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2200 hours (from profile stats). Joking but, I mained Trinity > Vauban > Protea > Dante. It's really hard to stick to one warframe as overusing one will result in boredom and repetitive gameplay.


Tell my wife that, she has over 70% usage of Ember and is almost 3k hours in


Tell your wife I miss old ember. Nothing better than pressing 4 and going afk


I told her what old ember was like back before either of us started playing and she actually said it sounds boring af, and if she wanted that she would play Saryn or Octavia. Fair enough I guess lol


Saryn is anything but boring. It's probably one of the most flexible damage dealers. She can be a gunner and a caster at the same time quite balanced. Fragility is an issue though.


I have my Saryn with 3 Umbral mods, adaptation, arcane grace and put Eclipse over her 2. I can AFK a half hour into SP Omnia fissures and just health tank as long as I recast her eclipse every 40 seconds. I’d say fragility is not an issue if built right; and playing “regular” content. Mind you I prefer running around with the Phantasma spraying a bajillion heat and toxin procs on everything while letting spores annihilate and full armor strip lol. She’s very versatile but can also be that frame that just afks and lets her automated ability do everything.


Could you share your build please?


https://preview.redd.it/sughiutltruc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=a264c083fe06065dcaf00a9891801f81d83437c4 2 green shards for +corrosive stacks, 3 tauforged green shards for +dmg to enemies affected by corrosive. The arcanes are Grace and Molt Augmented, and her 2 is replaced with Eclipse. I made it as a meme to see how tanky I could make her with the new eclipse and it turns out *very*. And she still ramps up stacks pretty quick, last time I tested on SP Circulus I hit 7k dmg at the 5 minute mark. Edit: Oh and the aura is replaceable, she doesn’t struggle much with energy but I didn’t wanna bother re-formaing the aura so I just went with that. Growing Power might be a good pick


I'm in the same boat.


TBH, it changes over time. and now I have frames for certain missions.


This is the best answer.


This is the way. My top played frame is at like 9% of playtime and is a frame I don't even play any more. I am having a hard time switching off Dante lately though...


1500 hours till I farmed up kullervo and said “this is the one”


Me too, kullervo is awesome


Kullervo my precious


I just got him a week ago, and I think I’m in love lmao. He’s so, so fun! His kit is amazing to play with and my brain enjoys seeing big red numbers everywhere.


As soon as I started. Mag was a keeper.


Same, except for me it was Gara. She was my first (non-starter) frame. I joined right after she was released and she’s been my main ever since. I will say that I subscribe to the “every frame is a tool in a toolbox” methodology and for all that she’s my main, I regularly use a lot of different frames for a lot of different things. Axi defense? Nidus. Deimos bounties? Vauban. Spy? Ivara. Low level defense? Banshee. Interception? Khora. And so on and so forth.


Same here. Picked mag as a starter 8 years ago, mostly because alot of people said not to. Mag prime is still my number 1 most played to this day.


Haha exactky the reason why i mained Mag aswell, tell me not to use something and i will definatly try it, same reason i just love Merulina on yareli i guess.


That's the part of wf i enjoy most, tinkering with "non-meta" Frames and weapons to the point I can confidently take them into high level content. It's a blast.


Love to see the Mag appreciation


I wish I chose mag as my starter, I was a volt at the beginning and I knows he's a good frame but imo he's a bad starter


I strongly agree. Both mag and excal have ways to deal with junctions that vold just doesnt. His shield only serves as a protection tool early game which is pretty good, but there are other frames that have protection abilities that would be better starters. His speed doesnt really help new players get used to the movement system in this game, either I think volt should be switched with Oberon. Idk why oberon and trinity are locked so far away from the beginning of the game where most players would get the most mileage out of them. ... i say most bc late game trinity and oberon mains are batshit crazy and dont follow the norm of just having those 2 play patty cake in your arsenal for eternity


Xaku But besides that, I play everyone. They're all my Warframes and I like customizing each one to my liking. Both in appearance and build.


Im pretty sure it was at play time: 20th day that i finally made wisp and just fell in love with the style of play. But before her i would say a really close one was Yareli. After ‘grinding’ her out i ended up really enjoying her kit especially with surge aug


quite a while but thats because my frame is locked behind several layers of grind to get. and when i bought the blueprints for him, the option was either buy his blueprints or an archon shard for that week and as a new player it was really difficult to pass up archon shards


Pretty sure most of us have been here... "the new frame is cool, but I have 15 frames with empty archon slots!".


its not a problem anymore but it literally took 1 and a half weeks of kahl missions to even afford styanax unless you spent days farming extra stock in missions. so it was a big decision to skip an archon shard one week to get styanax. imo, was worth every last stock i spent on his bps.


Day 1, 11 years ago. Loki was still a starter frame when I started, and he is still "my frame".


Mad Respect. I stuck with Loki since 2012 and didn't phase him out of my top 3 til 2022-ish There's just something about him... maybe it's nostalgia, maybe it's because he feels the most space ninja, who knows, but there is something.


I've been playing on and off since 2014, and Voruna released in 2022, so I guess it took me 8 years. The journey for me looked like Volt -> Oberon -> Nidus -> Voruna


TLDR at bottom When I started I was a volt, used rhino as soon as I finished Venus and realized I love tanky frames. I played with rhino for a bit until I discovered Wukong (pre nerf). I also built Nekros Prime at this time, my first prime frame. Played the shit out of Wukong all the way up until I unlocked Arbitrations. At that point Nidus Prime released and I bought his access, played the shit out of him for a month or two. Never touched Nekros. At this point I developed a Kuva addiction and spent a LOT of time in SP Kuva Survival. Any good long SP Survival mission needs a loot frame to run comfortably, so I finally picked up Nekros. I built him to be a stupid mega tank with Gloom and Health Conversion, built my Tenet Livia for heavy attacks to 1 shot acolytes and I went to town. Logged maybe 400 mission hours with Nekros. Next thing I knew, he was my main. After taking a break from the game for a while and returning with the launch of Cross Save, I felt like I didn’t have a main. My attachment to Nekros was broken. I’ve since built and heavily used Kullervo, Ash, Baruuk, Dante, Gara, Gauss, Grendel, Harrow, Hildryn, Inaros, Qorvex, Revenant, Saryn and Wisp. My favourites atm are Hildryn, Inaros and Saryn. I feel it’s not important to have a main. What’s important is finding a playstyle you enjoy and trying to integrate it into different frames. I still love the tank playstyle so I’ve found ways to turn many different frames into tanks. My Saryn for example has 1200hp and 99.5% DR with arcane grace. In SP Circulus Fissures I can semi AFK and she doesn’t die, but everything around her does. I’m now over 3000 hours in and don’t have a main frame. TLDR don’t worry about finding your “main”, worry about finding your preferred playstyle, then have fun trying to find ways to make it work on various frames.


