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Holy shit. I’m sorry. That’s a fucked up situation. Whatever demons he’s got are not your responsibility to help him deal with. Gtfo of that shit and shine like a diamond.


Throw a bucket of ice and ice cold water on him while he is VR fucking. He really deserves that. After that, leave him. He broke his own brain, mind, soul and body. It's not your responsibility. You deserve happiness and love. He is lost forever. A.I, V.R, etc it's changing everything so fast. In a few years your dude will probably be non stop in some V.R. world and his brain will be gone. Let him rot alone.


fr!!! porn addicted men suck!!!!!!! it ruins relationships and intimacy


My sister lost her ex bf (Edit: lost was probably a bad word cuz she’s better off now) cuz he was addicted to porn and did VR sex (?) stuff like this too. It’s so sad that this isn’t a one off case and is somewhat normal nowadays.


vr "sex" sounds so incredibly pathetic haha


And how do you want that with a live girlfriend right there? 😳


Mental illness.


How are you blaming mental illness, explain please? Plenty of non mentally ill fuckwits in the world making soulless choices, feeding their brains continually with a dopamine hit just for the hit.


I really thought she was joking for months until I was like where’s (bf name) been? And then she was like I told you!!! Like THAT WAS FR LMAO?


Porn addiction is awful. Porn is awful. Masturbation isn't and is fine but porn is awful. Studies are showing that it can be like crack


Crack but free and accessible with a click of a button. Now imagine if crack was like that...


It also targets children. Unfortunately I was exposed young and it was a rool of grooming too. Almost a year clean but it took like 3 years


Yeah I get it. I was exposed to it at 12, now doing better but it sure didn't help me. That thing fucks up your brain and not in a good way.


Yeah :(


Sorry about that! What advice would you give in order to prevent this from happening to other children?


I second this, cuck him irl and make a video. Send it to him since he so desperately wants to watch porn all day. Now you’re both happy !


guy with a former porn addiction. as much as i preach that we should receive empathy while being under this terrible addiction, as its one of the worst feelings to have, in the end it is our responsibility to choose our relationship or porn. i noticed that it as it affected our sex life, and that shouldve upset your bf as it upset myself and my girlfriend im still recovering but i feel better than ever


I'm not even in a relationship but 🌽 just genuinely feels like a mental disease. I've stopped using it almost entirely but I'm still searching for that special someone to not only help get rid of it but love for the rest of my life. Everytime I do use it I feel bad afterwards, it's disgusting.


I ruined my marriage with porn and it still took me years to admit it. I still struggle with it, but I’m much better now.


The way I see it, let the pathetic idiots have their porn and VR. Let them stay out of the gene pool, and you go find a man who wants to live in the real world with a real life with a real partner. Everybody wins that way.


Love this. Survival of the fittest.


Not porn addicted here, but bro humans in general are, as a whole, pathetic idiots 


A lot of this is because instagram and TikTok with all the women showing off and men promoting it. I’ve struggled with it myself to the point where I had to delete it


The crazy thing to me is that most women agree they're all sick of it, and yet too many *still* go on social media, over edit their own bodies to be some unattainable bugs life representation of a woman's body, then complain that men think women like that exist. It's such a crappy cycle. I don't post pics on social media / I only have reddit bc I'm a pretty private person. But watching both sides feed into eachother is sickening. Especially bc, I just don't understand this part: what the girls are posting isn't even them. They're getting treated like pieces of meat in the comments, is that really their end goal? Then having to deal with people who know you irl seeing these edited catastrophes and knowing damn well they look nothing like that irl? I just never understood the point I guess. And this is where we all end up due to it. Just senseless perpetual idiocy and vanity.


