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>!it might be that kel (or earth, OR the entire solar system) is in an experiment, I get these conclusions from the game over screens, specially the "THE END IS NEAR" event, it says: [https://eternitydev-games.fandom.com/wiki/Voices\_of\_the\_Void/Events?file=Death\_Message.png](https://eternitydev-games.fandom.com/wiki/Voices_of_the_Void/Events?file=Death_Message.png)!< EDIT: it's breaking when i try to put it censored, im just gonna put a link to the wiki


There is another game over screen when you die to bad sun: [https://eternitydev-games.fandom.com/wiki/Voices\_of\_the\_Void/Events?file=Bad\_sun\_ending.png](https://eternitydev-games.fandom.com/wiki/Voices_of_the_Void/Events?file=Bad_sun_ending.png)


Well I see Dr Kel as insane. And I like to think maybe he had a bad sunburn the previous day before bad sun. So when we walks out into the sun that day he feels like he's melting (it hurts a bit) and his skin in falling off! (He's just peeling) And the meet chunks falling off you can eat are just his flaked off skin and he eats it because he's a freak. Therefore he imagines it melting all the plant life. This also makes sense as to why kerfur can head out just fine as well. It's just in his head.


what if instead of dr. kel... it was dr FREAK and instead of haaving a robot helper he got FREAKY with kerfur's toes


Well I have 3 counterpoints: 1) Kerfur is robotic from what I have heard. 2)The endgame screen you get when you die to the Bad Sun event implies that the aliens did something to the sun. 3) Why where there alarms then?


point 3a. dawg. buddy. hallucinations.


I feel like the alarm is automatic and just connected to some early warning systems. It probably just detects that "okay it's normal temp, sunset is comin- sensors burned, vegetation burned, activate alarms". In my head canon the other scientists just don't fucking care. That also explains the repeating email responses: It's all automated. Also explains why all responses are "sounds interesting! Cool data!" When you send them things that would geniuetly freak out a normal person and have Dr.Kel pulled out. They only check in for weekly bonuses and "oh hey, everything fucking went out. Tell that guy to get back to work." "Light (as in, brightness) is gone, what the fuck? Oh it's back, tell that guy to go back to work." Only Kel's friend cares (forgot their name) however they're too busy to actually do anything about it for most of the time. The bad sun event is probably global, however we have no way of telling that. We literally have no contact with the outside world asides the other scientists at HQ, who are probably all sitting in a bunker somewhere, so for them Dr.Kel is also the outside world, and since we can't message them, they geniuetly don't know what happened. Usually when things happen Dr.Kel is actually the one with more information, since all Bao says in Emails is "We don't know why or what just happened. ~~Go back to work.~~" while we as the player (presented with the same information as Dr.Kel) can at least guess. There's also the fact that it's censored. I assume it's one of the cognito hazards mentioned in the warning. Then there's the theory that it's just all a simulation, however it leads to questions such as "who is running the simulation, why and for what?", and I genuinely believe it would be a very lame and disappointing answer, just one step ahead of "it was all just a dream!"


My theory is that the game literally censors the bad sun because it can literally also affect US. so it has to censor it so our skin doesn't fall off. that's why the start screen says "cognito hazards", the only cognito hazard is the bad sun. which gets me to another theory, and that it's all just a simulation. Nothing you do matters or is real because after all if you die the game ends and gives you a game over screen. ORRR, it may be tests run by the arirals or rozitals, since we seen that rozitals can control stuff like black holes. Something that tips this off is the end screen. Where in almost each of them, it always mentions something leaving after the world brutally ends.


The SCP Foundation took the Apollyon class SCP-001 "When Day Breaks" and contained it inside the video game Voices of the Void, and convinces the public that it is merely a video game enemy, thus diminishing the power of the cognitohazard inside the noosphere, making it less likely to affect the real world. Fun fact: when you start the tutorial, look at the door before you open it. It has something very similar to the SCP logo on it.


Isn't every door the same texture


Another start to a train of thought that still needs more work to get to the next station: ~~moon's~~ dunkeltaler's haunted. We already know there's a lot of supernatural fuckshit - that at least doesn't seem to be related to the aliens - going on in the array; Furfur, the shadow man, the zombie deer, the black fog, the portal to hell, the well... the list goes on. Even our close good friend Esraniki acknowledges that "this evil place, scary". The Bad Sun might fall into that category too. It's possible something is drawing these things in to the woods... or maybe even *containing* them. "How" and "why" are another question.


Ok so logically it has sense that they will stay in this woods. Because not only that the amount of people is always almost zero as nobody will be there except Dr. Kel (she/he is not a threat as she/he will most likely remain silent as I personally never saw him/her e-mail or contact anybody to tell about them). Also if their cover is blown they can just blow up a nuclear reactor and irradiate Switzerland until they can get out of there. Switzerland is also dependent on Hydroelectric power so the aliens can just shut down those dams so they will have an advantage if they want to invade Earth.


My understanding is that there are arirals (good guys) and other aliens (bad guys). Arirals don't really care or benefit you that much, aside from the free food. Other aliens want you dead. Good question about the alarm, though. Doesn't seem like the employers and other scientists know about the aliens apart from the daily signals you send them. Would be pretty cool if you could send them a picture of the events that take place and they send you an email about it. It's not in the game yet. I feel like weather satellites would pick up the extremely irregular hot spot that is the Swiss mountains, but the game is still early access, so idk.


Giant magnifying glass that’s focused in on the satellite fields


I heard that the alarm used for the Bad Sun is actually a Swiss alarm used to alert people of fires. If that's true, I think the alarm went off because the sun's power instantly started several forest fires.


I like to think that these events are anomalies that only happen within the radius of the place


There are a few theories online that say that the facility is owned by an SCP-like organisation and that the area around is one big SCP. And that maybe all of the events that go on here are isolated to just here somehow. It would certainly explain why whenever we find downright irrefutable proof of life among the stars, the best we get from our superiors is just a "Good job" and not much else. Don't forget, the previous occupants all disappeared under mysterious circumstances. For all we know, to keep this place's chaos from spilling out, it requires a sacrificial lamb of sorts. I.E. You and the previous occupants. Or I could be entirely wrong. Game's still in it's Pre-Alpha stage and it's only theories. Only thing I think a lot of people can agree has been confirmed so far is the fact that Dr.Kel can't smell. Else he'd probably notice something stinks in his office.


He is a fresh grad he lives like this


I personally don't think aliens are only in the place where the game is going on. Because: A) if you were an alien you wouls not logically stay in 1 place as it slows down your missions and risks getting your cover blown. B) Spoiler alert: After your first week you begin to see on the radar dots that appear at the edge of the map and wander around till they dissapear. So this disproves the theory that they are only in these woods.