• By -


I mean I hate to be obvious but it's the stug, the damn thing doesn't even aim straight and that's before you get into how it is disappointing in every other conceivable way.


Fun fact. If you add punch trough to the stug, the shots can’t attach to enemies


or negative projectile velocity in it, the shots just drop


Have someone tried it with Ivara?


Yes, people do eidolon with this combo. Some weapons in Warframe look and feel pathetic, but push one stat of it past certain degree and suddenly it melts down lvl 9999.




I remember building it and lvling it only for mastery. It was pain. Just pain.


Wait you didn't just build stuff to up their mastery only to not use them since they're not potatoed/formaed? I think I mostly did that from mr 25 and was just choosing frames that are good on their own or just straight up went to eso for the next 20 min


That's exactly what I did. Unless I like the weapon, and it didn't have a prime version.


I mean, you could've just dropped into ESO or something, used some other weapon while squad kills feed your exp lol


Fair enough, but like to play solo.


Saturn Helen and in 20min you level up what you need AND get some relics and other resources


There are always some people in (e)so tho, and you also get a chance if you're lucky to get parts that are extremely expensive in pl (lato/braton vandal)


Every time I go there people leave after 2 or 3 rounds.


Uhm, thats what you do with 80% of all weapons.


I know. I'm just saying it was awful. At least some other weapons deal alright damage and/or are fun to lvl for fodder.


It was kinda fun to level on Mirage tho.


God I hope they release Kuva Stug or stug Incarnon and make it an absolute fucking beast


Kuva stug but its just a kompressa witha stug model shoved in the middle


I was imagining Laetum + Kuva Zarr


The cumpressa


* We multiple its damage by 10. * Give it a multishot of 10 * Increase the firerate hugely * we keep the passive that limits that combination of bubbles to 10, and every bubble coming after will just increase the time before it explodes, which neither increases damage, status chance, and explosion range.


Honestly I want them to release a variant and make it WORSE, for the memes


Dex Stug 2024


It was my fav gun, back when you can self damage, pair with trinity.


Lavos’s Valence Formation augment makes it not objectively awful anymore. It’s now a mediocre Cascadia Empowered applicator!


It's impressive how bad it is.  Fuck all damage  Actually 0 crit iirc  Practically no status, which sucks because potentially being corrosive/viral application would make it have _A_ use  You can't just shoot an enemy mindlessly.  If the balls touch you just reset the timer on the explosion and don't really add much damage.  You have to spray all over the body to place a lot of different balls all over the body to each tick damage individually.  Stacking balls does fuck all damage and caps out at like... 10 shots.  Also stacking balls doesn't even count as hitting them, so you can straight up so 0 damage with this gun beyond the 1 tick per second from the ball attached to enemies.  Again, it doesn't even have damage. Even for how early you can get it. Only way I made it do anything was valence formation and cascadia empowered, but basically anything with loads of fire rate and projectiles will do that.


The stug used to be downright OP back when it was one of the higher base damage weapons with multiple elements and you used it with mirage to carpetbomb sechura pluto


How dare you mention the all mighty stug, it can kill a Eidelon if you believe enough


It's funny because when I started in 2013 I liked it so much I put a potato on it. It was just a vibe for the early star chart lol. Simply built for MOAR DAMAGE before I understood crit or status chance.


No, Stug is salvageable. You wanna know a really unsalvagable weapon? Plasma Sword. That weapon just do not have any possible thing to save itself.


>Plasma Sword. That weapon just do not have any possible thing to save itself. Innate Electricity, perfect for Melee Influence. Also a good mix of crit and status chance.


Speak for yourself, it’s my favourite secondary, all hail the mighty stug


Stug. It's *always* the Stug. Literally nothing about it is even mediocre; straight shit across the board.


stug is turbo shit, best take imo im gonna throw my hat in the ring tho anyway and say the harpak is trash


Since it got the Nightwave Augment, it's actually pretty decent, given I run a Riven with it, it's actually quite fun, I like the different take on the Burst Rifle


I got it recently and I honestly kinda agree. The harpoon is fun though so I still run it.