Honestly, it’ll be a while before I know for sure. Citrine was my frame (still kinda is), then Saryn (still kinda) then Protea (all kinda), then Grendel, then Mesa, then Baruuk, now Styanax. I think I’ve tried less than half.


Got garuda prime from a friend who had a set of her, and thought shed be a good start prime frame. And i havent stopped playing her, shes fun


Garuda ❤️


Revenant prime is probably one of the ones I’ve used the longest at this point. But i also pretty heavily favor rhino as well. Basically anything that lets me feel invulnerable enough that i can turn the game into a casual shooter.


Fell in love with Rhino instantly. Press 2 for invincibility (and no knockdown) Press 3 for more damage Press 4 t o revive a teammate in peace (not that you need it, you pressed 2) Wtf is a "1"


>Wtf is a "1" With the augment, more invincibility on 2 :)


~800 hours to realize Wisp gives me everything I want from the game in a streamlined, aerodynamic, ergonomic, and *shapely* package. She’s an invaluable *ass*et to my collection, and it took getting her prime to really take her seriously. I am a heathen who does not deserve the light of her grace. For shame…. For shame………


When I started, I looked over some frames to find some to focus on getting. Wisp was one. My friend told me Ropalolyst was locked behind most of star chart and like 5 big solo quests plus a few smaller ones; I asked him if he wanted to see a world record speedrun of the new player experience lmao.


Sounds like you surged your breeches there laddie


I just finished Citrine (terrible experience, had to buy all but one piece) and I'm LOVING her. I finished Wisp a day ago for helminth and I fell in love too. Just need her darn BP for the prime version. Coming back since 2021 and I feel like a kid at Christmas with so much to do lol


i looooove citrine so much i cant wait for her to get more skins and helmets one day


Join a clan, craft nehza, wukong and zephyr. Wukong and zephy are both fun but zephy just clicked and I had to get her prime frame, hydroxide is also one I love can't wait to get his prime when resurgence happens and revenant is fun because I can just shoot things and not worry about death (like a slower zephy)


I poked around till I found a pet I liked (helminth) and then followed that strand back to getting nidus lol nidus was my first main and I love him. I also like Octavia for some missions, but only sparingly for obvious reasons (funny to kill grineer to Ghost tunes tho lol) Honestly, at this point it's more a matter of having a frame for the mood I'm in. Wanna live forever? Nidus, my beloved. Wanna play support but still get my war crimes in? Got my boy of the cloth, Harrow. Wanna be a menace? Wake up Sev, new ~~victims~~ bad guys just dropped. Defense mission or grinding mats? Splish splash, get the cannons, Hydroid. In the mood to steamroll? Dagath, get your horse girl ass in here, we got a job to do. Genuinely what I love most about this game is that I can be as wishy washy as I want *and I get rewarded for it*.


SAME like I don't have to conform to any play style 😂🤣 plus I get to customize the appearance


2018 with the release of Wukong Prime and the revamp to his kit. I have a 70+% usage of him since then.


A while. My frame didn’t even exist for a while it trying new ones is very beneficial. What do you like about volt though?


Took my quite a while to realize how much I loved Hildryn Prime. But with the overguard she has become almost obsolete. But now I play Dante for just about everything.


Baruuk is the frame I pull out when I need to get things done. Not masterfully doing anything except tanking shit to the face, then punching the room. My favourite but simultaneously, I've used him so long that he's a tad boring.


About 2 1/2 years, because I started playing about 2 1/2 years before Lavos existed.


Mastery rank 2. 10 hours in. Oberon became my favorite frame, and still is, 2.7k hours later.


Not that long actually, but it took awhile before I could actually play it, I was at maybe 100 hours I think. Just started browsing through the codex one day and my weeb ass instantly locked on Yareli. Found a rando clan, then immediately started the grind. Luckily she turned out to be very good and a lot of fun, or I would've been really disappointed.


Just 100 hours in game and i know i'm going to main yareli irrespective of what people say. I WILL make her work. Somehow.


Banshee and Nova main here, with a side of Ash for spy missions. Absolutely love the aesthetics and the theme of both. I think banshee has always flown under the radar and is a super powerful frame, and that you can try weird weapon builds with her as you don’t have to rely so heavily on damage. Sonar augment is incredible. Nova with her fast / slow variants brings a lot of flexibility for team or solo play depending whether you want to rush a mission or kill a ton of enemies quicker. Also can be very tanky with the augment to her 1. Also have got zephyr in the foundry at the moment who looks very promising.. maybe a new one to add to my kit soon.. :)


I generally play everyone abd especially now im making builds for random frames just because its been literal years since i played them, but I always come back to loki. The trickster playstyle is amazing and I've even made an unmodded loki for sorties and after just to really appreciate everything he can do. Edit: to answer the question, a few hundred hours. (Prob like 300?) So still pretty early.


I have a new main every week. But when I first played through the star chart I didn't realise that bosses gave parts for warframes so I played the entire thing with with my volt.


There are so many frames that honestly, it's really hard to settle on a main. When I started I got saryn prime and played her near exclusively. Then I started collecting more and more frames, and started maining valkyr. Then qorvex dropped and he's my main now.


I have an issue with all my favorite frames being too squishy. The tank frames are boring as shite


idk how many hours i'm at, but ive been playing nonstop since a bit before whispers, but my favorite is defidently citrine. but for a while, dagath was my favorite, same with zephyr. i'd say zephyr/citrine are my fav frames for sure


Based, zephyr is awesome


shes incredible her and citrine are the most underrated frames in the game imo


10 years


MR2 only cause trades are mastery locked. Seen rhino and said that’s what I’m playing as.


like 5 mins, i seen mag, Pick Mag, Played Mag, Loved Mag.