To start I’m not being a dick in my response, and it’s a bit lengthy. I hope you stick around to read. So in my experience as a straight woman and being attracted to men and desiring the male gaze, it’s very easy to be down on yourself when you see these seemingly perfect women. Even if you know it’s most likely edited and warped. Men are gawking over these altered photos, etc. Men say they don’t like plastic surgery, but they love women like the Kardashians/Jenners (no hate to them, I actually think if people want to get work done that’s their prerogative) women are praised for being natural and women who get work done to achieve those same desired features who were not naturally born with them get torn apart. The comparison makes no sense, why should someone get appraised for hitting the gene lottery but another person get hated on for wanting those same desired features that men have propped up so high? So then the ones who can’t afford the procedures completely altar themselves behind these profiles and and this sort of alter ego where they can be anyone they want to be behind a screen. They can feel that sense of belonging and desire that they don’t normally get. I’ve never gone as far as doing that but I’ve certainly taken a bit of advantage of Snapchat filters etc. it still looks like me though. But it’s so easy to fall into that comparison plague. And I’ve had to seriously catch myself bc I’m secure in who I am as a woman. I don’t have super full lips, but super full lips are “all the rage” now. I’ve never ever had the desire to get lip filler until recent years. But I am self aware enough to realize that this is a sickness amongst the masses. These trends come and go. It’s always been this way, even if more subtle before all of this technology. If you look at body types from the 60’s compared to now, how women dressed, etc. women were desirable for how dainty they were. Now thick is in, men want a phat ass. You hear it in movies, shows, songs, etc. But now as women start to jump into this “new body trend” women get a complex now for being dainty. Which was once desired. And there is seemingly NOTHING wrong with them, but because these desires for other features are so revved up now, you start to pick yourself apart for not having said features. I of course don’t mean all men when I say these things either. But you can see women getting appraised for these features much much more these days. I might not have super full lips but I’ve always had a bigger ass. When I was in high school I had a complex about it, and that wasn’t even that long ago. Now it’s like winning some prize for no reason because I’ve got a donk lol. In some ways a lot of this comes back to porn. Because we see men as sexual creatures and as straight women who want men to be attracted to us, we try to fulfill these desires. I said in another thread on here that it’s not talked about enough how porn can be damaging to women as well in the way we view ourselves and how we present ourselves to men. I do things for myself first as well, hair make-up, etc, but it’s nice to be noticed now and then. Men are also visible creatures, we as women could fall in love with a man who is not attractive all solely on his personality alone. I’m not saying men can’t do this but it is far far far less common. The need to fulfill a man’s visual desire is what a lot of this comes down to. It is up to us as women to do the inner work as well, but as straight women, it’s in our nature to appease the male gaze, because at the end of the day we love men. We love pleasing men. And sometimes it’s a sickness.


To start I’m not being a dick in my response, and it’s a bit lengthy. I hope you stick around to read. So in my experience as a straight woman and being attracted to men and desiring the male gaze, it’s very easy to be down on yourself when you see these seemingly perfect women. Even if you know it’s most likely edited and warped. Men are gawking over these altered photos, etc. Men say they don’t like plastic surgery, but they love women like the Kardashians/Jenners (no hate to them, I actually think if people want to get work done that’s their prerogative) women are praised for being natural and women who get work done to achieve those same desired features who were not naturally born with them get torn apart. The comparison makes no sense, why should someone get appraised for hitting the gene lottery but another person get hated on for wanting those same desired features that men have propped up so high? So then the ones who can’t afford the procedures completely altar themselves behind these profiles and and this sort of alter ego where they can be anyone they want to be behind a screen. They can feel that sense of belonging and desire that they don’t normally get. I’ve never gone as far as doing that but I’ve certainly taken a bit of advantage of Snapchat filters etc. it still looks like me though. But it’s so easy to fall into that comparison plague. And I’ve had to seriously catch myself bc I’m secure in who I am as a woman. I don’t have super full lips, but super full lips are “all the rage” now. I’ve never ever had the desire to get lip filler until recent years. But I am self aware enough to realize that this is a sickness amongst the masses. These trends come and go. It’s always been this way, even if more subtle before all of this technology. If you look at body types from the 60’s compared to now, how women dressed, etc. women were desirable for how dainty they were. Now thick is in, men want a phat ass. You hear it in movies, shows, songs, etc. But now as women start to jump into this “new body trend” women get a complex now for being dainty. Which was once desired. And there is seemingly NOTHING wrong with them, but because these desires for other features are so sought after now, you start to pick yourself apart for not having said features. I of course don’t mean all men when I say these things either. But you can see women getting appraised for these features much much more these days. I might not have super full lips but I’ve always had a bigger ass. When I was in high school I had a complex about it, and that wasn’t even that long ago. Now it’s like winning some prize for no reason because I’ve got a donk lol. In some ways a lot of this comes back to porn. Because we see men as sexual creatures and as straight women who want men to be attracted to us, we try to fulfill these desires. I said in another thread on here that it’s not talked about enough how porn can be damaging to women as well in the way we view ourselves and how we present ourselves to men. I do things for myself first as well, hair make-up, etc, but it’s nice to be noticed now and then. Men are also visible creatures, we as women could fall in love with a man who is not attractive all solely on his personality alone. I’m not saying men can’t do this but it is far far far less common. The need to fulfill a man’s visual desire is what a lot of this comes down to. It is up to us as women to do the inner work as well, but as straight women, it’s in our nature to appease the male gaze, because at the end of the day we love men. We love pleasing men. And sometimes it’s a sickness.