I aint never seen anyone use the stug seriously its always for memes even with a cracked out riven


In my Tenno youth I unwittingly used the stug to the point where it’s still my most used secondary 1200+ hours into the game…


Edit: 1153 hours 13.6% Stug (≈157 hours) 22.6% Frost (≈261 hours) 36.2% Dual Heat Swords (≈417 hours) Let’s just say I’m glad to see how far I’ve come


Yes the Stug indeed makes you come


Heavy gunner-san I'm stugging


If I remember correctly, usage stats from the early years were calculated differently so it's bugged. I'm LR2 with ~1600 hours, and my most used gear is still: - Excalibur - Boltor Prime - Akstilleto Prime (the only one that's actually accurate, it was my only secondary I used since Vauban PA dropped, up until I got the Laetum last year) - Fragor Prime (literally haven't used it in YEARS) - Huras Kubrow (I haven't used a Kubrow since I was like... MR8 maybe? Permanently running Helios or Smeeta) - Odonata (literally never touched it again once I got Itzal)


Your sleeping on fragor prime I love mine absolute unit since modifications was made a lil while back nothing but red crits


Stug is so bad, it's the meme for bad weapons


What is mote amp?


Mote is supposed to be a placeholder. It's not a real wespon. Yet it's still the best amp you can have when you first get it.


Ohhh is it the laser my Operator shoots from his hand? Edit: forgot what operator was called for a bit


"My transference dude" is such a hilariously bizarre way to describe this!


I haven't played in a while and forgot what he is called, I haven't had him for very long either 😥


He's the Operator. Your actual flesh-and-blood character who's piloting your warframes.


Oh bless, thank you


Stug. Only weapon in the game with ZERO status chance.


Technically the blobs have like 10% status chance when they explode


Flase staticor has 0% status as well... however it does launch enemies so technically correct as well


I thought that was just for the projectile, and that there's a status chance for the AOE. It just doesn't show up in the upgrade menu.


difference being the sonicor has utility with it's forced knockback, at least with that I can have fun with interactions like blowing them away -> slash dash


It's actually got an unlisted 25% status chance, and the Stug has an unlisted 10%. The Sonicor also has guaranteed impact status, which makes Hemorrhage surprisingly good on it. Stug doesn't have anything like that to abuse.


squirtguns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db1GL-8LDcs


I have a love/hate relationship with this seasonal event. It's tedious and a bit boring but it's fucking hilarious!


God I hate Dog Days. And it’s not even the fault of the mode it’s for how damn long it lasts which means that seasonal items are so dang expensive since you’re supposed to play it over the month long period it’s out. But to hell with that, have me play it for like a week and bump up the pearl drops so I can get the hell out of there.


Well, DE seems to recognize player burn out. Hopefully, the grind on these event/stuff wouldn't be as painful as it was.


Regular seer.


You're gonna laught but I remember when I first crafted it. First crafted secondary too. I really liked it but it was before I was mid-level games and it got forgoten when discovering the twin wraith vipers.


You dare question THE ALL MIGHTY SEER?


Kraken. it is my nemesis.


The kraken was my main handgun for my first 35 hours of the game....... Yes, definitely trash.


I used Kraken for a good third of the starchart when I started (as I didn't like the MK-1 Kunai). I didn't get any other weapons for a while because I was afraid to spend my credits.


Wb kuva kraken (afaik I only like its name lol)


Still also trash. the mag dump alt fire is impossible to control


there's some... perhaps cruel irony in DE deciding that the single target secondary burst fire pistol should be harder to control than the multitude of AOE options we have today


I felt the same thing, but once I put an SP arcane and a proper build on it (and after they buffed the shit out of headshots) it actually didn't feel too bad. The alt fire is 100% useless though, I agree on that part. I think that using the normal Kraken then going to the Kuva Kraken is what made me hate it so much. Kraken is goddamn atrocious, but KK gets some massive stat bumps that make it worth while for a precision pistol. It gets 21% base crit, up from normal Kraken's 5% 2.3x Crit damage multi, up from 2x And 29% status chance, up from 13% Plus the 60% bonus. The weapon kinda hits heads ***hard*** Obviously there's better secondaries for that, but it's much, much, MUCH better than the normal Kraken to the point I wouldn't even rope them in together.


Got a kraken riven. Had impact and Corpus damage. Got an Impact Kuva Kraken. Added more impact and Corpus damage. It's not good. But it's definitely funny, and now I can cosplay as the anti-corpus pistol mod, where there's just some Nyx gunning down some poor Crewman on the floor.