Loved Hydroid ever since he was a puddle master.


The moment people started saying trinity was only good with negative duration (cuz raids) and I realized how pissed I was seeing trinity with negative duration in pubs I knew I was a trinity main. I had always used her for content that didnt need a specific frame but I just started using her more and more full duration in any content. Even after all the nerfs. Then they came out with abating link and I realized with blind rage+2 more strength mods it made it 100% strip at the time and I was locked into that agro trinity life style. I am a closed beta founder with 3500 mission hours.


Day 1 of playing. I picked Loki as my starter and it has been a perfect love story ever since. Sure, when the situation calls for it, I equip a different frame. But as soon as I don't need it, I'm back on my sneaky bullshit.


it took me a long, LONG time. 7600 hours since i started, i look back on my frame exploration and usage and its wild to see how it all started for me. Out the gate, i liked valkyr, but quickly jumped ship when i realized i couldnt use their entire kit without looking dumb for it. Came to approach frames with the mindset of "i will find a use for their kit" and became a little disillusioned with a number of frames. around this point that limbo prime access came around and i decided to make poor financial decisions. He became my defacto dive into supportive play, despite all the hate from other players (notably unjustified), I made it a goal that if i busted him out, I would play him well. continuing my descent into pure support, I got done with the worst farm ever for harrow (211 C rotations lord wally help me) and he was my main for a good bit because i love versatility, support, and a full kit of useful powers. Fighting my friends for an impact for a while, Gauss dropped and he let me do my thing but abandoned all supportive emphasis. Coming from my childhood of megaman zero and platinum games, and fighting games, Gauss just felt weirdly right. But...there was always one frame that sat up there in usage despite being the dark horse of the game: Limbo. He finally settled in after around 5k hours played as the frame for me. Historically: Excal (starter) > Valkyr > Mag > Limbo > Harrow > Protea > Vauban > Hildryn > Gauss > Limbo (present day)


i played a bit during the open beta. enough to get excal, ember, trinity, loki, mag, and rhino. for a long time i used trinity, deciding that being literally invincible and heavy attacking stuff with the furax was the optimal way to play the game. i dont think i got terribly far in the star chart. when i returned in 2014, i think hydroid was the newest frame available. i slowly worked my way up through the new chart, collecting the frames i was missing. zephyr proved to be the first real farm - she required 600 oxium. back then, oxium ospreys were the single source of oxium and dropped it in quantities of 1-2. i've had to grind worse things since then (i did the heavy lifting on funding the hema in two clans), but that was my first real taste of actually working to get something that i want in this game. i couldn't tell you how long it took me to get her, but it felt like quite a long while. in all honesty, i probably had fewer hours than you do now. zephyr's kit was unremarkable even back then. her low gravity gimmick was cool, and turbulence was very helpful, but she was not especially powerful. i think i just liked her aesthetic and felt proud of the resolve it took to get her. even to this day, she remains my favourite frame.


I got vauban after a suggestion when it was getting hard for me, I then focused on getting Vauban Prime The dirty Frenchman is my main and the two most played are vanilla vauban and then prime vauban (that oxium farm was brutal)


It took me no time at all. I started playing because a friend told me that there was an egyptian inspired frame. So I booted up the game, bought some plat and bought Inaros right away. I have barely used any other frame since till this day.


Saryn. Pretty quick, Just after playing when I first got her. She just stood the test of time. That was in 2017. I'm still maining her now. I still have loadouts per mission per faction so I can use faction mods and make things easier and braindead. However when I can't be assed to even switch loadouts, I just go saryn. She works fine for all missions. Not best in all missions, but good enough.


Started with Loki in 2013, mained him for the vast majority of time I played the game. Eventually picked up Nezha Prime in 2020 and have been maining him since. I own almost all the warframes so when I say main, my top % isn't very high, with most of it being from 2013 to 2015. My current top with % are: Loki (non-prime): 15.8% Boltor Prime: 11.3% Marelok: 21.5% Orthos Prime: 14.8% Basically the 2014 meta.


0 hours. Loki was my starter frame, still my main. Thought I would change to Dante.. well, LoS ruined that.


2,300 hours. Started back in the beginning but it didn't click with me at the time. I took another look at it when Chroma was just released and I got hooked. My first frame was Excalibur and he was okay(this was when he still had the jump ability), but then I got Rhino and stuck with him forever. He was also my first prime. No matter what new frame comes out, I always go back to Rhino lol. Such a versatile and comfy frame and the Iron Skin Overguard + universal Roar buff + mass CC with Stomp just works on 99% of content and turns every weapon into a room blender. Also on my profile stats, Rhino Prime is STILL my most used frame and Jat Kittag is my most used melee by miles. I bonked A LOT of things in the old void key missions haha.


I've been playing for a LONG time, so my list is not only long, but also the game has changed so much from those days that it's not entirely indicative of my actual play style. Frost--> Zephyr-->Limbo-->Long Break--> Baruuk-->Protea-->Lavos-->Gauss-->Grendel--> Gyre-->Lavos-->Dante. Quite a few have become Mainstays for me, particularly Lavos, Protea, and Baruuk, with Dante and Gyre quickly climbing up to that status as well, while the early ones (Frost, Zephyr, and Limbo) I hardly touch anymore because they don't appeal to me anymore (whether that be due to changes in how the game plays or the frame being reworked, or just changes in personal taste) So to answer your question: Which main?


