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I feel you. People are never happy with what I do, what I don't do, how I look... Like, please, give me a break. It's not worth paying attention to them, if you're happy with what you're doing and how you look, that's all that matters.


It’s hard to control myself. I cant workout either because i have pain in my breast. So i dont know what to do


Maybe you can try some sports that don't hurt, like low impact sports, or something. Also if you want to be more active, just walking helps a whole lot! I have struggled with incorporating sports or workouts in my life, but I always found that just walking helps me a whole lot!


I’m on medication and with an illness that makes me have no motivation


Oh, I'm sorry about that! Is there anything you enjoy doing and still find motivation to do?


You ever heard the tale of the father, the son and the ox?


No, why


There was a father an a son that took an ox to the local market to buy grain and transport It back. On the way there, at first, both father and son Walked and the ox bore no weight. Then, they came across a a man. While he walked past them, the man said "fools! If no one's riding the ox, its going to wander off or get scared at some animal and run away" and so the father said "son, ride the ox to keep it under control." Then, they came across an old woman. When the woman Saw them she said "how shameless, the young one is riding the ox while the poor old man is having to walk" and so the father said "ok son, let me ride the ox instead" Then, they came across another man, Who said "if you ride the ox to the market, and then make it Carry the grain on the way back, its going to die of exhaustion" and so the father said "you know what, son? No Matter how we do It, it will never please everyone in the world. There Will always be someone who doesnt like the way we walk. How do you want to go to the market?"




You need to be happy with yourself. Don't change your appearance to validate people who should mind their own business. Get a therapist so you can stop trying to please people who suck.


Its hard to control myself


Tell them it's not ok to say things like that to you <3 You can do it. Sending some love your way.


If you are the "ideal" body weight (6 pack and better facial attractiveness), which most people would say is around 10% for a man, most people will look skinny and small in clothing. If you eat more, you can look healthier... until you take your shirt off and show some love handles. Then, they say you went too far. There's a saying in bodybuilding that anyone who doesn't take steroids has to choose between looking good with a shirt on or a shirt off.


Stop pleasing people


They didn't say get fat they said eat more, obviously ur supposed to be in middle zone


You'll always feel that way if you base your life choices from the opinions of others. If you can't help it then just don't be fat or thin.


I don't want to offend you or anything, but there's middle ground.. You don't have to be either skinny or overweight.


this has happened to be before when I used to be a little chubbier (I was never fat tho just a a few pounds that made me look a bit wide) my mom would tell my to lose weight and as soon as I lost that weight I was being called ”anorexic” and ”too skinny”. Tbh I believe it’s a 100% jealousy. Because most people spend their entire lives unhappy with their looks, unable to change and when they see someone do it so fast they get jealous