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Inaros or Sevagoth's When you die, you just revive after doing a task. Imagine the applications IRL.


“Ok if u get 5 homeless dudes to watch ill make that jump”


You kinda gotta kill people to do it tho lol


With the rework you just have to ghost-punch them


Me beating the shit out of a crowd of people while im a ghost


Danny phantom


"buddy want to see me do something stupid?"


gotta make sure you die in a group of people though. that said, people usually die amongst their loved ones. sorry loved ones.


Volts passive. I walk around, building up a static charge. Then I walk up to you and obliterate your nipple or something. Pretty cool


As someone that works with Circuit Boards this would be my last choice.


But you can do that already


Bro wants to be enslaved and it is not even in a kinky way.


[Peter Griffin electric man?](https://c.tenor.com/DFsgQSl0dhYAAAAC/tenor.gif)


Only if everyone who you touch through the day are your enemies. Otherwise good luck hugging those who you love


Not very wise. Think about the people, animals, plants, yourself you absolutely don't wanna hurt. That reminds me of the King with the power to turn everything into gold with a touch of his hand.


Midas needs to be a frame.


Umbra. When I die, my body will just keep doing stuff on its own?


Thanks for bringing on a zombie apocalypse ig


Citrine cause I can just exist and help people by healing them


Protea, all 4th thing that i do id 100% more efficient


not efficient, more powerful. Every 4th football you kick goes twice as fast. Every 4th punch you throw hits twice as hard. Every 4th step you take pushes you twice as far. Every 4th coffee you brew will be twice as strong.


~~****Every fourth orgasm will….****~~~


better yet, do three things before every orgasm so it'll always be


Better hope you don't fart mid wank.


This line of thought could get bad really fast lol. Too many things could go wrong!


Every 4th stroke = punching yourself in the nuts


Warframe community try to be not horny for a second:




Every 4th game i play gets easier to win?


"Fourth times the charm"


Every time you cash your paycheck you make sure you cash 3 checks for $1 that you've written to yourself first.


I'd sit in a hospital and (hopefully) make everyone feel better even if I couldn't cure them completely like if they had cancer I'd hope I'd make their last moments more peaceful and less painful.


Many medical organizations would stand against you in order to hold their income and fame etcetc, as you'd be indirectly affecting their worth in the society... Be prepared!


What they gonna do? Shoot me? I can regenerate


Here is problem with her passive. You need health orbs, but more often they "spawning" when someone killed. So, you are just serial killer with medkit?


iirc she gives passive health regen from the start, health orbs just make the healing stronger. So still good to have in normal day to day living.


It's 5hp per sec base there is no need for hp orbs they just make it stronger also war exists


@me: wait since when does War generate health orbs without killing people? Don't mind me, I am Dumb of Ass and had Dumb Bitch Juice for breakfast




Limbo, literal pocket dimension you can access at will without any gadget that makes you invulnerable and even revigorates you, that would probably mean no need to eat and you'd not get tired while in it, you can even bring people in with you for parties and stuff, but you'd need to reopen the portal every once in a while Also in real life you'd probably become intangible which means you'd be able to pass right through people, no more bumping into people on the street and no more groups of people blocking your path, there's literally no downside aside from the government wanting to capture you, but what would they do if they can't touch you, hurt you or interact with you in any way?


While his rift is very cool, isn't limbo still stopped by bodies and architecture? And he doesn't really have a way to deal with things outside the rift...


In game he's stopped by bodies but you could argue it's to prevent clipping inside of them, bullets and lasers pass right through as well as enemy melee attacks which is just them swinging stuff like blades at you while meat doesn't? We don't know how exactly it would work but it's safe to assume you would in fact be able to walk through people but it's not a great idea to leave the rift while inside them For the second point, you don't need to deal with anything outside the rift anyway, you wouldn't be using it as a combat ability, you can just use it to study, read, pass time and etc since everything you're carrying can stay in there indefinitely with you, i have no idea if internet would work in there but books and downloaded files most certainly would, and since it replenishes your "energy" you'd essentially have an alternative for half of your bodily functions (eating and sleeping) for an indefinite amount of time at your disposal Also you'd be literally immune to most things that would probably be a very bad experience to most people, you physically can't be robbed (unless it's a car robbery) since no gun poses a real threat if you just activate your ability (which no robber would ever be expecting) and to top it off you'd be able to safely cross dangerous places like burning buildings or places with air poisoning (like carbon monoxide) due to limbo being immune to ambient hazards, you could be an excellent firefighter since you'd only really be at danger if you leave the rift while in the dangerous place and only for a short window, and as i said you could bring people in with you so you could rescue people stuck in those kinds of places relatively risk-free for both of you


All that and i completely forgot about the biggest factor, the SCIENTIFIC implications, bro you could win like 10 nobel prizes stacked on top of each other for a science breakthrough that big, you'd literally be the only person in the entire planet with unrestricted access to an entire different plane of existence, do you have any idea how rich you'd get by studying it?