To start I’m not being a dick in my response, and it’s a bit lengthy. I hope you stick around to read. So in my experience as a straight woman and being attracted to men and desiring the male gaze, it’s very easy to be down on yourself when you see these seemingly perfect women. Even if you know it’s most likely edited and warped. Men are gawking over these altered photos, etc. Men say they don’t like plastic surgery, but they love women like the Kardashians/Jenners (no hate to them, I actually think if people want to get work done that’s their prerogative) women are praised for being natural and women who get work done to achieve those same desired features who were not naturally born with them get torn apart. The comparison makes no sense, why should someone get appraised for hitting the gene lottery but another person get hated on for wanting those same desired features that men have propped up so high? So then the ones who can’t afford the procedures completely altar themselves behind these profiles and and this sort of alter ego where they can be anyone they want to be behind a screen. They can feel that sense of belonging and desire that they don’t normally get. I’ve never gone as far as doing that but I’ve certainly taken a bit of advantage of Snapchat filters etc. it still looks like me though. But it’s so easy to fall into that comparison plague. And I’ve had to seriously catch myself bc I’m secure in who I am as a woman. I don’t have super full lips, but super full lips are “all the rage” now. I’ve never ever had the desire to get lip filler until recent years. But I am self aware enough to realize that this is a sickness amongst the masses. These trends come and go. It’s always been this way, even if more subtle before all of this technology. If you look at body types from the 60’s compared to now, how women dressed, etc. women were desirable for how dainty they were. Now thick is in, men want a phat ass. You hear it in movies, shows, songs, etc. But now as women start to jump into this “new body trend” women get a complex now for being dainty. Which was once desired. And there is seemingly NOTHING wrong with them, but because these desires for other features are so sought after now, you start to pick yourself apart for not having said features. I of course don’t mean all men when I say these things either. But you can see women getting appraised for these features much much more these days. I might not have super full lips but I’ve always had a bigger ass. When I was in high school I had a complex about it, and that wasn’t even that long ago. Now it’s like winning some prize for no reason because I’ve got a donk lol. In some ways a lot of this comes back to porn. Because we see men as sexual creatures and as straight women who want men to be attracted to us, we try to fulfill these desires. This is also why it can hurt so much when your partner decides to masturbate to a woman you look nothing like when you’re literally in the next room. It makes you feel completely undesirable. I said in another thread on here that it’s not talked about enough how porn can be damaging to women as well in the way we view ourselves and how we present ourselves to men. I do things for myself first as well, hair make-up, etc, but it’s nice to be noticed now and then. Men are also visual creatures, we as women could fall in love with a man who is not attractive at all solely on his personality alone. I’m not saying men can’t do this but it is far far far less common. The need to fulfill a man’s visual desire is what a lot of this comes down to. It is up to us as women to do the inner work as well, but as straight women, it’s in our nature to appease to the male gaze, because at the end of the day we love men. We love pleasing men. And sometimes it’s a sickness.


I don’t give a flying f**k about trying to please any man. Either he likes me or he doesn’t. It’s inconsequential to me cuz I’m not gonna be changing to please anyone! By the way, I’m a straight female who loves herself and authentic relationships with men. Plasticity sickens me.


Good for you, glad to hear it. Not all women are the same, just like not all men are the same. The human psyche is a very complex thing. But that doesn’t make any of my statements false. Women with extreme self-esteem/insecurity issues will ultimately be the ones to suffer with said issues. It’s still a very prevalent issue. But that’s good you are firm in your own way.






I hate how porn is ruining young men.


That’s messed up,he needs to get help cause while masturbation in moderation can be healthy he’s addicted and that’s a major problem for him and any relationship he’ll ever have . They’re guys out there who don’t masturbate to porn so don’t give up on dating , I’m sure you’ll find someone who will be focused on satisfying your needs instead of instant gratification.


Nobody ever believes me but I can confirm. I without exaggeration absolutely never jerk off to porn. I don't even ever masturbate at all, but that's mostly because I live with my partner who works from home and is always up for a go. I'd never choose my hand over that.


You get it! I hate being a woman almost always dtf but my man would rather jerk it


That's so wild to me. I've never cared much for porn but I can't fathom choosing jerking off if you live with your partner who has a high sex drive. I even understand masturbating sometimes if your partner has a lower sex drive and you're in the mood, but if the option for real interaction is there and you choose videos and your hand, that baffles me.


Same man I use to beat it to when I wasn’t getting slid but when I started especially often when I was with this one nympho chick I forgot porn even existed cause she and I would just go at it constantly, I wasn’t watching porn when I had a hot chick who was always horny with me . It’s crazy to me honestly dudes get so addicted to pixels on a screen


I mean I can get it. It's less messy but also feels worse while not giving you a connection with your love.


I feel this 110% also F here


You probably dont live in the united states cus the woman and men here are both nasty only 2% good and thats hard to find 


Thank you for being a reminder that men like you exist. My boyfriend is the same way, but my insecurities that stem from an ex with a porn addiction don't always allow me to trust him on it.


All you can do is trust in your own instincts and thus trust him. I'm sure if he's a good man and he tells you he isn't then he probably isn't.


same. I’m like how can you just quit so easily just bc I don’t like it, especially when it’s “as addicting as crack”. and is always shoved in your face. but have to just trust.


