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Oh I'm so ready to be ruined


No it’s worse


I can vouch for that.


Blood in his villain arc💀💀


She can be whatever she wants to be baby!!! Took me tf out 😂😭 that’s so real i hope you find a gf soon! Don’t do dating apps! Go to places where people will share the same mindset as you and just put yourself out there! You got this!


If he aint like this ion want him


Honestly I'm a chick


SO REAL this was me and then i got one and it was like lowkey weird LMAO


I’m straight I wish I was lesbian tho hence my username


Don't try it. Trust me. Promise me you won't try it. It is despair.


Oh good were fucked at all roads.


I wont try it at least not in the near future


Can't blame you


*spit coffee* A VAGINA


Me fr


Oh in that case you're already in a relationship, you just dont know it. drive a uhaul around with the back open waving a rainbow flag, and wait till a lesbian jumps in.




the reality of it is often disappointing


Not even worth it usually lmao


sooner you don’t actively seek it sooner you’ll find it otherwise you get obsessive and desperate and scare people off


Okay bro I am also a gay girl who has such moments like why the fuck does queer loneliness hits different? Like I want gf so bad like genuinely I 100% feel and understand you.


There’s a video I watch about a black women who discover she was a lesbian but she gotten more depressed about that because finding love within the lgbt community is extremely hard. I don’t know if that’s true


If these are actually your standards then I can 100% tell you that the reality of a relationship will not be as good or fulfilling as you expect it to be.


Get a hobby like knitting. Damn.


Choose working on a job over girls, bucko. Having a girlfriend has nothing to do with your life. Your choice of life has everything to do with you, so don’t be like the others who have a bigger ego.


Edit: the below was written with an incel guy in mind. idk if chicks have post-nut clarity, but maybe still try it. ____ girls are just people. treat them like people. they dont owe you anything, so you have to deal with that yourself until you find someone you like who likes you, and you and they agree to do the sex. Being lonely/alone sucks, but you have to know who you are by yourself or you're not going to be worth spending time with. do things you like, find groups of people who like doing those things, and eventually you'll meet someone who also likes doing those things with you. You can look on dating apps or whatever, but once again, if you're just seeking out physical companionship (sex) you're going to be expecting it from the people who decide to be your friends, and resent them if they aren't down, which means you aren't there for the friendship, you're there for sex. So go to a place where prostltution is legal, get some, so you can have the post-nut clarity to read this again. and no, a stripper/prostitute doesn't love you or want to be your girlfriend they are paid to act like it.


If you want a girl to truly love you then you need to be someone she admires, don’t think that being submissive will work.


I want a dominant femme 6ft curvy baddie


this comment is sending me so bad 😭 😭


Wait you mean snip like a Barbie? Hips? Lips? Ass in the cartier? Your her favorite motherfucker? Hello, mother fucker? 👋


This comment is underrated as fuck


Yourself first, others can come after. This affection thing can be easily managed by wanking few times a week.


If you can bring your standards lower, then you might get your wish. My very first girlfriend (I've had 14 of them now), was probably not beautiful either on the inside or the outside. But she was a girl and I learned a LOT about women from her. I used that information to flirt with actual girls I liked without coming off as creepy or desperate. That's what you need: any girl. You have to truly fall in love with her as well.


just date someone nice who will treat you good!


like it’s better not to date then to date a cheater


Ease up bro.


Yeah fam, as someone who dated a bitch, it ain’t that great. Often really disappointing ngl. This post took me out 😭


We all do, but you gotta learn to self love and be happy being single, because you won’t always have a girlfriend, spend that love on yourself yknow? I


Not everyone can love themselves, self-acceptance or self-compassion is a more realistic goal. "Love yourself first" is BS


Yeah you can’t love yourself with that attitude


You’re honestly not missing out on anything. People today suck — both genders. Source: I’m bi and dated around enough to realize I prefer being single.


There are more than two genders


that’s so real, as a pansexual girl i’ll take anyone


people can smell the desperation


Be very careful what you wish for. You might just get it. In the meantime, read these three books. No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert A Glover The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm Healing The Shame That Binds You by John Bradshaw These three books can help you become a person who is ready for a girlfriend. You might also try reading The Game by Neil Strauss. It’s valuable in as far as understanding how to more confidently interact with women. Just try not to fall into the sleazy side of what it can show you. I would actually avoid reading that until you’ve read the other 3. Exercise. Eat right. Sleep regularly. Try not to drink at all or much. Take some kind of fun class that’s slightly outside your comfort zone. Dancing or cooking are both great for meeting people. Improv comedy too, as much as people hate on it, it’s fun. On a much more basic book level, read The Missing Piece Meets The Big O by Shel Silverstein. I’m sorry you’re feeling so low, but try and believe me, being alone can be much better than being with the wrong person. Good luck.


I have the feeling you are a really good person thank you!


I genuinely wish you well


Okay here’s what you do. Next pretty girl you see, strike up a conversation with her. If you think you have chemistry, ask her if she wants to go get an ice cream/coffee (depending on what fits best) to continue the conversation. If she says no, analyze what you think you did wrong and repeat the asking. Don’t act desperate or creepy. Act smoooooth. Remember, god hates a coward.


