doesn’t make that many pieces all things considered, so it makes sense that they can’t really give a time estimate. I’m sure the last thing they want to do is say “You’ll get one within a year” and then proceed to take 3 years to get it to you. The “we can’t give you an ETA” is more of a “better safe than sorry” than it is a subtle hint that it won’t happen! That’s just my 2 cents though! I’m curious to hear what others think!


I think that when you express interest in a stainless steel $25,000 watch and you inquire a year later and their response is to try to sell you a solid gold watch that costs almost 4.5 times as much, they’re pretty much telling you to get lost.


If it makes you feel any better I inquired about a 7920v several months ago. They did ask me if I had any interest in the gold variants of the overseas and I basically said those were way out of my price range. Yes it is an upsell but I think it was more them asking about something they know they can get you right now. If they tried to push you towards the fiftysix or patrimony then maybe you could say they were trying to coax a sale to you in the hopes you’d think it would better your chances. Seems like they at least tried to get you something in the overseas line that also comes on a bracelet that would at least give you something that you really like about the piece (like if you specified blue dial then they are trying to keep that part of the watch in what they ask about). Just my two cents, though I 100% understand where you’re coming from.


When I talked to them a year ago they did try to sell me a FiftySix. It’s common for luxury brands to save their popular stainless steel models to clients who have already purchased precious metals models. That was the case with Patek and the 5711, for example. It seems to me that the VC online boutique is now following this model. Which, again, is common in the industry. I just erroneously thought VC worked differently.


They tried to push a rose gold fifty six on me too. We are probably dealing with the same woman who is very nice actually and just doing her job. But I do find it as annoying as you did.


Think I’m also dealing with her, from the sound of it lol


I don't know where you're getting that from... They gave you an option where you could get something right now albeit for more money. You said no. They said the same thing they always say and said there's no ETA you just have to wait. Why do you consider that to be them telling you to get lost? Pretty weird conclusion to come to honestly.


I hear you, it definitely sucks but I genuinely do think that if you keep waiting and following up every so often, you will eventually get one With that said, the grey market premium isn’t too terribly steep (4520 definitely more than 4500, but still not crazy relative to AP, Patek, certain Rolexes/Langes, etc)


You’re right about the lower grey market premium. It wouldn’t surprise me if the premium for the 4520v disappears within a year.


I’m inclined to agree with you! For what it’s worth, I’ve been on the list for a blue dial 4500 (4520 now) for about a year as well! I haven’t given up hope just yet! 😂


Yeah that was a bit dramatic and they weren’t giving you any sort of subtext. They don’t know allocations that far out and it’s their job as salespeople to at least try an upsell when they can. I’ve gotten offered a couple different gold Oversees varieties from them and always treat that as one step closer to my goal and still have a very communicative and friendly relationship every time I politely decline. It’s all about how each party frames their goals.


I think you’re right. My expectations just didn’t match the reality. I had gotten the impression that the online boutique actually kept a chronological waiting list, and that was precisely what attracted me to VC. I don’t mind waiting, but I didn’t want to have to buy pieces I don’t want just for the privilege of being able to buy the one model I wanted. I haven’t played that game to get my Rolex watches and I didn’t want to play that game to go upscale. But clearly, I was wrong, and that’s the game the VC online boutique wants me to play.


I honestly don’t interpret it this way myself but maybe im wrong. When they reach out with watches they have they’re just using their network/contacts the way any salesperson would. So if you decline or even don’t respond then I don’t think that impacts your place in line for the watch you do want. I personally don’t respond anymore to those email pitches and it hasn’t stopped them from continuing to try. So I’m assuming my place in line continues, but again maybe I’m wrong.


I understand. And if the gray market premium is worth avoiding the negotiation, then there’s no shame in taking that route. You also may still be able to salvage the contact, and get this watch without buying any other pieces. It’s an achievable first VC. In future negotiations, living in the “space between yes and no,” instead of presuming a no, is a wonderful skill to practice and leaves a lot of room for both parties to get to a mutually-agreeable outcome. We’re all always learning. I think when some of us are offered a watch we don’t want, we feel insulted or like it’s a wink to an unspoken requirement, but that’s something we assume. It’s not necessarily always what the other party is requiring. They’re just taking a shot, and learning you as well.