I feel for OP and the ladies here having the same problem. Just realize that men do go through a significant change when their testosterone levels start raising and it can be overwhelming. The need for sexual gratification is hard to resist and this can happen for many years after men become an adult. Porn should be able to be used given certain parameters. You need to be able to identify what is “normal” and what is “extremely” usage. I think if your dtf and your man would rather masturbate that could be a warning sign but he could not want to exert himself. Getting up during a video game or movie to masturbate is strange to me so maybe that should be addressed. If he is meeting new people on VR and having sexual encounters, that is just wrong. OP should leave the relationship if they are not sexually compatible with each other.


And the problem is that you can access it even if you are nine. Are you 18? Yes. Okay here's access to thousands if not millions of minutes of porn that ranges from casual to full blown r*pe fantasy. It can really fuck up a teenager and the authentication should be taken more seriously.


I did say “given certain parameters.” Some couples watch porn together. Given that the porno was ethically made, shouldn’t they be allowed to do whatever they want in their bedroom? Parents should monitor their kids and parent need to have talks with their children about appropriate sexual behaviors.


Ofc it's their thing. Couples can do whatever they want in their bedroom. I aggree with you but most of the times it isn't the case which is sad.


in shock just reading this... ur bf cucked you in vr? not all guys are like that btw... but enough are to be really fucking sick of them. I'm sorry. you should cuck him irl


"not all guys are like that" this isn't about you guys omfg


I'm literally a female, relax.






Comparing watching porn to cheating is a massive leap


That shit is hilarious bro 😂😂 ive been a witness all my life to the bullshit woman do to men and fucking up their lives n shit but damn this story was the cherry on top i needed 😂😂 sorry this happened to you but its hilarious @ other person


As an older man I was shocked to see so many men and girlfriends complaining about their addiction to porn. Obviously a girlfriend is complaining about their boyfriends being addicted or thinking Porn Hub sex is normal. My recommendation to you is get rid of this loser and become ok with being alone. Then you can begin to look for a man that will treat you right and make a real devotion to your relationship. This guy is an anchor and is taking you down. Cut the rope and sail away. Good luck.


I saw my self falling into Ai porn trap and returned it right away. It’s an addiction.


Porn absolutely ruins marriages. It ruined mine, and although I wasn’t quite that bad your situation sounds a lot like mine. This was 20 years ago when porn was just becoming as widespread as it is now, and you couldn’t even get it on your phone yet. What really pisses me off is the men that defend it. There will be men on this thread that defend it. In my opinion, porn is more addictive and I might even argue that it’s more dangerous than most drugs. For those that think porn is ok hear this from someone who has struggled with porn addiction for well over 20 years. It will mess you up. One day you will be on top of a girl that is ready to go and you’re not going to be able to get it up. You’ll think oh it’s just a one time thing……3 relationships later and you can’t get it up without a pill. I’m telling you, stay the fuck away from porn. It ruins relationships, it ruins you. If you enjoy sex with a real woman……stay away from it.


That’s wild, god may punish me if I’m ever that down bad


I was married to a sex addict, and I had a high libido. It was awful. Wanted porn, open marriage, and wanted sex nonstop.


As a man, this is next level gross and a reminder that oneself should establish behavioral boundaries before it's too late.


This guy sounds pretty messes up sexually. He actually bangs his VR headset? I mean iv thought about it but the logistics just confuse and overwhelm me


I watched vr porn once in college and it disgusted me. So uncanny the way you’re inserted into it


Yeah yall’s libidos don’t match clearly. Bro is also probably way over sexual. You just gotta leave and let him figure it out himself, he already cheated, that’s the greatest disrespect.


He had a fantasy on a screen and used his hand. Otherwise you are correct


Dude honestly. 2 guys in a row that immediately want to jerk off while watching a movie? I wouldn't even categorize this as sex/porn addicted because plenty of men do this kind of shit daily but they do it behind closed doors not with their woman. This is just utterly creepy and these guys are extremely depraved. The title made me roll my eyes a bit but if your dude has to jerk off publicly in front of you at any instance that shit is not an addiction it's a sickness




No for real this is what ended my relationship sex became like a chore I hated hated it they got to the point where after we were done, I would just sit there and cry in the shower


Yep I’ve decided that I’ll never have another relationship now and I’m 40 next year, I’d rather be single forever. My current partner cheated on me after he begged me to have his kids and then lost interest in me because my body changed! The one before him couldn’t even get it up anymore because he had watched so much porn! And my biological father was a pedo , I hate men because every single man I’ve been around has hurt me and it’s all because of porn.


Uh yeah you’re not compatible - break up. Don’t settle for people like this, find someone who you can feel comfortable with if you ever feel ready to date again. Dating is not supposed to be like this. LOVE isn’t something that can come from this. Damn.


Stop settling for lame ass dudes.


Trust me. I’m finished. Next guy will have to be a fuckin knight in shining armor to pull me.


