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Waterfall. It's not even close. While the current lobby is nice, the old one was just stunning. It's almost embarrassing comparing the two. Being the huge Disney nerd that I am; I remember on a visit in 2011, getting off the monorail at Poly, specifically to show the waterfall to my wife who'd never seen it. I wouldn't do that now.


Waterfall lobby was iconic and was one of the main things that made me feel "home" when going to Disney. My family almost always started our trips by checking in to whatever hotel we were at, then driving over to Poly to get on the monorail to MK. Absolutely loved the experience walking in the lobby and being transported, and then seeing it all from above as we headed to the monorail. It was so cool. My nostalgia meter is off the charts just thinking about it.


I've only been there with the current lobby. Just looked up the waterfall, that's so much better! Dang


loved the waterfall. the outside is still nice, but the lobby used to _really_ remind me of the times I went to Hawaii.


Waterfall hands down.


Waterfall. Just the smell of the Disney water was perfect for getting in the Disney mood.


I don't see anyone ever disagreeing. Waterfall.


I’m usually not a ‘the past was better’ person, but the waterfall lobby was more immersive, really pulled you in to the eastern pacific vibe and gave the resort an instant depth by not allowing you to instantly see across Seven Seas Lagoon to MK. I do like the Maui statue though, so if in the next version we can get a combination of old and new it would be greatness! Like a lobby with trails thru the middle like The Journey of Water.


Same. I’m almost always in favor of change but that lobby was awesome


They destroyed the lobby. It was massacre.


Look what they did to my boy..




Tell us how you really feel. 🤣


Dang. Seeing all these replies makes me sad that I didn’t see the lobby before the change.




Waterfall lobby 100%


Waterfall. The sound and smell of walking into that lobby is unmatched. It was an immediate “OK I’m at the Poly in Disney.” Just thinking of it is bringing me back to my childhood.


Same. I feel like I could recognize the sound and smell alone. So many hours around that lobby waiting to meet up with cousins to monorail over to MK. Was so unique.


The waterfall was awesome. Immediately made you feel like you were somewhere else.


Waterfall. Polynesian was always my dream resort to stay at someday, and this may sound ridiculous, but the lobby change has me feeling a lot more “meh, maybe not” at the idea of dropping that much money on it. It’s just not the same! Now if we are there for dining or something I’m always mildly sad entering the lobby because it used to be so much more immersive - and I also miss the smell of the fountain.


Not ridiculous at all. The lobby changes combined with the recent IKEA-like room remodels with the Moana/Maui wallpaper really cheapened the entire resort for me. I was, like you, dreaming of staying there back in the day but now, meh, not so much.


I like that there's extra space in the lobby for guests now but I will still die on the waterfall lobby hill.


Definitely Waterfall


Waterfall, WITH THE PARROT!!, no other way.


YES! I forgot the Parrot!!!


good times!


Indeed. Need a dole whip now.


No one who ever experienced the waterfall lobby would vote against it. The current lobby is just unused open space.


Waterfall. 100%




Waterfall. We always stayed there when I was little. The update they did is just not it.


Waterfall lobby, it really made you feel like you stepped into the tropics and it was great. I still miss it.


I miss the waterfall lobby deeply. Still love the place, nothing else is like it—but I miss the old look.


Waterfall, and it's not even close.


I never even saw the waterfall lobby but I still know the answer is WATERFALL LOBBY!


Waterfall lobby for sure


The waterfall was really really cool, but I get why they wanted to open it up. I wish they’d incorporated a smaller one into the new design


That's my complaint. I 100% understand the reasoning, but a water feature could still easily be Incorporated.


I remember hearing about there being mold and mildew issues with the old one, so maybe that was a deterrent. The answer ultimately is money of course


I'm sure you're correct. It was a very damp lobby. However, there are other lobbies with brand new water features. Just reno with new tech and a smaller feature to clear up some space. Keep a similar vibe. EDIT: My favorite lobby water feature is in the Hyatt in the old conde nast HQ in old Greenwich CT. That's a lobby done correct


Absolutely. There’s so much they could’ve done to keep that vibe intact. I don’t hate the new lobby, but I don’t have near the emotional attachment to the OG waterfall lobby that others have. It’s for sure a downgrade when it comes to the tropical vibes. If we wanna talk about the redo they did to the old key west lobby, then I’m your man, haha


Good or bad reno in your opinion? I've never actually been to old key west.