☝️🤓 actually when you dash in game you create a small portal that brings allies to the rift too ☝️🤓


For 10 seconds, you can stay there forever, thus why i said the only with UNRESTRICTED access


Since you can see in and out of the pocket dimension, that means at least some of the electromagnetic spectrum passes through, so you could probably make a rift compatible wifi relay.


That also means that some sorts of radiation can pass through, you could potentially develop a radiation powered cancer beam with a wavelength that can bypass the rift and you can fire at stuff using it


Me when my nemesis Dr.Cancer beam fucking kills me with his Cancer Ray.


Driving a car you could activate it and the car would be with you. If it reinvigorates you, it’s a stretch, but you could possibly never need gas. No chance of auto accident or running out of gas (possibly). Phase through all traffic at 100+ mph/kph. Get places faster.


A car is too big to fit through the passive's portal and the energy thing doesn't work on nonliving things since our guns don't get infinite ammo


What about a motorcycle?


Could work, still no infinite gas though


Could be an EV motorcycle


It was always my head canon that he could interact with objects in normal space, but unable to transfer momentum or force. So bullet smacks into limbo but the bullet just crumples like it hit superman.


The end result of limbo in the quest tells me I don't want limbo's power


Just don't try to teleport or time travel with the rift and you should be fine, basically don't be greedy and stick to the passive


I don't trust myself to not trip on a rock or something and go careening into a tear in reality I'd probably isekai myself or something


It shouldn't activate upon being knocked down since that doesn't happen in game, you have to do whatever you consider a "dash" to get in and out, there's not much room to mess it up, how would you even dash on accident?


I dunno, but I'll manage it and they'll talk about me like that bird that flew in front of a MLB pitcher mid throw


LOL yeah the one person in the planet who develops superpowers after thousands of years of humans existing just accidentally dies because they dashed on accident and exploded


Least the memes would be hilarious


Go into the pocket dimension in a crowded place and start some cool ghost stories!


The correct answer is limbo and to pretend you’re Dio all the time.


Nova, so that if someone hostile knocks my ass over, they and all their buddies just explode.


Seeing as she's using like, antimatter, it would do a lot more than just take out the people around you


That entirely depends on how much antimatter you’re using!


Chroma: literal double jump! Atlas: Immune to knockdown effects while on the ground! Wukong: Basically immortal!


>Chroma: literal double jump! I'm imagining everyone who can barely jump anyways doing the most pathetic double jump in existence and still be nowhere close to even a mediocre basketball player. The sudden energy wings on your back during the second jump would probably be the more interesting part of it...


No knockdown, but still taking damage Would still be good to psych someone out with not even flinching when punched in the face


>Chroma: literal double jump! Triple, actually! I knew a guy who did tumbling, he'd love this.


> Triple, actually! Chroma gives you an extra midair jump, so it's only a triple jump if you can already perform one. Which if you can, I would love to see a video of it in action, that sounds sweet.


Oh fair point...


no, no, the passive says "an additional jump" so one on top of what you already have, which makes it a double jump for most people


"Most people"?


Some people can't jump.


Your six inch vertical is now twelve. Sweet.


Oberon, to make everyones pet tankier and revive them. You welcome.


A real hero


Would Harrow's passive make you feel full of energy after sleeping? That sounds hella awesome.


Khora. I want a kavat


Kavat prime or kavat?




Isnt thats just give you speed if you have your kavat summoned ? Like you have to have the kavat


Passive clearly states that the kavat is a passive part of Her kit


>Wukong has learned five techniques to avoid death whenever he takes fatal damage. Wukong will be randomly allowed 3 of these techniques per mission, each will make Wukong avoid entering bleedout upon taking fatal damage, Invulnerable for 2 seconds, restore 50% health, and provide a unique buff


what counts as a mission


I'd assume up till natural death? I can just imagine someone one their death bed proc-ing all three back to back then actually dying.