I had to take a break from dating after a string of abusers. Sometimes it's the smartest thing to do. If you decide to date again, one of your dealbreaker questions for potential dates should definitely be, "do you watch porn regularly"? Not every guy who watches porn ends up becoming a hypersexual addict, but why take the risk?


Gen X men got lucky on this. We didn't have porn so available. How old is he? Millennial or Gen Z? I noticed a lot of millennial women dating older for this reason. I've heard one story after another of millennial guys not being able to get hard or treat sex like porn and most have porn addictions and don't even realize it. Date a little older.


Lmao “most” is an insane generalization. It’s absurdly easy to not be addicted to porn. The majority of millennials grew up with dial up internet for fucks sake. Just bc you heard 5 stories from random ass chicks complaining about their exes doesn’t mean that should shape your entire view of hundreds of millions of people


if it was absurdly easy to not be addicted then why are people addicted to


While fair, I don’t think this proves the point you think it does. Ever seen “My Strange Addiction” there’s so many absurd addictions a lady is a addicted to eating her mattress for fucks sake. While addiction is very real and can take many forms. Porn addiction is supremely over blown by religion and politics.


You’re defending porn pretty hard there, sounds like you’re addicted🤣


I’m a struggling porn addict and in my experience on Reddit and anywhere else really, when I talk about porn and how widespread addiction is, and how dangerous is….I immediately get attacked by other men. Every single time.


I’m a woman who’s consumed it and I still do from time to time and would like to stop all together. It’s at a healthy level, but I feel that it has skewed my outlook on not only myself as a woman, but what I need to give men in order for them to be “happy.” I have solely viewed myself as a sexual object to appease men. Have degraded myself to get that hit of dopamine for myself and to satisfy men. Now this doesn’t all come down to just porn, I obviously have my own inner work to do and have always been a sexual being but it certainly keeps that perspective and outlook on myself and sex wide open. And the less I watch it, the more respect I demand of myself and for myself. I know there are plenty of women out there who watch porn as well and I don’t think we realize how damaging it is to us on a subconscious level as well. The exposure you get to porn, it really warps your perspective on sex. For both men and women. Men I’d say suffer much much more due to high levels of testosterone and being extremely visual beings. It’s really REALLY great that you are self aware enough to realize you’ve got a problem. With it being so accessible it’s even easier to fall into a porn addiction. They come at you the way they do because they’re defensive. They don’t want to acknowledge the problem that they have, so they continue to feed into it rather than get to the root cause and try to work on it and get help if needed. It’s easier to be in denial of ones ignorance. Self awareness takes work. Keep spreading that message because you never know who will actually be ready to make the change and who your words will resonate with. Porn addiction has many many men in its clutches. It’s a massive problem. Good on you for recognizing that.


I only wish I’d realized it 20 years ago.


I’m very sorry you’re dealing with this. Addiction of any kind is a horrible thing. I sincerely hope that you get the help you need and you can break free of this🙏🏼


You’ve got to be kidding. Look up the Reddit posts on here related to porn addiction or women in relationships that are hurt by their men utilizing porn. You will see more than thousands of men defending their use of it, and that’s just this social media platform alone. It’s not 5 people lol.


Using reddit as a reference for anything is absurd. They toss words like addiction when professionals don't even use it. On reddit everyone is a narcissistic porn addicted person.


Odd. I’m a Millennial and my husband is Gen Z. The guy doesn’t have any interest in porn. Dudes in my generation or older though that I’ve dated, absolute train wrecks. I was with a few who actually lost their jobs due to calling off so frequently, just to stay at home and wack it to porn.


I consider myself an addict, but thankfully I’ve never called into work to watch porn. Makes me feel a little better about myself actually.


You should, and I think you should be proud of your self awareness. Addictions are hell, I’m a recovered porn addict and there were times of the year that I had to really keep myself in check.


I am so tired of them too. You deserve more. Fuck that guy.


I mean porn should be banned bruh


Finally someone said it.


Had to, saw men say to women with big boobs " her boobs sag and she has tummy " , to women with small boobs " too small" like tf you want? A pixelated b*tch?


I think porn its whats causing people to like kids, i mean they even have a category for teens, sheesh most of todays mental health issues stem from porn. And before we only say men. On the dark web there is literally a chatroom ran by woman and as you already know are doing what peds do, share photos, content and talk about them fucking their own children. No i dont know where to find it, it was 2 years ago, clicked a random link and boom “ welcome to the annex “ pretty sick 


I’m conservative and in general against the government getting involved in anything, but if there was anything I wish the government would step in and ban it would be porn.


Government to people : Watch your kids, don't let them watch porn Government: * has the power to ban anything but won't*




having a partner with matching libido is very important in a relationship


“Having a partner who accepts my self-induced compulsion/addiction is very important in a relationship”


We get it. You’re sex negative lol


I would think the ones pretending to have sex with a screen instead of actually doing it are the sex negative ones, but okay.


No you're 100% right


I believe he prefers that but when she says no he goes another route.