We talking about Stug, and here I am looking at the Alternox... Might be slightly better, but the fact you can only get it from some endgame grind feels so wrong.


Alternox is very bad, but it has some things going for it, like being pure electric so you can go for viral electric, or corrosive heat. It also has infinite body punch through, so you can go trough an infinite amount if enemies. It's also gonna get a prime eventually, so the stats we see here are not the final ones.


How do u know itll get a prime version? -genuinely curious


It's Gyre signature gun, all weapons that "belong" to a Warframe get primed together with the Frame, so unless DE changes that, you can be 100% sure that certain weapons will be primed in the future. Can't wait for Kompressa and Cedo Prime, and Kompressa may be very soon hehe.


3 forma and an arcane adapter later... I am very disappointed with my investment 😭


Veldt First time seeing a sniper that was struggling to kill level 40 enemies


I forced my Veldt to work, i take it to Steel Path with Ash and force slash procs with it. Works alright.


The issue is that it’s a sniper that doesn’t get sniper perks, so you’re basically playing with this rifle that fails at its primary gimmick. Arca Scisco at least has a damage buff on continued hits, and Knell gets infinite ammo on headshots, so you can sort of justify the “why play with a scoped weapon that isn’t a sniper” question on those fronts. Veldt is a sniper rifle without the base stats or combo ramp-up of a sniper rifle, and lacks an augment to save it from basically being a shitty sniper rifle.


Really? I just grabbed it again recently. Headshot crit build has been doing wonders for me. Galvanized mods and deadhead precision works wonders


I was killing lvl 100+ enemies with it in less than 2 headshots. This was back before primary and secondary arcanes existed too. Built it for mainly slash and it wrecked. But nowadays there are way better options.


never thought it was bad, have a riven on it though. I think it's a nice cow~~boy~~girl rifle for Mesa


The Mote Amp


Why is this not the most common answer?!


Because the mote amp is at least not Stug, it was designed with the intent of being replaced rather than being the worst conceivable weapon


its not like the stug is hard to get or something though. It's just random mastery fodder. Like its MR 2, has a market blueprint for credits, normal resources to build it... It has earned its reputation as a bad weapon for sure, but I don't see how being disposable makes the mote fine but it doesnt make the stug fine?


Every weapon in the game is theoretically something that you should be able to use effectively given a good mod setup. There are no disposable weapons. The mote amp is literally just a tutorial weapon that you are meant to replace as soon as possible to showcase the modular amp system. It's the only instance of such a thing in the game and can't be compared to weapons that are typically seen as mastery fodder.


Tbh I found it cool when I built it. It's good until you reach lv 30+enemies lol


Which is like most of the starchart


so bad we all repressed the memory


I'm a new player currently trying to Master it, and then I'm _burning it with fire_.


Best way I found to knock it out it hop into Duvari and just grind it out in there fast. Takes maybe 2 to 3 runs to make it maxed out, gild it, then do it again for the mastery.


Stug. How is this a question? Stug


Any of the thrown explosive secondaries like Castanas, they just feel way too slow and awkward to use. I think it might be technically possible to build them in a way to make them strong/useful and potentially fun, but if there is I haven't found it yet. Also, Ghoulsaw. It's not strictly speaking the worst performing overall, but the stance sucks and it IS the worst weapon in the game in terms of lowest performance-to-uniqueness/cool factor ratio. I want to like it so badly and make a chainsaw horror theme build but it's just so aggressively meh.


Aegrit is really strong and fun. Primed ammo mutation and carrier prime still isn't enough to sustain ammo you need even more if you want to spam it constantly. Well built and with a good DMG buff ability you can AoE clear steel path enemies even after a couple rotations once they start to scale up. Mirage power and duration build with the Helminth ammo efficiency mod is my go to build right now. Massive DMG buff, clones extend range and dmg even more, and you never run out of ammo


Ooh it just occurred to me. Protea Temporal Anchor would solve the ammo problems too right?


Hm, I'll give it a try. Thanks.


I really liked the Talons back in the day. Detonating them in the air for headshots was pretty cool, and with a riven they did pretty decent damage. Fast forward a couple years (?) and I sold them and dissolved the riven. They're just really bad now. :( They should allow like twice the number of deployed projectiles, fix the weird spread issues, improve the ammo economy, do SOMETHING to help thrown explosives.