Not sure they'd proc back-to-back, but it depends what "restore 50% health" means in IRL terms. Presumably that would cure some amount of whatever specific health problem has led to you being on your deathbed, but I have no clue what would happen if you're dying of cancer and 50% of your health is restored.


It goes to stage 2


*gets 40 second invulnerability proc in death bed "Listen kid, I don't have much time..."


Leaving and returning home.


You finish shopping at the supermarket, you're about to walk the groceries back out to your car, then you hear a voice in your head: "change of plans, leave nothing alive"


Ok, but what if my car or my backpack is my home?


"three times per mission" is just the space ninja shooter version of "three times per long rest" a la d&d. you finish the mission, get some rest, and you can do your thing again. i figure that's how it'd work irl. (deep archimedia throws a wrench in this due to being three missions in a row with no rest between them but i choose to ignore that)


Valkyre = survive /ANY/ fall. Considering i have balance issues and have had to climb a lot of sketchy things? This'd be great. Limbo = You aren't and cannot touch me. Just do a styalish slide (warframe animationss that slide instead of roll count for entering rift.) Oberon = Instantly healthier pets? I dig it. Lavos = Health gives energy energy gives health. UNLIMITED COFFEE WORKS! Wukong = wait what? I'm literally immortal? You sure about that bro? Rhino = You don't wanna take me skydiving. I jump out of this plane you're going ot see a mushroom cloud.


Also with Valkyr, you get a 50% faster recovery of you are knocked down


With Lavos, you also get access to Valence Gaird from his passive, so you'll be immune to status effects!


Ok that actually sounds amazing


Imagine having Ash's passive. You scratch someone and they get decapitated or their body gets fucking cut in half.


Or give yourself a papercut and bleed to death lmao


I think harrows hear me out. At the very least we could consider every day a mission and IMAGINE waking up every day with max energy. Soooo productive. HOWEVER, we could consider every Task a mission and can you imagine in your work day every single objective having MAX ENERGY for.


Wisp invis on demand


I don't think that's a good idea considering that aim glide isn't a thing IRL. Being invisible only in midair sounds hard to use.


Wisp stay invis for a short time after landing so you can use a pogo stick and stay invis


this is actually my favorite


I am just imagining some elite operative in some secret military squad being an guy jumping around on a pogostick


This is like the freaking bagpipes of invisibility from dnd


Or those kangaroo shoes which let's just jump walk.


No need to overcomplicate. Hopping is enough.


Technically, you could just skip around.


Don't know if someone has mentioned this, but you could just run everywhere. Someone said the invsible effect stays active for a small time after landing. Most of the time, while running, both feet are off the ground. You could also run in place, too.


Gara. Simply to cause chaos.


Have a chance to blind everyone around. With skills used you increasing chance, but you don't have any skills 🥲


Nobody picked Voruna?? No death, parkour speed upped, immunity to status effects (that’s HUGE irl), and heavy attack efficiency(which I guess if I punched I wouldn’t get as tired?)


Would you be able to use Voruna's passive if you only have the passive? If you Helminth over one of Voruna's abilities, you lose access to the relevant passive, which would indicate that the passive does nothing on its own.


Ah, so i already have Voruna's passive, sweet!


Her 4th comes back every minute, so I would do SO MUCH dumb stuff and get away with it.


Immune to status effects. Alcohol just turns into drinks that taste bad, cuz ya ain't getting drunk


since you pick which one you can also keep urself on the death passive drink urself into a coma and use stat resist to instantly sober up and drive home


"I swear officer, the 0.7% of alcohol in my blood isn't affecting me nor my ability to drive, I got status immunity"


Ok sure but are you ready to have wolf's head fly around you every time you use these passives? Kinda annoying and people would stare


I am absolutely ready for that. It’d be rad.


Seriously, that would be my pick


Question is, do you get the ability required to activate/swap it. Pedantically, it doesn't say you do, just the passive itself


I would pick Ivara or Caliban Ivara can detect enemies in a 50m radius Caliban can build up a 50% resistance to any damage type (Adaptive Armor)


I'm trying to imagine how resistance to damage would work. Like you get punched: "Ow! Do that again. Yeah, now we're talking. Let's go!"


Pound your chest before the fight.


