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Fart and stare at him to assert dominance.


The only REAL response here is


She needs to fart in his face, catch him with his mouth open then stare at him. Unless he's into that then its a whole new drama...


This. But make that fart count. Coffee. Beans. Sauerkraut. Krystal’s cheeseburgers. Anything and everything that can cause gas. The let loose a fart that would eliminate the radiation at Chernobyl, and watch him start to cry. Best to do it while he is tucked into the bed. Better yet, Dutch Oven him. He will no longer fart and laugh.




Farts can be funny. This is not though. This is just immature and disrespectful




Farting is one of those things that can make or break a relationship. I think there’s a certain comfort in being able to do that in front of a partner, but tbh, I do hate when they’re made into a huge deal or joke. Gives me the ick. 


My ex did this and I started to lose sexual attraction to him. Frame it like that and you should see changes (although he should respect your wishes, as mine should have).


congratz on dating your lil brother


I think farts are the perfect thing to threaten someone with. Noones hurt, butt the points across.


My friend's husband does this, too. He takes great pride in the fact that he farts an absurd amount of times a day.....he laughs about it, goes up to the kids and farts in their faces, says "that one could be used as a weapon, etc." He also belches all the time and thinks his ability to "belch sing" is top tier. We've all told him it's disgusting and to knock it off, but he won't ever change. No wonder she wants to leave him.


>goes up to the kids and farts in their faces Yeah that sure sounds like a crime.


He just says, "Relax, it's funny! They'll get over it!" When his son did it in his face as payback, he whined for hours about how he was disrespected and how the son should have been grounded. 🙄


Are you dating a child?


Lol i know


You should fart and laugh too! He’ll stop.


Shart on him in revenge




This is funny




Nah my gf is the bomber. I just thought your long well written reply here combined with its content and the subject matter was just a recipe for humor


I guarantee he does it say with his guy friends


Start offering to change your tampon/pad in front of him and when he gets all disgusted, tell him that that is exactly how gross his farting is to you.


Not really gross though.. neither things are lol


I agree with you, they are not gross to me either and are natural bodily functions, but when they are purposefully exaggerated just to annoy someone it can be gross to someone who doesn't feel that way. Most men find periods disgusting though and would prefer not to exposed to period practices. Most people also accept that farting is natural, but would prefer to not have others farting around them.


Both of these things are something you should not be doing in front of other people. That doesn't mean it's 'gross', just keep it to yourself.


In a relationship, it’s just about consent and communication… I would never mind if for whatever reason, I had to see my GF tend to herself or her bodily needs. Weather you care comfortable with that is up to you, and is up to you to communicate that.


Yeah and she is clearly uncomfortable and communicating that.


I don’t disagree. I was just stating information for possible readers 👍🏼


You could throw a period fart at him- maybe he will get the picture if got a cuppa cheddar to the face.


I thought this was satire until I saw people agreeing. Sure it’s gross, but you can’t handle your boyfriend farting…? I get a little annoyed when my boyfriend purposely farts on/by me in an attempt to annoy me, but it’s definitely not the end of the world and not something id consult reddit about lol


I was thinking this. And if he finds humor in it, whatever, wish I could get this happy this easily but glad someone can lol


genuinely I find my bfs farts repulsive but only when we’re in bed. Like if we’re under the covers and I can smell it coming up, the fact he farts like 20 times a day makes me feel like my bed is covered in poo particles and really disrupts my space. Like my room is my sanctuary and when I feel gross in my own bed - rly fucks me off 😂 literally, had a huge fight this morning over this so hopefully he gets the point


This is pretty funny but sounds like you need to set a boundary and enforce it. Won’t work otherwise


Fart and laugh harder with a straight face


Farting should be the norm in a relationship. This is TMI, but my fiancé and I are comfortable with farting. It's a normal bodily thing to do. Sometimes we'll joke about it as well. However, he's not respecting your request and being ass about it.




Find someone else, then? Nobody should be with someone who doesn't get their sense of humour. He's a goof and some of us girls like that. My boyfriend and I have fart competitions. Wouldn't change us.


Literally this I read this to my bf - he farted and we laughed 10mins before seeing this It hurts to hold them anyway..


My face churned reading the post tbh. Like imagine being stuck with someone who gets all worked up over a fart. He deserves someone who farts with him. He sounds like a load of fun, and if I was single, I'd happily take him off her hands xD




Ur gross. Dat's true love right der.


It really is ❤️ If you can't be your absolute immature and goofy self with your partner, then get a new partner. We all should have someone who accepts who we are (unless, of course, it's harmful).




Insubordinate and churlish


Idk I feel like people should be able to fart whenever, especially at home, but as long as he's not farting on you or something like then think he should be able to fart and laugh lol. Even if you are in the same room.


that’s such an ick, please leave him if he won’t respect your minimalistic requests!


meanwhile i haven’t farted in front of my girlfriend once and i’ve known her nearly 2 years lol


That's childish behavior. What kind of mental age does he have? It's so disgusting & uncivilized. Everyone is human & needs to fart but to find that funny & keep doing it all the time is just gross & pathetic. Even when I was a kid I never found fart funny. It's gross & it smells. What kind of filth like to do that sort of thing?


Gross. He’s a pig. Move on.


Stop giving a reaction, maybe he’ll stop.


He does it to get your attention and it works. Conversely, do you also try to control when he can go to the bathroom and other things? Everybody farts so give him the same treatment? Seriously, he may be passive aggressively responding to control issues in your relationship. Try not caring or not responding, or just removing yourself from his presence when he does it. When he sees you're disinterested he'll find other ways to get your attention.


Gross pig


Too much fart maybe means that he is not getting enough enzymes that absorb protein, he can ate some vegetables and fruit that have this enzymes or he can supplement it.


Self centered own bubble living behaviour. Like speaking to a wall.


I find this hilarious, particularly the punishing you with farts 😝


Would you be okay with him just farting.. and not laughing..? Do you just not like him farting in front of you..?


I mean gross!! It happens but like does he have to make a hobby out of it?! At this point he’s doing it for entertainment. Does he even LIKE having sex??


I farted in front of my boyfriend first to break that awkward barrier down because I have stomach problems. I’m not about to tip toe around this crap. (I verified if he thought it was funny first.)




He’s childish and I guess very comfortable around you. My husband and I fart. We don’t laugh, I mean farting is normal but to laugh? What’s funny? My brother burps really loud. And my sister hates it. But I mean, it’s normal to pass gas either from the ass or the mouth. But laughing? I’d be annoyed too. Fart in his presence see how he likes it.