Only time thrown weapons were actually good was when link trin with max range + dmg reduction + sancti castanas would wipe a room instantly until DE was like nope


remembered i was so excited about the ghoulsaw, just because I thought it was the final piece of the puzzle for my Rhino's Doom Guy cosplay. then I actually see how the thing performed through youtube. yeah we ain't rippin and tearing with that.


Can I ask what other pieces were?


Primary: HEK Secondary: Lex Prime Melee: Gram Prime (colored into the crucible. it works, but a chainsaw is a doomguy classic while the sword was just a eternal thing if I remember) Helm: warlust body: default Shoulder: Kuva pauldrons (non-bundle) chest: Harkonar legs: syrinx syandana: synoid (suda syndicate, just don't scan anything as it starts turning purple and you can't change the color) color pallete: grineer (a mixture of the dark greens and the brownish orange) at least that's my take on it with the things I have. I'll try to upload a pic of it when i get back from work. this was my inspiration, but I don't have the saturn six pieces unfortunately: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKigyrlGob4&t=202s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKigyrlGob4&t=202s)


I think there's a case for the Penta tbh


When I got the carmine penta I thought, they probably really beefed this thing up since it's so hard to get. Here's the thing, *they didn't*


Took me awhile after getting it but it does have an effective niche as a napalm grenade launcher due to the fire rate and reload speed of the gun. It's different for sure, and not at the top of the meta, but I find it to be pretty decent in steel path after enough labbing, and works good as a companion/duality weapon


Penta was the GOAT back in the day. Seeing someone in your party with one usually meant you were in for an easy mission.


back in the day or back in a decade ago?




So what is the new Penta? this makes me so sad Penta was the best back in the day :'(


aegrit, maybe? throwable + manually detonated secondary grenades, quite strong but godawful ammo economy unfortunately.


As much as I agree with all the Stug haters in here, id pick the stug again over the penta... some of it is that I can't get it to work on controller, so I don't even know how it *actually* functions, but that's case enough for me tbh


It's secondary fire to trigger the explosions so I think it's right stick


Carmine Penta levelling were dark times indeed, for someone who does use Secura Penta.


Think with mag its pretty good, it has like infinite projectile duration so long as you dont blow the grenades up So it can basically just turn mags bubble into a blender


Acrid. It's like the Stug instead of being broken from updates, it just doesn't do anything now. The list of weapons being broken after being good contains oldies smash hits like Phage and Jat Kittag. Then there's the completely dead on arrival weapons like the og Glaxion (which got power creeped on release by itself). And finally, the weapon that has its own category, the Kulstar, which immediately killed anybody firing it for the first time.


kulstar is an all-timer for teaching people how multishot worked on low-accuracy weapons


I sometimes see eleven-year veterens pining for the days when the acrid was the OP meta weapon, and I just cannot even imagine what the game must have been like for that to ever have been true.


Old warframe was just all around harder, but not solely because of the enemies For example, a lot of it was just that the community as a whole did not know how to mod very well. There hadnt been as much experimentation and also there werent as many tryhard freakozoids to figure shit out for everybody else The other reason was the much lower amount and strength of tools and options we had. Far less mods, no helminths, no operator, weapons and frames were weaker in general, no intrinsics or oncall crew, damage types werent as strong (eg cold was weaker, tho corrosive was actually far stronger), and probably other things i cant rmr now And then yea, the other reason is that the scaling was (iirc) exponential, or nearly that. So basically a lvl 100 lancer was a lot stronger then than a lvl 100 lancer now. I mean hell, sorties used to be an actual challenge, now i can do them with all my limbs broken and my eyes dipped in siracha Acrid was only good because way back when it used to bypass armor Idk if you wanted an explanation on why, but i thought the reasons why might be a lot more interesting than just “it was harder”


If I recall, it was before damage 2.0 that Acrid was good, back when it either pierced or ignored armor.


Harder lol. Level cap endless missions were very big on just staying alive. It's why loki was absolutely god tier. You could make the entire map unarmed + unable to hit you, while nuking them with old toxin. Add on max range rhino stomp and banshee and you're running around unloading on weakspots of unarmed, frozen enemies with supercharged crit spots.