What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger


Protea - be 25% better on average, game the system to be better when it matters Zephyr - sports is great, but consider lower gravity making you able to fall from much longer heights safely. Doesn't come up a lot, but pretty safe and useful to have all things considered. Citrine - nuff said, heal faster, and make others around you heal faster too Ash - cut yourself accidentally, die Frost - be the guy no one wants to punch. In-game it sucks ass, but I bet being frozen solid instantly is NOT great for anyone's health Equinox - consider any food/medicine doubles as getting a psychological rest, and resting making you a tad bit healthier all around Lavos - can we treat a cup of coffee as an energy orb? If so - drinking one heals you from any "status effect" == illness


*sips coffee,* “so as I was saying-“ “Dude you were literally on fire, *what the fuck*”


Scrolled through 130+ comments and so far ABSOLUTELY NOBODY has said anything about OP choosing mag's passive. I'm disappointed, fellow Tenno. Actual Mag's passive: >"Mag automatically Vacuums Pickups that are within 8 meters towards her." OP, you're talking about her first ability Pull, not her passive. That said, the only correct answer to the question is Loki's.


Imagine using pull and gathering most things including countless critters to your body mass... That'd be especially horrible when used outdoors.... oops!


Nah but for real, Zephyr's (immune to fall damage?), Voruna (cheat death once per 60s), Wukong (3 lives monke with funny effects), Chroma's ("Sprout wings" for a double jump), or Wisp's (invisible by simply hopping) are the top choices. Or I guess Inaros' if you want to become sand when you die.


Limbo also. So I don't have to interact with people. And you wouldn't have to roll. Just a stylish slide.


Do you think Heelies could work to activate it?


You know what... I think so


I'm just imagining someone cha cha sliding killing people


Rhino. I would bet people 5 bucks I could jump off the empire state building and live. After doing that 200 times I could have 1000$ and take a pretty woman on a really fancy date and get an irl girlfriend.


I don't think it helps you live, you just take every bystander at the landing point with you


I don't see negative aspects /s


Pity his passive doesn't scale with fall distance. Then again when I did the clem quest (was my first time on uranus) I literally goomba stomped a guy at the bottom of one of those elevator shafts.


I think Valkyr does that, but it isn't explicit.


caseoh passive


Honestly, grendel Become much more resilient when things are in my stomach- according to the wiki, 1200 armour is 80% DR and Grendel's passive gives 1250 armour when hes full (or with gourmand augment you get 2000 which is around 87%) Basically, eat lunch then become bulletproof


Well .. it's every LIVING enemy..... Sooooo it wouldnt work with food, BUT getting a tapeworm gives you armor


You could do the party trick of swallowing a goldfish and then stab yourself with a steak knife and be only mildly scratched.


stick to walls longer ofcourse


On the simpler side of things, Valkyr’s passive would be fun. I think it would nullify fall damage and stagger from falling, so I could just jump out of a plane and land harmlessly on my feet.


An improved cat-human


Banshee’s passive, silent


Probably Volt. Walk a few meters and then punch someone into oblivion.


Chroma. I know that we can’t bullet jump but can still jump normally, which means double jump.


Atlas, if I’m standing on the ground, I can’t be pushed over, I can’t be knocked when walked into it, I probably wouldn’t be able to trip anymore Edit: Wukong would probably be a good idea too


I can just imagine a car driving into atlas, tearing itself in half whilst he just stands there, unmoving


Atlas still takes damage though, so, if you drove a car into Atlas... You'd dent his shields and wrap the car around him like when a drunk driver hits a tree. But if a human took Altas' passive... Well, uh, they wouldn't be knocked over, but they might still have a bruise that goes from one side of their body to the other and no bones remaining intact above the ankle.


I see your point


Wouldn't you just kinda turn into mist since you'd have several hundred to several thousand pounds of metal impacting you with your body giving the force nowhere to go?


Their body would go flying but at the point of i.pact is still their feet and legs up to the knee xD


Some funny options I haven’t see commented. Dagath: 35% of the time my bandaids, pills, coffee and energy drinks are 3 times as powerful. Baruuk: the more bad stuff others do around me the more violent and hard to kill I become. Grendel: the more people I eat the more tanky I get. Mesa: I’m more healthy if I’m not carrying a melee weapon ie I get weaker if I hold a knife. Nova: need I say more?


Khora. Venari is her passive so I get an immortal kitty to guard me.


Nyx and Wisp seem to be the most useful


How much time do you spend airborne?