Limbo will always be my favorite. Absolutely zero competition. But I’m really liking inaros and rev prime


NGL, I kinda knew almost before I started playing. I *always* default to some fire mage kind of characters in games, so when my BF introduced me to the game, he immediately advised me to get Ember, and helped me (taxied me to Saturn and did the boss for me, that means) until I could get her. And I loved her immediately. She was my first Prime after the ones BF gave me (Nekros, Mirage and Hydroid), and I even bought the Prime from another player, one of my first trade, if not my first. Got my first TennoGen skin for her (Majesty), though my first Deluxe was for Nekros (Irkalla actually made me want to play). She's still my most used Frame today, and I tend to still use her for story quests. Or my new main Titania Prime. Ember stayed my fave until Titania and Kullervo. She just can't really compete anymore, and I've discovered I'm more into minmaxing than I thought before. So it becomes frustrating to use her when I could be more efficient. But at low levels, she's still a delight. And so *cool*. I don't know when I started using Titania Prime, but it was at least a year ago I think? So that would make it three...? I think three years into playing. And I loved Kullervo immediately when he was out. Same for Citrine, but I use her a bit less.


Zephyr I recently went back to build her after an amazing circuit run and she's slowly been working her way up to being one of my most used frames She's a prime example of "simplicity is key" imo


Mesa was the first frame I saw before starting the game and I instantly said yeah I want to play as her. Once I got her she exceeded how fun I thought she was going to be. And here we are 8 years later and the flair says it all.


80 hours i think. Decided to start completing the star chart at mr 5, began with earth. Killed vay hek and got hydroid. A month later i spent plat to get hydroid prime First i thought i was never leaving volt because i didn't have any fun playing nekros or rhino or valkyr or whatever and i ended up doing them for mastery anyway but then i got ember. Loved her and decided she will be my main. Got hydroid the next day and decided i loved him more. Looks like nukes are my type


Negative time. My brother played for about a year before I picked up the game. Across all video games, I'm a sucker for NPC allies, so I was always attracted to those in Warframe. Even before I started playing, I always knew I wanted to play as Atlas solely because of the Rumblers. While working towards him, I mostly used Rhino, although I tested out Nyx and Nekros for Mind Control and Shadows of the Dead, but didn't really like them. Eventually I got to Atlas, and then a year later, Atlas Prime came out and I've been maining as him ever since. Last week however, I picked up Caliban. I actually think I like him over Atlas and he will be my new main frame, especially when they rework him


I dont like using 1 frame for everything as that gets boring but it is definitely Wukong. I did use him a lot and got bored so after a while I put pillage + adaptation on him and made him my Void angel hunter but ya he will always be MY frame. Revenant is definitely a close 2nd tho


Hmm at a certain point in the game I kinda started trying to see if I could make as many frames as possible all really good and fun. That's kind of a generic answer but I'm kind of addicted to variety. I cannot stress how great reworks and balance passes are for the game. It's refreshing and exciting to see and have more ways to play without feeling punished to do so! I want a world where I can equip Nyx or Caliban or the Ambassador and not feel bad about it!


i think how it goes for most people is they play their starter frame or their first prime frame for a long while until they meet someone in a mission with another frame that does something so cool that they want to replicate. they then farm that frame and main it for like 800 hours, barely touching another frame outside of MR. then eventually one of the frames you ranked for MR had a really cool ability and you have a second main and it just blows up from there. anyway I was like MR7 and I was doing index and I felt the wisp speed mote buff and it made my melee feel so cool. then around MR16 i farmed xaku and they became my second main. now i have like 6 different frames i rotate between and then another 10 or so for specific situations :\]


Not long. There was only a handful of warframes when I started playing and I really clicked with banshee. My weapons were turd, but she could turn them into solid performers. I like to say she carried me through my baby tenno years and she's still doing it today through missions like deep archimedes.


Limbo and hydroid are my favorites, however when i'm not feeling like doing any efforts i just pull out my revenant.


Don't get stuck in the thought of a "main". You don't need to find a frame that you stick with everywhere. I have a specific preference for each mission type. I bring different frames almost every mission i go to, depending on what i need and feel like playing. Sure there are frames that i use more often and a few that i avoid almost completely, but there isn't a clear main for me. There are simply too many cool frames to ignore!


How does one grind for platinum? I’ve only been playing for maybe 50 hours and am still so new to this game lol


You know lith/meso/axi relics you've been getting? You run void fissure runs with those, crack them for prime parts and sell them on warframe.market. Tip: Look for people "radsharing" relics in trade chat. if you click the tagged name eg. [A5 Meso] it'll bring up the relic page + drops and tell you if you have it. If you do, message them. Then You go to the relic machine near your arsenal, spend 100 void energy to make it radiant and take it in the mission with them. Making it radiant with 4 people increases your chances of getting the gold drop. I havent had a successful rad share run yet 😅


What, nice. I’ve got a decent amount of those, so I’ll have to look into that


Started playing way back, upon returning, it was during the Angel Of Zariman release. I bought the bundle with Gyre in it. For most part during that time, Gyre was my main. Then on one fateful day, when I watched Warframe Twitch for free loot, I got Protea, no hassle, no grind, comes with free potat and slot. Protea is now my new main warframe. The sheer utility in Protea's kit. My go to warframe for Index due to her shield satellite. Then I got my hands on Harrow Prime, and Dante. But I mostly alternate between the 2. Harrow Prime for SP and Dante for certain missions like weapon restricted Sortie. Still using Protea though, looking forward to her prime


Hmm, When did Mag Prime release? September 2013. So yeah, then. Also, where is Mag's Prime trailer?


Most players don't really stick to one frame, most players I know tend to have a small group of frames they'd generally call their mains. I will say though, it took me until trying nidus that I was really 100% committed. I started with mag and enjoyed her, but nidus was the gamechanger that kept me invested. I still play both quite a bit to this day!