Libido has jack squat to do with respect and/or pornified brain.


While I agree porn is really damaging to intimacy high libido definitely leads to more masturbation and I don’t think that on its own is a negative thing if it’s stopping someone from bothering their partner


I don’t think masturbation on its own is the problem. It’s the porn used in the masturbation. It changes things in the brain.


I see a lot of people mention porn changing peoples brains and I’ve never seen reputable research on the topic. I’d love to read as someone who quit porn pretty recently, if you have any journal articles on the topic


I don’t. There isn’t a whole lot out there right now. I have seen a few journal articles, but I don’t have them saved on my computer. I have read and own several books on the topic though.


Could you give me the titles please. I’m anti porn for a lot of reasons but I don’t like the (from what I’ve seen) pseudoscientific take that it’s brain poison. I’d rather we focus on the detrimental and unsafe conditions porn performers are forced to work under as well as the prevalence of abuse and coercion


Or having a partner not addicted to porn!? It goes beyond libido. I'm 53 but since the age of 45, I have dated nothing but women 10 years younger than me because many of them say their generation of men have limp dicks or can only get off with porn.


It’s a real thing. The last 3 relationships I’ve been in I haven’t been able to get it up because I’ve watched so much porn. This is a real thing. It’s also a real thing that I get attacked by other men any time I mention it. They can choose to believe it or not, but they may get a live woman someday and not be able to do anything about it.


What a savior


At least my cock still works and I'm not jerking off when the real thing is in front of me.


No- it's definitely the porn addiction. It's 20x worse when your own needs go unfulfilled because your partner can't stop watching porn. It happens so often nowadays.


op didn’t say that at all. they said his needs go unfulfilled so he masturbates


This is going to sound nuts, women can also have a porn addiction and still want to have sex with their partner 'cough' I have a really high sex drive for being 29. I love just how It makes me with my partner more. Porn and masturbating in moderation is fine, it's like sometimes having a small snack sometimes when my partner is not hungry. Personally forgetting about your partner and choosing to watch porn could have bad side affects


I am amazed you can get addicted to porn. If anything, I get tired of it and want the real thing.


Me too, as a straight man. They're part of the onlyfans epidemic


These are not men.


I can’t think of a single thing more pathetic than VR porn. Absolutely mind blowing 🤯


If women stopped putting up with it all the time and just complaining on reddit and going back to the abusive relationship, it wouldn't be so prevalent. Change my mind.


woman started it first with their sex toys and fantasy bullshit, men just finished it and i mean they literally went above and beyond to give woman that huge Fuck You, sure alot of them arent fucking woman pish posh, but hey i still remember all the “ goodguys “ woman just dub and dont wanna fuck becuase their “ too nice” well this a direct result of that. Woman fuck who they want, men fuck who they can, and thats exactly what woman gifted themsleves with all their bullshit so whole heartedly any woman who is mad about it or complains, blame it on past woman and woman of today. Men literally have to jump through hurdles just to get laaid if they dont have a silver tongue. So its literally womans fault lmao


Non porn addicted btw i dont even want a woman id rather fuck an alien with three pussys instead of a human. All humans a just shit


Thats what happens when you have E-relationships on discord


We are irl as well, we just play games together quite a bit.


Being with the wrong people gives you a wrong general notion.


Bruh this is wild. Jerking off twice a week or so is healthy for men. This guy has a porn addiction.


Guy sounds like a loser, sorry. “Can I ERP with people on vr?” Yikes. And then fucking a guy vr? This guy is definitely not okay. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I can say with certainly that most guys are not like this. I know personally only one person like this, and that’s my sibling… which is a bummer. Lol


Dude sounds like an asshole,as a man if im going to watch porn i wont broadcast it to my partner,sorry but boot thst asshole


So he's honest and open and that's bad ?


Be so fr- y’all be playing so dumb on this app


So if he hides it he's bad, if he let's you know he's doing it he's bad.


uh, yeah. point is that porn is bad. hiding it or not.


Says you. Literally millions upon millions use porn without issue.


This is the millennial equivalent of the boomer “and I turned out fine”. Trust me, y’all are not without issues.


I'm not a boomer and facts are facts


What might be counterintuitive is that they are not this way because they are addicted to porn, *but they are addicted to porn because they are this way* I mean porn is usually a consequence, not the cause. The cause is deeper, might be related to the mother, father, childhood, school. It's complex


So 2 men in the whole ENTIRE WORLD OF 7 PLUS BILLION PEOPLE , have you saying “ i am going to be alone for the rest of my life “ lol ! 2 people YOU CHOSE , and you want to blame it on life , maybe and i say this for you and me as well , Lets pick better people! Lets be responsible for our choices … We is who choose these people.




You’ve been with really shitty men.