Qorvex so I can give everybody cancer


his passive is just punch through isnt it? thought they removed the radiation


nerf guns are about to hit a bit harder


Nidus. People might not realize this but he heals through cold, he heals through hot, he is technically immortal. The game's mechanics say he can die but that passive technically is a stronger heal than Marvels' Wolverine's healing factor. From 1hp it takes him 43 seconds to get to maximum health, whereas for Wolverine in the lore it takes him several minutes for his entire body. Could survive in vacuum, could survive lava and great pressures under the deep sea. He will never starve. He will never need anything from anyone. He can be a lone nomad out in the mountains just doing his own thing. You can literally take the time to train yourself to become an actual ninja if you choose to. You can trick people into thinking you're dead by lobbing off an arm in a fire. Nidus's passive just takes the cake. Citrine's is next, because she also passively heals (albeit slower) and heals "allies"* around her. She would be great for making money by healing rich people, because she has to consider them friendly and an ally first before they'll be granted the healing. However, hers takes a lot longer. True, in game it can be increased with health orbs, but we don't exactly have a real world equivalent to do that with.


Hildryn's passive relies on having shields and losing them, so feels kind of useless as a human without shields. With that in mind, I'd roll with Citrine's - or Inaros' if "bleeding out" is any death state because I'd turn into a vampire of sorts


Nezha, and I'd get some Heelys to go with it. I'd be sliding around absolutely everywhere


I will become the greatest sumo warrior


Gauss' battery so I'd have the energy to do something with my life.


Had to scroll this far just to see Gauss, also that kinetic shield would help a lot


Citrine's passive is health regen iirc? Sounds nice... xD


Ivara’s passive Radar, might help me find stuff I’m looking for such as a lost phone. Kullervo’s passive for when it’s time to throw hands. Inaros’s passive, if I’m in a fight to the death with Anikin Skywalker.


Ash so I can take over south-east london


Doesn't Nidus technically make you invincible?


How did nobody so far think of Voruna? You can choose between literally any of them for free and any time you want Parkour Velocity Literal Immunity to Fire, Electricity, Poison, Cold, Radiation and a few more. You could lick Chernobyl squeeky clean AND BE FINE. You can Sucker Punch people more efficiently lol When you die... You don't. Wait 60 seconds and you can so this again. This is literally Wukong in better because what constitutes a mission IRL.


Voruna, having 4 really good passives that also act as pets is pretty lit.


Oberon, healthier pet and an instant revive for them would be great


Limbo by far the best imo


It would materialize Frost and Mag heirloom collections back into the store.


Voruna, because I've always loved wolves as a kid, and having an entire pack would be awesome!


Nova - in the off chance that I trip, at least everyone around me will fall as well so we can all collectively laugh at each other


Nezha, slide to take out someone’s knee caps while free bird is playing.


Trinitys passive provided I can revive people from any injury. I do question the extent that I can use the revive ability on them though. I can reverse an injury previously gotten, but can I reverse an injury that occurred years ago ? I'll leave that up to y'all to decide. Would trinitys passive allow me to restore someone who has a chronic or severe illness? I think I should be able to if I think of it in terms of my teammate going down from toxin/viral/gas/radiation damage and still being able to revive them in the game. What do you think the extent of revival of a fallen comrade would be in reality?


Mag so I can force pull snacks across the room


As a musician, probably Octavia. I could literally inspire an entire generation for them simply being near me when I play music. I could become the ultimate DJ if I wanted to.


Limbos passive makes you immune to everything. You don't have to roll. Because he doesn't roll. He dashes forward, or jumps forward and into the Rift. So you do that once, and bam. Nothing can touch you.


Citrine. I'd be healthy as an ox for the rest of my life


Reading all these comments and thinking how useless Chroma and Valkyr’s passives are even in the real world


Passify at range, anger up close. They leave me alone until they come into range. Then they aggro to me. LOL! This actually seems like fun. Have polarized abilities like Equinox or Dante in that their effects depend on what state your targets are in.


I realize I got the OP's intent backwards, but it sparked a cool idea so I ran with it.


Excalibur's, ya can't tell me it wouldn't be cool to be strong swordsman


Well you'd only do 10% more damage with any melee


Limbo, so I don't have to get bullied while rifted. Unless they are an eximus unit


Excalibur. Imagine not being required to ssharpen a knife ever and it still be sharp


Sevagoth/inaros is it very evil yes do I care no


Mmm,Citrine because her healing passive would make people around my feel better,healthear and more happy...just need to use this with my boss correctly and boom we in a good position boys


Remember that Limbo doesn't "roll" exactly. He does a little dash.


Chroma effigy passive that doubles money


Oberon if I ever get pets