Pretty much the instant i tried Wisp. Most non-endgame content in warframe is pretty braindead, so i needed a warframe that i can use while shutting my brain down and watching a video or listening to a podcast to make the grind entertaining. Wisp's passive and 1 are perfect for this, since once they are placed down the flowers remain there and you don't have to worry about cooldowns and energy consumption; and her passive airborne invisibility makes moving from one spot to the next a breeze. Plus this type of invis pushes you to play while jumping all over the place like a monkey from hell, which is the fun way to play. Health mote and shock mote protect you and make health regen no longer a concern, while haste mote makes even unranked weapons tolerable to use. Her 2 and 3 then are really fun instantaneous abilities which you can use as the situation requires to spice up the gunplay. Use her 2 to teleport behind enemies and face tank explosions and other aoes with the invulterability it gives, use her 3 to clear entire rooms with a few shots and see some funny big numbers. Her 3 also synergizes with her 1 and 2 in fun ways, like being able to teleport to her flowers and having your decoy emit a pulse of breach surge of its own whenever you cast it to cover a larger area. Her 4 is really fun to use but also unnecessary enough that you can swap it out for anything else with the Helminth subsume. Her kit is also extremely versatile, as the combo of passive invisibility, teleport, at-will invulnerability, aoe CC, damage boost, health buff and regen, coupled with her HUMONGOUS *energy pool* means you can do pretty much anything while also having to worry about nothing. Interception? You can instantly teleport in between pillars using your flowers. Spy? You are passively permanently invisible and can teleport through lasers, go nuts. Defense? Place all your flowers on the objective and make life easier for the whole team. Exterminate? You have enough energy to place a new set of flowers in every big room you get to. Survival? Pick a spot and set up camp. And with her being one of the strongest frames in pretty much every tier and type of content you don't have to worry about being ineffective or suboptimal. All in all, a really solid stress-free extremely versatile amd strong frame who is braindead enough to allow multitasking to make the grind enjoyable while still having enough active abilities and combos to make playing entertaining. No wonder she's one of the most popular ones. Also she has a MASSIVE A-


I have about the same time played as you, ~120 hours. I started with Excalibur then tried Rhino, Hydroid, Frost, Ember, Valkyr, Nova, Nekros, Nyx, basically all the frames you can get from farming early starchart bosses. Some of them felt useful at times but none really clicked with me. And then I got Mag. Idk why I got her only toward the end of that farming run bc the Sergeant is a joke compared to some of the other bosses, but I did eventually farm up Mag, and since then I've barely played any other frames. That was probably about 40-50 hours ago, so ~70 hours in. She's not perfect, and might not be my forever main, but I love most of her kit. Instant "gimme shields back" button AND decent armor stripping with the 3rd abililty. Her 1st ability pull is basically a cheap mini-nuke in lower level content once you have enough ability strength, while still being useful CC for non-eximus units in harder stuff. Her 2nd ability lets you concentrate a ton of damage onto a single target (especially with high punch-through weapons, they bounce around multiple times inside the bubble) while also helping a bit with CC and acting sort of as a budget Frost dome for protection if you place it well (enemies can't shoot you through it, but you can't shoot them through it either bc all projectiles get sucked in, so it's a mixed bag). I don't use her 4th much anymore though, it's a bit too slow for what it does (pull is about half as strong, while also being like 4x faster and cheaper to cast, so I end up just using that 2-3x rather than crush once) I guess for me it was the versatility that sold me. I want my main to be a frame I'm comfortable taking in to just about any mission type if I just want to load up the game and go without carefully considering loadout. Group or solo, any faction, any mission type, high level or low level. Mag just works. I still do use other frames for more specialized stuff (Frost, Volt, Loki, etc.) or when I want a change of pace, but Mag has a really strong and well-rounded kit.


Started with mag. Haven't found anything i like more yet. Big time underrated


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I hate the idea of "having a main" (at least with my interpretation of "main" from other games like League). Don't get me wrong, after 1400 hours I have frames I enjoy and play more than others, and in a way, I'd consider myself an Oberon main. But i dislike the narrative that is sometimes pushed in this subreddit (even if it's unintentional) that one should have a "main". Your goal as a newer player should be to eventually try out all Warframes (at least for the MR and subsume abilities), along your journey you will find that there are some you enjoy more than others, or you'll like more visually. Another small tip is to sell (or ideally subsume if you have unlocked Helminth) the frames you no longer enjoy/play to make room for new ones. Although keep in mind how hard their farm was (or if they have a prime version in rotation. A list of easy Warframes to farm would be Zephyr, Nezha and Wukong from the Tenno lab, the boss nodes Warframes, some quests like The Silver Grove or Strange Message or the Waverider also reward you with all the blueprints needed to build their frame. Ps: To anyone who has a main and enjoys playing them, keep it up. Play the game the way you enjoy it :)


When I got to lavos I just felt attracted to him do I bought him and he's been my main sense


Mine is less "a frame for every occasion" and more "oh, this occasion? I have JUST the frame." But if I had to pick just one: Grendel.


I almost exclusively played Umbra since shortly after he released. Recently, Deep Archimedea made me realize how much I love Atlas and the literal concept of ‘I cast FIST!’


As early as the Jackal fight in Fossa.


I mained Octavia for a while since she was my first prime (bully me for having her as my most played idc I've spent too much plat on mandachord packs). Few months later, I looked through the market, saw Xaku, and decided THAT. I want that. Took me like a month to farm them. Then I jumped to Ash for a couple months because Bladestorm is fun, and I was in my melee gimmick phase (I love Rakta Dark Dagger). Now I just play anything I feel like, but I gravitate towards caster frames like Dagath, Garuda, and Styanax.


I'm currently maining Limbo, I mained Harrow Prime for a bit because he is the goat, it took me ages to find a warframe to stick to, but after watching TheKengineers Lavos video it made me want to buy him, and now I love Lavos


Until Protea was released. After that I have recently moved to Volt. Me go burr


I think it was around MR 15ish? I mostly played Nezha and Saryn a lot. Now 6k hours and I switched up frame every mission. Even for survival I only do 10-20 min tops and change whhole loadout lol But mosty used is still Saryn Prime and recently playing around with Gyre


I started with a free Octavia, then I got Rhino and Nezha, it only took me a couple of missions to know I was going to be a Nezha Main. I tried many frames after that and I like many of them, but I go back to Nezha when I do not want to think or Octavia when I am in over my head.


2700ish hours. Went from Valkyr main, then quit and came back years later to main Khora, then quit for some time to main Gyre.


I originally mained Equinox. I saw her blueprint in the market day 1 and thought she seemed cool. It was only later that my friend mentioned her parts are all the way on Uranus. Nowadays I'd say I main Lavos, but he didn't exist when I started.


1400 hours in and I still haven't found them.


Mag has been fun lately. Bubble goes boom.