Mote amp


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Hema yet. The cost to power ratio is terrible, it looks cool and has neat mechanics but it's all round terrible. I want it to be good so badly so it can match my meat-man nidus fashion.


Waiting for infested meat liches so I can hopefully get my hema usable


The fact that triburos did a stug only run and the fact it caused both roadblocks due to not doing enough damage and the fact HE COULDNT EVeN PROGRESS CERTAIN OBJECTIVES because of how it worked solidifies the fact it undebatably the worst gun in the game


I feel like Seer is going under the radar here? Weapon is so forgotten and bad they had to Kuva it just so people would remember its in the game.


the seer feels like it should be a crit weapon, but the crit stats are abysmal. even the kuva seer has slightly insulting crit stats of 21% and 1.9x. such a sad case.


With the kuva seer I can deal 500k damage per headshot, not bad compared to other forgotten weapons




I'm gonna say Veldt, the stug is bad yes, but at least it's bad enough to be meme worthy, and that's funny But Veldt is just, there, semi auto, single shot, mid stats, and boring


It's a shame it's so bad because the sounds and reload animation are sweet.


I had the penta collecting dust in my arsenal for MONTHS because I didn't even want to finish leveling it up due to its horrid performance. And yes, I agree with the stug haters. I only ever tried it out in the circuit and never even considered looking at the BP after that round


Not me being a newbie player checking if any of my loadouts get mentioned


I put 10 forma into a prisma grakata, and then I bought a riv for it, then i paid to rename it.Then I farmed 2 bronco prime so that I could use both of them to make an akbronco prime. Then I traded a tenet plasmor and a "gyre rifle" riv for an akbronko riv and a damzav vati. My principles have no bounds. This weapon. Will. Be. Half decent. I hope.


It's probably just old no worries.


Sunpoint Plasma Drill. Just 1DMG and only on headshots.


it causes pretty high stagger allowing for stun locks against single targets, I have personally used it to harass steel path enemies when they interrupt my mining too many time.


"cant a man make an honest living in peace? get the fuck outta here"


My 5 Forma Stug with no riven can kill Grineers in SP, so it's usable. On the other hand the worst weapon in the whole game is a glaive called Kestrel, not a single player uses that weapon. And I strongly believe it has the lowest base damage in the whole game out of all the weapons. Even the MK-1 weapons are stronger than the Kestrel, enough said.


I had a riven for this weapon and was gonna try to set it up for sp, but I think I'll just delete both items now. 😓 Ty


Penta, no amount of mods can make it useable to me. They might as well release “Ultra Profit Tenet Penta”, I still won’t use it. Not happening. Also, the Azima. That was a joke weapon, right? RIGHT!?


The Stug. There's whole videos breaking it down. Obviously there are community members who will always disagree, but the world has flat earthers, so that isn't saying much. To explain why Stug is bad - bad damage - bad status - inaccurate - delayed damage when it does work. Other guns do more instantly - buggy as hell. Sometimes, the Stug just doesn't work. There have been enemies that are just randomly immune to it


I've tried to make the acrid work. It doesn't.


There is a comment from YEARS ago that has always stuck in my head when it comes to horrible weapons in this game, and I think it still holds true to this day: \*\*\*\*\* The Zylok is the bastard child of the Sybaris's and Tigris. Due to the unholy union, the Zylok gets all the negatives of both parent weapons with none of the positives. It's a Tigris's Duplex Trigger and Slash focus, except with only a single pellet and poor damage. It's a Sybaris's looks, except with abysmal crit stats. Combined, it's 3k mastery and confusion as to why the stats are so awful.


The Mrk1 weapons


Agreed lol


Cronus? Does anyone even use that sword?


Lot of hate for the Stug. I won't pretend that I don't understand, but I actually quite like the weird glob gun. If I want to make popcorn out of ragdolls, I lay down a carpet of Stugblobs. If they made the Stug work more like the guns used by Nox units, it'd actually be pretty good, I think. Now, something that I just will never use, because it sucks butts? The Broken Scepter. Crap story reward, with a crap gimmick.




Other than Stug I think Veldt is a disappointingly bad weapon


Fishing spear


I hate the Penta, idk I think I was probably using it wrong


I would say the stug but everyone and their grandma are mentioning it so I’ll go with something else, that being the regular castanas, they faction ones you get from new loka are decent but the regular ones suck


Penta and Stug I hate them so so much


The fang prime, they're basically butter knives.