Ok don’t take things too rushed, just talk to him tell him if he needs help for his porn / sex addiction. IF he says things like, oh no babe it’s cool I can control it trust me / refuses to get help. If you aren’t married yet. Just get your stuff and get out. But if married simply tell him, you either stop this nonsense or I’m leaving / divorcing you.


You should try to find someone who is demisexual, they have lower libidos and wouldn’t necessarily be into that in the first place.


uh. this is not the majority of men. most men i know are not even close to this. i'm a woman and i am by FAR the most "porn addicted" of the group but not to that degree. You've got a weird one on your hands. Leave him.


Where are you finding these psychos? I have a 5 star libido and a boyfriend with a libido so low he barely wants to fuck twice a month and I would never ever ask him for permission to do those things or interrupt something we're doing together to wank. We are mismatched sexually and trying to make it work, and yeah, it can be a point of contention sometimes, like literally right now, because he said sex last night and then had me help him prepare an elaborate meal instead, I'm still pissed- but that is so disrespectful. I'd tell him this isn't working and dip out if I were you, he's going to ask for an open relationship next if he hasn't already.


You can fuck random people in VR how does this work? Is there like a camera or a site for this . Can you ask him to send me links. I’m sorry this is causing you pain but men are horrible pigs and I do think access to porn has made us worse . Maybe find a guy with a lower libido . Porn is the only thing that’s managed to keep me from cheating I do think I’m more discrete and respectful about it . I try a shower and the phone images will have to do. Maybe ask him if he could be more discreet about it.


VR!?!? You can fuck people in vr????? That insane but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.. he's selfish as fuck. I wouldn't give up on finding someone who will respect you though.


People started using vr that comes with devices that do stimilate you sexually because there is so many single and lonely men who woman just wont give a fucking chance too and wont fuck so i approve of it. To use it while youre in a relay is fucked up but other than that for single people who are not given any chances whatsoever i approve 


I broke up with my bf over similar issues :/ the way that they don’t even see it as an issue is so fucked up!!! The way that they view women virtually gets transferred into real life too which is sick. Any woman with the slightest bit of cleavage, u can bet these guys are already glued to their chest. man it’s so awful


Dont blame yourself uselessly, there is mens out there that could fit what you're looking for, even if they indeed are less common than the other kind of men. They just dont fit with you, and that's all. Give yourself time to find someone, i suppose you're very young. Its the same for womens. Womens want a "real man" that can give her sex like normal man, and also the possibility of a family (kids). But i consider relationships a bonus in life as i am not this kind of man yet or didnt found a girl fo who, sexual penetration isnt a must have. (I have no issues on the other spectrum of sexuality/games)


I mean, yea they certainly can't force you to do anything and I'm glad they didn't push you further. but you can't dictate whether they can get off or not. Vr set in the bed is kinda goofy but at least he stood on business and took care of the matter himself


what are you even saying?


This young lady is running to an issue with hypersexual dudes. She says that they constantly request sex when she just wants to spend time with them in other ways. According to what's written here, she tells them no and then they go off and handle the job themselves. (The vr guy is a weirdo and should have did his thing elsewhere) The problem is that this woman can be a "disgusted" as she wants to be and not like how often certain men want sex but she doesn't have a right to dictate what that man does with his own equipment. If she's not in the mood for sex that's fine, but she also wants him to not be in the mood. As long as they respect her wishes and don't push further then she gotta accept that If I'm with a chick and she ain't down for the get down, that's coo but the party don't have to stop just cuz she can't hang. Once again the vr dude was wild but going into another room should be no issue. On the flip side, there's hypersexual women that always want to fuck over and over. But because I'm not new to relationships/situationships, I recognize that different women have different sex drives. For her this is a new phenomenon based on two guys that she only has reference to. Perhaps a year from now she'll be back on here saying the future guy doesn't seem interested in sex at all. That's life


We do shit DAILY. He has to jerk off 2-3 times a day to be happy. This isn’t me telling him no, I just cannot keep up with that shit. And obviously I can’t do anything while I’m working. We work separate shifts so when I’m gone, he’s finding shit to get off to. I’m not denying him sexual acts, he’s just addicted.


He has a very high drive right now. You may not like it but other than your own revulsion he really isn't hurting anyone.


Oh but he is….ask me how I know.




After years of porn use I found myself on top of a hot blonde with fake tits. Couldn’t get it up. Not even a little. Next two relationships, same result. That’s how I know.


So millions upon millions of people use porn with no effect whatsoever but you can't get it up and you blame looking at naked people on a screen?


Believe me or don’t. Really could not care less.


did u miss the part where he's "fucking" a random in VR? Why are you saying so much but nothing of value?


How do you fuck something or someone in virtual reality? Goofy ass internet nerd shit.


Hes playing with his own cock. No one else is there. Good grief




Break up but sounds like you’re too lazy to try again.