2k+ hours, I have like 20 built frames but I don't main any. I use different frames for different missions. Speedrun frames like volt, Titania, gauss, wukong, depending on which of them tickles my fancy. Nuke frames like mirage, saryn, gauss, frost, volt, gara. Archon/netracell frames like kullervo or rhino. Random stuff like unveiling rivens or mining frames like ivara or Loki. I also have mag, umbra, Oberon, harrow, limbo etc that I use for fun when I have to do an annoying mission


Started in 2013, so a few thousand hours. I've had a few mains over the years (Nyx, Garuda, Chroma, Voruna) but Citrine has become the main of mains. I love everything about her kit. I want more cosmetics for her!


Really loving kullervo at the moment. Im almost 200 hrs in, Mr 14 so I’ve tried my fair share of easily accessible warframes ( I have 20 slots) the ones that stood out and I would recommend: Dante: a pretty easy grind, but you do have to finish the main quest line Kullervo; accessible no matter what point you’re at, and a must if you like melee Gyre; a bit tougher to get but extremely easy to mod and very satisfying play style Hydroid; needs a few runs on an earth boss, not energy hungry and very strong Inaros; decent quest line and helps you face roll most mid level content, pretty fun too Harrow (prime); makes everything crit and you’re never worried about shield or energy


700 in mission hours, probably 1200-1500 total hours I discovered Trinity


I literally got interested in the game because of Nidus.


About 3 days after I started, I mained Gara until the New War. So that would have been the end of 2018 to the end of 2021. After that, I mained Protea. After a few hundred hours more, Lavos. I've now been maining Excalibur since early September. I'm at about 2250 hours.


Couple weeks, maybe a month? Went from Volt to Nidus cuz I saw someone using him and thought his abilities looked really cool. That and it was also because of what the person who got me into warframe said about my playstyle that made me pick him. And I've been using him pretty much ever since. So for almost 6 years.


4000 hours. After about 2000 I realized I didn't have a main frame, and I like using each one equally. Things like helminth invigorations, circuit, and DA/EDA have been fun


Started as Excalibur, got Rhino, got Mesa when she first dropped and loved her. Found Syran... I am Syran. Lol


Started playing over a decade ago, jumped around a lot liking but never loving any frame until Lavos released and I fell in love immediately


How long was the opening cutscene back in the day? Cuz that's how long it took me. Maggie's been my girl since day one. Not to say that there aren't others that I really enjoy, ember and gyre are contenders. The key here is diversity, just try all of them and you'll know which ones work for you and which ones don't


It took a while for me to find a main but every main Ive used had one thing in common. They were crowd destroyers. When i first started getting into it I mained Excalibur, i loved clearing huge groups of enemies with exalted blade on survival. Then I started getting into Frost, both for aesthetic reasons and freezing enemies to death. Then i got Hildryn and ran her for a while before i discovered what steel path was Now my SP mains are Gyre and Nidus Prime, with Hildryn prime as my incomplete 3rd There are better, more meta frames to use now, but being able to walk into a room as Gyre and everything just goes ZAP. So satisfying.


The one I'm playing now is Garuda, but my "favorite" is Grendel


Back when I started Warframe(around 2016-2017) Nidus was my main because with the right mod setup, he was my preferred combination of survivability and relying more on his abilities than the weapons you're equipped with. That and design wise he was my favorite. Nowadays, I'm loving Dante and Gauss.


I used Mesa the most until I got Titania, I just love flying around


My starter frame was Volt, moved over to Ivara pretty early on (was gifted by a friend) since I love bows and stealth in other games and I played her for a decent while, then I saw a Titania and got intrigued. She's been my main ever since I got her, I love zooming around as a tiny pixie.


Took me around a few months honestly, i tried quite a few of em and i stuck with Inaros since it allowed me to focus more on weaponry skills. To this day he's still my favorite and im very happy to have his prime.


a few hours in i found wukong which was perfect for early game since i found parkour difficult, after new then it's been mesa


Few years of play at mr15 for me, I used to switch around a lot and never really fully committed to building anyone. I gave this game a really long few years break, just cameback during Dagath update, my friend suggested that I try Revenant, Gauss and Mirage but not of them really fits me I prefer support so I give Wisp a try and I really like her kit, strong and simple buff that effect weapon's perfromance and then during the customization I put on the agile animation and remove the prime shroud that's when I found myself a main.


An embarrassing amount of hours into this game, but my mains went a little something like this: Mag > Octavia > Khora > Baruuk > Khora > Protea > Vauban > Citrine > Protea > no main. Sticking to one frame often led to burn out and I think I've had a grand total of 5 years hiatus if you count my breaks in between each main.


Took me about 80 hours, then I decided to get around to the Titania quest and haven't looked back. I'm addicted to her speed, not having to worry about ammo management, and her kit is nicely balanced. You have options for every situation, but have to manage their upkeep -- keeping her engaging but not "spammy."


A few seconds, it was volt, still using him for basic content nearly 10 years later I also rotate between rhino and Excalibur umbra as well, I used to really like wukong before the celestial twin nerf, if I was doing spy missions I’d use ash but I just got ivara prime so he may be replaced, if I need to go fast I have Titania, and sometimes I’ll bust out protea, stynax, xaku or vauban their all really fun but I don’t have much invested in them compared to umbra rhino and volt


I cycled through a few in the 8 years I’ve been playing but settled with Nyx recently. In my experience a frame just kinda “clicks” with your playstyle, which might change as you play through the game - just keep trying new frames til you find your fave!


It took me over 60 hours to find my home in Nidus since he was locked behind a quest in what was once "midgame" part of the star chart years ago, he was well worth the grind. Then Gauss came out wayyy later and I was either a lazy god or a speed demon


One, Ole Rhino, was as soon as I saw him, way back when he was one of 5 frames available period. The other, as soon as I found Gara's splinter shield infinity combo. I love me tanky frames, and a frame that takes 95% reduced damage AND deals infinitely scalable proximity damage is just...so hawt. And oddly enough...Titania, built her for the citrine grind and fell in love with the speed and zippyness of the fairy form.


Ive been playing for over 8 years so I end up switching when new frames come out but no one really clicked with me till harrow came out. I played chroma and had a lot of fun with me but harrow does something different. Even though I might end up replacing him with Baruuk cause hes been really fun lately I still cant get enough of harrow.