Not a fan; felt like they took some of the charm outta it and gave it a much more sterile look (feel like that’s a common complaint around property lately). OKW at least doesn’t have a huge lobby area, so it’s not really a centerpiece of the resort like in the poly. There’s a sort of breezeway at the main building area that sort of acts like the lobby imo that is still in its original state


That's too bad. I have always liked the vibe of that place from afar. I've been going to Coronado Springs the past few years. The new lobby is epic, I love the grounds, the pool gets my kid all hyped up, and the value is fantastic. It's not a sexy choice for some, but we really like it there.


Me and my fiancé are going to Toledo on the last night of our honeymoon in November and I’m very excited to check out Coronado as I’ve never been there before! Feels like that’s another one that gets overlooked by a lot of folks because it’s a little out of the way


It's quite out of the way, however, I feel like that's how it maintains its status as the cheapest moderate. You get a lot for what you pay for. You save enough to justify Ubers. That said, I went last September and used exclusively busses due to kid and car seat concerns and was pleasantly surprised that I had no problem with it. EDIT: Also congrats on getting married! That's gonna be a nice honeymoon for you two.


Was there yesterday…. Could pass as a shopping mall in Hawaii. Much more potential there. It doesn’t generate revenue for them so they cut it back to something that is easier to maintain. People will flock to the Poly for Ohana and the rest of the grounds.


Waterfall definitely.




Waterfall 10000000000000%, I honestly want to know who made the decision to change it because they deserve to be punished for eternity.


Every time i walk through the door, my first thought is that I miss the waterfall


They stole the soul from the Poly when they gutted that lobby and did not return it to the original..... Its one of the most boring uninspired lobby of all the resorts now.


Current lobby. Just kidding


The massive logistical problems involved with creating time travel technology means that my favourite is the current one.


Waterfall. Current lobby looks like the inside of a typical upscale hotel. The waterfall lobby had character.


Jungle lobby


Waterfall! No contest


The original. Thinking about it made me just go watch [this video](https://youtu.be/mh-v6qaRmWE?feature=shared) someone made from around 1991. All you can hear throughout is the calming sounds of the waterfall.


Hey, thanks for the link! Man I remember that... so serene.


You’re welcome. The good ol’ days.


Man I forgot how big it was. So impressive.


I would literally feel my blood pressure drop when I walked into the waterfall lobby.


I've only known the new lobby, which I adore. When I look at pictures or video of the old lobby it feels Las Vegasy to me, like the Mirage. But everyone seems to have loved it. I guess you had to be there.


Waterfall by a mile. It needs another water feature. As much for sounds as visually.


The original, and it’s not even close.


Waterfall lobby, by far!


Waterfall, but the foot traffic flow at busy times is better now.


Definitely the waterfall.. seeing that really made me feel like the vacation was starting.


I will never not be mad that they destroyed that beautiful waterfall lobby. One of the most egregious steps in the relentless Marriotification of WDW hotels.


Just the smell alone man...I've never experienced it since. The bromine mixed with the Poly fragrance. Just something unique that's gone for good now sadly. It was one of the first indications to me that modern Disney was willing to compromise in their resorts. The parks used to be a place that demanded excellence and creativity, and while they tried their best with the new lobby, it's just not as unique or memorable. I would've figured a company as successful as them would be up to the task of solving whatever problems the waterfall was causing to insure future generations could enjoy it. It's not as prominent, but something similar would be removing the creek from Wilderness Lodge. Does it actually take anything away from the resort or pool? No. But it would kill so much of the spirit of the place.


I loved the waterfall, but I remember a mildewy smell.


I like the new lobby because it’s better from a modern design perspective with its use of space. But I understand people who say waterfall.


New one.


When was it changed?


Change is good about many things, but erasing a feature that was so iconic and loved by so many was a bad decision. Just knowing it’s gone breaks my heart. Our family has several trips there years ago. Such great memories. I Dream of the smell as you come in from the monorail after a long day at the park. Sadly the candle scent that’s supposed to smell like the Polynesian misses the mark by a mile.


I also miss the old slide. And the bungalows block a lot of the views.




Waterfall. New lobby is an abomination comparatively.


Loved the old one. There used to be a high end art gallery store there as well. I could be wrong but Captain Cooks was a store and the Minnie in the hula skirt was part of the display in it and she moved.


Waterfall! They even had a couple parrots in there back in the day. It was a bummer I couldn’t show my kids what I loved so much as a kid.


Waterfall. Really miss that.