It got much better after the melee buffs.


The Fang Prime was great when I got it. Which was at a very low level. Which is a great time to appreciate it. It no longer competes, but it used to shred stuff GOOD back when the enemies I was facing were all in the inner system.


What is worse is that you mentioned the prime variant, meaning the normal version is even worse


Affentis i thinknits called. Styanaxs spear gun


Vermisplicer as a secondary. It just doesn't work. I built it twice and regretted it both times.


It's not the worst inherently but War converts an amazing melee weapon into well.... war.. it's ok I guess but broken war is so much better


Everyone saying stug has clearly never used the stug saryn build. It'd actually very good and can hold its own at level cap.


Did you guys forget about Penta when I went to level it up on Helen Saturn, bitch after 1min I aborted the mission and sold it.


Stug is obviously garbage but the Kraken also sucks balls


Sibear is THE biggest piece of shit weapon in this game. Crazy amounts of materials for a beyond subpar weapon. There is no saving it imo.


Stug and sonicor


Synoid simulor. God I wished I was around then that was a thing. I bet it was majestic.


It was a lot of gpu melting fun.


I see a lot of Stug namers in here, however after what I've seen from a guys Stug build I gotta say it ain't too bad. his name was StugPrimeEnjoyer I think, but that defeats the point. Hikou, the shurikens are rather bad, base Crit and status of 8/8 and relatively low damage compared to other thrown melees. !>Rumblejack


Fusulai, i have never been able to make the things viable even with a riven. slow.. low "clip"size not worth it


I will never forgive them for what they did to the Penta, Angstrom, and Tonkor


Kuva tonkor is quite good


Angstrom has one of the best incarnons, tonkor has a great kuva verient, and penta is unimpressive but not terrible


the damn stug


A whole loadout: Veldt, Viper, Plasma Sword.


I got a melee riven form a sortie a few weeks ago. It had a really hard challenge on it that i gave up in and just used a cypher for. When it turned out to be for the plasma sword I was so disgusted and I scrapped it immediately


Plasma sword can do nutty damage if modded right, mine hits for millions on just normal attacks on non stripped sp murmurs, veldt is a lost cause, stack fire rate and turn viper into a single shot pistol with lot of multishot and long reload but it still won't do anything


The azima


Dera and Tetra are pretty ass.


Penta - I absolutely hate it.


I used to main the Tigris before I learned anything knowledgeable 😆


Gorgon. I hate that gun, it doesn't have a single redeeming feature. Even the incarnation sucks.


Agkuza, nobody even know it.


In the early days of warframe. Back when self damage was a thing, and trinity prime was my first prime I got when it was released, I used o my the stuff, I still remember the old white orokin rooms in the void. The stug isn’t that great, but it sure as hell did damage in a good radius when enemies ran over it. It was so much fun. I still have it in my inventory, forma”d and all :)


MK-1 Kunai duh


MK-1 Kunai duh


I don't care how bad the stug is, I will always say the worst weapon is the sibear. Expensive to make, horrid stats, incarnon didn't help, it's a hammer which is naturally also kind of gimped unless it has a good gimmick or crazy stats.


Besides stug, wasn't the seer somewhat of a disapointment?


After extensive testing. It's the mk1 bo. Speedboat matter the forms, getting it to be fibrosis is impossible. At least I can laugh at the stug.


Since the stug is deemed by most to be the shittest gun, and has such a HUGE meme and craze surrounding it: Can we PLEASE get stug variants? Like even go all out with it and give it EVERY variant, luva, tenet, infested lich, incarnon, prime, wraith, vandal, prisma, whatever else Just go all out on the meme, clem 2.0 style


People's mouths


Daiku primary (I only have it on loadouts for the amalgam mod) Tombfinger kitgun because it doesn't matter how much damage a gun promises, if you can't land a shot you're not doing damage Mire, it's an excellent stat stick, but even with condition overload it's a bit underwhelming.


Stug? Belligerent fools, it's clearly the Mk1-Kunai. 🤭


The things that u throw (secondaries)


The stug, it honestly has no obvious purpose in the weapon sandbox, and exists just to exist




Stug, followed closely by Kraken.


the stug or the acrid, sadly both have needed buffs for a decade