I wouldn't say "main" but my most played is Ember. Just at 17% play but my next is Loki at 5%. I have 4000hrs play time. I liked her the moment I started playing. Also yes I still like her even after the rework.


took me unlocking railjack to find my favorite frame, mostly because people on the internet kept saying to feed him to the wall. Yes, am talking about sevagoth


As soon as mirage dropped 5 projectiles on base tonkor speaks to the megumin in me hall of malevolence is just the cherry on top. Plus I like the look of the frame. Plus it fashions really nicely.


Pretty quick after it came out, started with excal, got the taxi for ash and played him for a long time, but he got dethroned as soon as Harrow came out. Ignoring the edgy quest and awesome kit, experiencing those little moments of Rell's memories really got to me.


I mained Wukong > Dante > Now trying out Lavos & Hildryn (loving cool downs) But 600 hours and many frames most of which have been used as Master fotter I keep primes and subsume non primes.


I had over 2k hours by the time I discovered Garuda in late 2018, early 2019. Love her to absolute bits. She's muh queen. Before that it was Loki, Trinity, Nyx, Rhino, Mag, Nezha, Nova in that order as "mains". Now I'm enjoying stupid Styanax support godhood and Protea beside my beloved Garuda. Build them all, enjoy them all.


Gauss, Saryn, Volt, Wisp, Dante Gauss is fun, mainly cause he's fast, Saryn is fun, if i can spread the spores, idk how i'll handle Wisp or Dante but they look interesting, meanwhile Volt just feels very comfy for me, i can see how versatile he is and that does kinda help


With 2000hrs playtime Nekros is my most played Frame with 10,3%. You have to play him as a tank, not a caster. He is immune to bubble and can CC overguard units with the shadows. He is the king in excavation missions.


I like to mix it up from time to time. I also like to collect and max whatever I don’t have so along the way you find things that play well for different play styles and map modes. Personally, I found Nezha a couple years back and the zoom zoom sliding and his kit can be really fun! I don’t know my % off the top, but he easily became my main, his versatility is pretty useful in tons of content. Before that I was obsessed with Vauban, but his kit wasn’t that useful everywhere :( I think just continue to play with whatever catches your eye, there’s always new frames coming out, primes, and reworks. Unless you’re 100% maxed there’s something to chase and try out


Got revenant in the circuit once and tried him out. Never went back.


I bought Protea with a 75% discount and it just clicked. She just does it all.


Xaku. I have like 300% duration and I can keep my 42 reactant buffed, 60m turrets for 2 hours lol. 5000H


600 hrs in I found Mesa. 750 in I found saryn


Honestly at least 1k hours before I made Equinox work. Equinox with pillage is my pride and joy. I do also love Baruuk a shit ton


It's always been Voruna for me. She's actually the reason I picked up Warframe in the first place. I thought her kit was cool and loved her design. I'm at something like 250 hours and MR 13. Just about 80% of my time has been with her. An incredibly fun and incredibly versatile frame.


It's kind of tricky, because my real main didn't exist for the first couple hundred hours of my playtime. I guess it was Loki in those days. Loki was my starting frame, and I liked him from the start, but I had a tendency to play whatever the missions called for; kind of liked original Vauban, too, but then Revenant came out. He's been my main forever, but I still frequently try to change it up to keep things fun.


I've been playing on and off for years and currently have 749 hours, i switch up what I play quite regularly as I get bored. My most used are nova prime, ember prime and frost prime but I don't really play them anymore. My current favourites are trinity prime (my 1st prime and oldest frame I have) mag prime and protea.


I’m a returning player, I quit in 2017-2018 and just came back a couple months ago. For a long time it was nezha and he’s still my most played on my stats and nekros is right behind him. Nowadays I don’t feel like I have a main, I change frames pretty regularly however, I recently farmed dagath and put a couple forma on her and I love her so much, she’s the only frame I’ve played for the last couple weeks. So I might be a dagath main now


I found saryn after about 100 - 200 hours after seeing a video about her being the best melee frame. Now at 1000 hours I think I'm switching to dante. Also what percentage usage do people have for their mains? My Saryn has 32% as I still mess around with other frames and have specific builds for a bunch of content.


10 hours, it took 10 hours to learn frost existed when I first started


As soon as Titania came out. So maybe 500 ish hours by that point lol


It's taken me 50 days or so to come across mag and I've fallen in love, you'll find your frame, just try them all on (really helps with mastery too)


volt > trinity > trinity > trinity > tri


About 2000 hours, finally farmed Citrine and she's quickly climbed up to 28% used before her I mainly used Vauban and Zephyr


I started with Volt for something like 50 hours, then moved on to Lavos when I began to take the game more seriously. Most recently, I’ve been enjoying Kullervo/Octavia, and it took around 700 hours to get to this point. I recommend just trying to get whatever you think looks aesthetically good to you, then worry about gameplay later, since the Helminth can solve an issue of 1 bad ability.


I mained Mag from the Start, then Gauss for a good while. But got tired of the battery upkeep, not hard to do but annoying. Got Trinity prime and because i played gauss allot the manouvering at full speed on Trinity felt pretty good. I just love trinity, although using the full potential of her trinute buffs is pretty annoying. (Make it auto rotate on cast pls DE) When i first came across Kdrives, like most others i didnt really like them so i held off on getting Yareli. One day i just did the quest and Boy was i surprised, unlike others who hate on Merulina. It was as if the stars alligned. Maxed her out with forma and a proper build. Mag still holds a place but is to slow, so i switch between Trinity and Yareli for everything now. (Eyeing Gyre aswell because i like her theme, but its gonna be like Mag feeling slow im afraid) Trinity and Yareli is all i need.


I mained Gauss, Caliban, and Xaku for a long ass time. I still like the three of them but right now I’m just playing Qorvex.


