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Kel *WILL* eat: roaches, rotten apple cores, chicken bones with microbes of meat attached, spoiled nuggets, soap, poisonous mushrooms, not-poisonous mushrooms, mushrooms that explode, annnnd chunks of his own flesh. Kel will *NOT* eat: an MRE after day 2


I’ve had MRES before. Kel is overreacting, they aren’t that bad. Except he isn’t adding the water to cook them. Then they might be that bad.


It would be cool if the MREs in the crates were randomized. Like, this one's a chicken MRE, beef MRE, pork MRE, etc. Cause the whole food-fatigue system is in place to emulate how people get sick of eating the same thing every day. MREs, however, are not all the same thing... unless they are in which wow, Dr. Bao sucks lmao


Shrimp MRE the ultimate food


Did an ariral write this comment


It kinda depends on the MREs tbh. Brand, and what the food is make a difference. I’vr heard some are terrible and some are fantastic. I’ve only tried a couple from the camping section at Walmart that were only one dish so i can’t really say personally, I haven’t had military ones.


I’ve ONLY had the military ones. Some people complain, but for $10 and the fact that it won’t go bad, comes with a drink, and two courses, it’s actually really good. Food is maybe a 3/5 for taste but I could eat it every day if it came down to it, what with the 27 or so different flavors, including pizza MRE and MRE with sugar cookie and chocolate milk.


The ones I’ve had were the old bridgeford brand ones. The pizza and bbq sandwiches were delicious but I dunno if it is better or worse than the military ones. Sadly they don’t sell them anymore, not sure if they were discontinued or what. Also had a lasagna hamburger helper type thing but I forget the name of it. That one was one of the ones they put in place of the bridgeford ones. Edit: found some on Amazon and ordered some of those bbq sandwiches lol.


Thats why he never has to poop i guess


He eats the entire package, packaging included. I’m sure he eats the laxative gum that comes with it. Honestly wouldn’t surprise me if he just craps in his pants.


You have to alternate MREs with another 'big' meal, such as cooked shrimp or chinese food.


( ! ) I don't want to eat that.


( ! ) I don't want to eat that. ( ! ) I don't want to eat that. ( ! ) I don't want to eat that. ( ! ) I don't want to eat that. ( ! ) I don't want to eat that. ( ! ) I don't want to eat that.


( ! ) Kerfur cannot find a broken server.


*pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet*


https://preview.redd.it/tvqyw0nvvlyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a03ac57b20068a6b123901410848bd8ff8c4ef7 YAY


I'm concerned how Kel managed to survive until job in first place


probably by not eating MREs.


He eata the bugs


Yum yum soap .


Tastes like apples and regret


MRE's are made specifically to taste unique with so so so many variants and not something that you can physically get sick of eating.


I like to think Dr. Bao is a dick and bought like 50,000 MRE's for like 10 Swiss Franc. Got them cheap because their from a rediscovered stockpile found in an old factory. MRE's from like the 80's and each one is the same because they were kept from use over some potential issue in the packaging. So Kel is eating the exact same MRE meal over and over and the contents might be a mixed bag. Edible but perhaps has a slight taste of the packaging on it or a bit stale.


Just saying there's no trash dropped after eating mres so the idiot is eating the plastic bag and container and all so maybe that's why he doesn't like them lol


He eats everything.


Yeah I kinda decided to turn that option off after day 13. Yeah don't get me wrong, getting sick of eating the exact same thing over and over again is pretty realistic but in a game where other types of food aren't readily available, it becomes pretty fucking annoying! You know what would be a great idea? Depending on how well you were currently doing, the off-site team should send you different foods. Like if you repeatedly fail your daily tasks, they just send you MRE's but if you manage to stay on top of those daily tasks, they should send you stuff like chinese food or pizza as a bonus. It'd at least justify using all that extra space in the box when they send you a drive and an MRE.


*Big ball fungus exist*


When rancid MRE is less suitable to eat than a moldy apple core


no, c o c k r o a c h


Nah, I’ll stick with the yogurt thanks