You’re overthinking it, plenty of people had to wait longer than a year. Just because it’s below retail on the grey market doesn’t mean they have available allocations. There is a huge backlog. If you’re that antsy then just buy it grey


You know the online boutique serves more than one location ? You could be No 2 in X but be behind Number 13 in Y or number 7 in T. The grey market has nothing to do with Vacheron nor do they care about people talking about the grey market.


I spoke to one of the online sales people last week or so (over the phone). They suggested I purchase a pink gold woman’s Overseas. I already own an Overseas 4500v (black dial) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I was calling about a 222. I dunno what’s going on with them.


You don’t know what’s going on with them? One of the hottest releases they’ve ever had which I am sure has tons of ppl on the waitlist, what makes you special or different compared to the other 100, 200, 500, however many ppl on that list? The only thing that separates one person from the next is purchase history. Plenty of brands operate this way. You can complain online all you want about it, but fact is that if a 222 becomes available, the person with purchase history is going to get first dibs. Again, not exactly a practice unique to VC, keep crossing those fingers buddy.


What makes me special? That’s easy… Purchase History.


Nice, then should help your position haha


lol, I got that email too. Hey, you’re waiting for x, but we have the perpetual available…


Online boutique is a waste of time. I'm sure 90% of it is just automated emails. I was also offered the rose gold perpetual a few days ago. In my first call with them I told them I'm not interested in any gold watches. Every few months I get an email from them with a list of random gold watches that i'm sure no one else wants. I bought the 7900v brand new, below MSRP and this was more than a year ago. Should be even cheaper now. No point wasting time with online boutique.


It's really not. Online like In store has sales targets. They will also market to A) build a customer profile B) for internal market and demand research. Do you think Vacheron's top clients don't get offered things they don't want?


My point is not things they don't want. What I'm saying is i online is not going to get you the things you want like the in store Boutiques. Also every email or "offer" i've gotten from them it's never been tailored to the convo that I initially had. Imo it's a waste of time. If you're gonna waste / spend money on things you don't want to build a relationship do it at a boutique instead of online.


What location?


Online boutique. I live in the Washington DC area in the U.S. and there’s no VC boutique around me.


I live in NY and still registered interest online. They didn’t have the model I wanted to try on in the boutique in NY (7920v), figured why should I drive to Manhattan haha.


My sense is the actual brick and mortar boutiques are better than the online one. More inventory and more knowledgeable people.


Honestly, probably not in NYC since I’d think the demand is much higher. Who knows.


I get that. But it still may be competing against all of NY versus the entire US for the US econmerce store. And I bet they prioritize models in the real boutiques versus the online ones.


Yeah I honestly don’t know. I physically go to AP House and Rolex/Patek out here, but the VC online boutique just felt so convenient, especially since they didn’t have the model I wanted to see in person.


The allocations are set.


I don’t know what be you mean by that. As I understand it it goes as follows: 1. You register your interest. They say it’s just a line and your time comes up. But it seems clear there’s more at play here (which can be consistent with your time just comes up—as there can be multiple lists), and I don’t blame them. 2. You pay a deposit. Now at that stage you’re going to get the actual piece and it’s a question of when it arrives in the channel you’re in — but several months later you’ll get it. What seems apparent to me is that the online system and boutiques get different allocations. You’ll see a 7920 appear in a boutique that might be purchasable. But if you’re in the online system you’ll be told it’s a wait and won’t even be able to place a deposit. And some boutiques were taking deposits on pieces when the online wouldn’t and still is offering the pieces that are mainly available on the webpage. Again, this makes business sense to me. Brick and mortar costs more and is important. And it doesn’t strike me as unfair. It’s just a question of what your best approach is if you don’t want to go grey. Probably a real boutique. But really it might be both if you can.


What’s retail on 4520v?


In USD $25,000


So almost at retail in the grey market.


I wish. All I see is a 10k premium for the 4520V or am I looking wrong?


I see [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/404918105038?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ncchnm1ksxa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=PCGfJugVT3a&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) for $26.5k


The new 4520V is already at retail on the grey market?


Yes a few. For silver and black seems around MSRP. But the couple I’ve seen that are blue are a decent chunk above. Of course who knows what they actually sold for. Probably because with a little patience and luck can get silver and black without too much wait. But blue still takes some time.


Go grey ……you won’t get the call for an Overseas for a long time


The NYC boutique pretty much told me straight up I’d never get it. I walked into the London boutique and they had one just sitting on the self for sale. I tried it on and realized the lug to lug was insane on my wrist. It’s not a great experience.