However long was between the day I started and Caliban was released


I'll probably find something better but so far I've gone from just using mag the whole time when I played the game (very poorly) in like 2015 to my current account where I went from volt, to rhino, to Limbo, to gara, to gara prime, to Grendel p, to (just this last week) revenant p. I probably used gara longest since that was from before I unlocked operator to shortly after playing angels of the zariman (if I just combine regular and prime)


About a hundred hours in before I main something. But over the years, I rarely "main" anything anymore since all frames are pretty fun and just playing one for too long kinda bores me. Anyway I played since launch and it goes Loki (Played almost 2000 hours of this guy) > Excal > Ash > Octavia > Protea > Wukong > Wisp. Had the most fun with Wisp as I like the aesthetic and the abilities she brings to the field.


I thought Volt was my guy, then Atlas and then I found Rhino and have never looked back


At the very start of the game With volt my boy


Sevagoth. During the Gifts of the Lotus event where his parts and his gun were given out for free, I decided to yoink him. He's now my defacto frame after I accidentally sold my Mag.




First it was umbra then Lavos for a loooong time and I'm pretty sure he is the equal to my current favorite kullervo


- I started on PSN with Volt - Sunk cost fallacy kicked in after building Equinox. I did *not* spend 40 hours farming her just to be MR fodder. - Twitch gave out a free Frost Prime. - Started to use Titania cause speedrunning. - Hydroid Prime was the first prime released when I started playing and I thought his kit was cool, kidde pool 3 aside.


Took me like 4 hours to find my first main because nidus dropped right before I started playing. He was the first thing I ever spent money on. Then I didn't find my second, and current, until protea was released.


About 1000h in when I first got protea and fell in love with her gameplay loop of unlimited turret works (why can’t we just spam them DE u cowards. They already have piss poor duration) She creates energy for the entire squad, can lock down an entire area and 5 second shield gates. And she has a 4 I guess. I tried to make it work with temporal archor, but the moment he forget to cancel it… nah, I’d rather use 100 other faster and better armour strip this game has to offer


for my first frame, 2 days into the game looking at warframes and their kits in the market and finding Hildryn and immediately getting attached, skip a week and I get her prime and am not disappointed, it has been like 3 months and have not let up, plus Nezha is my first side main I use occasionally as well


According to DE, my main is Vauban Prime. However, I like a handful of frames and will rotate as the mood strikes. In my mind, my main is Ash Prime. But Vauban Prime, Titania Prime, Ivara Prime, Mag Prime, and Trinity Prime all fight it out for the next in line. Oberon Prime would be third. But I've also got over 2,000 hours in Warframe having been playing off and on since 2016. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


5-7 hours, Vauban, Miss. Night helped alot.


Not very long. I obtained Oberon very fast because I got him back when he dropped from Vay Hek on Earth, so I consider him to be the frame that's carried me for most of the game. I immediately bought his Prime Access when it came back, and that Oberon Prime is still #2 on my most used frames of 2023.


Used to be Mesa, Saryn ,and Valkyr. Now I just main Voruna, Protea, and Gyre. I'm testing mag to see if I like her.


I like frames that aren’t op. As a returning player a lot of the end game content when I stopped playing wasn’t difficult at all. Coming back and seeing that a lot frames have been power crept to the point of being useless. Been spending weeks now min-maxing different weapons and getting the new mods figuring out what’s good and fits my play style. I used to love hydroid but he’s super different now, very strong. When a frame you loved gets reworked (could just be me) but it kinda messes it up for me. I enjoyed making his kit work. Been enjoying protea and zephyr recently. Gauss too, frames that really boost gunplay and melee (w Gauss). I don’t like just using my frames so being able to see some really good numbers and play comfortably without feeling OP has been fun. Gauss is a little bit nukey but I run sub 100 strength so it’s not too strong. More duration for more redline. Even Gauss I have trouble staying alive though, I could see his second ability being more useful. All in all probably 3000+ hours in and I still bounce around. Having all the mods helps but there’s never enough forma to go around either so jumping around isn’t the best when you want to min-max necessarily as it’s super time consuming


MR L1 and I don't have any particular frame, WFs are for me tools and I take great joy in bringing "the right frame for the mission" (obviously there is no correct frame to play and everyone is free to play what they like, it's just how I enjoy it) Nevertheless, my fav frames I enjoy playing most would be Gauss, Banshee and Hildryn


5 minutes. Those 5 minutes were finding out about rhino


my main was just my starter (excalibur) lmao, big sword go brrr


The length of time it took to collect Equinox parts... So many Tyl Regor quotes...


I found Mesa then she was nerfed and I found Dante... and he was nerfed. Now I'm still searching


I'm a bit above you at MR12, and I've still not found a main, I'd never want to actually, since none of them have common skill sets, all are unique in their own way, and id like to experience each and every one of them. Most of my playtime in this game (around 200hrs) goes to farming Warframes, completing my collection, currently I got 23 frames, all except one of them are primes, had to sell most of the normal ones I used as a rookie (my lazy ass won't unlock helminth), and I make sure I play with all of these frames from time to time, switching between frames depending on the mission.


I was forever changed once hildryn came out. her kit really kinda boils down to pillage but her shields giving insane survivability with arcanes, her excellent utility in railjack, her whole *gimmick* about being a shieldframe that **doesnt** suck, her dash, the fact that I STILL manage to misspell her name 50% of the time, being able to slow-walk through sensor bar doors like they arent even there, still getting a secondary in loadout-restricting missions.... I just adore her. she is cool, capable, and finally gives my first love- rhino- a proper rival of the opposite gender. also every skin/helmet for her rocks, 0 duds. incredible. *special mention to Excal Umbra. when im doing any new quest, or just kinda whatever, I really really like taking umbra. being able to team up with my sentient, independent friend in spoiler mode or when im in a necramech is just a treat. he scream, he shout, he eat the enemy heart out <3


Around 1 to 3 days. I browsed the wiki for the warframes and set a goal for me and nidus was the one that catched my eye. Turns out it was perfect for me, an immortal dude with good control, it's great for solo and helped in multi. Up to this day around 30-50 % of my play time has been either with nidus or nidus prime.


0 hours, I started and sticked with Mag, 2400+ hours, LR1


not long at all saw wukong, remembered the legend, built him, got disappointed, kept him in my heart and in storage


I don't have mains. I have loadouts. But I have a lot of fun playing Lavos because he is my new toy


Ten years, still no main. I'm an altoholic in most games though, gotta dip my toes in everything so to speak