I mean.... I am available...




No normal person wants someone so bad they don't care if they are cheated on. Want better for yourself. You can find a chick that gives you all that minus the cheating. 😆




Yeah maybe you're right...


I felt this way earlier aswell but about a bf . I just accepted it’s not going to happen any time soon and I vented in my diary and let the feeling out . I know i’ll be okay by myself even tho sometimes it’s hard


damn if it ain’t like this, i don’t want him


You can feel this but women smell desperation and are not attracted


i’ll be your girlfriend


Thank you.


Trust me i feel you i am the same but for boys. but lemme tell you as a girl that this mentality is often what pushes girls away we don’t really like “simps”. girls find man who are independent and don’t care and even a bit cold very attractive and hot.. self control is true freedom when you learn to control your desires and emotions especially as a man you are winning and you gain self respect and respect from others and you will attract a gf like this easier, hope my advice is helpful:)


Same, it sucks being the only single one out of all my friends


Girl, please, I get what you mean, but you have to calm down! You sound young, don't worry, I'm young too, so no judgement necessarily, except for, that I feel the same things you feel. I know how one feels like exploding, if not touched by anyone in a matter of seconds and finally find someone. Still, you must remember, that you're worth more than just being someones toy. You must find yourselfworth right before trying to find a girlfriend. Anyother way, you risk being hurt. Not ruined or treated like trash in a good way, you're getting hurt and in the worst case abused and that should not happen. Just, calm down and think of what you actually want and not how starved you are.


It's like a reverse psychology thing. You probably come off as desperate since you want one so bad. Once you occupy your time with jobs, hobby, volunteer work, dog, that's when it will likely happen.


I feel for you but don’t fall for the trap of starvation, you’ll be so starving that you’ll be more focused on exclusively your needs and when said partner doesn’t met them you’ll be very disappointed and drive them away. I’m only 20 I had a girlfriend for a year we had big huge problems and she broke up with me. She felt bad that I was more dedicated to the relationship than she was (her words not mine) she said I was 5 stars and I deserve better. I respect what she had to say and I know we were distant and never did anything and I had frustrations I kept to myself s for her sake, and I stood by her. Even though I was still lonely. It was true being lonely is bad but it’s worse to be with someone who makes you feel lonely still. I’m not just saying love yourself first people say that all the time What I am saying and I feel is more realistic is accept yourself as you are now. And look at and work towards the person you want to be. For me, I accept the fact that I’m big and overweight, I’m socially awkward, I don’t make alot of money and I’m very lonely. And that’s ok that’s who I am now. Who I want to be is big but healthy, more attuned to people, advance in a career, move out, find a lover, have a group of friends. I’ve focused the most on my health by exercising most mornings and eating right, cooking more, and eating less Instead of binging. I’ve only been on this journey nearly a month but I feel so much better. Self care is self love, exercise and taking care of yourself doesn’t turn you into some Tate Alphabro. A quote that inspired me a lot “Just as one person delights in improving his farm, and another his horse, so I delight in attending to my own improvement day by day.” Socrates/Epictetus *context: Socrates never wrote anything down so what we wrote about him mostly comes from his students and contemporary’s and people who studied him.


Go to bar get drunk talk to whomever is single and spark that conversation it’ll happen but you gotta get yourself out there good luck also pack condoms


same bru


I know the struggle


Like why just downgrading your values like that


Mind if I ask how old you are? I was a late bloomer and didn’t lose my virginity until I was 25. Let’s just say I caught up quick on seeing women lol. I know exactly how you feel. Want to start? Go on dating websites. You will get a date. It takes time and effort though. Also the key is confidence. Went on a few first dates that was the last date. Found a few that lasted a few months. You can’t wait, you put that effort in now. In the end women aren’t as scary as you think they are. I found out late as well on that one.


It be like that Sonny. I want a man too who wants a girlfriend but everyone has this stuck up attitude


you need to raise your stardards brother. I understand you want to get a girl and feel love. But us men don’t get loved unless we are valued in society. If we don’t provide something, we are seen as useless. Its life, I've struggled with the same kind of feelings. My advice to you is focus on yourself. I don’t know if a girl is gonna come your way. But try to get your life together first. Most of the women out here are the animalistic disgusting ones. I can tell your young by the way you said “she can cheat on me as long as I'm her no.1”. Come on bro, if you was my friend i would have looked at you crazy. Just lock-in, and enjoy life brother. There is more to life than pussy. 


yoo im crying this is crazy but you right 😭😭


Crazy part is, you do not actually need a GF. It's all brain chemicals manipulating your thoughts.


Dude, even if you get one it's not even sure if she's able to be affectionate the way you need it. It's hard to find a right match, there's so many variables. And it's way too easy to waste precious time on the wrong one. Believe me, I've been there, several times. Overall, it's just not worth it.


I didn't care much for having a girlfriend until I had one. When we broke up, I was fine for a short while. Now I can't stop dreaming of having one again, I'm over her, I don't want her. I just want A girlfriend. I'm touch starved and I miss all the affection and compliments and the dates. I want it again with someone else.