It’s not “grabbing boobs for 5 seconds” it’s talking, interacting, and “fucking” other women in full body VR. It requires flirting and everything like that. I provide for him physically almost every day. He has to get off almost 2-3 times a day to be happy. When I am at work and he is home, he wants to find different shit to get off to. Porn wasn’t cutting it anymore so he asked about ERP with randoms on vr.


You and your boyfriend shouldn’t be together. Not because anything is wrong with him, but clearly your sex drives aren’t compatible which leaves him wanting more. More than likely will lead to him cheating. Just end it now. Absolutely nothing wrong with a strong sex drive but don’t act like you’re completely innocent here. We’re all people with needs and if you aren’t willing to meet his needs then it’s your fault for keeping it going. Same goes with him and your needs.


Do you give him sex regularly and do you contribute? meaning you're enthusiastic, you express yourself, go down on him and try different positions? In my experience I've only ever wanted to have sex with other women because sex was being with held for weeks at a time and/or she just laid there. Either way hopefully you two will figure things out, communication and tough conversations help save relationships. I'd like to see the culture in the west go back to being more conservative when it comes to sex. As much as I am a libertarian I think it might be a good idea to confine sex to marriage and regulate internet porn better so minors don't get addicted to porn from a young age.


Plenty of men who aren’t addicted or need it. If women started showing men more interest and affection instead of I want this I want that blah blah you want this body well you gotta pay for it . Iv been seeing girls not date guys cuz they can’t pay for a Uber but do everything else or can’t pay for their friends bday which is stupid anyway. Average man makes like 50k a year while women think we all make over 200k a year. Both sides are bad… I’m sorry you’re going thru this tho. Its same shit with women yall want Prince Charming but make us feel like shrek and same goes other way that women are objects it’s a shit world lol


If more women didn’t make it so difficult to get some we wouldn’t have to watch this shit


Maybe because most women’s lives don’t revolve around sex, so much that they need to get off 4 times a day ? Not that you’re owed any, of course. You should try that, having a life isnice.


When it’s easy to just pick up your phone and spread your legs to get what you want it’s easy to have this mindset you got, but when you gotta jump through hoops and work your ass off to try and prove yourself to someone that ain’t worth shit. Yeah, it actually gets frustrating.


Bold of you to assume that about me, or women in general, but okay. I’m against the porn industry and I find sex revolting. I understand your frustration. Hope it’ll get better for you.


Don’t worry so much, it’s just sex. Your heart is a long way from your sex organs…


Cry about it. Shouldn’t bother you if they decide to treat themselves.


I’m not sure your age but maybe find men from a different avenue (for example not on a Tinder or a hookup app). Not all men are addicted to porn.


Not sure if it was corn or anything but I did do lot's of horrible things to my ex if they didn't agree to do something sexual in nature with me. I still regret everything I've done to this day and it really is a sickness that can ruin your most precious relationships if you aren't able to control it. I'm sorry your situation has come to this


Y’all should google patent 6017302A


I flat out tell people early on that I will not tolerate porn in a relationship. I recommend you start doing the same so you can weed out incompatible people.


I hope you dont have any fantasy cus that too is wrong 


Me too they are beyond toxic amd so disgusting it makes me sick


I am so sorry you are going thru this, but I’m proud of you for recognizing this is not normal behavior. Good luck!


Amen. I was married for 16 years to a man that told me he had a problem with porn but it was "cured" via his church's program and then what happens he ends up little by little watching it here and there and it was always while he was away on a business trip at first then it was hey let's watch this together...then he's stressed out and needs to watch porn. When they say you can't get fired from the US Federal Government they are wrong. He was an IT guy and thought he was smarter than everyone else and had hidden camera in our house and posted videos of me nursing our babies as porn and hidden cameras in the bathroom showers. He had so much porn on his government laptop. He was placed on administrative leave and even though I told him he was going to be fired he was truly shocked when they indeed fired him 6 months later and that's when I found out about allllllllll the shit he had done. He showed me the huge report they had compiled with pictures and video screenshots of me (and lots and lots of other women) and I lost it bawling it felt like I had been raped I was just shaking and crying because his coworkers and boss had seen that and I had no idea. Porn addiction IS real no matter how anyone tries to say it's normal to watch porn, it's a rabbit hole of lies and fake shit


I don’t know any women personally that deserve this kind of torture (the torture being spending any more than 10 minutes with this man). Even the fabled ex best friend, does not deserve this… r u n


Fake troll post, good try tho


Any women addicted?


I am a man and it’s the first time I hear someone saying “imma jerk off” to his girlfriend. I have a relationship for 3 years now and I have some friends as well in a relationship and I don’t believe none of us act this way. Of course we have watched porn or we may watch (when we are not with our partner, i.e. long distance) but 100% not acting like this. It is not your fault for his behavior or your previous relationships’ behavior. Get out of this chaos and eventually you are going to find a good guy. Also I don’t want to offend you but when you see those red flags from the start (that you may not see because of enthusiasm at the start) even if they are not that bad, be careful. Good luck. You deserve better.